If the Doomsday Religious Church controls all the repeaters, it may be possible to complete the true "wishing" to the greatest extent. Limited wishing is also bound to be very restrictive. I guess that this world-hopping of the world of Doomsday Illusion may be accomplished by the Doomsday Truth using "limited wishing".

However, if the fuse of this event-the Doomsday Truth's Wish-was completed before the world line jump, then the world line jump may destroy some relevant information.

"Do you know what they wished?" I asked.

"It's not clear, they are very confidential." John Bull said so. I think it's not that they keep it secret, but that even they have lost part of their wish information.

"In short, this incident may involve the wish of the Apocalypse at that time. From this perspective, the participation of other people may be the condition of 'fulfilling the wish." The prophecy's prophecy must also involve this situation. "John Bull smiled and said:" So, I really hope that the deviation of the torch light can really exceed everyone's expectations. Isn't it interesting to think about it? The characteristic of wishing is to achieve the expected results. The characteristic of prophecy lies in reaching the intended result, and the meaning of the deviation lies in the deviation from the imagined process and result, and even the deviation from the established result. "

"Since the torchlight is involved, they also used their secret weapon—" I nodded. "Because of the participation of multiple parties and the inability to accomplish the goal of which party due to deviation, it seems so confusing and headless."

"Yes." John Bull nodded. "This incident is not true, before and after this. There are situations that happen, but those situations are also disturbed by the deviation of the torch light."

"It's a bunch of **** sticks." I can only describe it that way.

"Ah, but this is where they are strong." John Bull said: "If my conjecture is correct, then they are the key to everything. I hope you can watch them in private. "

"Are all plans aimed at them also off track under bias?" I asked rhetorically.

"The problem is. Our opponent is not just a small organization, but the doomsday truth and the Nazis." John Bull said cautiously: "I never underestimate their abilities, how can the deviation of the torch light achieve Degree. No one knows until the result is produced. "

It is easy to understand that this is a matter of priority. The limited wish of Doomsday Truth, the Nazi landlord advantage. Prophecy's deviation from the light of the torch. When these effects intersect, who has the higher priority? I think that even though the effects will appear to some degree of confusion, it will certainly not be more significant for each one.

I did n’t expect that the mysterious incident was so complicated. Although the cause was the limited wish of the Doomsday Truth, but since even the online ball is known, then. Other organizations apparently did not "coincidentally" bump into this matter. However, if there is a limited wish for doomsday truth. Some information was really destroyed by the jump of the world line, and the layout of other mysterious organizations is of course incomplete. Incomplete wishing, incomplete aiming, and deliberate deviations may really make things develop less than their respective expectations.

"However, since the wish of the Doomsday Truth was fulfilled at the Las Vegas repeater, ten of the wishes they made were related to this repeater." John Niu turned his whole face and said to me: "The above These are just my personal inferences, but I think it's quite reliable. If you are not satisfied, I can't help, because I have very little information here. For maximum confidentiality, the blockade of the information by the online ball is quite Thorough. However, to be honest, our cyber ball does not have any mandatory requirements in this operation. Conversely, you can also think that when we enter here, the goal of the cyber ball has been achieved to a certain extent. As for whether we can attack this repeater, we will try our best, but for the network ball, it is not the first goal. "

"So, will you cooperate with me?" I said: "In the team, there is a lot of talk about me?"

"That's natural. Although we don't force the cyber ball, there are many people who really want to take or destroy this repeater." John Bull said: "They are serious, no matter what method is used. I knew that the Nazis always had control over this repeater, and wanted to do something big. Especially in the 51st area, the repeater is clearly in its own country, but the two repeaters can only Master one, they are also very dissatisfied in their hearts. District 51 and we are allies, but not friends. They have long studied the Valpus Night in Las Vegas, and once hesitated, should they Which repeater should be completed first, because Las Vegas is a prosperous city in the end, so it still chose the 51st district with a superior military geographical location. Presumably they did not expect that Las Vegas will be because of the Nazis Come back and destroy it. And, because there is such an extra sample, you can successfully complete your own repeater. "

"They have already started hands-on." I said, "I heard that their plan is supported by Doomsday Truth?"

"The time for Doomsday Truth to migrate to America is about the same as the rise of the United States as a nation. The whole country is inextricably linked to Doomsday Truth, so although I understand that the doomsday doctrine is no longer in Europe, but It is also very difficult to do something in the Americas against the Doomsday Truth. "

"I remember that the relationship between cyberballs and governments of all countries is good?" I was very impressed with this point, mostly because of the international norms of cyberspheres in the past doomsday illusion. However, even the Internet **** at that time could not shake the leading position of the doomsday truth. It is conceivable that the situation described by John Bull has existed in the past. The doomsday truth seems to be targeted, but in fact it also has government cover. In the past, it was always believed that this was because Doomsday Truth used psychedelic medicine "paradise" to erode national government personnel to achieve indirect cover. But now, it seems that it is just that. It was totally not enough to deal with the network ball at that time. National government departments must have a deeper connection with the Doomsday Truth, so that the Internet ball, which has a considerable voice in the world, must also fall.

Many actions of the Doomsday Truth Church are notorious for their anti-human behavior. Their sacrifices often target not one or two people, but an entire region. Such a large-scale operation should have been known for a long time without the protection of other parties. Reduced by thousands. But in fact, even in the past, the doomsday truth is still a mysterious organization, who knows its existence. There are still only a few among the general public.

So big. Such a powerful, so evil, mysterious organization that commits crimes everywhere can already be talked about with great fanfare. Without sufficient intelligence control capabilities, it is absolutely impossible to suppress its existence to a lesser known level. And this powerful intelligence control capability, if there is no support at the national level. It is absolutely impossible to complete.

In the end, the national government tried to maintain the balance of power of the mysterious forces while appeasing the doomsday truth. Or the national government is indeed blinded and controlled-I thought it should be the latter in the past, but now, there are more clues that the former may account for a larger proportion than imagined.

"The network ball has a strong social communication ability, and I do not deny this." John Bull said seriously: "However, the core of our network ball is still in Europe and in Britain. Historical factors determine that we are working with other governments When dealing with each other, it is bound to have a very strong geographical attribute, and it cannot get the full support of the other party. The doomsday truth is hidden behind the scenes. Although everyone knows that its base is in the Americas, even in the United States, it is also in Europe. It still has a lot of influence. The only place it is difficult to get into is Asia, which is strongly controlled by the Central Duchy. But beyond that, its geographic attributes are much lower than those of the online ball. "

"So, the doomsday doctrine is more like a mysterious organization than the online ball." From John Bull's mouth, I finally understand why, no matter in the past or the present, the doomsday doctrine has developed better than the online ball, not just The problems of start, luck, and doomsday trends also lie in the different organizational concepts between the two. Although the Internet Ball is claimed to be the closest mystery organization to international politics, it is still constructed with the core of the nature of the mystery organization. Therefore, the operation of the mystery will also have a strong impact on the height that the organization can reach. "Their The structure, concept and strength are all more advantageous in the mysterious point, so even if your development in other areas is higher, you still cannot really surpass them. "

A bitter smile appeared on John Bull ’s face, saying: “This view is no longer a secret. Those who have truly analyzed the difference between cyberballs and doomsday truth religions have such a consensus.” Then, when she talked about it, she did n’t There was a little bit of depression: "Even so, the choice of the online ball is still correct. Many organizations want to become the second doomsday truth and then surpass it, but it is us who have reached this position and have this possibility. Internet balls. Other organizations, even the torchlight, a mysterious organization that is also based in the United States, cannot reach this height. There have been too many examples to prove that the doomsday truth is not replicable and wants to exceed it. , If you want to fight against it, you have to take another path. I have no dissatisfaction with the path chosen by Prophet Mayn for the cyber ball. "

"It's true." I also have to admit that John Bull's pride, because the facts are in front of me, in the past doomsday illusion, the power of the network ball, only the doomsday truth can stand in court, even if it is the third strongest black Nest, but also a mysterious organization with a loose structure, does not have the ability to challenge the first two positively. Apart from the three, there are no more mysterious organizations that can be put on the table. Even if the Black Nest at that time, under the leadership of Father Sissen, successfully stolen part of the results of the Doomsday Truth Plan, it was just that I had just found myself a stronghold and prepared for organizational transformation. If I were still alive, That doomsday illusion continues to develop, and Black Nest can also develop. Even so, I still feel that the online ball will never fall behind. At that time, I also failed to see the internal structure of the entire network ball and its hidden secrets. An episode I encountered in the "Tianmen Project" can fully prove the strength and development potential of the network ball-at that time, it was The mysterious chip stolen by the spy of the ball is now placed, just like the predecessor of the "spiritual integration device".

The cyber ball took the mysterious chip. It also means that in the "Tianmen Project", which was led and completed by the Doomsday Truth Church at that time, the online ball was not nothing. If the world at that time continues to develop. Netball's copy of the "Tianmen Project" in a short period of time is simply a matter of course.

Even in this doomsday illusion, the cyber ball has just risen, far less powerful than in the past doomsday illusion, but the strategy and decision-making that have been embodied so far are almost a replica of the past cyber ball. same. In the case that the Doomsday Religious Church had the repeater ahead of time, they still successfully built their own repeater, even if Black Nest did not rise. However, a more terrifying Nazi appeared, and its pace of development is still very steady. Their goals and means, the way they see things change and the logic of thinking are different from other mysterious organizations. As now. Their gazes are not consistent with their gazes, and I also deeply believe that what John Bull said "the goal of the cyber ball has been completed" is absolutely true.

It is the most stupid to treat the present and the network ball as a whole. When the netball people stood here, when John Bull confessed to me these things, it certainly means that they have no problem with failure and success. Because, whether this operation is successful or failed. They have already got what they want. By comparison, no matter how ambitious the other mysterious organizations are and work hard for them, their success is still like a mirror of flowers and water, and they ca n’t be seen.

Although I was a little surprised by the sudden plan of the online ball, it was definitely not completely unexpected. I have always admired the online ball, and I do n’t think it is a miracle. It is precisely because I have extremely deep insights into the network ball, so from the beginning, my partner is not anything but the network ball, which is simply referred to as "", not the global mystery in which the network ball participates. Organizational union "", the difference between the two is too great, at least, for now.

"So, how do you plan to end this mysterious event?" I asked: "District 51 has already begun to act. Although the cyber ball can not care, as a member of the team, you still need the right plan Responsible? Even if the development of this mysterious event is not ideal for everyone, but it is impossible to say that there is really no gain at all. Because it is too chaotic, so as long as the targeted arrangement is done in advance People will get some results, but not all failures. Basically, since the limited wishes of the doomsday truth are involved, for this level of mystery, as long as there are ambitious organizations, their goals will be set quite high, so even if Unsatisfactory, organizations like the 51st district can also roughly get the chips for the showdown. "

"There is such a possibility, and, in order to reach an agreement with the Torchlight, the Netball has also made many concessions in this operation." Despite this, John Bull only showed an indifferent smile, "District 51 , Torchlight, Black Nest and Father Edward, these four are the most ambitious and actionable forces in our prior analysis. The second of them is an important part of the team, even after the initial screening, both It is still the biggest destabilizing factor. District 51 is an ally, the most hostile priest Edward, and a smart, powerful, and courageous person. Under internal and external troubles, the division of the team is completely visible. And our response policy is-"John Bull stared at me with a strange eye and said heavily:" It's you, Mr. Gao Chuan. "

"Me?" I wasn't surprised, but I couldn't help thinking. Because, I kind of felt that when she spoke to me as the representative of the online ball at this time, the object was not just me in front of her, it seemed to be mixed with something else-the online ball must have studied me, then, The reason why John Bull was so careful and positive to say this to me ...

"Aren't you talking about the Gaochuan in London?" I asked.

"I'm so sincere now. Do you still have to pretend? Whisperer's Gao Chuan." John Bull smiled. "Although, your presence was really surprising at the time. However, the whisperer and Gao Chuan's The name is not Mongolian. The name, in mystics, has always been quite mysterious. For ordinary people, the name is just a code name, but for people like us, the understanding of the name is closer. The real name in mysticology. In the study of the online ball, all the strong people have a distinctive feature, that is, their names are fixed, and they have extraordinary recognition of their names, so that, If in case, it will not change the name, but replace the number. Just like the file of the Mercenary Association, it also hides its name, and has always used the code name. The nature of this practice is the same as the practice of hiding the real name in occultism. Similar. The uniqueness and certainty of the real name make it mysterious. Just as everyone else can change their name to Gao Chuan, or to another name because of the same name as Gao Chuan, but, The boy in front of me, the man in London, was called Gao Chuan, and it would only be called Gao Chuan. This was not accidental, but inevitable. ”John Bull ’s smile was unprecedentedly sharp,“ because, it looks so different. You are actually the same person. Even from common sense, you cannot be the same person, but from the perspective of occultism, you are unified. Appearance will deceive people, origin will deceive people, ability and character will also Deceive people, however, the real name will not. "

You are Gao Chuan, he is Gao Chuan, and you and him are unified because of the name Gao Chuan-John Bull said so surely, although she and the netball do not understand, what caused this situation, there must be "mystery" "It plays a role in it, but it's a side story. Gao Chuan is Gao Chuan, and it suffices to understand this.

"You are Gao Chuan, and Gao Chuan is the most suitable and the best partner for network ball judgment." John Bull said: "I don't know how this judgment was made, but, this time with you Time, I have been observing you, and also referring to past data, and the final conclusion is the same. "

I can trust you, Gao Chuan. John Bull said this, no matter what you think, but one thing is very certain, you will not disappoint people who believe in you. No, it should be said that you will do your best not to disappoint those who believe in yourself, even if everything is beyond your imagination. It does not matter, this attitude, plus your strength, is enough. The network ball needs the partner, just like you, and, so far, only you have been found.

John Bull ’s eyes are scorching and sincere, making me think I should believe her words, even if her position is on the side of the network ball, and the meaning behind these words is definitely not so pure. However, being recognized and trusted, even for me now, is still very weighty. My plan is cruel, without any heroic courage. I know that after I lost "Jiang", I was just an ordinary person, an ordinary student of no ordinary quality. The path I took was not the path I dreamed of in the beginning, but even if such a talent does not have much talent, most of the advantages in the eyes of others are just me in a situation of persecution, and I still hope that I can get it as it is now. , Affirmed by some people.

There is no need to prove whether the other party is complimenting, even if it is complimenting, it also proves that it has such value.

I do n’t know the intention of the online ball ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am not sure whether John Bull said this sincerely, but her exposed emotion made me feel that if I believe it, even if the result is not ideal Even if I do n’t like it in the end, I will be a rebel, and it ’s worth it.

My world is full of darkness. The cry in my heart has never been heard. My hope is like a faint starlight. However, because I can always meet the people who need me, at least from the discourse, at a certain stage, recognize me, support me, and expect me, so I can go to the present. I believe that these are also needed in the future, so that oneself will not be knocked down by despair.

I don't need someone to be able to walk with me along the way, and I'm not afraid of turning against each other. Because of all that I have experienced, let me know that I am not short of peers.

If there is no one who needs to be saved; if there is no burden of all goodwill and malicious thoughts, how can Gaochuan be Gaochuan?

"Speak, what do you want me to do? I can't be sure as you think, I have my own plan, but, at least for now, we are partners, aren't we?" I said so. (To be continued ...)


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