
Su Mu opened the tone, wanting to find the source of this voice.

But even if it's open.

In Su Mu's eyes, he still didn't see anything.

Although nothing was seen.

However, the sound of dogs barking is still endless.

Listening to this dog barking, Su Mu's heart was very anxious.

He forcibly endured the anxiety in his heart and walked forward slowly.

After walking for about ten minutes, not far in front of Su Mu, a huge thing appeared.

This is a creature that looks very much like a dog.

But this creature is very large.

The height alone is at least 20 meters or more.

The length is even more immeasurable.

Although it looks very similar to a dog.

But it was covered in the bottom and there was not the slightest fur.

It feels like a peeled dog.

Its blood-red eyes stared at Su Mu. It felt like I was hungry.

【Wild Dog】

Level: Unknown.

Introduction: A creature born on Wild Dog Ridge that looks like a dog. But in reality, it's not a dog.


The name of this creature is called a wild dog.

But the introduction says that this creature is not a dog.

Su Mu scratched his head, his eyes full of puzzlement.

After staring at Su Mu for a while, the wild dog pounced in the direction of Su Mu.

As he pounced, Su Mu found that the red light in his eyes was even worse.

At the same time, Su Mu clearly saw that some black flames appeared under its feet.

This fire light looked as if it was the Netherworld Ghost Fire of the Netherworld Mansion.

This wild dog is extremely fast.

In an instant, he had already rushed to Su Mu's approach.

Its mouth opened slightly.

From its mouth, Su Mu saw sharp teeth like daggers.

The hyena with its mouth open bit straight towards Su Mu.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu increased his speed to the extreme, vainly trying to avoid this blow from the wild dog.

As soon as he left on his front foot, the hyena bit on his hind foot.

Its upper and lower jaws are closed.

There was a sound that made Su Mu's heart palpitate.

Seeing that he did not bite Su Mu to death, anger appeared in the eyes of the wild dog.

As if not biting Su Mu to death in one bite was a very humiliating thing for wild dogs.

It opened its mouth again and pounced on Su Mu.

Su Mu still used super fast speed to avoid the attack of wild dogs.

After a few misses, the anger in the eyes of the wild dog has climbed to the extreme.

The red in the wild dog's eyes also turned into substantial anger at this time.


The hyena barked.

At this time, Su Mu saw that the tail of the wild dog actually stood up at this time.

The erected tail turned into a dagger at this time, and it flung straight in the direction of Su Mu.

The speed of the dagger was extremely fast, and in an instant, it had already arrived in front of Su Mu.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu couldn't dodge, so he had to use the Golden Light Spell.

As the golden light covered Su Mu and turned into the tail of the dagger, it was also completely blocked by the golden light spell.


The tail hit the golden light spell, and there were layers of ripples.

Even, one part of the Golden Light Spell was dented by the tail dagger.

Seeing this, Su Mu couldn't help but gasp.

"What a strong impact!" Su Mu couldn't help but sigh.

Until now, Su Mu had obtained the Golden Light Spell, and it was really the first time he had encountered this situation.

Fortunately, this tail dagger did not penetrate the golden light spell.

Seeing his tail dagger and not killing Su Mu, the wild dog became even more angry.

Su Mu took advantage of this time to cancel the effect of the Golden Light Spell.

"Swift Step!"

Again, he allowed his speed to go to the extreme.

As speed is pushed to the limit.

Su Mu came directly to the wild dog.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

"The sword is like a whirlwind!"

Above the Chaos Sword Fetus, purple flames appeared.

After the flame appeared, it instantly covered the Chaos Sword Fetus.

Under the insistence of the sword like a gust of wind, Su Mu's speed of pulling out the sword was extremely fast.

The Chaos Sword Fetus swung and stabbed directly at the wild dog.

The moment the Chaos Sword Fetus stabbed the wild dog, the wild dog's body was stained with flames.

That is, in an instant, the flames covered the wild dog.


With the screams of wild dogs.

This wild dog was directly burned to death by the flames.

"Ding! Kill wild dogs and get a reward: 550 points! "

Graded according to the previous points.

These 550-point wild dogs, the realm should be equivalent to the concentration of about two.

With the death of wild dogs.

Su Mu was also visibly relieved.

But Su Mu did not feel that this matter was over because of the death of the wild dog.

He thought that he felt that there should be other strange creatures on this low mountain.

It turns out.

Su Mu's feeling was right.

Not long after the death of the wild dog, a new strange creature appeared not far in front of Su Mu.

This creature looks very similar to a wild dog.

But the difference is that the size of this creature is similar to that of a normal large dog.

【Wild Dog】

Realm: Concentrate on a heavy

introduction: Wild dog on Wild Dog Ridge!


The introduction of this wild dog is simpler than the introduction of wild dogs before.

In terms of realm, the realm of this wild dog is also lower than the previous wild dog realm.

But in terms of strength, Su Mu is difficult to estimate.

When Su Mu checked the situation of the wild dog, the wild dog was also staring at Su Mu with grinning teeth.

"What's the matter? Want to kill me?

Su Mu laughed and teased the wild dog.

The wild dog stared at Su Mu without speaking.

However, the saliva that keeps dripping from the corners of its mouth has explained many problems.

"Do you really want to eat me?" The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose slightly, and he said with a smile. "I just don't know, do you have this ability!"

Against wild dogs, Su Mu was not afraid at all.

Not only not being afraid.

Su Mu even showed a defiant expression towards this wild dog.

This wild dog originally wanted to eat Su Mu.

Seeing Su Mu showing a defiant expression, he was even more angry.

I saw that its mouth opened slightly, and it rushed straight towards Su Mu's direction.

Su Mu originally thought that this wild dog would attack with its teeth like the wild dog before.

But what I didn't expect was.

When this wild dog pounced towards Su Mu, its belly actually left.

A thing that looked like a vine flew straight towards Su Mu.

This vine is full of slimy things, which looks very disgusting.

Su Mu waved the Chaos Sword Fetus in his hand, wanting to block this vine.

But this vine is flying too fast.

Before Su Mu could attack it, it had already rushed to Su Mu's face.

"Golden Light Spell!"

In desperation, Su Mu had to use the Golden Light Spell to defend this vine.


In the next second when the golden light spell covered Su Mu, the vine hit the golden light spell.

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