Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1236: respectively

We did n’t find the three boys in the office area of ​​the nature reserve. We said long ago that they would come here. They are nowhere to be seen. Reminiscent of the weird events that happened before, it is inevitable that people think that some terrible possibilities occur . ● ⌒ Both girls showed a suspicious expression. Although both sides quarreled, I do n’t think that each other ’s friendship has broken to the point of hatred. It can be seen that they are still very worried about each other.

"Isn't that what really happened?" The shorter girl suggested: "Should you tell the staff here?"

"The three people we saw before ... are they?" The tall girl said uncertainly. I think, sure enough, they have not forgotten the previous situation, just because they would rather treat it as their own illusion? However, it really is better if you don't know anything.

"Forget them." I said.

That mysterious force's attack on me was unsuccessful, which made the other party more cautious. I think this is why we have not been pursued further afterwards. No matter who it is, but since it will appear at this time and place, the tenth is related to what the seminar is doing. They are also watching the "paradise", and pre-arrange it in that area.

Because of the planned behavior, the two girls who were sheltered by me were let go. They probably don't want to provoke a strong opponent because of this trivial matter, do they? This kind of thinking is inevitable for anyone who has a conspiracy.

Of course, I can also regard the peace after us as a tacit suggestion-if I do n’t want these two girls to have an accident, do n’t worry about it. Is that what it means? Because there is no dialogue, so. You can only consider others' ideas from your own experience. In this case, what I hope most is that the other party is also a human, not a monster that imitates humans, or a monster that is not human at all.

I have considered these. It is all based on the psychological inference that human beings can possibly correct. If the other party is not a human being and does not take action against us for the time being, it is only for a reason that is unreasonable to a human being, then the situation may be unpredictable. The situation of these two girls will also be more dangerous.

If it is really an unreasonable monster, just temporarily unable to understand my power, and temporarily choose to retreat, then. Even if two girls leave this peninsula, there is a high probability that they will be caught up by each other. Because, at that time, I was definitely not around the two girls, and the other party had no scruples.

As for why it takes so many miles to deal with two girls with great fanfare-this question is really stupid, if the other person is human. Of course, you wo n’t do anything that is not thankful, but if it ’s not human. They do not possess normal human thinking, so their reasons are naturally incomprehensible to humans.

There is no lack of stories in occultism: some people, because they have violated the taboo of inhumanity, no matter where they fled, will eventually be drawn back to the taboo nightmare. This mystery called "curse" ignores space and time. It will even be passed on to future generations through blood lineage, and it must be returned to the place where it started to end.

The psychiatric hospital is undoubtedly the same place where such a terrible curse exists in occultism. I do n’t know much about this psychiatric hospital. The “mystery” I know is also different from the mystery in general. But throughout the history of this psychiatric hospital, there are many places that are consistent with the foundation of this mystic curse.

not to mention. In this world, not only is the "mystery" expanding, not even the perspective of the mysterious doctor Ruan Li, but there is also a "white Claudia" that seems to be scientifically explained, but the reality is similar to the "virus", completely in Something that can't really understand the state.

Whether it is from the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li, or from my perspective based on doomsday illusions and hospital realities, there is definitely a "doom process", and this is what I am not sure about anyway, just like a "curse" The reason for the existence or non-existence of the situation.

To put it simply, since both mysticism and non-mysticism have incomprehensible things, and there is an end in close proximity, then even if there is a "curse", whether it appears in a mysterious posture or What is the difference between non-mysterious gestures?

It is nothing but different observation angles and different interpretations of the same phenomenon.

I hope that this situation will not happen to these two girls. Moreover, although the three boys didn't give me a good impression, I still regret it after the abnormal appearance of them. I can say with certainty that if I knew this would happen, I would not let the three boys leave.

However, since the cabin area was detached, the sudden weakening of the abnormal feeling made me feel dull.

Because the encounters of the three boys are in front of us, we should pay more attention to the two girls.

I ca n’t guarantee anything, but I must confirm as much as possible that the two girls can leave the peninsula safely.

I was thinking about my own affairs. The two girls sat on the bench with a tired look, and they did n’t have much luggage. However, when they encountered an abnormal situation, they rushed out for a while. Understand. They never let go of their firearms. Although they are compelling, I think these weapons will make them feel at ease.

Perhaps for the sake of luck, no security personnel showed up and disarmed the two girls as dangerous elements. However, after arriving at the pier, I don't think they still hold their guns as blatantly as they do now.

"Are we leaving from the dock?" The short girl asked.

"Of course, besides this way, there seems to be no other choice." The tall girl hesitated. When they came, the three boys led the way, as if they had entered from the junction between the peninsula and the mainland. Although, if you go from there, you should have stepped into a psychiatric hospital, because the normal road has been included in the scope of the psychiatric hospital. However, because the scope of the hospital is very large, and the three boys have been premeditated, maybe they have already chosen a route that is not easy to be discovered, so it has not been clear to girls. Where did you go?

The three boys are all locals. As long as they have done the survey, they can freely enter and leave this newly developed area without anyone knowing, and it is not incomprehensible. The top developers, of course, will not focus on strictly restricting the entry and exit of outsiders. Even if there is any secret in the psychiatric hospital, the seminar also plans to do secret research here. These secrets and research must also be placed in the core area, which means that it is enough to defend the core area.

The vast, disorienting area is itself a protective measure.

"I will take you to the pier and take you to the boat." I said to them: "The experts at the seminar will also come today, and we will leave together at that time. However, I hope you will leave. Don't come back today. Today I believe that you will not forget, I think ... something very bad is likely to happen here. "

"Not a good thing?" The tall girl heard the words and seemed to want to refute it, but in the end she only smiled bitterly. "I really don't understand what is going on, but I don't want to pursue it at all."

"What about you? Gao Chuan. What are you going to do?" The shorter girl asked, hesitating. Say to me: "Otherwise, let's leave together? You say you are a mental patient, but it looks normal ... Moreover, even if it is really a mental patient, there are many good hospitals to choose from outside, not necessarily in this Dangerous place, isn't it? You also feel danger. Why not leave? "

"Mom ..." I was interrupted before she finished.

"At this point, the adult's idea is no longer important." She said very seriously: "Maybe our encounter is difficult for others to believe that the three boys ... In short, we have encountered such a thing together. Certainly I do n’t think you ’re lying. I also believe that there must be something special happening here. If you are willing to leave, we are willing to help you convince your family. ”

The tall girl also had an agreeable expression, which was really a show of loyalty. I also know that to take a mental patient of my age away, even in a normal society, is a thankless thing. Not to mention the difficulty.

Their hearts and decisions made me feel warm and made me feel that what I have done so far is not completely meaningless. Even if it is only temporary, but as long as this warm feeling appears, it will make people feel that what they have done is valuable.

"No, I want to protect my mother." I also answered very seriously: "As you can see, I am a mental patient, but because of this, so, I am very sensitive to something abnormal. I Hopefully, this keenness can help my mother. If I leave, she may not be angry or disappointed, but it will be very dangerous for her to stay here alone. "

Yes, in today ’s world of repeaters, the whisperer has settled down, and the dangers posed by the mysterious spread are the weakest in Asia, and with the help of a cyber ball, Sakuya and Bajing are located , Maybe the safest place in the world. This is what I have achieved, and it allows me to focus on this side with peace of mind.

The situation here is certainly more dangerous and weird than in Asia. But there are also people I care about here too. Whether it is Dr. Ruan Li or Marceau, they follow a destiny, a woven storyline, and must stay on this peninsula to participate in dangerous actions.

I can't leave them behind.

In my plan, it no longer exists, and I sacrifice some people to achieve another naive idea of ​​a relatively perfect ending.

In order to achieve the plan, it is inevitable that someone dies. Deliberately sacrificing some people and seeking success in the plan may also be correct in normal political strategies. But I am very soberly aware that the situation I face cannot be explained by "normal conditions" at all. Therefore, any "normal idea" is a "naive idea".

Judging the success or failure of an event according to its probability, from the beginning, it was a funny idea.

Because the world is full of "mysteries", and I have come into contact with these "mysteries", is it not for granted to believe in "miracles"? Seeking miracles is a naive act of gambling in normal logical thinking, but it is not here.

I must treat the 99% success rate and the 1% success rate as the same possibility. If you think about it this way, you can't just give up and hurt anything just to "make the plan smoother."

The me in the past. Just simply think that you should not count the gains and losses, but simply do the awakening. But now I know why I "do not count the gains and losses" and I am full of consciousness. Between the two. I think it's different.

As a result, although I am still thinking, I still have countless thoughts and contradictions, filled in my empty brain, there are depression, pain and sadness, and incomprehensible situations, making me feel very heavy shoulders. However, when I faced all this, my heart. It is calmer than in the past.

I, bearing all this, facing all this.

Therefore, I can refuse the proposal of the two girls without hesitation.

"I will stay here because there are people I care about here." I told them so.

The two girls seemed a little shocked, but I think this is not a shocking idea. Because everyone should encounter some at all costs. Things to protect too.

Their expressions seemed to be awe-inspiring to me, but the atmosphere was too serious but it made people uncomfortable.

The tall girl took out the book and wrote a string of numbers. Pass it to me and say, "This is my phone number. Call me if you need help. This place is too closed. As long as we get outside, it should be useful."

I did not hesitate to fold the paper. Crammed into your pocket.

At this time, several cars drove in. I knew at a glance that the experts from the seminar were here.

"They are here." I said, glancing at the phone, the signal seemed to have returned to normal, and the signal was adjusted unconsciously through time. I did n’t tell the two of them that in fact, this phone ca n’t connect to the outside world at all, and can only be used on this peninsula ... even, maybe only in the range of mental hospitals-I think it may become like this in the future No, maybe this has already happened. The three days I have lost may be in this situation. The situation observed by Dr. Ruan Li, "I fled the psychiatric hospital at night to the office facilities of the nature reserve", can also be imagined as doing so in order to find the signal.

"When you get outside, if something strange happens ..." I thought about it and wrote the phone number of the whisperer to the two girls. "Call this, this is an organization called whisperer, to deal with these exceptions. Experts on the situation. "

The two girls took it with a surprised expression, and said doubtfully: "Like the kind of TV show, the demon expert? Spirit agent?"

"It's a bit similar. If it's really unsolvable, and the abnormal situation, others don't believe it. Then, there are no other good people to ask? As far as I know, isn't there a lot of fortune tellers or the like?"

"It's all scammers." The short girl sneered at her with disdain, as if she had some unspeakable experience.

"Then, I should be more credible." I smiled.

"Well, if there is really a problem ... but I would rather have no problem." The tall girl mumbled and entered the phone number into her mobile phone.

"I don't want to stay at all. Let's go to the people at the seminar now?" The shorter girl stood up, her eyes were on, and she seemed to recognize the people at the seminar. In fact, those people are quite recognizable, the atmosphere is obviously different from other tourists, more serious and more orderly.

Three days have passed since the first report meeting, and it was extended to a week of seminars, which is half the time. I think now is the most intense stage of competition and study. The reason why these experts are still here at this time is not with the idea of ​​having fun. They have also encountered strange and dangerous situations, and they must have come up with some inside information, but they must hope for an opportunity more than these. , And the seminar must show what they want most.

Whether it's fame, philosophy, money, or something else, it must be something tempting enough to make them willing to pay for it.

Acting with such a strong goal and vision, the whole person's momentum is of course quite different from that of casual visitors.

I walked with two girls and they were soon noticed by them. And I once again saw fitness coaches, fortune tellers and Mitsui Tsukazu. Their looks were pretty good, but compared to the two women, Mizutsuka's face became more melancholy. Even me, at a glance, can see his inner struggle at this moment. After all, there are quite a few abnormal situations encountered by us. However, they cannot be regarded as "illusions" exactly like Dr. Ruan Li, and even more sensitively, they should feel that they are being monitored.

"Gao Chuan?" The experts were a little surprised when they saw me. From their expressions, although there are still many strangers for me, I am already very familiar to them. It should be the result of the three days I have lost-according to the schedule of the seminar, it should be that the routine consultation has begun, and the relationship between the doctor and the patient is gradually familiar with the routine consultation.

"Why are you here?" An expert said in amazement.

"Listening to my mother, I ran out myself last night." I replied following his words.

"Mother? Dr. Ruan Li?" The expert still failed to respond: "You said you ran out? From the mental hospital?"

"I don't know very well." I said ambiguously, but it was true.

The eyes of the experts had some taste, but first, they focused on the two girls: "Which are you?"

"We just lost our way in the forest. It was this kid who helped us." The two girls lied in a serious manner. If I hadn't always known what was going on, they would definitely find signs of lying on their faces.

"Oh ..." The experts were a little surprised. They should have seen it. What happened when we found it, just wait for us to continue.

"I hope I can take them to the pier." I said: "They broke into the area of ​​the psychiatric hospital before and were scared by the patients there, hoping to leave immediately."

I chose the way to be straightforward, and it is not necessary to simply lie.

The experts glanced at each other, and there weren't many ideas on their faces.

"It's not forbidden to leave here?" Said the fitness coach. "Are you going to go by boat?"

"I hope they can be sent to the boat." I said.

"Does Dr. Ruan Li know?" She asked. Others are more concerned about this issue.

I nodded. Although I did not tell Dr. Ruan Li clearly, I don't think she will stop it. Even if there are any ideas about the seminar, Dr. Ruan Li has a face in the seminar.

Sure enough, the person hiding on the side of the phone said at the time: "I have confirmed it. Are you planning to take a ride to the pier? Will you arrive at the pier in another hour? If you want to go, You can go by now. "

What he meant was that the driver drove the three of us to the pier and took me back to the mental hospital.

I looked at each other with two girls, there was nothing to refuse. However, his private phone call to confirm the behavior seems to make the girl a little uncomfortable. The two stared at the man, and the other party didn't seem to expect this kind of reaction ~ ~ could not help but feel a little inexplicable.

"It seems that you have made a friend, Gao Chuan." Another cold-watching expert said, "I think this is a good thing."

"Yes, they are my friends." I said without disguise.

The other party nodded, not going to say anything. It seems that many of these experts have already understood my situation. Perhaps some of the final papers will focus on my case. In fact, I think this practice actually hides some thoughts that please Dr. Ruan Li. After all, I am the adopted son valued by Dr. Ruan Li. The reason why I was brought over, I believe many people already know.

There is a saying: if it is not for my condition, Dr. Ruan Li may not participate in this seminar. But I know that this assumption is meaningless. The fate between me and Dr. Ruan Li is destined to meet.

"So, for the last time, I wish you and your friends a pleasant stay." The fortune teller smiled.

After saying goodbye to each other, the experts walked into the building and the driver returned to the driver's seat to prepare for the departure. (Unfinished, please search, the novel is better and faster!)

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