Restarting the myth

Chapter 32 Do you desire power?

It's night.

Wayne enjoyed his dinner and fed the white doves from his hat. At the same time, he took out a magic book on basic theories related to the messenger bird and studied it to consolidate his memory.

He has memorized this book by heart, but still takes it out and reads it every day.

"Gu Gu Gu——"

On the table, the pigeon seemed to be frightened by something, and it cooed and got into the hat.

Wayne glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a shadow on the edge of the window. Its golden eyes were cold and ruthless, staring at him.

The shadow was about thirty centimeters high, quiet and motionless. Below the eyes, something like a tentacle curled up and twisted.

Wayne was startled, and when he looked closely, he realized that it was not something indescribable, but a completely black owl, staring straight at him, with a mouse in its mouth.

The rat is alive and its twisted tentacles are tails.

"You're a unique little girl, you're really good looking."

Wayne complained and waved his hand to drive away the curious owl. Unexpectedly, the owl was so courageous that he flapped his wings and landed on the table, placing the mouse in front of Wayne.

The gray mouse immediately began to pretend to be dead after being put down by the owl, and its tail stopped moving.

Wayne didn't know why, and then he saw the black owl push the mouse with its talon, and then tilted its head and looked towards him. The expression seemed to say, Master Cat has reserved the place tonight, open it up and eat, there are enough mouse strips.

Wayne was delighted that the wild owls were not afraid of strangers at all and were so hospitable. In comparison, his messenger bird, the snowy owl, simply deserved a beating.

"Thank you so much, but I won't eat this. I've already had dinner." Wayne waved his hands, trying to make the owl leave by himself.

The effect was average. The black owl obviously misunderstood something. He pressed his paw on the mouse's head, and with a click, the mouse changed from pretending to be dead to actually being dead.

After cooking the ingredients, the owl pushed it toward Wayne with its talons.

"This is not a matter of death or death. Forget it, you have good intentions..."

Wayne was very helpless. He was very grateful, but he really didn't want to eat this stuff. He stood up and raised his hands in the air, trying to scare the owl away.

It was of no use. The owl tilted its head and didn't look frightened at all.

On the contrary, Wayne is acting like a fool!

"You're a very smart boy. He knows who is a good person and who won't hurt you. It's a pity that you're late. The Wayne family's staff is full. I can only take care of your meals, but not your meals."

"Go, go, if you don't leave, I'll give you extra food."

Wayne reached out to catch the owls, but the latter did not want to be touched by him, so he pushed them away. The black owls stood on the window edge, flapped their wings and disappeared into the night sky.

"Quite cute..."

"How about changing to a night-type messenger bird?"

Wayne cleaned up the dead mice on the table and sat down to continue reading. The familiar sight made him speechless. He turned around and saw that the same owl just now had another mouse in its mouth.

"There are so many rats!"

Wayne complained and opened his arms to prevent the owl from entering the house. Just when he was about to close the window, the owl flew away on its own.

Wayne didn't move, just stood there, wondering what new tricks the owl could pull off.

Two minutes later, Wayne was shocked.

The owl took back a necklace and placed it on the window edge.

The overall shape of the necklace is a winged cross star, with lifelike wings. The cross star in the middle is hollow and inlaid with a ruby ​​and a large number of broken diamonds. The style looks like Renaissance jewelry.

Brother Cat understands me!

Wayne's heart was pounding. He picked up the necklace and looked at it. His eyes suddenly lit up. There was a lot of soil on the necklace, as if it had just been dug out.

"Hey, you still have this thing?"

Wayne raised his hand and gestured, feeling that good things are rewarded for good people. God is watching what people do.

I don’t know if the owl understood, but it understood Wayne’s behavior of treating the necklace and the mouse differently, and after another two minutes, he took back a ring.

Afterwards, earrings, bracelets, bracelets and other jewelry were picked up one by one by the owl.

Wayne was so happy that his molars were exposed.

Change it, change it tonight!

Snowy Owl is unorganized and undisciplined, free and undisciplined, lacks a sense of collective honor and dedication, cannot maintain good communication with superiors, and is not qualified for his current position. After a meeting, it was decided that the Snow Owl was demoted to mascot and the Lucky Cat was appointed as the Wayne family's only night-time homing bird.

What the black owl brought were small objects. Wayne speculated that the other party had discovered a large treasure, and it was semi-open. He could dig out a lot with just a scratch with his talons.

In order to prevent the cultural relic dealers from wasting their valuables and selling the valuable jewelry at a low price, Wayne decided to keep it by himself. He climbed out of the window, easily jumped down from the second floor, and followed the black owl to the treasure hiding place.

During this period, he lost his target several times, and the black owl would come back to guide him.

Half an hour later, Wayne stumbled into a deep forest and found a cave among the rocks.

Wayne took a flashlight and looked into the cave. It was extremely narrow at first, and then he could pass through. After walking dozens of steps, it suddenly became clear.

He hesitated in his heart, but the supernatural sense did not issue a warning. He pondered for a moment, and based on the concept that everyone is responsible for rescuing precious treasures, he went sideways into the cave.

The black owl walked in front. After the space in the cave expanded, it flapped its wings and landed on a shadow.

Wayne took a flashlight and shone it over. It was a seated stone statue, holding a book in his hand. Due to its age, it was wrapped in vines, so its true appearance could not be seen clearly.

Wayne's attention was attracted by the book. He went forward to check and found that there were obvious signs of a mechanism on the stone palm. If he wanted to take out the book, he had to open the mechanism.

It was unknown what material the book was made of. After many years of no corruption, the book was as clean as new, without any dust.

Wayne saw the pattern of a hexagram on the cover, and thought of one of the three iron doors of the gym, guessing that this was a magic book.

Wonderful, finally the luck has come!

Wayne has read a lot of novels, and the situation of the male protagonist's rise to wealth is exactly the same as his current situation. He accidentally entered the cave, picked up the secret book and mastered the magic skills, turned left when he went out, slapped his face and collected girls, and finally became invincible and unified the world.

The channel moved from martial arts to Western fantasy, but it was not a big problem. The routines on both sides of the East and the West are actually the same, and the West is even whiter.

Wayne took a flashlight to look for the mechanism and found a line of words under the stone chair.

"Kneel before me a hundred times, receive my inheritance, take me as your teacher, and obey my orders..."

Translation is a profound subject. This is not the original words, but Wayne translated it to mean almost the same thing.

"I seem to have seen this routine somewhere!"

Wayne complained. According to what this gentleman said, he had to kneel a hundred times, then worship the teacher and obey the orders, in order to get the inherited magic book.

Kneeling was impossible, and kneeling to the king on one knee and to the faith on both knees was not popular here. He muttered: "Teacher, please accept my student's worship."

After saying that, he pretended to bend over and jumped up on the spot.

He guessed that the mechanism was underground, and jumping a hundred times and kneeling a hundred times had the same effect. As expected, he successfully triggered the mechanism after jumping ten times.

The vines wrapped around the stone statue spread out like poisonous snakes. The stone statue holding the magic book slowly stood up. Judging from the figure, it seemed to be a woman wearing a hooded robe.

The black owl flapped its wings and flew away, making a terrifying sound.

The stone statue stepped down from the seat, stretched out his hands stiffly and handed the magic book to Wayne. The solemn appearance did have a sense of inheritance.

Wayne was stunned for a moment, thinking that since the person was dead, kneeling on one knee was somewhat respectful to the cheap master.

Then he thought, since the person was dead, it didn't matter whether he knelt or not. There was no need to deliberately pursue superficial forms. Some respect was enough.

He took the magic book shamelessly, and was about to open it, when he heard the stone statue slowly say: "You took my magic book, and you will be my student in the future. You must obey the teacher's instructions and don't regret it."

My God, you can still talk!

Wayne widened his eyes and nodded repeatedly while holding the magic book. Teacher, go slowly, and the student will not see you off.

Teacher, why don't you leave? Go!

It's impossible to leave. The stone statue shed the dust particles on the surface, revealing the slender and enchanting body inside. The female mage was wearing a hooded robe, with body temperature and breathing, and was clearly alive.

The black owl flapped its wings and landed on the female mage's shoulder, lowered its head and disappeared into the robe.

The female mage pulled down her hood, and her short hair and delicate face were the face of Xifei.

Wayne: (一`′一)

He didn't believe it, so he took a flashlight and confirmed that it was indeed Xifei Valentine.

You are actually a magician? !

"Wayne, although this apprenticeship was a bit hasty and you lacked sincerity, you have passed my test before and proved your character. You have accepted this magic book and will be my student in the future."

Xifei smiled slightly, lowered her voice and tempted: "How is it, after seeing the truth of this world, are you beginning to desire power?"

Young man, do you desire power?

This routine is still very old. Wayne rolled his eyes, raised his hand and shook it in front of Xifei's eyes, and a ray of pure magic overflowed, instantly interrupting Xifei's rhythm of pretending to accept a disciple.

"You're late. Someone has already told me the truth about the world."

"You're actually a magician?!"

Syphie was stunned. After a day of getting along, she didn't find any trace of magic on Wayne.

This is not surprising. Many excellent magicians can restrain their breath and behave like ordinary people.

She was surprised at Wayne's magic. Although it was not much, it was absolutely pure.

The pitiful amount of magic showed that Wayne had just been exposed to magic for a short time. Hidden magic was difficult to observe. The purity showed that he was a genius!

Excellent teachers, parents kneel down to ask for a way, excellent students, schools offer scholarships to grab one.

In this case, the routine of recruiting apprentices has to change. Syphie secretly thought it was tricky. Maybe she would have to put pressure on another magician to snatch Wayne.

Will it have a bad impact if she snatches people just after coming to Lundan?

Sphy waved his hand and erected a wall of earth, blocking the exit of the cave. His eyes flickered with green flames, and he said with a serious expression: "Wayne, tell me the truth, who is your teacher, who led you to the path of magic?"

"No teacher."


"Indeed, there is no teacher. A cursed unlucky guy planted a magic seed in my body, and then I found my own magic." Wayne told the truth, ignoring the name of the unlucky guy.

At this time, he was still surprised by Sphy's identity as a magician. He is a fashion designer and a magician. Can he handle it?

"How long have you mastered magic?"

"In a few days, this week, if I hadn't left Lundan, I would have to sign up for night school."


What the hell is night school, is it worthy of you!

Xifi was silent. It was a ridiculous way to guide magic. The simple and crude guiding method clearly did not show that she was a powerful magician.

Very good, since the other party left Wayne alone and let Wayne wander around outside, she would not be polite.

Goddess, this disciple can be developed!

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