Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1287: Illusion

Strange things are happening endlessly, which makes people puzzled and can only guess by guessing and associating. Sometimes, do not want to trace the true truth, because, conceptually, it is "a situation that humans cannot really understand" . This is "mystery", whether it is in the illusion of apocalypse or in the world of repeaters. If the hospital actually has something that can be called "mystery"-the closest, such as "virus"-it must be consistent with this concept.

No matter which world perspective you stand in, you can always assume that the other party is associating based on where you are, which means that the so-called "dependency" in these uncertain interpretations It is vague and can be changed. This ambiguous situation is also the most obvious common point in so many adventures I have experienced.

When you can find your true love in every world and live with it, can you stop and say that only one of them is true and the rest are fake?

Maybe someone can.

But that's not the world I can reach, and I don't want to go to that world.

For me, I should be desperate to love and be loved. Whether it's mother, wife, girlfriend and buddies, or any other relationship, I hope I am loved by them and I am willing to fall in love with them frantically.

I have done a lot of things, and I have tried my best to make some plans to "sacrifice some people, save some people" or "sacrifice the present, save the future", but in the end, the facts I can observe are always out of my original What you think. So, my plan was broken before it really started. And I feel it. I have never been troubled by this kind of failure, so probably, deep in my heart, such a plan is "unavoidable."

I should probably be happy with the development today.

If the world in my eyes is just a side of reality-there is a similar saying in science. But I look at it from the perspective of philosophy and occultism.

So, how much do I need to pay to get rid of all the "end of the world" and "the misery and pain of the loved one" that happened on every side of my observation?

It should be said that I do n’t know how to do it. All plans seem to be feasible, but whether it is feasible or not, I am not sure. however. I'm pretty sure that if I only pay enough, then I am willing to pay for it.

The same thing as the past plan is that I still put some hope on Jiang.

The difference is that I tried to take the initiative back.

It is not passively waiting for the appearance of "Jiang" and its actions. Let it be true to me. Instead, actively try to observe it and determine it. Use this to determine everything that has happened around it. The concept of the Trinity gives me a theoretical basis, and makes me think that it may be possible to observe "Jiang" actively and confirm the status of "Jiang" through a complete and comprehensive approach. From every true aspect, to affirm its existence, thereby denying the existence of "virus", and denying everything that happened because of the existence of "virus".

Very strange theory, right?

According to the "objective" concept. If "jiang" exists objectively, then it should not be a "virus" because of my observation and confirmation.

However, no matter in philosophy, occultism, or science, there is such a theory: its own observation and confirmation have a far greater impact on the world than its imagination, that is, changes that occur at extremely high dimensions and extremely micro levels.

If "Jiang" and "Virus" cannot be observed, they have a profound meaning to us. Then, I think it is probably not to be affected by our observation and cognition. "Jiang" or "virus", its unpredictable existence can be explained by this idea. They are affecting everything, but they are also affected by everything, and among them, humans who cannot observe them may have little effect on them.

In this way, as long as they can be observed, such behavior will have a huge impact on them.

If you think about it this way, it is believed that "unobservable" is actually the protective color of "Jiang" and "Virus", or a way of survival.

And, I think, not all observers can have enough influence on it. Whether it exists as a "jiang" or as a "virus", the key factor should also be restrictive. Given what happened in the past, I have to guess that perhaps I am one of the key factors that can affect it.

Others want to determine its existence through "observation" and "confirmation", which may not be possible at all.

But I can.

I am more special than others, right here.

If you think about it this way, you might be arrogant, and in the eyes of others, it is also likely to be sniffed as a psychotic episode.

However, in addition to thinking this way, what kind of thinking direction can I try to tell a perfect ending for this adventure story? In the game, death endings, ordinary endings, true endings, and perfect endings all exist. Conceptually, only the true ending is the truth in the minds of story makers. But for readers, perhaps the perfect ending is a bit dreamy, and they know that it is impossible to appear under normal circumstances, but they still have a good idea and long for its existence.

In this story that belongs to "Jiang" and "Virus", since it is not the producer of the script or the protagonist, it may be more than the "true ending" expected by "Jiang" and "Virus". People are contradictory, even sad and sad, but feel that "should be like this" the true ending, I think very selfishly, there must be a "perfect ending".

Therefore, my guess, my association, my actions, all the factors that led me to start thinking, transforming thinking, and taking actions, will become "promoting myself to a perfect ending" in my eyes.

Even if this perfect ending is too dreamy, the way to achieve it is too speechless and makes people feel ridiculous.

Yes, it does not matter.

I need. Not the "true" that the person who wrote the story thinks, but the "perfection" I can imagine as a supporting character and a passive reader.

In the future, this kind of thought is also constantly entangled in my heart. Let me not give any hesitation when the situation is uncertain.

My thoughts are very clear.

Whether it is **** or heaven ahead, it has no meaning to me.

The gate that was supposed to be the third floor of the building stood in front of us. When I saw it again at this time, although there was not much change in color, it still looked old, but it brought a trace of decay. It seems to confirm our previous guess-here is usually the third floor of an ordinary building, but now, it has become a compartment leading to hell, or the thirteenth floor of hell.

Before us, there were already a lot of experts to find a way to go here, what exactly they encountered, we are not clear, however. Even if you stay on the fourth floor, the situation may not be so good. Too depressed atmosphere. Obviously, some “catalysts” have been added to make those who decide to stay in the conference room waiting for rescue emotionally unstable, even if they have knowledge of psychology, but those people know at a glance that it is difficult to adjust themselves . We are convinced that we are more sober than those people. Because of this, I chose to withdraw from the meeting room.

Except that we are still in action, the entire fourth floor has become empty and gloomy, and the flashing lights have been spreading from the stair button. We stood in front of the gate, in the suffocating air of silence. From time to time, the sizzling sound of electric current seemed to burn out at any time.

"Are you going in?" Despite coming here without hesitation, everyone stopped at this last step.

"Apart from going in, do we have any other way out?" The fortune teller said, sounding like he was cheering himself up. Because her question is unanswered for herself or for others. Staying on the fourth floor is not necessarily bad, but leaving there and going to the third floor is not necessarily a good choice. We are only assuming that there is a key to solve all problems in the third layer, at least the key to avoid most problems.

We tried to find this key, not for once and for all, but only that there was no other thing to do except to do so.

In these judgments, we overestimated the difficulty as much as possible, but from a psychological point of view, we all know that this decision itself already means that we try to imagine "what will happen to us when we go to the third floor" Very good.

The situation is worse than we thought, but in fact it is the most likely.

If you think like that, you will not be unable to generate the will to act. Staying in place, although you must endure the fear caused by the proliferation of shadow tumors and the uneasiness caused by people falling into negative emotions, it is still psychologically acceptable compared to the unknown danger.

Perhaps, for me, no matter where I stay, there is no difference. My ability and focus on the incident are completely different from the average person. What other people ’s choices do not matter to me at all, but they themselves have to bear the pressure to make decisions.

In the environment at this time, in addition to the weird things, the most certain is the other Mageweaver. I can feel his existence. I think he should be more closely related to the current situation.

How can I find him? In occultism, the third floor of a building that already has a different meaning is one of the most doubtful.

That being the case, I do n’t think that the burden of making decisions should rest on others.

"Come on." I said to them, stepped forward and pushed open the door.

The three looked at my expression and stopped talking, as if relieved.

The light behind the door was not very strong. I glanced at it and felt that the pattern was like the reflection of the fourth floor in the mirror. Fitness coaches, fortune tellers and Mitsui Tsukazu came out behind me, and they were really relieved soon. Because when we actually crossed the door, we were not attacked by monsters, and the scenery we saw was quite normal. It can even be said that when you look around, there are no tumor-like abnormalities in the upper layer where there are shadows.

But the first time I noticed a strange place.

Attentive people should be able to easily notice that there is clearly such an empty and lonely place, but there is no sound at all. So many people have apparently come down, and some people have mentioned before that the normal exits on this floor have "disappeared". Theoretically, the people who come down again are just going to wander. But now, they seem to disappear suddenly.

"It's too quiet, how could this be?" Mitsui Tsukazu made the first voice, the trembling voice clearly showing the fear in his heart.

"Maybe something happened here." The fitness coach carefully observed the ground. Probably want to see something through traces such as footprints.

I took out the folding knife, flicked the blade out, and made a crisp "snap" sound, so that the surrounding eyes were all focused. I moved my wrists and fingers, and the shining knife light made me feel more secure.

"I remember that in the Central Principality, most people don't have the custom of carrying weapons." The fitness coach said that the meaning she wanted to express was vague. It is difficult to think of as a question, but it is also difficult to say, she is very happy to see this scene.

"Because of frequent accidents, I always have a dagger or knife on my body." I played with a knife and the blade fell smoothly into the buckle, making a clear voice again. "Don't worry. It ’s a normal person who can communicate, and I do n’t want to use violence. I do n’t need a knife or a gun. But ... "

But what I haven't finished, but I believe they must understand what I said.

At the fourth floor, the smell of air was already tense and dangerous, and the third layer was inference. It also has an abnormal meaning, and no one knows what bad circumstances will happen, but in the heart, everyone is inclined to the idea of ​​"what will happen here is bad".

"I also brought some weapons." The fortune teller interjected. She pulled out the stunner from her pocket, which seemed to be pervert-resistant, but she said: "Up to 30,000 volts, which can last for one minute." This value makes fitness coach and Mitsui Tsukazu look at each other. To be honest, this power has been completely exceeded The scope of "justifiable defense". But the divination master is a woman after all. Although I feel that there is no need to bring such a high-power shocker under normal circumstances, we are not held accountable.

"So, what do you have?" The fitness coach asked Mitsui Tsukazu.

"Oh, I--" Mitsui Tsukazu pulled out his pocket hard, but with a disappointed expression on his face, said: "I only have three game coins." He spread his palms, which is the kind of round shape that large game machines often use. Metal coins. Put it in the current environment, probably even throw it out, there is no hitting effect.

"It's better than me." The fitness coach's helpless expression, "I don't have anything." But she soon went out first, came to a door, kicked suddenly, and when she went in and out, Two metal hangers are already in hand. Looking at the shape, it is probably used for indoor projection screens.

She threw a metal rod into Mitsui Tsukazu's arms. The man didn't turn around and took it in a hurry, only to express a wry expression, thanking him.

"So, let's go." I said to the three people, and took the lead along the corridor.

After the three followed, they sandwiched me in the middle and walked to the forefront. Of course, they were the courageous Mitsui Tsukazu. The two women, the fitness instructor and the fortune teller, were in the rear, forming a triangular formation to respond. The idea of ​​keeping women behind and protecting children in the middle is clearly felt in this conscious action.

I actually think that Mitsui Tsukazu has forced himself a little bit.

But even so, I still accepted this intention and did not persuade.

In many cases, Mitsui Tsukazu is not very reliable. However, when a man should perform, he will do it, which is very good. I think that respecting and accepting this willingness as much as possible is the best response for me.

In the beginning, we would open every passing door to see what was inside, or if anyone was hiding inside, but then we did n’t do it and chose only suspicious doors to open, because After Duan Lu, we have realized that the environment here has also become unrecognizable, and it looks like the third floor we know, but it is actually different. The main difference is that this place is incredible. When we first left the door, what the human eye can see is still similar to the impression. However, the area we walked through has exceeded the total of the third floor. area.

The rooms and aisles here are just like superimposing them with mirror images. Many times, people often feel that they have lost their way and have returned to the original place after a round. A closer inspection will reveal the differences in details, but it is difficult to see the differences when you look at a glance. Moreover, there are many cases where there are empty rooms, sometimes. It's really like a mirror, the arrangement is exactly the same, but the position is opposite.

The 50-meter range determined by the chain has never reached the boundary of this layer. The distance between the ceiling and the ground is about four meters. In theory, the chain judgment can penetrate and see more floors, but the actual situation is that I can finally see it. This is only the case at this level. Such a situation also occurred in the previous layer.

Soon, we lost our way.

Too many similarities make us unsure where we are on the entire floor.

This is not what makes me wary. The labyrinth pattern is a common form of temporary data hedging space, and no export can be found, mostly because "export" is not an export that we know in the conventional sense. It is another form, meaning or way. Usually it meets certain restrictions and can be detached no matter where it is in the maze.

The situation that forced me to concentrate. The scorching sensation on the inner side of the wrist began to become frequent, and there was a very close, moving feeling-this messenger messenger seemed to be centered on us, constantly moving in places we could not see. Let us not discover his position. The chain decision is still unable to lock his position.

But the relative distance between us seems to be shrinking all the time.

"Where did people go?" Mitsuzuka muttered nonstop, and we walked for more than ten minutes without even seeing a figure. The alienated environment really makes people unable to find an exit to the lower level. However, this situation seems to be a bit different from what I heard from others. The person who came down earlier failed to find the exit in the "place identified as the exit". But we are not even sure about the location of the exit. It is absolutely incredible to put it in the normal state of this building.

Nothing is obtained, and there is no more exciting situation. It seems that it is useless mental tension, which makes people feel the decline of mental and physical strength.

The fortuneteller's face is already tired.

"Are you going to take a break? It's not a way to continue to work hard." The fitness coach said to Mitsui Tsukazu.

"Okay. Take a break." Mitsui Tsukazu nodded, and he didn't look too energetic.

"It's a little different from what I thought." After sitting down, the fitness coach said to everyone: "I thought there would be big movements, big scenes, or dangerous and exciting situations."

"I can neither go out, nor see the purpose, there will be no danger, but it does not make people feel safe." The fortune teller said: "If there is anyone's will in it, then I think this guy must be thinking Torment us in this way. "

"No harm to the body, but it is mentally unbearable. It's the same everywhere, and you can't see the end, and--" Mitsui Tsukazu took a big breath: "All are the same white as the hospital!"

"There is no sound ~ ~ There is no trace, only we can talk to each other. Besides, it seems that danger will come at any time, but the result is that nothing will happen." The fitness coach paused, using ten Seriously, just like the voice of the conclusion, said to us: "I think this is the illusion. It satisfies all the factors that the illusion may have."

"You mean ..." The fortune-teller thought for a while, and said, "Actually, our idea of ​​going downstairs is the illusion inducing illusion?"

"We may not have gone downstairs at all." The fitness coach said: "Otherwise, is the anomaly here more weird than the shadows above?"

"Everything we have encountered is actually not intended, it is for us to see what they want us to see, and it is for them to show what they want us to see." Mitsui Tsukazu seemed to read poetry and said, "They lead us to us, just like a child's toddler. Every time you fall, it's for the next time you stand up and move forward. So, they started to grow and began to make us unpredictable. See what they might reach. "(Unfinished to be continued ...)


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