Half an hour later, Su Mu's foot stepped on the yellow ground.

As his feet stepped on the ground, Su Mu felt the pressure on his body disappear in an instant.

After the pressure disappeared, Su Mu's whole person also relaxed.

He was half-crouched, panting frantically.

When he came down just now, the consumption of his qi was very large.

The most important thing is that this place has no aura.

It cannot be said that there is no aura in this place.

This place, there is a strange energy.

The energy here feels similar to Reiki.

Just now, Su Mu also tried to absorb it.

But as the energy here was inhaled by Su Mu into his body, Su Mu felt cold.

Not only that.

The flame in Su Mu's body will also collide with the energy here.

It was as if the energy here made Su Mu's body very uncomfortable.

Under the bridge, Su Mu recovered his state.

An hour later, Su Mu's state returned to its peak.

At this time, the long yellow road in front of him changed again.

About ten meters or so in front of Su Mu's body, a huge archway appeared.

The torii is large and tall.

Through the mist, Su Mu could see that there was text above the archway.

But no matter how hard Su Mu tried, he couldn't read the words on the archway clearly.

Wait until the state is fully restored.

Su Mu began to slowly walk towards the front.

After walking a few steps, he stood under the torii.

He originally thought.

If you stand under the torii, you should be able to see the text on the torii.

But when he arrived at the archway, Su Mu still couldn't read the words on the archway clearly.

In desperation, Su Mu could only continue to move forward.

Su Mu looked around as he walked.

Su Mu found.

His eyes, in addition to being able to see clearly what is on the long road. What was beyond the long road, Su Mu couldn't see it at all.

Walking through the archway for about fifty meters, a street lamp appeared on each of Su Mu's left and right sides.

The lamp used above the street lamp is a lantern.

The color of the lantern is white, and there is a word clearly written on it.

What this word is, Su Mu does not know.

I don't know why.

When Su Mu saw this word, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Keep going.

Fifty meters, the same street lamps, the same lanterns, the same words appeared.

Everything around still looks very blurry.

So this made Su Mu feel very uneasy.

This uneasiness does not come from fear, but more like from the unknown.

Keep going.

Fifty meters later, the same street lamp, the same lantern, the same text.

As if he didn't see this, Su Mu continued to move forward.

This walk, a full hour.

Just when Su Mu was about to leave the long road and go outside to take a look.

Not far in front of Su Mu's eyes, a huge pass appeared.

He knew he had come this long way.

So at this time, the pace under his feet accelerated a lot.

Sure enough, he walked this long road.

The huge pass also appeared not far in front of Su Mu.

It's a very high barrier.

Even if Su Mu raised his head to the highest, he still couldn't see the top of this pass.

"Could it be that this is the legendary ghost gate?"

Standing in front of this huge pass, Su Mu felt that he was now as small as an ant.

It's not just that the barrier is huge.

The door on the pass is also huge.

The gate of the pass is very similar to the ancient gate in the TV series.

But the difference is.

The ancient city gates in the TV series are all red.

The gate in front of you is a special color between purple and black.

This color, just by looking at it, makes people feel hairy.

Standing in front of the gate, Su Mu put his hand on the gate.

I don't know what material this gate is made of.

As soon as Su Mu's hand was put up, he felt a piercing chill.

This chill made Su Mu couldn't help but shiver.

He took his hand off the gate.

As the hand was taken down, the chill disappeared instantly.

Standing in front of the gate, Su Mu began to hesitate again.

If, this pass in front of you is really a pass of the ghost gate.

Behind this gate, no one knows what will happen.

So at this time, Su Mu began to hesitate.

"There is a way: don't enter the tiger's den and get the tiger!"

"Even if this is a ghost gate in front of me, I want to go in and take a look!"

Su Mu put his hand on the gate of the pass again.

Completely ignoring the intrusion of the cold, he pushed the door with all his might.


With Su Mu's full strength, a gap appeared in the gate.

The gap is small, very small.

But such a small gap can completely allow one person to pass through.

Su Mu was not greedy.

Seeing that the gate has opened a gap that allows you to pass through.

Without saying a word, he ran straight in the direction of the gap.

In Su Mu's hand, when he left the gate, the gate began to close slowly.

Fortunately, Su Mu's speed was relatively fast.

He finally entered the gate before it was completely closed.

After Su Mu completely entered the gate, he realized that something seemed to be wrong.

"This gate is too big, this long road is too long!"

"When I came in just now, I saw that the space here was huge."

"But no matter how huge the space here is, it can't accommodate this pass."

At this time, it is obviously too late to realize this.

Because when Su Mu looked back at the gate.

He found that the door he had opened just now had disappeared.

Behind him, there was a wilderness.

Above the wilderness, there was pitch-black dirt.

"Can't go back?" Su Mu was stupid.

But he was not in this place, too much entanglement.

Because he knew that even if he stood in this place and got tangled, he couldn't solve any problems.

Since there is no way back, then you can only move forward.

Su Mu turned his head and walked forward.

Not long after walking, a small hill appeared in front of him.

The low mountain is not high.

If you look at it visually, the altitude is about 10 or 20 meters.

Above the low hill, there are black trees.

These trees look very strange.

Because the branches on this tree are all sharp knives.

Su Mu knew.

If you want to continue, you have to climb over this low mountain.

In desperation, he stepped on the low mountain.





Su Mu's front foot had just stepped within the range of the low mountain.

On the back foot, Su Mu's ears sounded the sound of dogs barking one after another.

This voice sounded very noisy, which made Su Mu upset.

He looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

But after some searching, there was no result at all.

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