Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1288: Go one step

We are trapped on the third floor, and now we can't do it by looking back to find ourselves down the stairs. The rooms and aisles seem to be copied indefinitely. We failed to find the people who were supposed to be in this place, nor did they feel their existence. However, this feeling of disappearing in the world except for oneself and others is full of depression. Fear is like the sea is not fast when the tide is high, but actually the beach is quickly submerged. We try to make an explanation for such an environment, but what if there is an explanation? Finding a statement that convinces you does not mean you can get out of this dilemma.

I have seen such a situation too much, and can perceive the existence of another Mageweave messenger through Mageweave. The sense of existence of this Mageweave messenger is so abrupt in the current environment that I have to connect this person with the current situation.

Did she, or him, or it, do such a thing? If the answer is yes, what is the other party ’s immediate goal? Have these psychologists and I been deliberately targeted, or have they only affected pond fish? These problems have set a fairly clear benchmark in my heart, so that there is no tension in my heart.

If the other party does not directly target us, then when he is doing and preparing to do, achieve or fail, our dilemma will naturally be lifted. Even the Mageweave messenger cannot maintain such a temporary data hedging space for a long time. Maybe he used more than his own power, however, whether he completed or failed to accomplish his goal, there must be a limited time limit.

I am quite certain that this time limit will not exceed one hour at the normal time flow rate, otherwise, he will face increasing resistance. The core of the seminar is the people of the doomsday truth. However, this doomsday doctrine has not yet fully grown into the doomsday doctrine of the doomsday illusion that I know of, and there are, or Internet balls, also concerned about the progress here. What happened now, no matter what explanation is given. None can be acquiesced.

We are not completely passive. These psychologists may have thought about it, but they do not have a deep understanding-they do not have too strong a response to how fast the seminar can be in the fast time. confidence. According to normal thinking, they will certainly feel that the seminar needs to determine the situation and then determine whether to contact the local police for help.

And in my opinion. The seminar simply does not do this. The inside story hidden in this seminar is not allowed to involve any normal government agencies.

After the situation is determined, the preparation, response and measures of the seminar will be stronger and faster than these psychologists think.

We are trying to save ourselves, but this is only based on the judgment that the enemy will try to destroy everyone before the rescue arrives. And I haven't seen the sign that the person who created this mysterious event will kill everyone.

Suppose the enemy ’s target is not a specific person. Well, we are in the other party's eyes. It does not seem special. And our situation at this time can also be imagined. The situation encountered by other experts entering this layer.

The most dangerous situation at this time is not whether there will be any monsters and traps attacking us suddenly, but that there is a negative emotion here all the time, this is the poison that grows from the hearts of people, and will grow over time. , Feeling of helplessness and fear of the unknown, constantly silting up. And there is a mysterious force accelerating this process.

Our enemy is not a specific thing for the time being, but only ourselves.

It is precisely because they left the fourth floor after being attacked by shadow tumors. The end of the wounded is accelerating the deepening of this negative situation and may run out of control. After I realized this, I did not want to harm the other party just because they lost their reason in the predicament. Fitness coaches, fortune tellers, and Mitsui Tsukazu probably think that they and others cannot cope with so many people.

The situation on the fourth floor is extremely bad for anyone who wants to avoid the kind of fratricidal situation that may arise.

However, no one can be sure what will happen to the third floor. It can only be said that the current situation, although strange, is still acceptable.

Although "can't find the exit and the way to come", but that's all.

Fitness coaches, fortune tellers, and Mitsui Tsukazu are constantly talking and forcing me to talk and adjust my psychology through some imagination, explanation, and gossip that have no effect on the surrounding environment. What they said during this period of time was almost three times that of usual, and even if they took a break temporarily, they would not stop looking for topics.

Literary, funny, esoteric, no depth ... Any topic is good, as long as someone puts it forward, there will be someone to pick it up. In this process, the atmosphere has no room for a cold scene-I think that to achieve this level, these three people are really amazing.

At least they have a clear understanding of the nature of the difficulties they need to face and understand how to adjust themselves. I thought that Mitsui Tsukazu would pull his hind legs a little bit, but in fact, although what he did was not special, it can be said that it was not lost. Compared with his previous performance, it really made people see his advantages. .

Fitness coaches believe that our current encounters are actually just that we are doing the same illusion-completing the interaction in the illusion. But in fact, I think they also understand that this kind of conjecture is actually quite unscientific in their self-confidence. However, their conjectures catered well to what Dr. Ruan Li said about the white Claudia. Because the interactive illusion experience is what Dr. Ruan Li and others have observed. White Claudia's profound impact on humans.

The essence of the behavior of all people affected by white Claudia is actually to respond to the situation in the illusion, not to the reality. And their behavior, which happens to fit the reality, cannot prove at all that they have not been affected by hallucinations—this is Dr. Ruan Li ’s investigation and conclusion about the current influence of white Claudia.

In this way, it is very troublesome to distinguish between those who have not been affected and those who have been affected. The affected people are actually difficult to tell themselves where they are. When and how was the illusion affected. Unable to distinguish between hallucinations and reality, they will be exposed when some specific behavior tests are conducted.

These situations have a certain connection with the "illusion theory" currently conjectured by fitness coaches and others. And, I think. Dr. Ruan Li's attitude and views expressed in the mysterious incident at the rest point were an important source of their thinking at this time. Fitness coaches, fortune tellers, and Mitsui Tsukazu seem hesitant about Dr. Ruan Li's explanation of a series of mysterious events, but in their minds, they have a very unusual impression of such an explanation.

When Dr. Ruan Li talked to them, did he use psychology and hypnosis to deepen the weight of what he said? I think there is such a possibility, and I personally prefer it. Dr. Ruan Li has turned this kind of dialogue into his instinct.

We have stopped moving forward, and I ca n’t tell them my explanation, because even if they are made mysterious, they ca n’t change their situation, and, compared to their current hallucinations, I think. "Mysteriously speaking" is more dangerous. Once they came into contact with the mystery and realized the mystery. His life will surely be like me, and it will be deeply immersed in a mystery that has no reason at all.

I judge that for the three people, even if they are in such a weird world, it is better to say that they are more "mysterious" than they are at this time. Recognize a kind of "magic". Magic is just a blinding method. It looks like Xuan Qi. To put it bluntly, it will make people think that is not the case. But because it is impossible to see through the trick, so. Only when he could not make a correct response, he was forced to become an audience and was mobilized. The "illusion theory" of fitness coaches should also be influenced by this direction of thinking.

When I was not asked by them, I always kept silent. I am used to observing others, but this is not because, every time I observe, every time I guess the psychological activities of those people, I can get a correct result. This is an almost instinctive habit, even if I know clearly, my guess may be wrong, but when I observe this, it always makes me feel that I am in a seemingly passive, actually active world. Cope with any accidents calmly. At least, this kind of psychology can reduce the pressure on the scene of the incident.

We stayed in an office with no special features. Why should we choose here? In fact, there are no special reasons.

We made the desk work and made a loud noise on purpose, but we couldn't feel anything alarmed at all.

We each took a chair and surrounded the room, simply resting and talking.

"Everything we have encountered is actually not intended, it is for us to see what they want us to see, and it is for them to show what they want us to see." Mitsui Tsukazu seemed to read poetry and said, "They lead us to us, just like a child's toddler. Every time you fall, it's for the next time you stand up and move forward. So, they started to grow and began to make us unpredictable. See through what they might reach. "

"You think about it yourself?" The fortune teller asked.

"Ah ... kind of." Mitsui Tsukazu was a little embarrassed. "However, thinking the other person a little harder can indeed guide us hypnotically. Although we all call ourselves experts, we don't see it on the psychological level It is healthier and stronger than ordinary people. I am familiar with theory, but whether I can use my knowledge to the fullest is the gap between us and real experts. In this way, we are unknowingly a psychologist Would n’t it be more acceptable to lead the way and be successful? "

"Not at all." The fitness instructor immediately denied it, so that Mitsui Tsukasa was a bit scorned. She said: "It's still medicine. The medicine in the prisoner's hands is too strong, and the difference between us is here." to me. I know what she is looking at is actually a "paradise" sample in my arms.

"Without the help of drugs, I think it will be difficult to break away." She emphasized again.

It seems reasonable for her to say so, but I prefer that the current is not an illusion, but a temporary data hedge space. Of course, even the illusion can explain why I ca n’t find the Mageweaver, but I can feel him around.

"If the people who came down before were hallucinated, then what kind of place are they in? Are we in the same position as them? Such feelings, if they are hallucinations, are really terrible. , Because we ca n’t even determine our own real situation, are we? ”Said the soothsayer.

In fact, what she said was about the same as the situation I face today. Dr. Ruan Li regarded me as a mental patient because of it. The hallucinations I have produced have made me unable to perceive even "my own real situation". Personally, I cannot think so.

Since then, we have made several guesses, but in terms of continuity and causality of explanation, they are not stronger than "illusion theory". And even today's situation is only because we are unknowingly guided by hypnosis and have produced "illusions". I can't find a way to get rid of "illusion" on my own. According to the theory of psychology, people with strong hearts can try to guide themselves, similar to the "meditation" in occultism, to dig deep into their subconscious layers, but doing so is extremely dangerous. Most people It is impossible to succeed, and even successful professionals. It may also cause further psychological and psychological trauma.

In my opinion, this theory. It is the source of scientific explanation of "conscious walking", but "conscious walking" obviously has a broader meaning and power, because it is a concept of the mystic category. And the real conscious walker should not fall into "illusion". Although I am not a real conscious walker. But when I tried to use the power of consciousness walking, I did not produce the illusion of consciousness here.

"If a more specific enemy appears, maybe it is better?" Mitsui Tsukazu said boringly.

But the next moment, we heard a very clear barking of dogs and the screams of human beings.

The new situation immediately rejuvenated us in the office, though. The combination of those voices will outline a miserable scene. Someone is actively attacked, which is also a new situation that makes people have to worry, but compared to these not so good information, they can detect the existence of other people It is overwhelmingly good news.

It ’s not just us here. Although no one else has been found before, it may be divided by this labyrinthine environment.

Or, in illusion, our perception of each other is blocked.

And now, no matter what the reason, let us hear the extra movement, and the meaning behind it is unclear, and we can't hide the fact that a certain restriction has been lifted.

The lifting of this restriction may be interpreted as that the enemy has to take further action.

"It's finally moving." The tone of the fitness coach relaxed at once. Obviously, some of her thoughts were the same as mine.

"Actually, excluding the weirdness of the third floor suddenly turning into a maze, the situation we have to face is no different from that of the robbers robbing the bank." Mitsui Tsukazu said calmly: "Under the control of the robbers, everyone All must stay in the bank, because these robbers are closed and guarding the gate, and anyone who wants to go out from the main gate will be attacked as soon as possible. But not all innocent people in the bank are robbed. Controlled. Some people are restricted and injured by the robbers, but others escape from the core of the scene by mistake and can try to save themselves, but a more likely situation is to avoid the robbers while waiting for the police to rescue them. This waiting time is often not very long. After the arrival of the police, the hostages will also face the most dangerous situation, and no one knows whether the robbers will kill the hostages for some reason. People who escaped the center of the scene and hid in other places will certainly not do more to protect themselves in order to maintain their own safety, so as not to expose themselves. "

"The robbers robbed the money. If they were either caught by the police or ran away, the hostages were just a kind of props they prepared for a successful escape. Perhaps the identity of the hostages also has a certain meaning, but the robbers will not, nor Their identity may be deliberately investigated, otherwise, it can be determined that in fact their main goal is a specific hostage. "The fortuneteller went on to say:" But in any case, the robber will not, and it is impossible to stay in forever. In the bank, maintain a kidnapping situation. "

That being said, although the screams of human beings are still ringing, until this voice gradually fades, everyone has no further action.

"Our choice seems cruel." The fitness coach said suddenly.

"We are like people who have escaped from the incident center, but failed to escape the bank." The fortune teller said indifferently. "And I think I have no power to stop the criminals from committing crimes. Go up. "

"Should the practice of seeking benefits and avoiding harm be condemned by morals?" Mitsuzuka's expression was hesitant and regretful, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry. Was he guilty for his choice? I cannot judge, but, I think, he does not think his choice is wrong. And of course I have no position to condemn him.

Because, I did not move.

Although the starting point of my judgment is slightly different from theirs, the result is the same.

We are not heroes at this moment.

The dog barks and the noise made him approach us a little bit, but then quickly turned to the other side, and then, farther and farther away from us. There seemed to be more than one victim, and they were not completely killed in a short time. As for whether the murderer is a human or a canine, it is temporarily impossible to judge. I feel that there is an insurmountable distance between us and those who are suffering. And this distance is the secret where we can't see other people, and also the secret that produces this infinite mirror maze.

"Distance?" My mumblings were heard by Mitsui Tsukazu. He thought I was talking to him and asked me: "What distance?"

I used a more normal statement to briefly explain: "There is a distance between me and those people and the murderer, so we can not be disturbed and unable to contact them."

"Interesting words." The fitness coach nodded and said, "It's a vivid description. Let's not forget our original intention, why are we here? Not to save people, we want to join others, just out of humans The social nature of ethics is just a subconscious code of conduct. However, following social actions does not mean correct actions. The meaning of moral codes is to maintain the relationship between people and the normal development of sociality. And, its significance is limited to this. This is my personal point of view, I do n’t know if you can accept it, but, if you think about it, it will indeed be easier. "

"It's a very general idea." The fortune teller said: "I can't agree or deny this concept because it is too mediocre and has no highlights at all. Although the average person can't say this clearly, they will all be in action. It ’s shown above. You who follow this concept are just ordinary people. To be honest, I ’m a little disappointed. "

"Don't say that, in fact you can be gentle." The fitness coach laughed.

Mitsui Tsukazu was relieved at the side, and had been in a state of uncertainty, and finally calmed down. The conversation between the two women seemed to reassure him a lot about his choice.

I am also perceiving the presence of the Mageweaver.

As mentioned before, the enemy ’s goal is our words, no matter where we are, they will take the initiative to find it, and it is impossible for us to have a stable time. And if the goal is not a specific person, as long as this goal is achieved or failed ~ ~ our situation will return to normal.

The real danger is that the enemy is indiscriminate and indifferent to any reason, and ends with killing everyone. But even so, they will appear before us on their own.

Today, there are no signs of closeness in the Mageweave messenger, which should be related to the current state of affairs, and the actual dangers that we can perceive at the moment are not in direct contact with us. These circumstances have further proved my guess.

We are not the direct target of the enemy.

And the enchanted messenger, who looks like an enemy, is below me. Assuming that the opponent ’s Mageweave superpower is level 3, it is very possible to maintain the current special temporary data hedge space, not only its own power, but also some skills in superpower use Little tricks.

However, no matter what the reason, or a combination of the two, it can be proved that it is a good player, and behind it, there are enough powerful forces to support it. (To be continued ...)


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