Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1172: Hello, Marceau

ps: Happy New Year's Day. @ 顶 @ 点 @ 小说

After the door closed, the light in the watch shop was brighter again. Looking out through the front window, the gloomy night view on the street gave a ridiculous and unreal feeling, just like the scenery on the canvas. The difference between light and dark creates a three-dimensional sense, not that it is three-dimensional. The outside is not real, making everything in the store look extraordinarily real, making people feel unnaturally not wanting to go outside, and there is a feeling that it is impossible to go out at all-because if everything outside is just a pair Landscape painting, how can that person enter the painting? There was a voice whispering in my heart, and there was a thought in my mind that led me to wonder if I really came in from the landscape-like street outside before?

If you are an ordinary person, you might be suspicious of it. However, for the mysterious experts, such strange changes, such swollen ideas and auditory whispers, may not even have a novel taste. In mysterious events, there are too many anomalies that are produced by interfering with consciousness and creating hallucinations.

I'm used to looking at the environment in a watch shop. When the moonlight comes in from the outside, it looks extremely bright. Even if you look from the inside, the moon seems to be embedded in the painting. The moonlight shining through the window gives a sense of flowing water, imprinted on the ground, and divides the room into two halves of light and dark. Relative to the window, the other half of the room that stood the portal was engulfed by deep shadows. The moonlight by the window seemed to accumulate on the dividing line, and it became more dark and misty on that side.

The window at the corner of my eye was suddenly abnormal. When I looked intently, I realized that when I didn't know when, the glass that was still clear before was covered with a layer of gray, and I couldn't even see the scenery outside. Something swayed outside the window, strangely. Uncomfortable, I walked up and tried to wipe off the ash on the glass, but found that this layer of ash was like an impurity melted in the glass. When I turned my attention to other furnishings, the entire watch shop had become a scene of total decline. A spider web also appeared in the corner of the roof.

I remember very clearly that when I checked outside the store, when I first walked in, the atmosphere and style here were still gloomy, but they did not decline to such a degree. Nowadays, the appearance of wooden things has already deteriorated. Signs, while stains and dust are contaminated. It also looks particularly dirty. There is wind blowing across the neck and neck, but the window is not open, how can there be wind blowing from this angle? I turned my head suddenly, and saw something faintly passing by the window.

At the same time, a slight and crisp clockwork sounded in the watch shop, like someone turned the clockwork somewhere, but could not judge where the sound came from. Immediately afterwards, all the clocks that stopped running as I saw them. All run at the same time. Da da da--

Some pointers are reversed, some pointers are flying fast, and some pointers seem to be broken. The human, bird, and bell sounds very noisy, but in the current atmosphere, even the noisy is full of strange tastes. Enough for ordinary people to be at a loss, and their backs are cold, only to feel that they have fallen into an unknown magic cave.

I stomped my feet, and once again felt the "silent" of the electronic demon hidden in the shadows. The changes here did not limit it. And at this time, I re-examine the things in the store. In addition to the inexplicable decay and aging of the display, the movement of the clock is particularly chaotic, there is nothing else to pay attention to, and it does not feel offensive, as if these changes are just to scare. However, for mysterious experts, this pretentious method is of course ineffective. No matter how real it feels to be here, I still keep in mind that what happened here is just a nightmare.

In a nightmare, anything weird and strange is not surprising.

There was also a voice faintly in his ears, as if the person with an emotional disturbance lengthened his tone and murmured something. In short, the sound does not look like a human voice. The current abnormal situation is also very close to the "Sao Ling" phenomenon in occultism. If, next, there are some ghosts, and some clues can be found in the store, pointing to a terrifying story, it is more like a popular horror story, which involves ghostly plots.

Instead of feeling fear, I felt very cliché. In other words, after receiving the fear of "jiang" and "virus", other fears become insignificant.

I left the window, crossed the counter, walked into the darkness shrouded in shadows, and grabbed the doorknob of the back door to turn it around. It felt like I was locked, not fixed with mystery. As soon as I pressed hard, the door lock made a loud noise. Suddenly there was movement on the opposite side, and a shadow leaked from the ground crack of the gate and quickly swayed across the other side.

"Who's over there?" I asked loudly, maybe the other party was a human being caught in a nightmare, maybe it was a lure by a foreign body, but it can't be ignored anyway.

The other party didn't answer, and it seemed to just run away. I'm not surprised. Since this watch shop has shown so many anomalies, it's no big deal to show ghosts again. Silence emerged from my shadow and smashed open the door at once. When I walked in the door, I discovered that it was a corridor that didn't know where it was going. The end of the corridor was full of darkness. On both sides of the part, new roads have been forked, and it can be expected that there will be similar bifurcations further away. There are candlesticks on both sides of the channel, some candlesticks are lit, some are extinguished, and some have no candles. Some candles are directly glued to the corners. The walls are full of dark paintings and textures. Like graffiti, but the color is full of filth, just like the dried blood spilled, leaving a deep purple and black, if any, exudes rotten and fishy smell.

Such scenes always appear in some evil sacrifices in occultism, but such scenes appear in a watch store in a big city, which is of course extremely abnormal. According to the blueprint of the building structure, it is not a basement, but on the same plane as the storefront. However, before entering the watch shop, you can see that there is no such space around the watch shop. Perhaps it can be understood that when I entered the watch shop. It has already entered an abnormal space, or, the door behind the watch shop leads to an abnormal space, but in any case, this cannot scientifically explain the origin of this channel.

According to experience, of course I will not investigate what is the cause. Caused this anomaly. The point is, what exactly is here.

I think there are signs of life here, not just ghosts. I remembered the slender ghost that haunted me, and it always dragged me into a dream similar to a different space. Is n’t the place I am in a nightmare now?

With the light of the candlestick, it was difficult to see what was ahead. I walked all the way to the side of the road, and found a piece of paper torn off the notebook on the right corner with graffiti of children. However, the scenes suggested by the graffiti are full of fear and darkness: in a world blackened by pencils, a girl is dismembered, and a group of ghosts dance around her. Such a scene is easily reminiscent of, perhaps this alien space is precisely because of the girl's fear and resentment, this is an evil sacrifice.

but. In mysterious events, the truth is often not so simple. Girl and ghost. Which side is the real monster is likely to be indistinguishable at the end, and the crisis can only be resolved by removing all of them. Mysterious experts often only save their lives when they are not aware of the causes and consequences, but they cannot trace the truth. Or, in fact, there is no truth at all, but it is just a sign of the end of the world. It can also be regarded as the confusion caused by the disease of patients with the end-of-day syndrome.

After all, all patients with doomsday syndrome can be regarded as mental patients. The end of the world often triggers the most negative state.

In any case, this paper graffiti is a clue. In the absence of more clues, the only goal is to collect graffiti. It is possible that such scattered graffiti will lead people to the end of the event, where they will fight directly. To switch to an ordinary person and reach the end directly, it is likely to be killed without help, but for the mysterious expert, it is the best choice to solve the problem directly. That's how the so-called art masters are bold.

Even if it is because of environmental constraints that made me unable to use the mystery of the Mageweave messenger, the electronic demon was silent and there should be no problem. From the beginning, I felt that nightmares, ghosts, and electronic demons had a profound relationship. I always thought that even if not everyone would enter into nightmares, users of electronic nightmares would definitely be involved in nightmares.

I have some doubts that when the electronic demon is created, it will produce corresponding ghosts in this nightmare. Once there is a problem between the user and the electronic demon, it may lead to the rapid growth of the ghost. If the user does not If you die, you will be entangled by ghosts. However, this idea has not been fully proved, but only based on the intuition of mysterious experts based on their own experience. It's just that mysterious experts tend to believe in their intuition more than evidence.

The anomaly of this watch shop may be the result of a problem with an electronic demon user, which led to the growth of ghosts. So, there is a problem involved. So far, I have not seen other people in the nightmare Las Vegas, only a large group of shadows. So, if the electronic demon users will also enter this nightmare Las Vegas, what is the trigger point? According to the information of John Bull, the proliferation of the electronic demon summoning system in the Las Vegas area has been very serious. So, during this time, have the electronic demon and users been injured? Or maybe, ordinary injuries still can't let nightmares catch them?

There are still many problems. I ca n’t go to Las Vegas to find out. I just have to wait in this nightmare. The anomaly that appears at this time is undoubtedly of great intelligence value.

According to my own intuition, referring to my situation when facing a long and thin ghost, I think that in this strange channel, at least a lurking thing is something similar to a ghost, maybe the opposite electronic devil user will also Appears here. This situation may be equivalent to that the nightmare I was attacked by ghosts was invaded by others. And now I am the outsider who has invaded the ghost nightmare of others. Then, the nightmare Las Vegas is actually a place similar to the battle between the square and the transit station. If other people arrive in the nightmare Las Vegas, Can be like me, enter the ghost nightmare of others under certain conditions.

However, this is still unresolved. Why did I only encounter ghosts after I arrived in the nightmare Las Vegas directly.

While thinking, I used chain judgment to observe the surroundings. The impression of the 50-meter range is difficult to be as clear as it normally is. There are many places, and it is even difficult to outline directly in your mind. It is completely a mist of constant change.

After the Yongdao bifurcation followed by the Yongdao bifurcation, it seemed like there was no end, and it would not necessarily be possible to go back the same way when going back. It is more and more like a maze here, and it is a maze where it is impossible to find the right path. I'm curious, if this is a ghost nightmare, then why do nightmares produce such a nightmare? My ghost nightmare, but its internal environment is more like my own home. From the perspective of psychology, the nightmare stems from some deep negative impressions in people's subconscious, not memory. It is an impression. This impression may be derived from memory, or it may be a cognition of certain things. However, judging from the graffiti I have in hand, what constitutes this nightmare should be some extremely deep memory in the heart of the person who made the nightmare.

And this nightmare, of course, is also very likely, the girl in the graffiti. just. She is still not a girl. Maybe she will grow up. And she looks like a girl, even, the prototype of the ghost is not the ghost in the graffiti, but herself.

Thinking so, there are several times. I felt something close to my back, but I turned my head and found nothing, or there was a shadow in the corner of my eye flickering like someone was moving. When he caught up, there was nothing in front. I have found several graffiti one after another. There are irregularities in the bifurcation of the Yongdao here. According to the probability, it is almost a miracle thing to be able to find these graffiti in so many bifurcations. No matter which fork I take, even if I keep walking straight along a Yong road, I will find these graffiti-it is like bread crumbs to guide the lost, in any case, it will appear in front of the lost.

On several other occasions, I pretended that I did n’t feel the feeling of someone approaching behind me, just waiting for it to come close to a certain distance, and let the silent attack be launched, but the other party seemed to feel something. Before, it disappeared again. I do n’t know what it is, and I ’m not sure if it is malicious or good intentions, but it must be very sensitive to the electronic demon. After that, when it appeared again, I did n’t look back and just said, "I know who you are behind me?"

Afterwards, some unexpected answers sounded like a girl's voice: "You ... who are you? Are you human?"

"I am a person, I am communicating with you, my words are very logical, if it is a monster, I will not talk to you so calmly." I still did not look back, just try to use calm and gentle tone, and full of structured sentences , To prove that you are not a ghost disguise, "Have you ever read ghost novels? Those ghosts are often unconscious and unable to communicate with others." I hope that the guys behind are from Europe and the United States, because Asia is especially In the novels of the central duchy, there are no fewer monsters who can communicate rationally, and in literary works in Europe and the United States, those monsters are often gloomy and unable to communicate with people. In this way, my words are more persuasive. force.

"Why are you here?" The person behind—perhaps a girl, or something else, who knows—was not close, just asked.

"I am a mystery expert." I said.

"Mysterious expert?" She was puzzled.

"You can be regarded as a career like a demon hunter. Do you know a demon hunter? The kind that often appears in novels." I said, "Are you a demon?"

"No! I'm not a demon!" The guy behind was very excited.

"That's fine, can I see you?" I asked.

"No! I don't believe you, you have to tell me why you are here." The guy said so.

"Your voice sounds like a girl, are you a girl?" I didn't answer, but asked, by the way, the graffiti in my hand was thrown on the ground behind me. This move seemed to frighten the other party, but seemed to be attracted by my communication , And finally did not leave, "Is it the girls in these paintings?"

Afterwards, it seemed that the guy picked up the graffiti and then screamed harshly. A terrible shock wave swept over from behind and did not cause much harm to me. Instead, the entire channel shook because of this impact, as if it had become an extremely soft material, wave after wave. Wave jitter.

"Who are you?" I shouted loudly, and immediately turned around, only to see a girl with her hair spread standing barefoot in the shadow, as if her lower body melted in the shadow, and her eyes exuded an abnormal luster It looks like a beast. Suddenly, she rushed towards me, but was immediately stopped by the electronic demon silence.

After the girl collided with the silence, the screams that formed the shock wave stopped immediately, and the shaking of the Ningbo Road also stopped. The girl was repelled by silence, and then melted into the shadows. However, Silent did not gain the upper hand in the direct confrontation, and the body could not help but hit the wall, it seemed that the opponent's strength was great. I grabbed Silent and dragged her out, but immediately my arm stretched out from the wall and caught on Silent's shoulder. As Silent struggled, more and more arms protruded from the walls on both sides of the corridor Come out, trying to catch me and Silent.

However, they are too slow.

Sweep! The invisible high-speed passage spread all the way along the Yong Road to the depths. I drew my dagger and cut off the silent arm, and flew with it quickly, turning around one by one. I don't need to think about the direction at all, because, at this time, it is impossible to go back and look for the so-called correct route. I thought that the same thing as that girl could always lock my position, and constantly gave birth to strange hands to attack, but in fact, this did not happen.

When I stopped, the silent sound had once again merged into my shadow. The light of the candle shook, and it was not the new strange hand, but the voice of the girl. She stood behind me again.

"It showed up." Her voice sounded a little scared, and it didn't sound like it attacked me before.

"What is it?" I wanted to look back and heard her scream, "Don't look over!"

So, I didn't move.

"I don't know, it wants to catch me. But I don't want to be caught by it. I know, it must not be a good thing." She sobbed, "I'm so scared."

"Electronic Demon Summoning System." I said, "You used the Electronic Demon Summoning System?"

"You know? You too?" She seemed to realize what she was asking, but she quickly calmed down, "That's not a good thing, is it?"

"In the novel, I get incredible power, and I always have to pay something, don't I?" I just replied.

"You know what to do, right? Can you help me?" The girl asked pleadingly.

"Yes, I will help you, although, I'm not in Las Vegas." I said this, slowly turned around, this time, she did not refuse again.

As before, the girl standing in front of me was still naked and standing barefoot. She was wearing a pale white patient suit ~ ~ It looked like a ghost, not like a human. She couldn't see her facial features clearly, but the outline of her chin was exquisite. The eyes exposed under her scattered hair did not have the fierceness that attacked me before. The appearance was very similar, but it felt completely different. However, I still think that she is it, but she does not realize it, just like she does not realize that she is a mental patient with personality schizophrenia.

"My name is Gao Chuan, a mysterious expert from Asia." I deliberately showed the temperament of the expert and treated her with a calm tone.

She seemed to be infected, the restless and restless breath calmed down slightly.

"Hello, Gao Chuan, this is Marceau." The girl replied.

I couldn't help but stunned, because Marceau was a name that made sense to me. Moreover, she looks a little different from Marceau I know. No, the difference is not surprising. To say that the same place actually exists, her figure is more like the girl in the hospital. Marceau.

I began to feel that it was not the same celebrities standing in front of me, but the Marceau I was looking for.

"Hello, Marceau." (To be continued ...)

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