Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1235: Paradox

The trail in the forest is unknown when it has been filled with light mist. Although it is not gray, the past experience makes me very sensitive to this environment. When most mysterious events occur, they are accompanied by fog or snow-like ashes, which makes people feel depressed and abnormal, but even in the normal morning light, it is not always normal. I think that this phenomenon must be considered from the perspective of consciousness, such as the visual effects caused by the "fog" itself, and the feelings it brings to people, rather than simply starting from the physical cause of the fog to understand its existence.

It makes people's vision narrow, everything is in a hazy state, full of stickiness, and makes people feel heavy-this kind of feeling of describing being in the fog, itself is full of fit with the meaning of "mystery".

In many literary works, the fog itself has a mysterious taste that people can't help but imagine, and most of the non-daily, even dangerous and abnormal conditions also occur when the fog is filled.

Even at this time, the sunlight penetrated the tree branches and projected into the fog, which made the scenery in this fog more transparent than the fog that I have seen in the past. However, the hazy mystery brought by the fog itself still exists.

In this mist, three figures suddenly appeared. But before the dispute with us, the three boys who left with enthusiasm could no longer find traces halfway through. The combination of the two makes me have to consider whether something unusual has happened. And are the three figures still the original three boys?

"Hey!" The tall girl yelled at them, "Where did you just go?" There was a quarrel before, but she looked like she didn't care anymore, and wanted to know what happened to the previous loss. The shorter girl tightened the gun in her hand. Despite her curiosity, she seemed ready to face the danger. The two girls usually seem to be bold and open. But I think it's just because they are equally cautious.

Even if you don't consider the situation of the mysterious event, all the previous details seem to have been remembered by them. I think that under normal circumstances, boys may be considered with revenge. The situation is in turn mischievous. However, when you think about it on a more serious level, the opponent's bottom line may be more than just a prank. The two girls should have thought about it, which is usually worse.

The three figures stopped after the tall girl shouted several times. Their speed of movement was a little bit wrong. The two girls didn't seem to notice that the speed we were catching up was different. But whether it was fast or slow, the three figures kept the same distance with us. Let us not see them clearly here, but they will not be left behind.

In this way, doesn't it seem that the other party intends to control their own speed?

The three figures in front stopped in the haze. We overtook a distance. It seemed to be about five meters, but we were not sure, because the three figures were still not very clear. I thought the fog increased suddenly.

I couldn't help but hold the two girls. They turned their heads. Look over with unexpected and puzzled eyes.

"Something is wrong." I said.

The taller girl frowned, and the shorter girl tightened her arms.

The three figures in front haven't responded. It should have stopped after hearing the shouts from our side, but it didn't mean to turn around. It was so quiet, standing there facing the front, saying that it was waiting for someone, under such circumstances, it also seemed a little weird.

"Prank?" The tall girl said to herself.

"Why not turn around?" The shorter girl shouted at the three figures. The other party is indifferent.

In chain judgment. You can feel that they do exist, but they can't draw a clearer outline. The haze dispersed in the forest seems not only to isolate the visual field of the naked eye, but also to cover a thin layer of gauze on the range of sensibility. I grabbed the folding knife in my pocket. Withdraw the right path, prepare to go around them in front of the forest, keep a distance, and see what is going on.

"You stay here and don't move." I said, "It's a bit wrong."

"What do you want to do?" The tall girl stopped me and said, "They are just pretending to be crazy."

"What if it isn't?" I asked.

"If the other party has any bad thoughts, you are more dangerous by yourself." The shorter girl said, "Just follow us, we have guns." With that said, she had pulled me and walked around the route I planned. . The tall girl followed her very alertly.

Our actions seem to have failed to attract the attention of the other party. The lack of movement of the three figures makes the scene even more quirky. Even the two girls felt it and seemed more nervous and cautious.

"What are you doing? Frighten us?" The tall girl said in her mouth, but the content of the speech itself did not make much sense. In my feeling, it was more like a warning cry from the beast. It was only this behavior. Has its original meaning.

The three figures are still motionless.

As we got closer, the mist seemed to be a little thinner. From this angle, we could see the light scattered on the bodies of the three figures, and the clean light slightly dispelled their motionless weirdness.

However, when we got closer, the two girls' bodies suddenly stiffened, and an incredible expression appeared on their faces. Their hearts were greatly shaken, and yes, the three faces that could already be seen are definitely not normal.

From the physique and clothing alone, it can be determined that the three boys who had left before, but their clothes have become quite dirty, just like playing several rolls on the mud in the forest, not only dirty but also many places A break has appeared, and a large piece of skin that has been scrapped can be seen vaguely, and there are also a few large patches of blood-stained erythema. These embarrassing places were previously unseen from behind. Just seeing these can make people imagine that they have encountered some bad situation before.

The fog could no longer cover their faces, however—

They have no face.

The outlines of the head and face are clearly visible, but the parts of the front and the facial features should be left with only a shadow, just like some artistic methods when drawing portraits. Leave the face blank and blackened. When such an image really comes into reality and appears on someone, it will of course be scary.

"Why, what the hell!" The tall girl couldn't help shouting, "What are you doing !?" Even at this time. I also don't think she will use "abnormal" to consider the current state. The scene in front of them is a prank for them. But even so, the situation continued to go wrong. With their annoyed words, the three boys only had a dark shadow on their face, which began to bleed and bleed down in a blink of an eye. Gathered at the chin, ticked down.

This scene scared the two girls once again, making them take a step back.

"Fuck, what ... what a disgust ..." said the tall girl as if she was not convinced, and she endured the uncomfortable feeling.

As soon as her words fell, an uproar of wings fluttered from the surrounding forest, into the hazy depths. It seemed to startle a lot of birds at once.

It's not clear, but. These sounds and vague scenes seem to indicate something.

I watched around the sensor alertly, and the birds, like false ones, did not appear in the chain judgment at all. As far as I can feel and observe, only part of it is real. If you can simply think. The only thing that can be observed by chain judgment is "real existence", but what can't be clearly observed is all mixed with falsehood and illusion. But past experience tells me that it is definitely not that simple, even if it is like a nightmare. Unreal situations may also cause fatal harm to oneself in an instant.

However, if Dr. Ruan Li is here, it may be possible to ignore these seemingly illusory things, which may not be illusory.

I can't do it. My consciousness has largely been shaped by the experience and perspective of mysterious experts in past adventures. Even if your mouth doesn't admit it, but you are very clear. Your own perspective of observing and accepting things is completely abnormal.

In occultism, in the face of "fuzzy" situations, there is often a saying that "believing is true is true". This is also the most common dilemma encountered by mystery experts. Ordinary people, if they have a firm materialist belief, may be able to avoid something that is not true, but it is difficult for mystery experts to do that.

Moreover, the "mystery" we are facing is not exactly the same as the situation described in occultism. It is easy to hypnotize yourself to ignore it, but even if you do so, there is no guarantee that you will not be hurt.

Whether it is an illusion or a reality that appears in front of you, you must act according to the first thoughts in your heart-that is, when you do not think it is false, you must respond when it is real. .

I shot.

Without hesitation, three bullets hit the face of three boys. The bullet was embedded in the black shadow of that face, as if it were a whole piece of hard black metal. The impact of the bullets made the black shadows on their faces crack, and the blood rushed out suddenly, flowing more violently. The two female voices were frightened by the sudden gunshots, almost pulled the trigger, and finally recovered, staring at me with incredible eyes, as if asking me why I shot.

I understand very well, because although the current situation is very strange, the two girls still can't break away from their daily thinking. Normal people, even in the face of a faceless person, will not immediately shoot at the other person's head. Although frightened, social restraints are still implemented in personal behavior.

I have got rid of this **** long ago. I sometimes hesitate because of moral contradictions in my mind, but this does not mean that I will always hesitate. Instead, attacking first is the choice more often.

"I don't think they are dead." I said to the two girls calmly. They looked at me as if they had just met me-but it is actually true to say so.

I fired several more shots, until all the bullets were hit, and all six bullets hit the heads and hearts of the three boys. However, none of them were able to enter, and the twisted warheads left outside were clearly visible.

On them, blood is always flowing. But like a scarecrow, there was no response at all.

"Bounce, warhead?" The shorter girl also noticed.

The warheads were all squeezed out of the three boys by a force and fell to the ground. The process was very clear, and this is by no means a normal situation, even if it is not normal to wear body armor. If they really wear body armor, it is also very unusual.

Just when the two girls were shocked, the faces of the three boys without facial features split a meniscus-shaped mouth, and fine, black glass-like fragments fell. The location of this wound looks like a smiling mouth.

They laughed as if they had some intention.

I think this smile is actually for me, not the two girls beside me.

At the next moment, I only felt a blow to the head and heart. I almost passed out, and the screams of two girls came from my ears. My consciousness is sinking, this time, I think. It seems that the body is really comatose, and it is precisely because of the coma that this kind of dream-like familiar sense of falling occurs. But I can still think that the shaking of consciousness did not cause pain.

Not knowing how long it has passed, I suddenly thought that I must open my eyes. So, I did that.

The feeling of falling in the dark abyss suddenly disappeared. I opened my eyes hard and saw that the two girls were still screaming. The haze and the three boys have disappeared. I couldn't help but feel my forehead and chest. The feeling of being penetrated by great force was still very clear, but there was no wound on my forehead, no bruising, and my heart was still beating. It feels like that. It ’s just an illusion, but if it ’s not me, it probably will die. I couldn't help thinking that.

Sure enough, it came towards me, there is really a mysterious power. Peeping on my side in secret.

This attack can be regarded as a temptation even if it fails.

"I'm fine." I said loudly to the two screaming girls. They immediately shivered, as if they had just woken up from a nightmare, sweat on their foreheads, and they stared at me with frightened eyes.

"I'm fine." I said again, as calmly and calmly as possible.

"No, it's okay ..." The tall girl seemed relieved and extremely confused. "No, no, I clearly saw ..."

I rushed to answer: "It's just an illusion."

"Illusion ...% illusion?" Both girls had a dazed expression, and finally recovered. When they looked around, they found that there was no fog at all. The terrible and abnormal three boys were gone Traces.

This kind of situation is of course easier for ordinary people like them to understand. Only I am quite sure that what happened before is definitely not an illusion. The other party came at me and successfully attacked me-using a series of psychological inducements, I was the first to attack the three things that looked like boys, but from the perspective of feeling and counterattack, it was more like My injury to those three things was reported back to me.

If you change to someone else, you might be killed. The feeling of being hit by a bullet through the forehead and heart is quite real, but there is no corresponding effect.

This ability has been seen similarly in the past. However, this is the power involved in "mystery". It is difficult to make a prediction before it is actually faced. I never thought that the other party's ability would be like this.

It is another ability that has nothing to do with "speed".

I have to consider that the next time I meet again, even if I use a knife to cut the throat, it may be the case that I am cut the throat instead.

This ability is quite tricky for me. However, since this time, it was not really killed by bullets, then even if a knife is used, it will probably appear that the throat is cut back, but it is also like a nightmare.

"Then, the three people." The tall girl didn't seem to know how to describe it. She swallowed hard and looked at the surrounding forest, and her body couldn't relax at all. Even at this time, the foggy, those three Fortunately, they are all gone.

"What happened just now ..." She looked at her female partner.

The shorter girl also had a suspicious expression and nodded, indicating that she had also suffered.

All three of us encountered, but only me was attacked.

The two girls seemed to think of something and looked at me with weird eyes.

"Is it really okay? You just ... seemed to be hit by a bullet through your forehead and heart." The tall girl said euphemistically, but was ripped by the shorter girl and immediately shut her mouth again.

"So, that's just an illusion." I repeated quietly again.

"You don't look nervous at all." They tentatively asked, "And, all three people have the same illusion, is it a bit ..." I knew what she wanted to say. However, telling them about "mystery" here is probably difficult for them to accept.

"I have seen more in mental hospitals." I said: "The mental hospitals here have a history. Everyone says that there are many unclean things in it." So, they should be acceptable.

They are also dubious, but, I believe, the previous experience will make them more sensitive to such things.

"It doesn't sound like a good thing." The tall girl laughed a few times, then paused and said, "Forget it, as long as it's okay. Let's leave now. It's really a bit evil here. There was nothing wrong yesterday." "

"Isn't the place we live in newly expanded?" Said the slightly shorter girl. "We just live there and usually only walk in the direction of the nature reserve."

"I don't know very well." I concealed: "I was transferred to this psychiatric hospital just now. I have been here before and haven't heard of it. After being notified, I checked the history of this place. In short, in the local history, this place has never been a good place ... The people in the surrounding towns are silent about the situation here. Since this has already happened, I think you should just leave and go as far as possible. "

This time, the two girls had no rejection of the idea of ​​leaving. The previous situation was too weird. Even if the attacked person was not theirs, I do n’t think they could really think they could stay out of reach.

Probably the temptation was completed, and the existence of an attack did not stop us. And we did not see the three boys anymore, even in the path where they appeared in an abnormal way, we could not find the traces of their existence. This is why it can only be regarded as an illusion.

We speed up the pace, the two girls are like being chased by monsters, until ten minutes later, the road expands, and when you can see the outline of the building, the tense expression gradually relaxes. Because, in this place, vocals can already be heard. Before, although the forest path was also a stone road artificially opened, it was completely like walking by yourself and others. It can usually be said that there is no quiet and indifferent nature, but when it encounters a strange attack, it looks particularly scary.

The hustle and bustle of the human voice is like a signal that it is safe.

Indeed, no more anomalies occurred. When the three of us approached the building, many people were already active. There are not many office facilities here, but there are many people gathered. Some are staff and some are tourists, but I do n’t know exactly who these tourists seem to be. Dr. Ruan Li also said before that on this peninsula, there is currently no place to live except for mental hospitals and villas.

Wo n’t these tourists stay here? They are neither like mental patients nor living in villas.

In addition ~ ~ I think that in the entire renovation project, it is really difficult to understand that the mental hospital and the villa area as a commercial operation are regarded as neighbors.

Will rich people like to live next to mental hospitals? And it is still a mental hospital with a long history of black history.

No, maybe someone really likes such an exciting environment.

On the other hand, I also do n’t think that the villa area is just an “ancillary facility” of a mental hospital.

"They don't seem to be here." After a long walk, the tall girl suddenly said, "they" in her mouth, of course, refers to the three boys. Although they encountered the strange situation, but considering the illusion, Relatively, I would like to confirm with my own eyes, what is their true situation? As soon as the two girls came in, they looked for the behavior of the three boys. I was not surprised.

However, it has been said for a long time, they will come here, no trace of them at all, can not help but remind people of some terrible possibilities. Both girls showed a suspicious expression. Although both sides quarreled, I don't think that each other's friendship has broken to the point of hatred. It can be seen that they are still very worried about each other. (Unfinished, please search, the novel is better and faster!)

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