Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1233: mischief

Spend the night safely. The next morning, when we got up, we heard the quarrel of the boys, and it seemed that there was a conflict with someone. The chain judgment can observe that they are standing at the door of the house. There are a total of seven people, of which four must be not in this room. The two girls looked at each other, quickly changed their clothes and pushed the door out of the bedroom, only to see three boys confronting a group of people outside with the door as the boundary. The two gangs were struggling, and they looked like they could do it at any time. The people on both sides took objects such as clubs, wooden sticks, iron bars, etc., and even one person outside carried an old-style shotgun.

The tall girl said nothing, and took me and the shorter girl to the other side of the room like a utility room. The short girl understood immediately and helped push the bales of straw away to reveal the wooden box below. The tall girl pryed off the lid with a crowbar, and there were guns and ammunition inside. There are three long guns, two revolvers, and a few hundred rounds of general bullets.

"Will you shoot?" The short girl asked me.

I nodded.

She then stuffed a left wheel into my hand, took the left wheel by herself, and checked the magazine to stop the wide belt. She is wearing denim hot pants today. This leather metal buckle belt occupies a quarter of the fabric. There was a knot on the hem of the shirt, exposing the belly button, and it was cool and hot. Before grabbing a shotgun, she picked up a certain cowboy hat from the table on the side and put it on. The short **** the other side carefully checked the bullet of the shotgun in her hand and grabbed it again, w ¢ ww.

I'm not too familiar with these things, but after coming to this world of repeaters, I still rarely get firearms under normal circumstances. If you are in an ideological world, or if you use the power of consciousness to intervene in the temporary data hedge space, it is no problem to show ky3000. But under normal circumstances, of course it is impossible to have ky3000 available. Even, the national conditions built in the Central Principality, even adults, rarely get a gun license, let alone my image of a minor.

I think. Even in Europe and the United States where gun bans are relatively strict, it is absolutely illegal for minors to hold guns. However, looking at the familiarity of the two girls playing with their firearms, they know that they do not touch them at all times, and it is absolutely impossible to be familiar with the corresponding gun control laws.

I think, in their view, the condition at the door means danger. Their reaction. More sensitive and decisive than ordinary girls.

As I thought about it, I pushed the magazine of the left wheel away, and it was already full of bullets. At present, all guns are in a state of constant maintenance, and girls are obviously not the owners of this place. Do they come to travel and bring such a box of guns and ammunition? Obviously impossible.

"It should be the owner of the house ... If this person is really a mental patient, it is really scary." The tall **** the side explained briefly: "When we first came here, we found these things by accident. So Hidden, those boys should not find it. "

The short girl smiled tacitly. Say: "We never relax our vigilance, even if we are invited to come over, these are some stinky guys."

They said that the boys were "wet but not dry", but they were just the same age as those boys. However, the mind is probably more than those boys.

"Do you usually play with guns?" I couldn't help asking.

"My dad is a soldier, and he has a gun shop at home." The tall girl shrugged her shoulder disapprovingly. Say: "We were black and white when we were in the Scouts."

"Black and white ...?" I glanced at them.

Of course they understood what I meant, and the short girl said with no disguise: "I am the black one, but it was just a kid."

"Yeah, you were black like a nigger." The tall girl chuckled.

The short girl's answer was that she thumped her shoulder with a gun handle.

"Okay. Let's go up and see, if it is a problem that saliva can't solve, I will probably be very happy." The tall girl's speech made people feel a bit dangerous. From the moment she witnessed the scene just now, her spirit has been a little more exciting. Although she was also very active last night, her attitude is obviously different. She is obviously a little nervous about the fact that this is a mental hospital, but she seems to look forward to both parties. Fight. No, rather, after the tension last night, she seems to be looking forward to the development of this situation that most ordinary people will not encounter.

"For the sake of education at home." The short female voice seemed to see my thoughts and explained on the side: "Her dad is a lunatic in the eyes of others. When she was ten years old, she let her daughter wear bulletproof clothes to play." After a while, he walked behind the tall girl and asked me: "According to your opinion, the owner of this house is a mental patient. Why would he collect guns here? No, it should be said, why the hospital will let him take the gun. ? When we came over, these guns were well-maintained and always used. "

"Who knows? Maybe the owner of this room is the caretaker." I said, "Protect these stocking patients, or subdue them. Haven't you seen the owner when you came over? The boys did this to you. Say, this is his house? "

"Ah, they said it was a relative's villa." The tall girl said without looking back: "However, I knew they were lying at that time. But it doesn't matter, we just want to live for a week. Unexpectedly, actually The whole place is the scope of a mental hospital. "

We chatted to the sky, the tension of the air began to spread, and there was turmoil at the door. Even if there was no chain judgment to observe, the sound of the object hitting the ground could be heard, but it should not be beaten, just to threaten. Until now, we still don't know why we get this kind of thing at the door when we wake up in the morning.

In the end, which party's error, or a misunderstanding, does not need to be ignored for the time being. Because the atmosphere at the door seems to have gradually entered a dead end, and neither of the two sides is a woman, which means that the two girls here are barely talking at all. Even if they have big breasts.

We walked up to the crowd with a gun in sight, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. The three boys showed a surprised and shocked expression, but also mixed with some rejoicing, the momentum suddenly became more full. The people outside the door were noisy, but they didn't mean to retreat. Instead, he seemed very excited and said something confusing.

These words match their costumes like a crappy actor. Some shouted: "The enemy's reinforcements arrive, cover up! Cover up!" Suddenly rolled to the side. Some are nagging, but it is difficult to hear what it is. Some of them stared at us like they didn't see the guns.

"So? What happened?" The tall girl asked.

The boy suddenly smiled bitterly. Say: "A group of mental patients. We didn't know what was going on, so we were blocked at the door. They couldn't communicate with them at all. They wanted to come in, but I think it would be very troublesome to let them in. So It ’s like this now. "

"Good job." The short girl nodded and said, "It really shouldn't let them in." Then he suddenly raised the gun and fired a few shots at the door of several people's feet. Someone was taken aback, but the other three were completely blind. There was no expression of intimidation at all. This made the tall girl frown. It is said that the other party is a mental patient, she kind of believed, not only that they were talking insanely, but also the feeling of being unable to communicate with the words before the answer, and because, of course, normal people cannot Indifferent when facing guns.

"This is hard to do." The tall girl said, "If you can't communicate, how can you let them go? You bring us over. You must be prepared to deal with this situation?" She has a gesture of condemnation to the three boys. Speaking.

The boy's face was a bit scornful. Obviously, this kind of thing will happen.

"I heard that the patients here are very gentle. Otherwise, they will not let them live here alone, and do not divide the boundaries with the outside world." A boy argued. But in the present situation, there is no persuasion at all.

"Retreat!" The short girl just said the word repeatedly. Judging from the previous situation, even if the words are organized, they will not be understood by the other party. But it is just the word "backward", the other party should be able to understand it. Seeing that the other party hadn't moved, she immediately fired another shot, this time, among the four mental patients. Two of them really receded.

The short girl began to change bombs. This shotgun could only contain two bullets at a time. At this moment, the window on the side was suddenly smashed, and both the boy and the girl were startled, and their eyes could not help turning to the other side. Suddenly, one of the three people who did not step back, a middle-aged man in his forties wearing an old military uniform, suddenly rushed up. His knee was obviously problematic. When running, his left leg was short and short But within this distance, his speed and explosiveness still make the boys fail to respond.

With a breath, the boy standing at the forefront was knocked down just when they turned back to their eyes because of the movement. The middle-aged man squeezed his hands, his mouth wide open, gasping next to his neck, and in the still, tense air, the strong breath was clear and audible. He seemed to be mad and wanted to bite it down. The girls seemed a little overwhelmed. The enemies and their own people were in a ball, and they did not immediately shoot at anyone. The previous posture now seems to be just pretending. Obviously, it is usually well disciplined, although the house is the shooting shop, and there is a military dad who has also participated in the Scouts.

The two girls were hesitant not to deter others, but faced with having to shoot at close range.

The middle-aged man did not bite, but sniffed his nose and sniffed on his face, and licked his tongue out, a beautiful expression, just like smoking marijuana.

This scene shocked the boys, and just wanted to step forward to separate them. The other three outside the door immediately rushed, and this time, the two boys were ready and immediately wrestled with them. Because the opponent lost the weapon in his hand, the boys did not dare to hit their heads with sticks, but they were disarmed.

The scene was a complete mess. The four patients dealt with the three boys. The boys didn't seem to have any chance at all. It was like being raped and screamed in a throat. The boy who was first thrown down grabbed his trousers in fright and tried to break free from the middle-aged man. The opponent's approach scared him.

"Fak! Fak! Fak!" He yelled to the two girls: "Help me quickly."

The two girls are now aware that these mental patients seem not to be deadly aggressive, but just want to do something else ... As for what exactly is done, who knows? They raised their guns and stopped aiming, listening to the boys screaming in horror. An attitude with arms folded. When the three boys were unexpectedly entertained, each person faced a different situation. Except that the first boy had to fight for his pants, the other two boys, one was kept spanking, and the other One is to face a maniac, a mental patient, wearing a pajama-like coat. Just before him, he kept opening and closing the clothes, revealing the meticulous underneath, and dancing strange and obscene dances with strange laughs. The boy pressed his eyes mournfully, with a tearful expression on his face.

The spanked person, like a child, was placed on the thigh by the big man, his hands pressed against his back. Simply unable to break free. He looked at the boy who had to deal with the exhibitionist and shouted for help, but when the boy wanted to come over, he was blocked by the exhibitionist's clothes, and he seemed to have a clean taste. Skin contact.

Seeing this chaotic scene, tall girls and short girls couldn't help laughing. Although I also feel that such a scene is simply a mental breakdown. It was also the first time I saw it, but more energy was transferred to the smashed window. These four mental patients are not like murderers who smashed and stripped. And the timing of the smashing of this window was too coincident. It made me think that there must be someone else who peered over here and consciously contributed to the situation here.

The left wheel made a turn on the index finger, and I moved gently to the broken window. Looking out at a distance of one meter, according to the situation of the glass breakage, and the appearance and orientation of the stone, a parabola can be calculated. When the man smashed the window, he stood about three meters to the right.

The man did not appear in the chain judgment. At that time, only the stone was suddenly smashed in, which was very strange. I think there must be some mysterious force at work. The other party is a mental patient, but in the world I have witnessed, it may also be an electronic demon messenger. When a mental patient becomes an electronic demon messenger, it is more likely to alienate than ordinary people. However, it is precisely because the mental patient's thinking is abnormal that it is not certain whether the other party is provoking this dispute with the idea of ​​prank or killing.

I think this dispute must have been deliberately provoked by someone. Looking at the situation in front of me, I feel a little mischievous.

Therefore, because the specific electronic demon messenger uses the inherent enchantment, did it escape the lock of the chain judgment? Indeed, although chain judgment has always been very useful, in the Mageweave system, it is not a mysterious superpower, but only a kind of extreme talent. Phenomenon caused by mystery, some can be observed by chain judgment, some ca n’t, even at the same time, it can be switched between “can” and “no”. What standard is it? .

The only thing that can be determined is that those who cannot be locked in observation by chain judgment must have mystery.

Chain judgment is not effective. I don't think I can find each other with my eyes. All I can rely on is intuition. Although intuition is always accurate, it cannot be produced at any time. I am a Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, but I also have my own limitations. As in the past, I must cope with this limitation. Even if it is targeted, when it is time to fight, if you cannot find a way to fight, you will die. This is the same at all times.

I listen to the sound, feel the atmosphere, feel the air, and smell the smell. The subtle changes, disturbed in the facial features, are like playing the horn sound through a layer of water, which will also make the water waves rumble and let people see the changes in the horn waveform. A more specific scene is outlined in my mind. This is the experience and abilities that have gradually accumulated in a murderous adventure.

Then, I felt strange. Not clear, just like a sesame seed mixed in a handful of rice. You can see it if you just dial it, but you can't notice it if you are careless.

I raised the left wheel and shot at the roof behind the side. The boys who hadn't been able to get rid of the troubles close by were too busy to look at them, but the girls were startled and couldn't help but look at them, and at the same time, the sound came from the roof, like someone's footsteps were a bit heavy.

However, no hit. Because the target is not very clear and cannot be locked, it is impossible to be as accurate as before and it is impossible to perform a bounce attack.

Attack methods based on chain judgment cannot be launched in this case.

"What's going on?" The two girls looked at me puzzled.

"There are still people!" I said: "The current situation is driven by people who are interested."

"Behind the scenes?" The tall girl narrowed her eyes and looked at the roof where the dust had fallen. I know that she doesn't feel anything. Although the guy stumbled, the noise was still too low.

The tall girl made a color towards the short girl. The short girl nodded and walked to the middle-aged man who pulled out the underwear of the boy. He suddenly dropped the buttstock and hit his head. The mental patient immediately fell into a coma, and his mouth was pressed between the boys' legs, making the boy tremble for a while. He froze for a moment, and immediately pushed the body of the mental patient away like a fire buttocks. The short girl had walked to the other two boys, and according to the cucurbit, she solved the mental patients who focused on the two boys one by one.

The boys were relieved and looked at the girls with embarrassment.

"Look at it all." The tall girl clapped her palms hard, attracting everyone's eyes to her, but she and the short girl still partly glanced around, and apparently did not relax their vigilance.

"These guys didn't break in for no reason." The tall girl said, "Someone took advantage of them and gave us a set."

The boys looked at each other as if they didn't believe it. The tall girl glanced at me, and I pointed to the stone on the side: "Someone threw this in deliberately." The tall girl suddenly seemed to me, apparently thinking of a piece with me. Only gave the mental patient a chance. But why mobilize these seemingly non-aggressive patients?

From the eyes of the two girls, I also saw doubts.

"During our confrontation, someone smashed the glass to attract our attention, and then what happened later." The tall girl said so, the boys also reacted, suddenly a blank expression, followed by Angrily, no one will be happy when they encounter the previous scene.

"It looks like a prank." The tall girl continued: "However, if we beat the patient and the person in the mental hospital knew ..."

"We are the victims, okay!" Said a boy angrily.

"Here is their territory, and we are thieves who enter without notice." The tall girl glared at the boy. Boys' tongues can't help but knot, and they will be silent for a moment, because this is indeed the case, this is a private industry that is not open to the outside world. Those of them took other people's things for their own use. After something happened, it would be good if they were not held accountable.

If you have a fatal case or a serious injury, you can talk to a mental hospital, but now you are just shocked. If you really want to be held accountable, you must take responsibility on your side ~ ~ What should we do ... "the other boy said hesitantly.

"What nonsense!" The short girl glared at him and said, "Of course it is to clean up the cover and leave immediately, the sooner the better. Although I don't know who the behind-the-scenes people are and what they want to do, the other party must know, we They are all outsiders. Without me saying, you also know that when dealing with outsiders, and still having no idea, what kind of things might the other party do? "

The boys seemed to be really frightened. Without any further refusal, they decided to do what the girls said and went back to their rooms to pick up their luggage. I looked at each other with two girls and went into the bedroom together.

I think the girl ’s choice is correct. If you do not die, you will not die. Although this statement is not completely correct, it is applicable most of the time. Although I don't understand the other party's intention, assuming the other party is malicious, the shot I just made is likely to cause the other party's movements to become larger and larger. The sooner you leave, the sooner you can avoid trouble, not to mention, the other party is likely to have mysterious power.

The nature of this psychiatric hospital makes it troublesome, and it is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

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