Restarting the myth

Chapter 33 Hexagram: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Space, I

"Wayne, do you want to be my student?"

"To be honest, I don't really want to..."

Wayne curled his lips. Xifei's routine of accepting disciples was too old. The only time he pretended to be cool ended in failure. He didn't look like a famous teacher.

Too young!

In his imagination, the teacher had a very long white beard, wore bottle-bottom thick reading glasses, looked knowledgeable and experienced.

There were also unkempt robes, plain two-handed heavy swords, and a giant dragon sitting under his butt.

It doesn't matter whether the sword is heavy or not, the key is the giant dragon under the butt!

A queen teacher like Xifei is pleasing to the eye, but magic is a lifelong thing, and it can't be taken lightly. Queens and the like, in a few years, three ships will be their own.

Sensing the contempt in Wayne's words, Xifei smiled lightly, and the surging mental power overflowed, stirring the magic tide, pulling Wayne's mind into a bizarre world.

Starry sky universe!

Wayne recognized this place, the world behind the Gate of Truth!

Big sister, you are late again, I have seen this scene too.

Xifei didn't know that she had failed to pretend again. She put away her magic and the illusion of the deep space universe and said proudly: "Don't look at my young age. I am only two years older than you. I am very famous in the magic world. What you just saw is the Gate of Truth, a sacred place that countless wizards dream of. I have set foot in it and returned safely."

Who is not!

The indifference on Wayne's face was regarded by Xifei as a young man without knowledge. It is normal for beginners not to know the horror and preciousness of the Gate of Truth. She stopped chattering and said with a strange smile: "How about this, I will introduce my daughter to you. In exchange, you can be my student, how about it?"

"You have a daughter?"

Wayne was deeply shocked. I don't know which bastard was lucky enough to get this good cabbage. At the same time, he was also surprised at Xifei's shamelessness. Is his daughter five years old? Wouldn't it hurt his conscience to introduce her to a boyfriend?

"Well, she is 19 this year."

"How old are you?"

"20 years old!"

"It's late, let's talk about it another day..."



Faced with Xifei's invitation to accept a disciple, Wayne neither refused nor nodded, nor did he mean to return the magic book.

To be fair, he recognized Xifei's strength. A glimpse of the magic tide and the supernatural senses gave a crazy warning. The danger level was only below the Gate of Truth, which was enough to prove that Xifei was a powerful magician.

It's just...

I always feel something is wrong!

Wayne was at a loss, and attributed it to Xifei's unreliability. At the same time, he also understood why Xifei was so enthusiastic when they first met. It turned out that she was not greedy for his body, but greedy for his body.

Wayne was undoubtedly eager for magic, and he was eager to gain powerful power, preferably surpassing Veronica and the other two overnight and reaching the level of outstanding graduates.

He weighed the pros and cons again and again, thinking that he didn't have many choices. An excellent and powerful magician took the initiative to come to his door and took great pains to direct a legacy. He seemed hypocritical if he put on airs, so he simply acquiesced to Xi Fei calling himself a teacher.

"I know you think I'm too young and it's embarrassing to be my student. You have a good eye. I'm really young..."

"How about this, from now on, we can call each other by our own name. You call me sister, and I call you..."

When talking about sister, Xi Fei didn't know what she thought of, her eyes lit up and she giggled non-stop, like a witch who wanted to eat people.

Teacher Jie didn't look like a good person. Could he believe in some evil god?

"Let me introduce you again, Xifei Valentine, a believer of the goddess of nature, who returned to Lundan this time to serve as the regional high priest, representing the highest power of the church in the Kingdom of Windsor, and also representing the highest combat power of the church in the Kingdom of Windsor."

Speaking of this, Xifei exuded strong confidence: "How about it, do you still think that the teacher is not qualified to teach you now?"

"Of course!"

Wayne's face changed at the speed of light, and he respectfully called the teacher.

Xifei waved her hand, covered her mouth and laughed: "Sister is fine, this title is more interesting, I can't wait."

Wayne didn't know what the other party was talking about. In the middle of the night, a man and a woman were alone in the same room, and he suspected that Xifei was doing something. He advised the teacher to be kind, and the students' views on love were very conservative and could not accept teacher-student love.

"I was transferred back to Lundan from the Paris headquarters to take over a big mess. Otherwise, our apprenticeship ceremony would be more sacred. Now..."

You are in love with my daughter. It doesn't matter whether there is a ceremony for your own people. Just listen to Veronica in the future.

"Originally I wanted to spend a lot of time teaching you, but the situation in Lundan is more serious than I thought. I will return to Lundan in three days to take charge of the situation. You have to be prepared to stay up all night for three days."

Hyfe admitted that she coveted Wayne's talent and was willing to stay for three days to teach him. She did not put forward the condition that Wayne must fulfill his promise to become her student.

It can be seen that Wayne showed resistance when she set up the trap. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to force him.

You have to coax him!

The effect is not bad. Wayne was very happy to be coaxed by her. Maybe his mouth is still hard, but his body is very honest. He tacitly accepted her as a teacher.

Hyfe: Damn bastard, the way to coax people is so effective. You are so skilled. Did you have other women before me?

Syphi looked serious, put on a teacher's posture, and restrained her teasing. She asked Wayne to open the six-pointed star magic book and said, "This is the highest masterpiece of the legendary wizard of the church. It summarizes thousands of years of magic practice experience. It has the best meditation method and the most comprehensive practice system, which can help you avoid many detours..."

At Syphi's instruction, Wayne opened the magic book. The first page was a six-pointed star pattern drawn by six straight lines. The two triangles were not simply superimposed geometric patterns, but lines interlaced to form a whole.

"Black forged hexagram, silver cross, golden triangle, you don't need to worry about the latter two for now, master the hexagram first, and light up the hexagram before you can reach a higher level."

Syphi sat opposite Wayne, pointed at the hexagram and said: "You must remember what I say next. The hexagram represents earth, fire, water, wind, space, and me..."

"Earth, the foundation of life, represents the muscles, bones, and internal organs of the human body."

"In nature, earth is the earth. All life, you, me, and others come from the earth. The earth is the foundation and the top priority of the harmony of the hexagram system."

"You can learn to communicate with the earth by contacting nature, so as to introduce more earth elements into your body..."

Syphi's words seemed to have magic, making Wayne's eyes flash through the natural scenery of all things. He shuttled through the mountains and wilderness, walked barefoot on the earth, kept in touch with the earth at all times, and gained the wisdom and memory of the other party.

"Fire, the energy of life, represents human desire."

"Human desire is endless. The life energy in your body is sufficient, so magicians do not need to introduce the fire element from nature. What we need to do is to learn to balance desires and even suppress desires."

"The fire of anger, the fire of greed, the fire of lust, the fire of laziness, the fire of arrogance... We have too many desires. A magician cannot remain calm. The fire will devour the other five rays of light of the hexagram, making your magic no longer pure and your mind confused."

"At the same time, if the tranquility reaches the extreme, a magician will lose desire and the energy to move forward in life. Keep balance and face yourself..."

As Xifei narrated, Wayne fell into a sea of ​​fire and magma. The high temperature distorted his mind and forged his will.

"Water, the source of life, represents the blood and water in the human body, allowing us to keep a clear mind and balance our desires."

"The water element is peaceful, gentle, and pure. Bathing in water will give you the greatest balance in the world. It makes us understand the preciousness of life, and also makes us understand that desire is not the highest pursuit, life is above everything else..."

"Water will help you put out the flames, but as I said, the flames cannot be completely extinguished!"

Wayne swam in the blue ocean. He was in the sea, but he felt like a container for water. The two reached a certain balance. His mind remained absolutely clear at this moment, and the burning flames dissipated, no longer controlled by desires.

"Wind, the breath of life, you can think of it as the breath you take every moment."

"The wind element is not conspicuous in nature, but it is the most dynamic element, affected by the other three elements, and also changes the other three elements..."

"Your breathing will change due to your flesh and blood, and desires, which determines your physical condition. If your flesh and blood and desires are corrupted, your breathing will also become slow."

"On the contrary, if you can keep the wind element in your body alive forever, it can in turn affect your flesh and blood, desires, delay corruption or even eradicate it. An excellent magician can keep the vitality of the wind element forever and stay young forever."

"It is the breath of life, it is vitality!"

Wayne felt the rhythm of breathing, exchanging with nature, alternating between the filth and purity inside and outside, keeping his body healthy and strong.

"Empty is energy and matter, knowledge and the law of objective existence."

"The first four are the basic elements of life. Empty is higher than the four elements and is the most difficult existence to grasp in the hexagram system. It is outside of nature and is the universe, also known as ether."

"The energy of the four elements is limited, and the space of ether is infinite. It has extremely high wisdom. When you come into contact with empty, your thinking, your wisdom and even your magic will be guided and amplified by empty."

"Empty is closely related to the four elements. The four elements constitute your life and determine how much wisdom you gain from contact with empty."

"To put it simply, empty is knowledge. Only with knowledge can there be magic. Use your life to communicate with empty, and your magic will bloom in a miraculous way, thus changing reality."

This time, Wayne was surrounded by white. He looked up at the top of his head, which seemed to be an endless starry sky. The stars in the sky represent the highest wisdom of the universe, where all knowledge and truth are.

"I, my true self, thinking, faith, a magician's lifelong pursuit."

"We use thinking to control magic, use magic to drive magic, and use magic to change reality. Thinking is based on perception and transcends the boundaries of perception. It involves all cognitive or intellectual activities. Without thinking, we are nothing."

"In the process of learning knowledge, our thinking will be strongly impacted. In order to ensure that our thinking is always rational, we must restrain ourselves with faith and master higher wisdom with the help of God's protection."

A mirror appeared in front of Wayne. In the mirror, his eyes were confused and his whole body was morbidly pale.

The skin color only dead people have!

Suddenly, the sunburn marks on his chest cracked, and the huge eyeballs opened, corrupting his flesh and turning him into a sticky, indescribable monster with only tentacles and eyeballs.

At this time, a green light shone down, dispelling Wayne's evil coat and turning him back into human form.

The green light was holy and natural. Indistinctly, Wayne saw an elegant silhouette in it.

Wayne: "???"

Teacher, there are too many private goods in this paragraph. Did you add drama?

"The foundation of the hexagram is the four elements, which is the foundation that every magician must lay a solid foundation. Mastering the four elements, you can cast the corresponding magic, but magic and divine arts involving faith require a heart full of piety."

Teacher Xifei obviously added more ingredients. In order to make Wayne feel the greatness of the goddess of nature and to make Wayne fall into the arms of the goddess of nature, she worked hard, and used a lot of magic to outline the illusion with language.

These illusions allow Wayne to intuitively feel the four elements, emptiness, and self. This is a very clever way of guidance, similar to enlightenment, teaching Wayne step by step how to sense and balance the four elements and recognize emptiness and self.

This is the advantage of a famous teacher. If it were night school, Wayne would have to spend at least one more year.

"The four elements are strong or weak, depending on your talent. Some people are born with a strong desire to make progress, which is fire; some people are born quiet and peaceful, focusing on water; some people are born as outstanding athletes, representing earth; those who stay young and long-lived are wind..."

"The reverse is also true. The lustful are fire, the cold are water, the weak are earth, and the old are wind!"

"There is no need to deliberately pursue the perfect balance of the four elements. Such geniuses are definitely monsters. What you need to do is to master the four elements, combine the knowledge you have learned, and outline the hexagram with your thinking."

Syphi raised her hand to Wayne's chest, and the hexagram pattern loomed: "Complete this hexagram, you will be a qualified magician, and your magic power will be greatly improved. Later, I will tell you what realms the silver cross and the golden triangle represent respectively. Don't be impatient, this road is still long."

Wayne was convinced. This teacher was not wrong. She really has something.

Suddenly, he thought of something: "Uh, teacher, I have faith now, it's the Moonlight Goddess, I promise..."

"Have you registered?"

"Register for what?"

"Then you are not a believer of the Moonlight Goddess, change it, and follow your sister to follow the footsteps of the Goddess of Nature in the future."


So casual, you are a mage of the Free Alliance, right?

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