Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1252: Limited wish

The bus drove towards the front of the highway. At night, the lights at the rest point gradually faded out, as if there was an invisible pen, which painted out the bright yellow color. After a while, even the outline of the building seemed to be constantly erased. This is not a normal vision change. I ca n’t help but stare at the scenery, the haze begins to become misty, and when this feeling is formed in my heart, the area behind us appears again faintly. Mist.

"It's foggy again." I said to the nearby passengers-because of the murder, the atmosphere became a little nervous, so when you get on the bus, you will inevitably exchange it based on your personal relationships during this time. Location, fitness trainer, fortune teller and Mitsui Tsukazu are sitting next to me and Dr. Ruan Li.

I lowered my voice and did not attract the attention of others. At this time, seeing the fog again, I am afraid that for most people, it is not happy news. However, I still think that people around should pay attention.

Sure enough, Mitsui Tsukazu and others couldn't help but look back at the abnormal mist, probably thinking of the encounter in the gray mist, the expression on his face was not very good.

"It's really foggy." The fitness coach frowned, saying, "What's going on in this place? Now I always feel that the locals are acting a little strange."

"Have you asked the locals? The weather was like this in the past?" The fortune teller asked.

"Well, I asked." The fitness coach nodded. "This place often fogs at this time, but most of them say it is a normal natural phenomenon. But I always feel a little strange, and I don't know if it is after this incident. Psychological effect. "

"Are you trying to say that the locals have something to do with the murderer's crime?" Mitsui Tsukazu said with uncertainties: "But, isn't the murderer a passenger of this bus? Is it true that some of them were in the past What is the relationship with this place? For example, it was born locally, or lived for a period of time, so when committing a crime, you can find local co-offenders ... yes, if the murderer really has some connection with the local people , Then it ’s very easy for us to make tricks without knowing it. After all, our meals are provided by locals, even if it is fast food, it is very simple to do things. ”

"I don't know, there are too few clues, and nothing can be determined." The fitness coach shook his head. "I wish the murderer was not in the car, but stayed there. You see, now it's fogging again. Maybe the murderer just killed. Those people before, do n’t feel enough. "

The answer of the fitness coach made the fortune teller and Toshio Mitsui show a hearty expression. Only Dr. Ruan Li has no emotional changes. Since the mysterious incident, her mentality has been quite stable. Even when she sees the bodies of fellow experts, she still maintains a very calm performance. It makes people think that she has been used to this. Happening. Dr. Ruan Li has a deep understanding of illegal human experiments. Therefore, I think she probably participated in many related experiments. That's why I'm used to all this.

Of course, I think that Dr. Ruan Li will never admit which human experiments he participated in.

However, in the face of all kinds of weird situations, having such a calm and clear mind can often drive people around. It is precisely because of Dr. Ruan Li's performance that he is very eye-catching. So the speech was valued by fitness coaches and others, not just because of what she said. It is not so difficult to analyze the events with unknown circumstances and few clues because there are insufficient clues. So it makes people feel that there are many possibilities, each of which can be justified. At this time, it is not necessary to justify the crowd.

Dr. Ruan Li is not a woman who likes to come forward, but some of the flash points on her body can always be seen by people around her at a critical moment.

Fitness coaches and others want to know what Dr. Ruan Li thinks, but Dr. Ruan Li did not put his mind on such things. She closed her eyes and ignored the commotion on our side, as if she was asleep, but, I know, she was awake at all. Dr. Ruan Li did not want to make a statement, and no one else could force it, and, just like being infected by her attitude, she soon felt that it was uninteresting to guess here.

Only then did I ask: "What color is the mist you see?"

"What color?" Mitsui Tsukazu was a little stunned, but he answered, "Gray."

His answer suddenly discolored others, and Dr. Ruan Li couldn't help but open his eyes, his eyes glanced at everyone. If only the fog is generated, it will certainly not make people feel too scared, but the gray fog is also very unnatural. Combined with his previous experience, even Dr. Ruan Li, who has the least sense of "mystery", will come to the idea that "the impact is still there".

However, the "effect" in Dr. Ruan Li's mouth refers to the hallucinogenic reaction: "Sure enough, the medicine is not very symptomatic, and it also has certain side effects on your nerves."

"Ms. Ruan, you have also taken those medicines. Are there any sequelae?" Mitsui Tsukazu asked carefully.

"It should be. However, I am very familiar with the drug reaction of my body, so the side effects should be the lowest." Dr. Ruan Li also looked at the rear at this time and said, "There is no fog at all."

Her words made the other three frown. Obviously, they believed in what Dr. Ruan Li saw more than they saw.

"It's okay, as long as the gray fog you see is not generated around you, there should be no problem." Dr. Ruan Li said: "The gray fog you see falls behind is also a proof of psychological success in getting rid of a certain situation. It can be regarded as a positive effect. "

"Have you gotten out of the dilemma ..." The fitness coach chewed the words and smiled gently, and his expression finally relaxed. "Indeed, even if there is really a problem, it is also the problem of those people who are left in the fog, and we have already It doesn't matter. "Her statement was quickly approved by the fortune-teller and Mitsui Tsukazu, as if she was greatly comforted by it. I don't know what Dr. Ruan Li thinks, but I think this is just her words. By infecting others, to relieve the patient's psychology, but there is actually no substantial help for the actual condition.

Current fitness trainer, divination master and Mitsui Tsukazu. In the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, it is probably all patients. Therefore, she only communicates with them with the attitude and method of treating patients, rather than being the same "psychology expert". I don't know if Dr. Ruan Li will be biased against these less professional "psychologists", but I think that most of the time. She treats these patients equally as a doctor.

It is not strange for patients to have psychology attainments.

Yes, I think that Dr. Ruan Li treats them this way, from the first time they were in contact with them, not just after the mysterious event happened.

"It's better to drink more water during this time. Don't be afraid to release too many times. I will tell the driver." Dr. Ruan Li said: "After this period, there are not too many rules. It is not a problem to stop at halfway. It ’s a big deal. Moreover, your situation is special. Before you reach your destination, try to expel the drug residues from your body. "

Although it is not good news, fitness coaches and others do not resist Dr. Ruan Li ’s advice. When they first took the drug, they were already prepared for troublesome afterwards. If you only need to drink more water, you can weaken the drug response in the body. It is good news.

Although everyone agrees with Dr. Ruan Li's view, the fog is just the residue of the drug reaction, and the "leaving the fog" symbolizes the physical and psychological level, gradually recovering from the hallucinogenic reaction. But for me. The interpretation of the situation is another matter. Of course, the result can also be said to be the same as Dr. Ruan Li's statement-it is consistent to stay away from the fog.

The reason why the fog will appear at this time is not to besiege us. It's not because we made decisions quickly, so we escaped, but, in my opinion, it was the performance that the other side was afraid of us. They did n’t chase, they did n’t have siege, they just tasted the forced walking of my consciousness, and then violently cracked the "mysterious" suffering, probably made them feel that it is not appropriate to fight with me, a Level 4 Mageweaver messenger Choose it. They want to continue to do something, so let's leave and weaken the pressure on the side.

I do n’t know who the enemy is, but since they really want to do something, they wo n’t let the information in this place leak out. I do n’t know if the people involved in the seminar here have access and have reported the situation here, but when I took out my phone privately, there was no cell phone signal. Even if we have left the fog zone now, we cannot contact the rescue through normal communication. I didn't check other people's mobile phones, but I expected it to be similar to the situation here, so it seemed that Dr. Ruan Li could call a friend at a break, how weird it was.

The situation of Dr. Ruan Li is too different from others. For me, this is a proof of her particularity, but for other people who don't know it, it may produce repulsive emotions and some negative thoughts.

Since, for various reasons, no one else is aware of Dr. Ruan Li ’s speciality, then I do not intend to pick out.

Going back to the current situation, the signal is blocked, and probably has a "mysterious" effect. After leaving the gray fog range, it can continue to affect, proving that the "mystery" is a large range, or that the source of this "mystery" has always followed us, even as Dr. Ruan Li guessed, In this bus. It is not possible to think that the murderer may stay there because the fog still appears only at the rest point. Although the murderer may also be related to the locals, there may be two teams of horses.

Similarly, the killer who killed others, and the night crow quark who attacked me, and someone who originally created the temporary data hedge space may not be the same way.

Despite the complexity of the situation, I did not know how to sort it out, but the subsequent trip was unexpectedly smooth. Everyone thought that there would be a follow-up to the murder. At first, the people in the car did not dare to act on their own. They also opposed continuing to stay at a certain rest point for too long. It felt like a bow cup snake shadow. However, the complicated thoughts along the way were quickly smoothed by the peaceful journey.

The weather was fine, there was no fog at all, and there were no accidents. Nothing special happened until the final station was reached. I play around with my phone casually from time to time. In fact, the signal has returned to normal when it is dawn. During my lunch break, I called the Whisperer and John Bull separately. In addition to reporting Ping An-the disappearance of the cell phone signal, which may represent that all my positioning could not be completed-I also asked for information about this mysterious event. .

I think. As a behind-the-scenes supporter of this seminar, you should know some insider, and even participated in the situation at that time, but my position at that time was not enough to observe more information, so I could not understand.

The content of the whisperer's reply was expected. Although everyone was a bit worried at the time, my timely contact, Zuo Chuan's stability, and communication with the people who came to the netball made the situation not panic-stricken. John Bull himself could not be reached, but she had already explained the related matters of her subordinates, and sure enough, in the evening. When I arrived at the bus terminal, I saw her from the window.

John Bull came over in person, although it was not entirely for the mysterious event of the previous rest, but also included the after-treatment of that matter. Next to the bus terminal is the pier. The shop in front of the pier also operates fast food, coffee shops and bars. A row of parasols is set up outside the shop, and tables and chairs are placed so that guests can enjoy the food while overlooking the riverside scenery-John The cow is dressed in a cool cowboy. Drinking a large glass of beer.

In the next three hours, we will take a local ferry at this pier. Proceed to the villa development zone upstream of the river.

I used the excuse of going to the toilet, avoiding Dr. Ruan Li's care and meeting with John Bull. Directly in front of Dr. Ruan Li and John Bull, I always felt a little uncomfortable, but since it is already online. Seen by Dr. Ruan Li again, there was no psychological barrier. Moreover, what we are going to talk about is always inconvenient when Dr. Ruan Li is by his side.

"Received my report?" I ordered a fast food from the waiter. Then he talked to John Bull.

Stirring coffee, John Bull nodded to me and said, "In fact, this time the situation is not completely unexpected. However, we can't grasp the direction of the situation. Of course, you can think that the online ball is more than knowing Details. "

"Isn't it a secret matter?" I said: "Even if it's a secret matter, I hope you can disclose something as much as possible."

"No, it was a secret before it happened, but it wasn't a secret after it happened. Because of the reason, someone will soon notice it." John Bull waved his hands and muttered, "It's just that the situation is a bit complicated, I need to sort it out Clues. "

"You have been sorting here for a long time, haven't you?" I smiled and ridiculed.

"No way, this fact is too troublesome. Although we have prepared in advance to know that this kind of thing will happen, but when and where will it happen, and what will happen and how will it happen? The result of this is unpredictable. After all, this is not the information predicted by the prophet, but only our network ball using known information to sort out. "

"So, let's talk about the key, short. You also said that after the incident, someone will soon realize that the key is not difficult to guess, but it will be blinded." When I said this, the waiter Bring the burger and juice. I paid for it and took a bite.

"The key is deviation." John Bull took a sip of coffee, smacked his lips, and said with a strange expression on his face: "And the deviation is brought by us."

As soon as I heard the word "deviation", I couldn't help but think of some acquaintances in this team: "The light of the torch, Sigma them?"

"Yes. At first I didn't quite understand why they had to bring them in this operation. After all, no one likes to make mistakes in rigorous planning ... And the people of the torchlight are the best at causing deviations. What they do, It ’s not just tricks to find trouble, but because they have such a nature that the things they participate in, whether they are intentionally or unintentionally, will produce deviations. Especially Sigma, even in the light of the torch, is the most famous. One of the deviations. "Speaking of which, John Newton paused before continuing to say:" Let Sigma and them participate in this operation, although on the surface, it is to break the doomsday doctrine of the Truth and the Nazis and stir up Winning the battle, but the mystery of the torchlight is mysterious. I guessed at the beginning, did the organization not plan to succeed in the first place? Now it seems that this is not a joke. "

"Don't plan to succeed?" I couldn't help repeating it again.

"Yes." John Bull's tone became more and more affirmative. "I think that all the actions against the Las Vegas repeater this time, the organization did not intend to fight for success, but only to let everyone else fail. , Or may make the enemy ’s plans less than they expected. "

"That is to say, to hurt the enemy by a thousand self-destructive psychology, only to deliberately involve the people of the torchlight?" I can't help but say: "Do the people of the torchlight know?"

"There should be conjecture in this regard, they know how strong the deviation they can cause, and even, we have negotiated with them in private on our webball. Taking the repeater or whatever is just a guise, compared to us, the light of the torch The talent is the protagonist. You see, this repeater was originally the Nazi territory. The doomsday truth and the 51st district, and even more people, have no intentions to use our team. It can be said, From the very beginning, we were operating within the enemy ’s plan. ”John Bull said complexly:“ But if everyone else wants to use us and let us start, there is no possibility of victory, then we Why do you have to fight for this difficult victory? Even if you get a second repeater, the impact is actually not great, otherwise, the Doomsday Truth Church will not only control this one in their hands, they have many opportunities To take away other repeaters. "

"Because, I don't expect to get the repeater, so what about destroying the repeater?" I asked: "Did you actually have no way to destroy the repeater?"

"Maybe. At least I haven't heard of it at all." John Bull laughed. "The order I received at the beginning was to act within the principle. It may be that there is really no way to destroy the repeater, but, if There really is, probably also in the hands of the Doomsday Truth and the Nazis. Therefore, the deviation of the torchlight is very important. Both the Doomsday Truth and the Nazis intend to use the Las Vegas repeater to do something, the Prophet ’s Prophecy ... not too good. "

"So, I just want to try it. The deviation of the torch light and the prophecy's prediction, who has higher priority?" I seem to understand, "It should not have been untested in the past, but now, the objects involved are also involved It ’s extremely complicated to go to multiple behemoths. Even if deviations ca n’t prevent prophecy, but as long as the prophecy is inevitably realized, it will be a victory for the doomsday truth and the Nazis to pay a greater price. ”

"Well, I think it is such an idea now." John Bull said solemnly: "The light of the torch may have brought their secret weapon, enough to cause a considerable degree of deviation, even for the doomsday truth and the Nazis. Can't escape ~ ~ This time, as far as our webball inference is concerned, it originated from a plan of doomsday truth-that is a plan that has already been implemented, but does not know the process and results- However, the wind leaked, and the Nazis tried to use this plan, coupled with the deviation of the torch light, caused more unexpected situations and made things a mess. "

"Sounds complicated." I said.

"It's really complicated." John Bull thought for a while, and said: "The Doomsday Truth plan is roughly to use the repeater in their hands to cast a spell called" Limited Wish "to make something happen. The trajectory develops in the way they want, or, hopefully, something can be obtained. However, it is unclear when this thing, this thing will start and what process will happen. However, the so-called wishing , Just pay attention to the result, as long as the result is the same as the wish. However, because it is only a "limited wish", so the process should not be so ideal. "

"Because there is only one repeater, you can only make a" limited wish ", don't you?" I said quietly, and I was not surprised that the Doomsday Truth had such a degree of magic. (To be continued ...)


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