Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1286: Between the Sky Tower

The wounded were still moaning. Although they were bandaged urgently by their companions, they could not completely stop the blood because of the lack of necessary tools. His pain is really unimaginable, and his consciousness seems to be gradually fading away. If he goes on like this, he will probably die. This kind of cognition made everyone around him panic, more concerned about the wounded, as if he saw himself in the future. If all this is just an illusion, a murderer lurking in the crowd, the effect created by a potent psychedelic drug is too real.

Counting the encounter during the trip, the fitness coach, divination master and Mitsui Tsukazu who encountered the mysterious event for the second time are still in doubt. There are too many things that cannot be explained. Whether it is from a rational cognition or a sensuous feeling, it is difficult to determine whether it is a phantom that others and others see. Dr. Ruan Li can treat it as non-existent without hesitation, and it is extremely rare among the people I met.

I can't take these as mere hallucinations. Admittedly, whether it is from the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li or the perspective of Doomsday Realm, White Claudia must have played a key role. This kind of thing that looks like a plant, but is not often regarded as a plant, is like a node, linking many seemingly unrelated situations to each other. However, treating it as the origin of everything is equivalent to the "virus" and "jiang" in my cognition, and even denies the existence of "virus" and "jiang", which I cannot do.

I can ≥ ±, ww⊙w. Confirm it as "very important", but I can't assume it is "unique".

Therefore, in the interpretation of many mysterious events, Dr. Ruan Li and I have differences, and the point of view may also be contrary.

The current situation, placed in Dr. Ruan Li, may be another manifestation. Although the wounded should also exist. But the reason for the injury is not necessarily caused by shadow tumors, because in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, there may not be the same things as these tumors composed of shadows. Therefore, the injury is probably caused by the wounded because of hallucinations. The loss of legs may also be "we can't see his legs". In addition, it is also possible that a certain murderer attacked the wounded. In our eyes, it is difficult to confirm the appearance of this murderer in the current situation, even if my chain judgment is not able to lock it, and thus recognize it Have some kind of "mystery". But in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, the murderer may have nothing to hide.

Although I can imagine the difference in observations caused by standing at different angles, in fact, what I can finally apply, which can be regarded as the source of action, is only one that I can observe.

Mage's pattern scorched again. The Mageweave messenger, who did not know where he was hiding, had not left. Why is this person here? Attacking us people here and now?

With such questions. I never shot. Not only because there are peepers in the dark, but also because of the weapon in my hand. It ’s just a dagger, and the form of the enemy looks like an “unconscious existence”. It looks like a tumor, but it can also be seen as a shadow, a mysterious force that changes its shape. However, the characteristics of the shadow are probably still preserved.

Can ordinary dagger cut off the shadow? No way.

A firearm without an s mechanism cannot be done.

What can be chosen is to stand on the stand of the illusion of doomsday and observe the current scene as a "product of ideology", and then use the power of consciousness to disintegrate all this. I was once in a mysterious event where I rested on a journey. Successful use of this method will disintegrate the temporary data hedge space covering the entire rest point. However, that was only an explosive force. It is because it is not "want to use" it can be used, so I never think that I am a real conscious walker.

All the forces that come from the "jiang" and the attack area expands to "a certain area" or "a kind of essence", which needs to be guided under the unique three views and situations, are terrible and make people full of beautiful. Lenovo seems to be able to solve all problems as long as it can maximize the utility of this power. This may be true, but the premise is that, first of all, this is a controllable force.

Involving the change of ideology, through unique perspectives, cognitions and concepts, through the existence of ideology to affect the way of existence of the material state, such a capability, I do n’t think that any current human can get it, can be applied, can Call it "own strength".

The ability to walk consciously was denied.

Then comes the magic pattern. The power of the magic pattern is not only super power, but super power is the most direct manifestation. Most of the other functions are auxiliary, such as starting critical weapons, strengthening one's own body and talents, and condensing materials in the form of gray mist into gray stone. These general auxiliary abilities have no damage to the weirdness of the shadow state, and my quick-sweep super powers also cannot directly damage them.

Without good weapons, what I can do is extremely limited.

I am very strong, but at the same time very weak. I have known this for a long time. Even, I once thought that maybe even my own Mageweaver is not something that belongs to me. As far as the human individual is concerned, I am also weak, and after becoming the Mageweave Messenger, the strength it manifests is more due to "Jiang".

The proof of this idea is that I did not awaken superpowers by myself at the second level of moire, but at the time of the third level of moire, I forcibly developed superpowers. In Father Sissen's theory, the superpower that awakens by itself when it is a second-level magic pattern is undoubtedly the best match for itself. Even if there is no magic pattern, such a person can be called excellent among ordinary people. Once the superpower is forcibly turned on at the third level of moire, then this superpower is actually random. What kind of traits you will get is completely uncontrollable, and you must finally adapt yourself to superpower. But there are many people who are unable to adapt well to the Mageweave messenger. The situation of me and the speed-sweep superpower is of course a better one. It may not be completely in line with my characteristics, but at least there is no big problem in applicability. However, my situation is also a special case among all the third-level Mageweave Messengers of passive awakening.

My knowledge of my own particularity made me realize more deeply and rule out this particularity. There is no difference between me and others. However, precisely because of recognizing its own particularity, when it claims to be "different from the rest", there will never be a sense of disobedience.

However, particularity. This does not mean that every situation brings good changes.

The current situation makes me feel that my own particularity has not played an ideal role.

I can only be like ordinary people, for a moment away from the incident, and observe the development quietly. While fitness coaches, fortune tellers and Mitsui Tsukazu discussed countermeasures, I remained silent. My only advantage over them is that. My particularity can make things unexpectedly change at any time, and my identity of the Mageweaver messenger has always been working, whether it is talent or superpower, it has not been affected by the current situation.

This building is currently only the fourth floor and the third floor below, except for the other places, as if never appeared. It seems that this building has only two floors. And the world outside the building is also an anomaly that is difficult to describe. In short. In this building, no one will ever look out of the window, and still believe that he is still in the normal world.

Although it can make people realize that their situation is very abnormal, but. Under this kind of anomaly, it is also confusing to explain your own mental state. Simply put, although aware of the anomaly, it still feels. I feel like I'm dreaming, just wake up, so I don't need to have too much psychological pressure.

However, the appearance of the wounded, the realistic damage, are shaking people's hearts.

In the face of the current situation, many people have tried to sort out a clue, and then use their excellent reasoning logic to clarify the key to all problems. Breaking through the situation. Although I tried and thought so, there is still no one at present. can do.

Even those who are sober-minded are not wrong with the current situation. Because, there is almost no clue. Such a change suddenly appeared, with no signs at all, and did not give people a feeling of being "captured". It ’s not that I ’ve done something wrong, it ’s just that I ’m just out of luck.

Even so, my magic pattern is still telling me that it is not just me who owns the power of the magic pattern. This is definitely not a bad luck, but it is indeed part of the conspiracy of someone or some people. After all, it is not so easy to retain the power of Mageweave in this world of repeaters. Even I myself don't know what to do.

The shadow tumor began to expand. Seeing that there was no way to do it, everyone could only gradually evacuate the aisle. There was a staircase bet on the other side of the tumor area. It seems that some people who went down before did not come up. Now I can only pray that they are not in danger below. With the wounded, the experts began to relocate, and some people had left the team, trying to find a way to leave on their own. But most of them are still in the team, so are the four of us.

After that, the team moved back to the conference room, so someone mentioned the seminar and said that such a thing was not a conspiracy of the seminar. Conspiracy theories are naturally very marketable at this time, and everyone has a look of indignation, consternation and perplexity on their faces. Then, some people turned over the boxes and found some tools and materials that could be used as weapons to prepare for the situation later.

The magic pattern burned again, and it made me realize again that the magic pattern messenger was close to us.

Because of this helpless situation, too many people gathered in the meeting room, and the atmosphere gradually became strange. To say that repression is of course repressive, however, it seems that there is some kind of sticky idea that sticks to everyone. It was quite a negative emotion. I pulled the corners of the three people's clothes, motioned them to lightly move, and left here with me.

From the moment everyone enters the conference room, it has been about five minutes. No one said a word. Even if those people are hanging their heads, I can clearly see that they are peeping at the corner of their eyes, looking at what, bad The idea is alarming. In fact, I think the changes of these people are also strange. Not only that they themselves are psychologists, but also that the time for their change is too short.

Everything is accelerating, no, perhaps it should be said that all changes are actually catalyzed by some kind of force.

"Yes, it is to leave here." The fortune teller also felt wrong. When we came outside, there was no one in the aisle. It seems that people have either entered the meeting room or have already gone to the next floor, and we are still lingering in the end. The shadow tumor area in front is obviously expanding. With the brightness of the light above the head, these tumors composed of shadows seem to be linked to each other, forming another huge and ugly but very unique gesture.

In that way, it is absolutely difficult to believe that it has no harm.

"I can't figure it out anymore. What the **** is going on? Even if it's an illusion, why is it such an illusion?" The fitness coach frowned and pouted, "What we see now is Same, right? A huge ... three-dimensional shadow monster? "

"Take medicine. Gao Chuan." The fortune teller told me decisively.

In their view, this is the only possible way. For me, when all the methods can't see the magic effect temporarily, taking the "paradise" sample is also an option. Although it is made with my special medicine. But in terms of ingredients, there are some more substances from White Crowdy, and chemical changes have probably produced new things. So, the only turbid and simple "paradise" I have left is the drug effect. It will be particularly strong.

Observe the white Claudia and the paradise from the perspective of Doomsday Realm or from the perspective of this world of repeaters. They are indeed all mysterious enough to influence the current situation.

Just, past experience. I still have some resistance. The normal "paradise" is just that. Now I carry it with me, but it is regarded as the "original" sample. No matter what kind of mysticology, "first" is always accompanied by a terrible magic, making me do not want to take it in this situation.

My hesitation was seen by the fortune teller, she said nothing. Just shook his head at the other two.

"So, can I only wait passively?" Mitsui Tsukazu was a little disappointed, but did not force him. He seemed to want to do more, but he was still sensible, at least he didn't say "you don't drink. I drink".

"If someone rescues, waiting is the best way." I said, "If the trap is set only to kill us, isn't the situation too slow? But if it's to torture us, it's already Obtained results. The other party is definitely not just doing this kind of thing to kill people. Even if it is to kill people, should there be a suitable reason? Killing people for no reason, appreciate the pain of others ... "Speaking of which, I suddenly have a idea. Looking up at the three people, they also showed frightened eyes one by one.

"The murderer is a mental patient !?" They unanimously thought of it.

Of course, there is absolutely a reason for mental patients to kill people. However, the reason in their eyes, in the eyes of normal people, even in the eyes of other mental patients, is also nonsense, ridiculous and crazy, unimaginable. Their madness makes them always do something that is "superfluous" in the eyes of normal people. In many cases committed by prisoners with mental problems, arrests of prisoners often occur because prisoners have done some inexplicable things.

Murder is easy, because human beings are very fragile, so when the murder scene becomes less "easy" and "brief", you have to make people think that the murderer has no purpose. What's more, although there are already wounded people, there are indeed no dead people, just a negative emotion dominated by fear, which is gradually becoming richer.

"Well, I hope that the culprit will not want us to kill each other." I can't help but say, assuming that the murderer is a mental patient, it can also further prove that the other party's mystery is definitely not weak. Weird will, crazy will and strong will will make people look very strong, especially in the illusion of doomsday.

At this time, this built environment can also be regarded as a temporary data hedge space. Its area is quite large, but it can still be counted as a range that can be constructed by one's own strength. At this level of mystery, the manufacturer is at least among the specific electronic demon messengers, and the specific electronic demon messenger, in most cases, is originally the guy with mental problems. If you change to the Mageweave Messenger, you will need the third level of Mageweave. It is possible that the second level will awaken superpowers by yourself, and then you will be promoted to the third level of the genius Mageweaver.

As for the possibility of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger, I think it is very low, but it is not excluded from the Mageweave superpower, but also has other mysteries. Just like Father Sissen, not only the Mageweave messenger, but also his own mysterious knowledge of the doomsday truth.

Will it be Father Sissen? Thinking of this person, I couldn't help but ask myself. but. Feeling, it doesn't feel like Father Sissen. The spread of emotions that is happening now is so negative, and even Father Sissen, even as an enemy, would not do such a tormenting thing.

"I can't stay here anymore." Mitsui Tsukazu suggested: "It's better to go to the next floor. Look at what happened there. The atmosphere here is really uncomfortable."

There is no objection.

So we ran in the opposite direction, preparing to go down the third floor from the stairs over there.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. As we accelerated our pace, the lights above our heads flashed more and more frequently. As we passed the elevator, I heard a vague "ding". I stopped and was immediately pursued by three other people: "What's wrong?"

"Elevator." I said.

They turned around and glanced at the elevator, unable to move their eyes. Because the light on the button is moving steadily towards the fourth floor, and a number will light up after each floor. In turn, the fourth floor where we are located is actually marked as "fourteenth floor". If, based on what we can see at this time, there are only two floors left in the entire building, then the twelve extra floors all exist in the form of a basement. Of course, such logical reasoning. Not at all in line with what we saw when we first came here.

"I said, is this also an illusion?" Mitsui Tsukazu stunned.

"Sure enough ... I still can't be an illusion. But even if it's a fact, it doesn't make sense." The fitness coach said distressedly and glanced at the fortune-teller. "Maybe you can give a more professional explanation?"

"My major is a fortune teller, not an exorcist, a priest, a psychic, a superpower, a future man, or a cosmic man." The fortune teller calmly retorted, "Now. It's not a situation that can be used for divination."

"In short, since it can't be regarded as an illusion, just treat it as a fact." The fitness coach smiled and said with a tone that broke the jar.

"If it is from the perspective of occultism, the current situation is very bad." The fortune teller pinched the bridge of his nose. Looks very tired, "If the twelfth floor starts from the bottom, then the floor beneath us is the thirteenth floor, the end of hell. If it starts from our floor, then the underground The twelve floors can also be regarded as hell. "

"Wait, I have heard this statement. If the layer below us is the thirteenth layer of hell, then isn't this layer where we are located heaven?" Mitsui Tsukazu said, himself Can't help shaking his head, "Impossible, how can this be regarded as heaven?"

"In non-religious occultism,‘ heaven ’is not a word with a fixed commendatory, even, often an ironic meaning.” The fortune teller said: “Have you heard of the story of Tongtian Tower?”

"People made a tower leading to the sky in order to get close to God, and finally the tower collapsed. People were punished for such stories?" Said the fitness coach.

"Well, there are actually other versions of such a story." I said: "People built a tower to go to heaven, but found that it leads to hell. Because the direction of the tower is reversed, it leads to the underground The people who stayed in the tower and built the tower did not realize this because of their own limitations. "

"But ~ ~ no matter which version, the most basic and top layer is very special. It is the starting point and the end point." The fortune-teller shrugged and said, "Maybe, we The lower layer is such a special layer. Now this layer is really bad, but if we go down because of this, it might get worse. When we think about it, we might think that now this The first floor is heaven. "

"Ah, it's really ironic." After Mitsuzuka heard it, his thoughtful expression disappeared. "However, it really is hard to believe. So, I think, the story just now is better than The expression 'Everything we encounter is an illusion' is closer to fantasy. If I can believe it, then I will always believe that all this is just our illusion, in fact, nothing happened around us. "

"So, do you want to go in?" The fitness coach stopped and looked up slightly. We looked in her eyes, and we saw the closed wooden door and the number plate on the wooden door. There was a blank space above it, and there was no floor sign. It looked old and decaying.

Turn it on, we will enter, the third floor of the building we originally thought.


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