Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1173: Nightmare overlap

In the reality of the hospital, Miyake, Bajing and Marceau are also special cases of patients with doomsday syndrome. "Gaochuan" and the hospital jointly failed to make the first attempt to develop a serum. However, in the face of the color system, Dorothy, Misaki, Bajing and The speed of Maso ’s condition deteriorated, but he had to inject the products of failure into them. As a result, the color of the color and Dorothy changed. The former became the artificial center of the illusion of the apocalypse, and the latter disappeared. Although Suo did not become, her personality was broken, and she only showed normal people in the illusion of doomsday. In the reality of the hospital, they showed obvious abnormalities both in appearance and spirit. [顶 ^ 点 ^ 小说] []. [] [Wx]. []

Among Misaki Ye, Bajing and Marceau, Marceau is a little special. Although it has not been shown in the reality of the hospital, but every time I meet it in the illusion of doomsday, every time, her identity, encounter, appearance and personality will be different from the last time. I still remember that in the doomsday illusion that he was born, Marceau was already an adult. Although his profession was special, he was considered to have achieved something. His character was determined and open. Even in the face of doom, he never gave up. Finally, because of some For reasons that cannot be understood, after the Mal Jones incident, he became a member of the Black Nest, voluntarily undergoing transformation, and became a central form of non-human life in the Black Nest base. Now it seems that her changes at that time, like the sacrifice ceremony of the human pillar, became the control core of the repeater.

In this doomsday illusion, Marceau joined the online ball one step earlier, and did not have much contact with "Gaochuan", but the character should not be a fragile type, and, like the past doomsday illusion, she accepted Transformation, once again become a non-human life. It is the real core of London repeater control.

So, in this world of repeaters, will Marceau, who is in the form of a little girl, step into a similar path? She and the outside of Marceau, and Marceau in the illusion of the past doomsday, in appearance and character. It's hard to think of the same person. Even so, I still feel intuitively that this girl is the Maso I'm looking for, not other namesakes. Her appearance at this time was closer to Marceau in the hospital.

I do n’t know why Marceau has changed so much, and what fate she has shown in the past proves her own particularity, but what does it matter? Whether she is special or not, I love her. What she is doing now is ultimately to relieve her and others of her misfortune. If Marceau must play a special role in the "script" of Doomsday Realm, then I hope that this role will not hurt her.

If it becomes inhuman, Marceau ’s own choice, I have nothing to say. But before she makes a choice. I will protect her. And, when everything is over, I hope that she will have a better choice like everyone else, not that she is forced to choose one between being a painful person and becoming an inhuman person.

"Hello. Marceau." I smiled from the bottom of my heart and was able to cross the ideological world and meet her again. Even if this is also part of the "script", it is worth being happy about this fate.

I stepped forward. In the twist of Marshall slightly struggling, touched her head. Marceau was like an aggrieved child, staring at me with bright eyes, but she still did not resist.

"You will help me, will you?" Marceau asked.

"Yes." I looked directly at her eyes and said as if swearing, "I will protect you."

"But we will soon be separated." Marceau said: "You won't find me next time."

"No, I will find you," I said.

"You lied!" Marceau lowered his head and said softly, "Do you know where this is?"

"I know, this is your nightmare." I replied gently.

"So, when the dream wakes up, you will disappear." Marceau still said his head down, "I hate this nightmare, but you will only appear in this nightmare-"

Her words didn't seem to be finished, but something caught my feet. When I looked down, something appeared behind me. This feeling was too familiar. I didn't think about it at all. Leaping out of the shadows, at the same time, I heard a snap and it showed that the water bag was smashed. I did n’t feel pain, but in the field of vision, two hands penetrated my chest, one was pierced from the vest, and the other was penetrated from the front chest. Both hands seemed to be in my body, close tightly Grip, it is like mirroring each other, penetrating my body and connecting.

It was n’t until this time that the chain judgement passed the scene behind me to my mind-the girl standing behind was exactly the same as the girl standing in front of it, like two Marshalls running through my heart at the same time, but the appearance was the same They look different. Marceau behind her eyes was fierce, like a beast, and Marceau in front of him stared at me with a plea full of abnormal feelings.

At the same time, Silent pierced the chest of Marceau behind him, but it was useless, and Marsol did not even look at Silent.

Time seems to freeze.

I felt that my body was disintegrating, and the entire Yongdao began to be unreal. The end of the field of vision was like being covered with layers of gauze, except that the figures and expressions of the two Marceaus were particularly clear.

"You said you want to protect me, so stay." Two Marceau said in different tones at the same time, "Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay, stay ..." her The sound began to become muddy in the ear, like thunder from the distant sky. My consciousness began to blur and nothing was seen, but the next moment, I suddenly woke up. With a big gasp, I sat up abruptly, only to see that there was darkness around me, and I could almost discern it. This is my bedroom.

Woke up from a nightmare? This thought was circling in my mind. Until this time, my heart was still tightening. I listened carefully. It made a thumping sound. Although there was no feeling in the nightmare, but after the dream woke up, there was a feeling that the chest was really penetrated, making the nightmare that encountered Marceau particularly real.

"Marsol ..." I murmured the name, not surprised by Marsol's sudden attack. In such a nightmare, what is impossible? However, such a nightmare also proves that Marceau ’s mental state is not very good, perhaps. Her life is not very good. As far as I know, Marceau ’s life was always bad at first, as if fate was torturing her deliberately. However, looking at it from another angle, this electronic demon summoning procedure that brought her nightmares. Perhaps it was the power she needed, she was too small, this mystery can protect her, even if there are bad aftereffects.

I ca n’t change too many things, and I always feel pain for it, which is also my original intention to be a hero.

In any case, seeing Marceau again still makes me very happy. I can't go to Las Vegas, but I can still protect her in a nightmare. but. Before that, I had to deal with my nightmare. I do n’t think I ’m really awake.

The bedroom is dim, with an unusual smell floating in it, which is a bit rotten, making people feel like they don't want to stay here. Even stupid people can feel the light, the scene, the unknown in the silence. I get out of bed. Remove the dagger from under the pillow. I don't doubt why there is a dagger under the pillow. In other words, when I really opened the pillow and got the dagger, I knew that I was still in a nightmare. This is a ghost nightmare, which looks like your own home. But like the watch shop in the nightmare, it is an unusual manifestation. The dream may be very realistic, but compared with the more real things, the unnatural feeling can also be perceived naturally. just. If people themselves cannot be sure that they are in a nightmare, they cannot make it clear what the unnatural feeling is, and finally in fear, they forget that they are in a nightmare.

Generally speaking, few people can retain sober subjective consciousness in the dream. Once the subjective consciousness is too clear, the dream will become weak and vague. On the contrary, if the dream is very real, then, what is thought in the dream Thinking, but not necessarily the thoughts that arise when you wake up. In dreams, people's consciousness is always more indulgent and lacks self-control, so they do many things that they don't do when they are awake. Then, if they remember the dreams when they are awake, they will be surprised that they will do those thing.

Even mysterious experts, in purely ideological dreams, will behave differently than usual, and only conscious walkers can truly maintain their subjective consciousness. "Jiang" gave me the mystery of ideology, but I am not a real conscious walker myself. I know very well that the act of taking out the dagger under the pillow is not dominated by subjective consciousness. I can feel that although my thinking is working, I feel very clear, and there are many associations because of the environment, but there are always some vague places, for example, I do n’t actually know why there is a dagger under the pillow, just I thought it would be there, so I took it out.

I ’m sure I ’m still stuck in a nightmare. The ghost is staring at me somewhere. The surrounding scene is very clear, and it starts to blur. The texture of the wooden furniture seems to be like this. It makes people feel a little different, but it is impossible to confirm where exactly this difference is. Then, when I want to look at these textures again, the texture becomes blurred, as if the light is not enough to allow the naked eye to observe them clearly. Even, I do n’t care about why these textures are like this, or what they should look like.

The wooden board nailed to the window has been removed, and the wooden board and nails are randomly thrown on the ground, but it seems like it has never been used. Looking out through the window hole, although you can see the Wanjia lights, there is a feeling of "something has been drilled in". I think maybe that ghost.

What is the relationship between ghosts and the shadows that appear in Las Vegas? I couldn't help but think that this idea soon became blurred, and I wanted to remember it, but it was useless at all. This kind of ambiguity of consciousness did not shift subjective will at all.

Every detail made me further realize that I was in a nightmare, so I began to feel that I lost gravity and stepped on the ground, but I felt more like a floating ghost. I moved, there was no sound, and I did n’t see my shadow. I walked in front of the mirror and could n’t help looking at the mirror. As a result, the mirror was blurry, as if it had been worn out, and the silhouette was long and distorted. Like his own outline.

I stepped back, lifted my chair and hit the dressing mirror. The mirror is broken like mercury, splashed, and the fragments seem to turn into light, making the whole bedroom bright at once. It's like burning. I smelled the smoke, there was a sound around my ears, the whole room was turning, it seemed that I was dizzy and very sick. I wiped my nose and it bleeds. When heat rises from the side. I realized that the bedroom was on fire. The flame seemed to be consciously spreading along the wall to the ceiling. The door was also lit. The sound and sight of the flames made people feel unable to pass through.

The whole scene seems to make me buried in the flames. I looked at the mirror carefully again, and the broken mirror reflected many incomplete figures. But each figure was burnt black. For ordinary people, this must be a terrible situation.

However, I still have no fear and panic. I just watched the burning flame calmly, and then walked to the window hole, and I saw the quiet night outside, as if there was a large ash that had not been completely extinguished. The whole city. Those brightly lit scenes turned into a burning building. Something vaguely twisted in the flames is like a person struggling before burning to death.

I think the hall has also started to burn, because Dr. Ruan Li's bedroom has also been lit. Flames and smoke billowed from the window. She did not see Dr. Ruan Li in this nightmare. I also felt that I could jump out of the window and walk on a vertical wall with a quick swipe as I did when I first encountered ghosts. Go to a safer place.

However, before I did this, an incomparably large figure stood close to the building, its limbs and body shape became thinner and longer than the height, full of asymmetry. Just like when he saw it in the past, it was still wearing a suit and tie, just like a gentleman. He bent his legs and bent down before putting his face in front of the window hole, as if aiming inward with his right eye. However, as in the past, it had no facial features.

Before the slender ghost did anything further, I threw the dagger towards the window. It seemed unpredictable, unresponsive, and was immediately plunged into the position of the right eye. It was obviously painful, staggering under his feet, and his face hit the wall. This wall of the bedroom was like a piece of paper, and was destroyed by half of his face. The next moment, a dagger appeared in my hand again. I do n’t know why, but I think there should be a dagger in my hand, so the dagger is there.

I flew backwards and escaped into the invisible high-speed passage formed by the speed sweep. The four black shadows, like whips, penetrated from outside the building and rushed towards me, but the speed sweep kept me kept with these shadows. The distance of more than five meters. At the moment when the door was burnt, I broke into the hall, and at the same time, someone was knocking on the door.

Boom Boom Boom--

I paused for a moment, changed my thoughts of coming out of another window, and turned to the door to gallop away. The four whip-like shadows passed by in a flash, and penetrated the wall on the other side. Shaking, it seems to collapse. And I also arrived at the main entrance at this time, put my cat's eyes and looked out, I don't know why I did this, but I was driven by intuition.

Then, I saw Marceau.

In the patient's gown, the bare-footed girl lowered her head down, carrying her hand with an unknown, thumping the door. The thumping sound was full of a sense of urgency, full of weight.

Without thinking, I opened the door directly. I don't know when, there are more than a dozen locks on the gate, and even chains that appear to be in a row. However, when I decided to open the door, they suddenly fell off the door like rain.


The door was pushed open, and Marceau, who was standing outside, suddenly raised his head. His bright and strange eyes stared at me. I remembered suddenly, and there was no sound in his shadow.

When silence is about to emerge from the shadows, the surroundings have changed, no longer at home, and there are clocks everywhere. The ticking of the clock is a very uncomfortable rhythm. It is not chaotic, but it is uncomfortable. It is like scraping a glass blackboard with a sharp object. Although the tone is not so sharp, the uncomfortable feeling It is similar.

I felt like I was awake again, and I realized in a moment that this is a nightmare watch store in Las Vegas, or Marshall's ghost nightmare.

Overlapping? As soon as this thought came to mind, I heard the sound of the clock shop's door being pushed open, and the welcoming hanging bell made a clear sound. When I looked around, the slender ghost had come in, its figure, It has become the same as a normal person, and the movement is also very gentle. Behind it, it is the scene of the nightmare Las Vegas. It is very real, not the kind of painting that I saw when I looked out in the watch store. Sight.

The shadow group on the street outside the shop is more dense, and some buildings are expanding and twisting from time to time, as if something has to be spouted out from inside, and some buildings seem to accelerate the passage of time, become more decaying, and climb up vine. As the long and thin ghosts move forward, the street scenes they see are further distorted and deteriorated. And when I came to the watch shop again, and the entry of this slender ghost, it seemed that I had turned on some kind of switch, so that the whole nightmare started to operate insanely.

When the long and thin ghosts were only three meters away from me, I heard people's voices. They were screaming, overwhelmed, terrified, and the silent streets before them were suddenly filled with these sounds, and even had a feeling of overflowing. It was so sudden, as if they had been screaming there, but only then was suddenly heard.

The long and thin ghost was only two meters away from me. Someone ran out of the building, or violently smashed a passage, or jumped out of the window and the height. In the blink of an eye, some people were dragged back into the building by strange things, but some people still ran to the street. They looked around in amazement, but their eyes did not stop at the watch store, as if they could not see the watch store Situation. They began to look at each other again, as if they had just realized that there was not only one person here, but a very surprised expression.

These men and women, like men and women, seem to be lurking in the shadows, and some people, things in the shadows, have begun to rise. Such a gesture is too familiar, no doubt, it is the electronic demon. Now, suddenly, the people who came to this street are all electronic demon messengers. There are seven or eight people who can be seen from the watch shop, but there should be more in the distance, because the sound is still there. One after another.

The long and thin ghost was only one meter away from me, and a violent nausea and dizziness surged up, interrupting my observation. As in the past, it just has to stand by me and it will have an impact on me, and this impact will be stronger every time I see it than the last time. I clenched the dagger and was about to attack, but was pulled by a huge force.

I looked down and wondered when Marceau was standing beside me, grabbing my cuff.

Then ~ ~ She raised her head and smiled at me. The smile was very strange, and her scattered hair covered a large face, making people think that the expression must be very terrible.

Something swayed in the corner of my eye, it seemed that the long and thin ghost had a movement. I hugged Marceau and launched a quick sweep, and kept walking back to another corner. But he saw that the long, thin ghost was kneeling down on the ground, and his chest had been penetrated by a young arm. And the master of that arm is another Marceau, Marceau with a look like a beast.

The long and thin ghosts were twitching, because, in the place where the chest was pierced, the black veins spread continuously towards the larger area of ​​its body, as if drilling under its flesh. In less than a quarter of an hour, these black veins had crossed the neck of the slender ghost and climbed on its face without facial features. At the same time, the back of the long and slender ghost suddenly swelled, and four black shadows broke through the clothing and rolled towards Marceau behind it.

I do n’t know what will happen, but, I know that I do n’t want this Marceau to be injured by the shadow, even if I do n’t know, which of the two Marceau is the real her and which one is hers The electronic demon, or perhaps, her ghost.

The invisible high-speed passage across the speed spanned a distance of more than ten meters. I held Marceau and jumped out with my dagger in hand. (To be continued ...)

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