Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1246: Unknown figure

The situation in front of me was more and more surprising. Under the broken mask of Night Crow Quark, a very familiar face appeared. Looking into the cracks of the broken mask before, I have noticed that the night crow quark standing here has a surprising real face, but when I really see it, I still can't treat it with absolute calm.

"... Carmen?" Yes, the face distorted by pain is exactly what Carmen looked like.

Carmen and Night Crow Quark? I can't grasp the connection between the two, although I can guess that Carmen or his people had taken the information disk of the night crow quark. From his standpoint alone, it would not be enough to do such a thing. Strange, but his so painful expression at this time made me feel that there must be something strange in it. As far as I know, Carmen is a "doom agent". His origins have various hypotheses, but no matter what kind, it can only prove that his existence has a deep connection with the "virus". The direction of the illusion of doomsday also plays a crucial role. His identity is unique. In the adventure of the end of the illusion, I have only seen such a "doom agent".

It is for this reason that his pain appears to be extremely rare.

His situation at this moment made me feel that there was a terrible breath coming. It was not from Carmen himself, but something that made Carmen painful, peering at me in an invisible dark place. I couldn't help but look around with vigilance, and suddenly noticed that I was still talking to Dr. Ruan Li and other people more than ten seconds ago, and there was also a reassuring movement there, but now it seems to be isolated In another world, it was as if we had noticed the sudden arrival of death.

At the beginning. We lost track of others in the gray fog, and now, I seem to have encountered a similar situation alone.

"Mom? Coach! Diviner! Mr. Mitsui!" I stepped back slowly, ignoring Carmen, who seemed to be a little bit crazy. Although the Night Crow Quark only looks like a fully covered shell, it obviously has an extremely direct connection with the inner Carmen. I had to combine the damage of the nightcrow quark mask and Carmen ’s pain at this time, but even so, I still do n’t think that the nightcrow quark I fought with before. It is simply the operation of the inner Carmen, and has nothing to do with the Night Crow Quark itself.

The night crow quark in front of him, or Carmen, seemed to carry too many secrets, and people could not sort out a clue in a short time. He is still dangerous because of such pain. Therefore, the situation is more dangerous than before. Not just because he seems to be crazy, but because he looks more like a prisoner than the identity of the "manipulator of the night crow quark"-assuming that Carmen is imprisoned in the body of the night crow quark , Then. Who has the ability to imprison such a "doom agent" in the electronic demon I used to be?

There is no doubt that my special identity makes Night Crow Quark unique. I can imagine someone taking advantage of these features. However, even if the night crow quark is known to be special, without the corresponding skills and mystery, it is impossible to do such a thing as "restraint doom agent". The other party is familiar with me. I am also familiar with Carmen, and I understand our particularity, where is it obvious, and there are extraordinary and targeted mysterious forces, guys who deliberately meet these conditions. It is absolutely rare in the illusion of doomsday.

The first thing I thought of was still the "final weapon". As soon as Night Crow Quark appeared, I had some feelings, but when this kind of peeping from the background, maliciousness and horror took shape, it became fuller and clearer. For many people who are not exposed to the mystery, this feeling may be more of an illusion. However, my personal experience always tells me that when I realize a very bad possibility, the fact may be worse. In other words, the existence behind the night crow quark, even if it is not the "final weapon", is at least the guy of the "final weapon" level.

At this time and here, it's not a good choice to confront the enemy of this level.

My back, probably already sweating cold? However, I didn't feel much. The previous battle was a warm-up, and I was still injured. But the heat of the body and the pain of the wound all cooled down quickly.

I want to know, what happened to them, Dr. Ruan Li? I hope that it is only me who is isolated and bears the current danger alone. If this kind of isolation is the idea of ​​breaking through, then Dr. Ruan Li will certainly not be calm. I only hope that if they are really in danger, do n’t even have the power to fight back.

I pulled back to the convenience store door, and listened to the movement inside through the rolling door, but there seemed to be no one inside. No, maybe there is really no one. I thought about this and observed the Night Crow Quark and Carmen again. The interaction between the two seemed to be a bit troublesome. Carmen was struggling with pain. It seems that because of this, it made the Night Crow Quark unable to continue. The meeting between the two will probably continue for a while.

Just when I was on alert, the door lock was torn off silently and the roller shutter door was raised. In the midnight foggy night, there is no light in the store, too dim light, so that the naked eye can hardly see the outline of the near objects. After a second, only some outlines came into view in a trance. However, if there is someone inside, such a big opening of the door has already alarmed the other party.

At this moment, there was still a lonely convenience store, and no one was there.

Suddenly, Carmen uttered an exhausted yell, which brought my attention back to the past. He finally struggled less, but he seemed extremely weak. Although I do n’t like to take advantage of others, I also have considerable experience in catching all the weaknesses of the enemy in battle. However, I do n’t want to take advantage of it at all. Opportunity in front of him, launched an attack on Night Crow Quark or Carmen. I have a feeling that even now he still has sufficient defense and vigilance, and once the use of force will lose the opportunity to talk. In response to speculation about Carmen's current situation, I think that it is not appropriate to always treat the other party as an enemy who will kill each other, although his position always contradicts me. However, in the past contacts, because of various reasons, there are few opportunities for direct combat, and this relationship should continue.

To fight. To kill the opponent, there will be more time afterwards, but the real enemy is not Carmen, the doomsday agent, but something more terrifying. I feel that in the face of such an existence. We need to talk. Moreover, I also think that Carmen at this time has a similar idea.

The last time I met Carmen, he was still good and was preparing for a big fight. And included my existence as a part of his plan. He does n’t hide his thoughts and has full confidence in what he will do. I know that he has arranged everything he can do. The doomsday truth of this repeater world is the card he already has. . and. Although I do n’t know exactly what happened, Carmen probably used the power of “Jiang”, and his identity and position at this time also seemed to be related to “Jiang”-there was such a feeling, but no response Memory.

The relationship between Carmen, "Virus" and "Jiang" is very close to my situation to a certain extent.

however. Such a terrible guy had just disappeared for a month, and turned into this miserable look. I don't know if he is asking for trouble or being targeted. But no matter what kind of situation he encountered, it definitely involved the secret of this repeater world, and it was enough to prove that the power lurking in this secret reached such a terrible level.

If Carmen was imprisoned as a fact, then his struggle at this time also meant that he wanted to get out of this situation. As a result, his appearance may not be a coincidence.

"Carmen, do you want to see me?" I asked in an instant, sorting out my thoughts and emotions.

Shaky and swaying, a very weak night crow quark, no, now his identity should be Carmen-he ripped off the entire raven head mask, like he was wearing full armor, but he didn't wear a helmet- -However, due to the interference of some mysterious forces, some abnormalities appeared in his head, just like the bare red liquid substance, barely pinched into the shape of the skull and the facial features, from time to time, there is gas volatilization , Transpiring into mist.

He rested on his knees for a few seconds before standing up again.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Gao Chuan." His voice was very hoarse, probably the abnormality of the vocal cords, making the sound of the sound sound very different from the past, but the unique and delicacy still brings me a familiar feeling.

He cannot be called human at all. No, the "agent of the end" was not a person from the beginning, regardless of the physical structure or mental structure, it gave people a sense of alienation. His voice reminded me again of the first time he met him in the illusion of doomsday. I couldn't help but touch the magic pattern on the inside of my wrist. The initial magic pattern was given by him. If we are only the enemy's relationship, why would he lead me to become the magic pattern messenger? I still remember my answer at the time: I want to be a hero and save the world. Then, with a mocking gesture, he guided me to mysterious power.

I know that in the beginning, I might admire his detached posture. I really hope that I can master the power of mystery, become such a man of the wind, do things that only I can do, go through the adventures that others can't dream of, and turn the tide with an unparalleled posture.

At that time, Carmen was dazzling and stood in front of me.

Now, his light is no longer, but this struggling gesture, but let me see myself.

I couldn't help thinking that I was so similar to him, or that now I have reached the horizon where he is.

Obviously, when I last met, I didn't feel so deep. Is it because he is like a tiger falling into Pingyang at this time? No, I don't think so.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for dozens of days." I stared at him, as if to imprint his expression with no difference, "I am surprised by your changes."

"Ah, there's no way, it's just a mistake." Carmen's voice once again showed that mocking tone. "The harshness of this world is always above my expectations."

"So, did you come to me for help?" I was very calm, without any hypocrisy, and said to him: "Tell me, I will help you."

"Why?" Carmen seemed to answer me with some surprise, "I have to admit that the current initiative is in your hands."

"You mean. I should listen to the causes and consequences first, and then use some utilitarian ideas to get more rewards?" I smiled, just stating, "No. I won't do this."

"Why?" Carmen's expression changed, but again, it was just a change of facial features, and then it seemed to be smoother.

"Because, at the first meeting, you didn't ask me for anything. Isn't it?" I answered.

Carmen didn't speak, but his expression was indescribable. The surprise was just one of the elements. More emotions were condensed in such an expression, and it was especially vivid. However, I can't tell you exactly what kind of emotion he is. However, at this time, he looks more like a person in mental structure than alien. We can communicate. Moreover, they are already communicating. When there is no conversation in the past, the kind of uncertainty that cannot truly recognize the alien.

"If it was the remuneration at the time, then I had already received it." After a while, Carmen stared at me seriously, saying: "I am not asking for anything, but when you make a choice, you have already obtained me. What I want. And, it made me watch a good show. "

"Are you happy?" I asked.

"Not bad." Carmen didn't hesitate. "But, after all, I'm just a play."

"To be honest, I don't care how you position yourself." I said: "I don't care about your things. For me, you are Carmen the Doomsday Agent. That's all. You gave it to me Mage, let me get closer to the truth, to touch those terrifying facts, and even make me fear that the score is unclear. But it does n’t matter. ”I looked at him with the same serious expression and said,“ Yes For me, you are a beginning and a result. Maybe in the past, I have thought that one day, let yourself be a beginning and a result for you. Now, I think it is the right time. "

"So it turns out, do you have to understand cause and effect in this way?" Carmen's understanding is a bit different from what I thought, but, it doesn't matter, I don't care about the error in this understanding, because, his Understand, it does n’t matter to me, what matters is what I do to myself. Just listen to him continue to say: "But, you know, Gao Chuan, the cause and effect between us, it is not necessary to do this kind of thing. Ah, yes, because you died once, so you are dying At that time, I did n’t know much about other Gaochuan ’s experiences. I might have an impression, but I have no memory. ”

"No, I don't have any interest in other Gaochuan's memories." I replied this way: "When I died, I had entrusted everything to them. I believe they can do as much as possible. So, suppose they have a problem. , It is probably irretrievable, if everything goes well, then I just need the default result. Now, my attitude is the same, I am based on other Gaochuan, to complete my plan, so, for them I have no interest in what kind of results I have. I believe they must have worked hard. "

After a pause, before he spoke, I interrupted him: "Tell me about your business. I don't think you have too many incidents to chat about."

Carmen's head changed for a while like a twitch. After two seconds, he stabilized. With a tired tone, he admitted that his state was indeed unbearable.

"I need your help, Gao Chuan." He seemed to put down all the weight and looked at me with the purest eyes. He said: "Only you can do it. So, I spent a lot of Energy, I got this opportunity. I think, you should guess, I was imprisoned in your electronic demon, like a power stove. This electronic demon also has stronger power, but, because of me Before I can limit it, and I can limit its chances, before you liberate me, probably this time. Because the enemy is very strong and terrible. "

"Who is the enemy?" I asked straight forward.

"You Jiang." Carmen answered in a deep voice.

The name "You Jiang?" Gave me some impressions, and because the name "Zuo Jiang" was full of symmetry, it made me unable to treat it as a coincidence. In addition, it was a doomsday agent with captivity. The existence of such forces of "people". So, is it a humanoid projection of "Jiang"? No, it may be the final weapon near the "virus" side. In the end, the weapons and the "Jiang" series have always had extremely deep roots.

"It doesn't seem to know nothing about you," Carmen said. "This is good, you have to be careful. This time Youjiang is not as good as the last time."

This time? Last time? This statement makes me feel like a half-claw in the mist, unable to grasp the whole picture of the problem. I did n’t hide this feeling, and said directly to Carmen: “I do n’t have any relevant memories. I need more information about the situation of Youjiang. Where is she from? What identity? The ultimate weapon of doomsday truth? Or Something else? "

"Youjiang is Youjiang, it's special, alone." Carmen said in a weak voice that he seemed to be unable to sustain it. "If you look at the setting of the doomsday illusion, you can think of it as a Nazi. The final weapon of the Nazis also seems to be the only final weapon of the Nazis. Do n’t be fooled by the Nazis ’current actions, they must devote all their resources to this only final weapon to create such monsters-no, just think so It ’s still too one-sided. ”He said strugglingly:“ Gaochuan, did you realize it? This doomsday illusion is actually different in a certain period of time. You can imagine that the world line of this doomsday illusion is It was changed at a moment, not rebuilt as it was in the past. With that moment as the dividing point, the Youjiang before and after it is completely different, but the Youjiang after it is built on, before Of Youjiang on what happened at that moment when the world line changed. "

He said a lot in one breath, and his expression became more and more tired. The pain almost made him unable to maintain a clear head and face.

"The reason for the change in the world line is that the Doomsday Religion tried to wipe out a certain situation at that time through the power of the repeater-I later thought that it was actually aimed at you." Carmen said solemnly: "Inside the Doomsday Religion There are deeper things that I ca n’t get in touch with. They are ... probably to understand the situation, or they follow some higher will action, and this will know your situation, understand your cause, and insight Your results. It ca n’t do too much for you directly, but it can intervene with you in other situations. Similarly, it ’s already interfering with me. ”Speaking of which, Carmen could n’t hold it anymore. He couldn't help but kneel on the ground to keep himself from falling down. His head was rapidly vaporizing. "I think, that's ..." I guess, he wanted to say "Jiang".

"It dominates everything." Carmen screamed as hard as he could, but his voice was as weak as the mosquito screams. Unless the environment was silent at this time, it would be hard to hear what he was saying. I know that he is about to disappear, or to be imprisoned again, and it is likely that I will never have the opportunity to come out before I take action. But now, I don't know what to do at all. If, really, the power of "Jiang" or "Virus" has caused all this, then, with my power at this time, it is not enough to do anything.

"Youjiang ~ ~ Be careful of Youjiang ..." Carmen repeatedly said in the last breath: "It has been alienated, and Jiang's power will support it. But it is different from mine, it is not It will be overloaded. It has ... infinite ... possibility ... deep in nightmares ... monsters ... eating ... "The more his voice gets to the back, the more unclear it is, but there are only a few key points Vocabulary, but in my heart, converged into some possibility conjecture. In fact, the "mystery" in the illusion of doomsday still has a maximum limit in terms of mystery and intensity. That is the realm of "virus", and it may also be the realm of "jiang", and the closer to the two "Mysterious", the closer to the apex.

It is close to the existence of the "apex", in fact, there is not much possibility, because its final standards are "virus" and "jiang" only.

Therefore, if the "Youjiang" is close to the existence of the "vertex", or if there is such a possibility, then the changes it will cause and the conditions that cause it to change, in a limited environment, will change It was extremely obvious.

——A nightmare monster in the depths of Las Vegas, was it prepared for "You Jiang"?

I thought so. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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