Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1245: Silent 0 split

The night crow quark's ability is surprising, but, as its former owner, I gradually understand the changes that occurred before and after leaving me, as I played. What I found proves my idea, and this weakness, which is not a weakness, is the key to my victory over it.

The invisible high-speed passage formed by the rapid sweep was built with the night crow quark as the center, and when it cut in, it was immediately lifted again.

I did not enter the passage, so, at the next moment, only Night Crow Quark appeared in the direction of the established passage. Although it was a matter of a moment, the distance between us has been extended by ten meters, and the direction of the night crow quark is completely turned away from me.

"Sure enough, you can enter the quick sweep state, but you can't make a complete quick sweep state." I said to it: "Although at first, I thought it was you who made the quick sweep state to enter my world, but, I Then I realized that I am not a genius who can awaken superpowers at the second level of the magic pattern. Quick swept superpowers are not determined solely by my own qualities. Even if you can get the information that belongs to me, complete For the construction of high-speed capabilities, however, the other half of the information that constitutes the speed-sweeping superpower, the electronic demon summoning system cannot be collected, and that is the core part of the speed-sweeping superpower. "

Yes, a long time ago, I accidentally had the idea that "Gaochuan" may not be able to awaken superpowers by itself because of its own particularity, and the reason why it can be forced to constitute "speed sweep" at the third level of magic pattern. , Probably because of "Jiang". In other words, the information given by "Jiang" is the main factor that constitutes a quick sweep.

Night Crow Quark's mask-like face, as always cold, but, I know. It is an existence that has emotions, ideas, and spirituality, and it is not a battle for fighting simply, or that there is a person with a rich personality. Manipulating it in the back. If it is just for destruction and killing, it should have been able to do better, and confronting me directly will only fall on the downside.

What does it, or the man who manipulates it, want from me? Only put aside other more despicable but more effective means, and chasing me tit-for-tat?

The night crow quark was like a deep red shadow, tearing the gray mist and approaching my front. Sweep. The invisible high-speed channel surrounds us. This channel begins to diverge, just like the process from a starting point to a certain end point. There are always countless pieces. The quick sweep constitutes two of them. After that, we separated. If the night crow quark gives up rushing. Then, there will be a gap with me. If it keeps sweeping. It can only follow the route I made for it, and gradually go further.

The invisible passage of the quick-sweep structure is very peculiar, and it is far less free than Mercedes-Benz itself. Its formation is only a moment, even shorter than the birth and death of thoughts, length and route. All can be shaped according to their own ideas. Before it takes shape, the only limitation is that it can only be formed in "observable places". When the field of view is not obscured, the normal field of vision can create a longer swift passage, if there are obstacles blocking the line of sight. It is also possible to use chain judgment to make observations without dead angles and to shape a fast-swept channel within a range of fifty meters.

It has been decided when the invisible high-speed passage is constructed by using the rapid sweep. The direction you can go and the route you choose are determined by the formed passage. From this perspective, making a channel that is too long is the least flexible way. Fortunately, to date, no one else can observe this established channel, and the rapid sweep does not need to make a long channel at one time. On the contrary, if the starting point to the end point are stitched together in a "short line segment" way, they can play their own flexibility well. Of course, because this is a long channel to a plurality of short channels, so In the long-distance high-speed travel effect, it is weaker than directly constructing a high-speed channel connecting the starting point and the ending point.

Even after it is shaped, you may not be able to relax, because in this invisible high-speed channel, there will be a thrust flowing along the direction of the channel, even if you want to stand still, this thrust Will also force exercise. For example, it is like the "speed limit" of a highway. When users step into it, they must follow this thrust. If the view does anything that violates this thrust, such as stopping, or going in the opposite direction, it will Depending on the degree of this state of motion, it is under considerable pressure.

Although when I was an electronic demon messenger, the night crow quark was also able to swoop, but these little secrets about the invisible high-speed channel, it probably does not know it-no matter whether it is its own spiritual wisdom now, Or, it was being manipulated by someone—it was n’t enough for them to figure out these things during those times when it was able to reach the quick sweep, because it could n’t make this high-speed passage by itself.

Although in the past, I have been running in a pre-defined invisible high-speed channel, but this does not mean that when the super-speed sweep is used, only an invisible high-speed channel can be made.

As long as I want, I can make invisible high-speed passages between myself and my target when unfolding a quick swipe, but only because I can only choose one route in the end, and to ensure flexibility, I often choose this one The route is split into several short-line channels, so there is no need to do so at all.

Now, this past has always been superfluous, when facing the night crow quark, it is like the ace that has been covered up.

Even during the time as the manipulator of the Night Crow Quark, I never uncovered it.

Those who have stolen the Night Crow Quark should know my abilities well. It is indeed a good idea to use quick sweep to suppress quick sweep, but if I just want to use my quick sweep, and I cannot create a complete quick sweep state, then, being confined in the opposite direction, it is regarded as asking for trouble Right. From this point of view, the night crow quark that can only be swept with my speed, the weakness of the ability limitation is greater than that of another Gaochuan in London.

The night crow quark is very similar to the prosthetic Gao Chuan in many characteristics: hard body, extraordinary strength, keen combat instinct, high-speed movement and so on. However, if there is a battle between the two. The prosperity of Gaochuan is much greater. Because the rapid sweep of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, although it has different characteristics and different methods of use, is a "mystery" that is completely controlled in its own hands. The speed of the night crow quark is just a semi-finished product. Even in most cases, the effect is equal to the true speed sweep, but in battles involving "mystery", there often appear to be extremely coincidental situations.

Although the weakness of Night Crow Cook is very clear afterwards, this one appears to be the weak point in the current situation. It takes a lot of time and effort to determine. During the collision, I have been pressed downwind, and there have been more than one wound on my body.

Afterwards, Night Crow Cook launched a total of three surprise attacks like me, and each time, they were deviated by the invisible high-speed passage that I deliberately constructed. I think it's time to think about other ways. In this entanglement, even if I can't cause effective damage to it. It also has no way to escape unless it does not use quick swept. Otherwise, once you use quick sweep, you have to follow the route and direction I specified.

It seemed to really understand this. After a few failures, it finally stopped and the figure began to sink into the shadow of the ground.

"Does the shadow jump?" I said to it. "Where do you want to go?"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure emerged from the shadow beneath him, and he punched firmly into his head. It's a pity that even the ability of the shadow to jump is also taken away from me. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this ability from the magic quark. I am too clear. When fighting, I always use shadow jump carefully, because when using this ability, it takes a long time to prepare, although in the eyes of others, it is just a few blinks, a breathing thing But in the mysterious world, there are too many things that will happen in a very short time. The description of the length of time such as "blinking time", "breathing time", etc. is enough for ordinary people, but it seems too long for the danger from "mystery".

What's more, at the stage when the body begins to sink into the shadows, its own mobility will be more constrained. For other people, there may be a better mysterious power to reduce the stiffness time, but the super swept super power is not among them.

Once the jump begins, there will be extremely short, involuntary time-I believe that since the night crow quark cannot even grasp the speed sweep, then this weakness is inevitably impossible to repair.

I, who is also good at taking actions in units of "instant" and "in the blink of an eye," can certainly not miss this opportunity.

The electronic demon "silent" has long been wrapped in the shadow cloak that changes the magic quark. The electronic demon has the mystery of certain shadow characteristics, and the ability to make the magic quark is enough to shuttle freely in the shadow of foggy night. Simply speaking, in terms of shadow action ability, the current "silent" and night crow quark are equivalent.

Therefore, one hit must hit.

"Silent" like a shell, struck the night crow quark from the shadows. As if he had spread his wings, with the assistance of the demon quark, he chased the night crow quark suspended in mid-air. At the same time, I made three invisible high-speed passages using fast-swept superpower, one that made me catch up with the "silent", and the other, which controlled the nightcrow quark's course of action-it used to try to get rid of it Chased. The last one, let me and silent, turn to a more tricky angle, and approach the night crow quark again.

Under my control, the silent and night crow quark's lines of action inevitably overlap. Since the night crow quark is used to solving problems with quick swept, then it will inevitably be able to avoid this obvious trap.

The moment of being close again, the silent fist collided with the arm blade of Night Crow Quark.

No noise, no sparks. The fist and the blade of the arm were each flicked, and then collided again. At the end of the invisible high-speed passage, the silent sound of the fist and foot combined with the bladed night crow quark. Although the Night Crow Quark's body is hard enough and shaped like a solid life, it is also an electronic demon, and its silent body is not bad. Zuo Chuan's six Dao are originally mysteries that exert their own physical advantages. As one of Zuo Chuan's electronic demons, Wuyin is certainly remarkable in physical fitness, even if its ability is not completely used for combat .

The sound of the collision is eliminated, presumably silent. However, the battle in front of him did not appear dull because of the silence.

The night crow quark, of course, extracts my qualities and blends my abilities into one, but. Today's silence is also fully supported by me and the Enchanted Quark. Despite the unavoidable flaws in the support process, the Night Crow Quark is not without its flaws. Approximate body strength, approximate exercise capacity. Let Silent get a performance that is not weaker than the night crow quark.

In front of the silent sound that also gains speed sweep blessings, the night crow quark can only continue to use speed sweep to maintain speed parity. However, once it uses speed sweep, its own route of movement is inevitably affected by me . Indeed, even if I grasped its movement route, I could not destroy its body. However, the silent sound of the electronic devil should have such ability.

All I have to do is to assist Silent to grasp the trajectory of Night Crow Quark.

The battle situation is leaning towards us. In less than five seconds, the silent body showed scars, but Night Crow Quark was hit more often by fists. In many cases. Night Crow Quark's counterattack seemed to hold the idea of ​​replacing injuries with injuries. It's just that the soundless hardness may be somewhat unexpected. At least, I was really surprised that Silent could actually fight Night Crow Quark to such an extent.

The silent attack seems to be just plain boxing. However, the reaction of the night crow quark when it was hit was unexpectedly strong. What the silent mystery is, I still do n’t know clearly, in the past. Its mystery has always been manifested in "eliminating a certain range of sound", but this effect should not be the mysterious subject it holds.

Today, its attack also silences the sound, but at the same time shows the attack power that makes the night crow quark gradually fall, but it can't be seen by people. What kind of attack is what makes the night crow quark behave so hard. The silent attack effect is invisible to the naked eye. If chain judgment can be used at this time, perhaps through the movements produced by the attacking movements, what kind of force is playing a role?

The Night Crow Quark is an electronic demon, with a hard body, no pain, and flexible limbs. However, under the silent attack, his movements are becoming more and more incoherent. In my opinion, the counterattack should be done in one go, but because of an unnatural pause , Revealing quite obvious flaws, and then cut into it by silent. It seems that there is some mysterious power in the silent fist and foot, which blocks the movement of the night crow quark, and as the number of attacks increases, this blockade becomes more and more frequent.

Another second passed, Silent suddenly exploded with a huge force, pulling the unnaturally stiff arm of the Night Crow Quark, pulling it back, while hitting his shoulder on his chest.

Silent is just an electronic demon. Although its appearance is humanoid, it is just a humanoid outline. It is not a human being, nor does it have a particularly obvious subjective consciousness and personality spirituality. However, this action is full of the violent beauty of fighting styles. Just like an experienced combat expert, with intuition and a long-planned strategy, he created the enemy's flaws and expanded them with a series of unstoppable attacks.

Night Crow Quark's body was hit and floated. According to the previous fight, it should have used quick swept again to adjust its posture for defense and counterattack. However, this time, it did not succeed, or, although successfully entered The speed-swept channel was not able to get rid of the stiff state, but only passively suspended and drifted under the thrust of the speed-swept channel.

Also with my assistance, I entered the silent passage of the fast-swept channel, and in a short time, chased beside it.

Then there was another combo, full of compact and crisp rhythm. At the end of the combo, the silent fists and feet have turned into squalls. The night crow quark was still unable to recover from the stiffness until it escaped from the rapid swept state. The last punch at the end of the combo hits its profile. The power of the fist did not strike it in the first place, but it seemed to be brewing in this posture.

Until the moment of the outbreak-

Night Crow Quark's face shaped like a body made a cracking sound, which broke all the silence before and appeared so clear. As the night crow quark was struck, the off-white structure resembling a piece of mask collapsed in the air.

Also at that moment, I saw something unexpected.

The crushed face seemed to have a face. It's like a real face after the mask is broken.

However, that is definitely not a normal face.

Although there are ups and downs of the five senses, they are constantly twisted like a blood-red mist, but in a glance, this distortion is like an illusion. Is that someone's face, or what kind of monster, hiding in the body of the night crow quark? With this thought, I did not pursue.

After a few silences, she turned back and fell back to me. The night crow quark fell to the ground and rolled several times before breaking away from the stiffness. He clasped the ground with his fingers and stabilized his body before falling into the deep ravine. The earth-shattering changes before changed the terrain of this resting point. The huge cracks on the ground made people feel that this place has become an isolated Jedi. Although Dr. Ruan Li didn't feel it and seemed to be unaffected, for those of us who can observe these anomalies, once they find death, they will really die.

Although Dr. Ruan Li has shown too many places to ignore the mystery before, I don't want to try it. Is it really effective to let the night crow quark pierce her heart?

Obviously, the abnormal environment is not just an illusion for the Night Crow Quark.

The night crow quark seems to be seriously injured, but its actions are completely unaffected. If it is not the silent mystery is working, it will not appear that kind of abnormal rigidity.

Although the battle process was thrilling and complicated, it was less than two minutes before Dr. Ruan Li and others walked into the back of the convenience store. The ultra-fast fighting rhythm is always incredible in the feelings of others.

At this time, there is no strange movement in the convenience store, which may be a good thing. Although I think so, I shouted, "Are you all okay?"

After the voice fell, a response came immediately: "It's okay. How is your side?" It was Dr. Ruan Li's voice, her tone was cautious, but not nervous, because, in her eyes, I was so desperate, but It ’s a self-directed play by a mental patient.

"Okay." I said, "It won't kill me."

"... Okay." Dr. Ruan Li's voice calmed down. "You can be happy, but remember to take medicine when you come back."

After that, there was a sudden riot there. I did n’t hear clearly. It was a bit like a sound of being attacked. Just as I was preparing for the action, the voice of the fitness coach came from there: "So you are here! What happened? "Her voice was loud and complex, making people feel deeply vented.

Seems to find others. No, from the point of view of Dr. Ruan Li, in fact, I have seen other survivors long ago, but it seems that something happened between the survivors, causing mutual harm. However, the reaction there should not be the case of encountering the enemy. So I put my attention back to the night crow quark, thinking that it would take advantage of my chance to divert attention, so I left a few hands to arrange, but it only covered my face with my hands, quietly Standing up, there seems to be no plan to continue.

And this posture ~ ~ makes its posture full of human taste-is the body of the night crow quark actually a manipulator?

I looked at it with such thoughts, after which, it seemed to give up and continue to cover up the cracks of the mask.

It lifted its head, and more debris peeled off his face, seeming to make him feel pain, and let a moan inside him. Immediately afterwards, like a frenzy, it pressed on his face again and tore off the other half that had not been broken.

This approach makes it more painful, but in the painful howl, it seems to be filled with a tough momentum. After that, it looked up and let me see what kind of face it was.

"... how are you?" I was shocked again. It was indeed a very familiar face, though, that face was twisted by pain, "Carmen !?"

Doom's agent Carmen stood in front of me again in such a way. He seems to have suffered a lot. (To be continued ...)


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