Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1234: Forest Trail

The nature of this psychiatric hospital makes it troublesome, and it is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

Helping the two men pack their luggage, the two girls said to me, "What are you going to do?"

"I am the patient here, although it seems normal at the moment." I said, "There is nothing to worry about."

"However, you just fired the gun, it may make the other person hate." Tall girl said: "We can send you back to the nature reserve, your mother is also there to meet, isn't it? This place is even inside a mental hospital, too More remote places. "

"When I called my mother last night, she said someone would come to pick me up today." I refused so, because, I still wanted to see if I could find the mysterious person hiding here to see who it was. Fang's characters, what do they want to do.

From my perspective, Dr. Ruan Li ’s work and identity put her in the center of the storm. Although she is still in the wind, she seems safe, but once the situation breaks out, trouble will follow. At present, it is certain that any mysterious organization other than whisperers may be detrimental to Dr. Ruan Li, but it is only a general idea, and the other party cannot always swarm. It is of course best to be able to clarify the most positive enemy in a short period of time.

However, I probably don't have much time to do these intelligence reconnaissance.

"I will send you out." I said, "Send you to the nature reserve."

The two girls laughed: "How is this different from what we sent you in the past?"

I smiled and did not answer. Because, from my point of view, there is of course a difference. A kind of "whether the protector is" difference.

We meet with the boys at the door, and there is not much luggage on both sides, all in one big bag.

"Have you not taken anything here?" I asked the boy. This problem has also been confirmed to the girls, "If you take something that is not your own, you will be retaliated against." I warned them with religious terms. Then they said vowedly that they did not take away anything that did not belong to them. The expression on his face is like saying to me: little fart boy.

Let me just trust them. Although they said “will be retributed” before, whether they will be “mysteriously” stared at by taking things here is not something that can be confirmed now. Moreover, after they leave, we probably won't meet again.

"Then go."

The stunned mental patient had not yet woken up, and the two girls prevented the boys from taking the opportunity to vent. Because of the sturdy performance of the girls before, the boys did not do undue obedience and did not do extra things.

We went out of the wooden house and headed for the route back last night toward the office of the nature reserve. After walking for about ten minutes, there was a feeling of finally leaving the place, and the boys couldn't help being relieved. After such a thing happened, the range of that wooden house began to give people a feeling of isolation from "normal".

From the perspective of occultism. It's like becoming a mysterious field.

It may be an illusion, but this time. Even an illusion should be taken seriously. I thought so without hesitation.

The atmosphere along the way was a bit dull, and the contradiction between boys and girls was growing. After the previous incident, the boys lost their faces, although they took it as a game and made themselves suffer, but the girls were watching. A sneering expression also made the boys resentful. I see clearly. The eyes of the boys are full of uncontrollable depression, embarrassment, and anger. I do n’t think they can reflect on themselves and treat this result as their own retribution. Not that they are narrow-minded. It ’s just because they are just ordinary people.

After being aggrieved and hurt, it is normal to find ways to shirk responsibility in order to let the negative emotions in my heart vent. Because it was so normal, I did n’t even have the idea to enlighten them. Moreover, my appearance age and high-density before, roughly kept me from being seen by them. At this time, no matter what I say, they are unlikely to think about the good, or even push all the reasons to me.

Although I am not old, I can't count on the growth time of Doomsday Realm, nor will I be older than them. However, these common things exist even in school. As a top student, even as a member of the student union, to manage students of the same age, to bear their different minds and eyes, has become a common thing.

Even in the mysterious incident, experts who apparently came to solve the incident will have trouble with each other, and there is also a spiritual negative and imbalance between the victim and the rescuer. In the reality of the hospital, beside Dr. Ruan Li, I am absolutely no stranger because of the research route, ideas and positions, and even the benefits that the research itself can bring.

I do n’t think this is a mistake, and I have never thought about the world of an ideal country in literature. I just understood these situations and then regarded them as normal, adapted and living.

I will not feel angry and sad because of these things, the thoughts of others, and the behaviors produced by various negative emotions, and then mourn the lovers.

What really makes me feel sad is not that people make mistakes and have to bear the consequences, or that there is no mistake, but they have to suffer. Rather, it does n’t make sense whether it ’s ethical or whether it ’s done right or wrong—the world I observe, regardless of hospital realities or doomsday illusions, no matter what people think and do, the end result is the same Yes, there is a horrible thing that determines their inevitable desperate journey, but it is not the end when they think they are dead.

That huge and cold, helpless existence, set everything up like a program from the beginning. If the process is painful and the result is good, however, no matter whether the process is painful or good, the result has not changed. "I only enjoy the process, not expect the result", I can't say it, and I also think that it will be said only because of anyway. The results are not expected.

Compared to these situations, what I think is right here, but it is so jealous that he is hit by the anti-Ge, what is it worth? This kind of trivial matter makes no sense at all.

I want to be a hero. From the beginning. The scope of this dream is very small. It is as small as hope, so that people who can see in their own eyes and those who think they are included in the scope of "humanity" can laugh happily.

As time passed, I realized my powerlessness, and this dream shrank again. People who are small enough to just want to care about themselves can live happily. Don't have to suffer that kind of pain.

However, even such a small dream is torn apart by what I have observed.

The person I love, even with a smile, also bears a fate-like heavy pressure and pain, as if they were born to be such a part, contributing to the parts of a tragic world drama. Whether they are self-knowledge. Or maybe I did n’t know it because of various reasons, but when I looked at them. They can't be happy for their life now, even for the momentary pleasure, the momentary happiness, can't wash away the haze in my heart.

I want to save them, but this idea seems to me now. It is no different from saving everyone.

I carry the dream of "Gao Chuan", even the smallest dream, so memorable, but such a dream often makes me feel desperate. Let me feel my distortion in despair.

I can only pray, my plan, no, so to speak, too much self-exaltation. It should be said that all the people who are trying to change all this now-and I am just one of them-after implementing their own plans, after colliding with each other's plans, there will be one that can really achieve the beautiful result I expected .

If there is such a future, then even if I fail to die, I will not regret it.

The reason why I stick to my plan is not because I can be sure that I must be correct, but I can't find a better plan within the scope of my observation.

This in itself is a kind of sorrow, a kind of pain.

Pain is like being engraved in my soul, so that even when I am most happy, once I fall into the silence of the night, it will grow like a weed.

This point is the same no matter who I see and who I am currently saving. Its existence makes me always feel that what I have done is meaningless, but in order to move forward, I have to think hard and find a reason and meaning for my behavior.

In such a contradiction, urge yourself to move forward.

Does this make sense? This question is meaningless. Because, even if it is really meaningless, I will find meaning for it, persuade myself to do these practical meaningless things.

I watched the fight between the three boys and the two girls. Both sides were unwilling to show their weaknesses and accused each other of their faults. However, the biggest reason why boys are disadvantaged is not that they behave badly at first, but because girls hold guns.

They brought out the gun in that wooden house, and I am not sure whether this is good or bad. Of course, this kind of good or bad is based on the "mysterious level. There is indeed a faint, abnormal feeling in that place, and the things that bring out that place, in simple terms, are like the mystery, from danger The taboo land brought out items that brought bad luck. And this is often the beginning of a horror story.

I am not sure what will happen to the two girls afterwards, but I cannot say that they will be involved in mysterious terror. If they were involved, then of course the three boys could not escape.

For today's plan, what I want to do most is to prompt them to leave this place as soon as possible, away from this peninsula, and even leave the surrounding towns. I heard that the three boys are from the surrounding towns, so they only learned about the situation in the psychiatric hospital and did things that embezzled the facilities before. After that, they probably will not leave their hometown soon. However, the two girls are tourists from other countries, and as long as they are determined, they can leave quickly.

At present, even if it is not this country, this area, the mystery is rapidly spreading. After all, there will be no one place that is safe, and this consideration is also the reason why I initially urged the whisperer to be born, protected my city, and excluded other mysterious forces-I want to create a safe haven.

It now appears that there are some opportunities, but the possibility of unsuccessful is also great.

Even so, before the world became like that, in the actions of mysterious organizations, and the observation of Dr. Ruan Li. Before a huge change in the end comes, there must be ordinary people like these two girls who can go back and feel comfortable.

I am so convinced.

Although they were advancing in the quarrel, the pace of several people was not slow. Probably the previous situation, which really scared them. Although no one was injured, they did not want to come again.

"This is the best way to separate." I said.

The five stopped squabbling and looked at me. The tall girl was a little stunned and said, "What separate?"

"Tourism has become like this, and it will certainly be very disappointing to play in the surrounding areas." I said: "Why not change a place? You can go to a big city to see it. Anyway, you haven't spent much until now Money, isn't it? "I don't believe that just because the two girls heard that the boys wanted to treat them, they didn't bring any extra money out.

"What are you saying! Imp!" The boy was very angry, but I don't think so. His own statement was so straightforward that he could not bear it, so. It should still be the previous thing, which made him accumulate too much anger.

"Look, you have been arguing. Even if one party treats the guilty party, it is difficult to believe the other party, does it?" I said calmly: "It's better to separate early than such a mess. Spend the rest of the holidays separately. Holidays are very rare , There is no need to force yourself, is it? "

When the boy heard it, he wanted to move forward to move my foot, but it was stopped by the girl. The short girl pulled me behind. Said to the tall girl: "I think so too. I had a good time before, but such a thing happened, and I couldn't eliminate the mustache in my heart."

"Okay, it makes sense to say that." The tall girl glanced at the boy, and said a little reluctantly: "Sometimes there is a free tour, which is going to break down. I won't believe the netizen next time."

"I said it originally, and it is still comfortable to use my own money." The shorter girl said very bluntly in front of the boys. Make their faces flush. This time, they really messed up themselves. However, I know that they do not want to be face-to-face, said by girls, but they have no position to refute. In my opinion, they haven't been so thick-skinned that they are deliberately right or wrong. The previous bickering is just a moment of satiation.

"Okay, if you want to go, just go." A boy said indignantly: "I wanted to say it, wouldn't it be a little bigger? I can't make us suffocate." The other two boys heard it. There is no longer any meaning to please, just look at us coldly.

The tall girl deliberately lifted the chest far beyond her peers, and said, "Isn't weaning yet? Thinking about the chest all day long. A group of filthy embryos, who want to soak a woman with this egg? Go back and touch your own milk , For a few more years. "

I think her words are vicious.

The boy Tie Qing looked at him as if he could come over at any time, but the two girls pretended to put their guns inadvertently, and their eyes froze. The girls shot before, although it was to stop those mental patients, but they also shocked them. They did not know that there was a gun here. Because the two girls first found the gun, but hid it.

"Let's go." A boy took the lead and walked forward quickly. The two boys quickly followed, and they speeded up. They didn't want to follow us all the way, but the route to the nature reserve seemed to be one.

It was not until they turned into the forest that they could no longer see the figure, and the two girls were relieved. Although they were full of anger before, they now seem quite nervous. I also think that even if the boys come over, they are unlikely to choose to shoot the first time.

"Well, we're left now." The tall girl sighed.

"I want to leave here now. It makes me feel uncomfortable here." The little girl seemed to feel a little, frowning unpleasantly.

I looked at the sky. At about nine o'clock, the sunlight had become quite strong, and the fine light spattered through the branches and fell on the green and black soil. Everything was normal. However, I can't ignore the words that the shorter girls seem to say casually. Even if it is not a mystery expert, some people have extraordinary sensitivity to anomalies under certain circumstances, especially the parties involved in a certain mysterious event, which looks like a casually spoken word, a random action, in fact all It is a vague hint.

I think that after leaving the wooden house area, the anomaly feeling suddenly decreased, making myself feel less sensitive than before. In this case, even the bow cup snake shadow is better than not caring.

"Let's go, we'll be there in twenty minutes." The tall girl seemed to abandon the unpleasantness before, urging us.

So we went on the road again. Five minutes later, I had to mention one thing: "Is there any other way to go?"

The two girls with a stunned expression said, "Who knows, this road was taken by the boys ..." With that said, the shorter girl also turned around and concluded: "There should be no other Let ’s open the road manually, but you can walk everywhere in the woods, do n’t you? ”

As she said, except that the road under our feet is made of stone, all other places are mud and rocks.

"The traces of the three boys' actions were broken not long ago." I said, "Will they run this way?"

"Trace?" The two girls looked over in surprise. "You still pay attention to their trace?" They looked like weirdos.

"... Detective Sherlock Holmes. I like it." I made an excuse casually, "observe the details."

"But, it's not necessary." The two girls looked at each other, but the taller girl said, "Those boys walk in front of us, if they don't leave the road ..." She paused, seeming to think of something bad, He shook his head vigorously and said, "It should have left."

The shorter girl had squatted down and checked the pavement carefully, but she was not sure what she could see, and she finally gave up. Of course, I knew that she also doubted whether I could really see anything. But in fact, of course, I can't see it with the naked eye, but the chain judgment can.

"Actually speaking, they should just speed up and throw us away without leaving this road. No need, unless they want to do something bad." The shorter girl said in a positive tone.

"Assuming they just walked this way, and didn't leave the route deliberately, but they couldn't find any trace of them ..." The tall girl seemed to catch a cold, her body trembling slightly. She laughed hard twice and said, "Don't say anything, what else can happen? I really scared myself. Is there any mentally ill serial killer here?"

"Don't say it." The shorter girl was also a little unbearable, interrupting this associative remark.

Although I still feel strange, I can only pray, not what happened. If the three boys had an accident, we would probably not be safe on our side. However, the chain decision did not observe much. For today's plan, it can only speed up the pace. If something is really tracking us, tracking us with malicious intent, we will definitely show up. But as long as we don't show up, and we return to the office facilities of the nature reserve, it will probably be safe.

I'm not afraid of enemies ~ ~ But the two girls around me are just ordinary people. I don't think they can be protected 100% in the ever-changing "mystery". It is best to leave without anything happening.

We couldn't help but accelerate our pace.

Ten minutes later, we seemed to walk into a faint haze. This made me more vigilant. The smog in the mountains and forests is not uncommon, but in such weather, and it is a mysterious spread. In the end of the world, it often means that something strange happens. I ’m not so sure. I feel ambiguous. Even so, I must prepare as if it really happened. I did n’t say this idea. The two girls are ordinary people. It must be difficult to understand-to say that they are difficult to understand, or just like the setting of a story novel, will only make them further believe that my spirit has Something wrong.

After a while, there were three figures vaguely appearing in front of them. It looked like the three boys who tried to shake us off. Seeing the three figures, the two girls' previous suspicions disappeared and they took a long breath.

"I just know." The tall girl mumbled. (To be continued ...)

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