Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1237: advice

We said goodbye to the experts and watched them walk into the building that had changed before. Even if such a thing happened, people were still dead, but I couldn't see any hesitation in their actions and expressions. But it doesn't seem to be determined to break through all obstacles and face fear, but more like never experienced that scene at all. I do n’t know what happened to them in these three days I lost, but when I faced such anomalies together, I was full of negative emotions and my spirits were stimulated, but it was a blink for me. After that, it seems that nothing happened.

If it was n’t for me, something happened to them. Of course I am more inclined to the latter, probably what the seminar did. I thought so, the tall girl glanced at me and said, "You are quite familiar. Huh?"

"Well, I should have been treated and observed." I said.

"Should?" She didn't quite understand my words.

"I lost my memory for three days. When I was awake, I was no longer in the mental hospital. I told you before." I lost them and explained again: "Mother told me that I ran out of the hospital myself. . "

The two had a sudden expression on their faces, but they seemed to think of something bad: "Did they run out of themselves?"

"I don't remember much." I smiled and took the lead in the car. After everyone sat down, they said to them: "But it shouldn't be because of abuse. My mother can stare there."

"Is this the case?" The two girls frowned, and they didn't believe it. However, from their standpoint, there was indeed no possibility of further understanding, and there was no room for intervention. "In short, if something bad happens, remember to call us." The shorter girl glanced at the driver and whispered in my ear. Also made a call gesture.

They really worried about me-I realized this more clearly.

"Relax, nothing will happen." I smiled calmly. I think that only such a smile can make them feel relieved.

As I thought, it was probably an enemy lurking in the dark, who was scrupulous because of the failure of an attack, so. While driving to the pier, no more accidents were encountered.

When we arrived at the pier, some people were already waiting for the ferry. It was different from the desertedness when I came by boat, but at that time it was still night, and not many people would come and go at the pier. Even so. On a peninsula that feels relatively closed and few people set foot on it, seeing more tourists than expected and people with a breath of life at the pier still gives people a weird feeling.

There do not seem to be many abnormal things on the peninsula. The most abnormal one is the mental hospital. However, I realized in advance. It is definitely not normal, no matter what you look at, you will feel that it has an unusual aspect. Even if these people are just doing everyday things, it will have a faint feeling when they think of Dr. Ruan Li's description of the peninsula, seminar and development process.

There should not be so many outsiders who have nothing to do with the seminar. Tourists, except for the two girls who were cheated, everyone else seems to have known such a tourist attraction for a long time. Isn't this situation contradictory to what Dr. Ruan Li mentioned?

I observed the people around me, but I couldn't find a weird place in them. Just like in the log cabin area, before the anomaly appears in the field of vision, the strange feeling at that time cannot be treated as a mysterious force.

This peninsula is not the same as the mysterious zone I have experienced in the past.

I looked up and looked deep into the river. The clouds over there were very low, covered with a light gray. It looks like it is going to rain, but it is still brewing. That gloomy atmosphere made the river sound the sound of the pier embankment, and it became extremely deep and gloomy. Wow. Wow, wow ... When a strong wind blew, someone shouted immediately, a straw hat was blown into the air, and drifted towards the river, it seemed that it couldn't be caught. Seeing the lively tourists pointing and telling gossips, the owner of the hat looked discouraged.

I smelled the wet smell in the air. It wasn't as rich as before. The sunlight on our side was okay, but the clouds also accumulated more than before. Everyone is saying, is it going to rain? If it rains, it will become troublesome no matter what. I thought so, the tall girl had already pulled out her phone, took several photos of the current scenery, and then invited the person next to him to help us take a photo.

"Just treat it as a commemoration." She said: "Although such a thing happened, I felt very annoyed and scared, but such a stimulating encounter can not be encountered by anyone, and it will definitely become a good memory Right. "It was like saying goodbye.

The two girls stood on either side of me, left and right, and compared a pair of scissors. The tall girl smiled happily, and the shorter girl had a stern expression. Of course, they all had shotguns on their shoulders.

We talked about some school life again, and then I told them some of my adventures. Of course, because they are told in the form of stories, they do n’t feel that they are all real things.

"I will write your story into the story." I told them.

"When you finish writing, be sure to let us see." The shorter girl said: "Is the protagonist based on us?"

"No, you are just passers-by. So, your story is just a detail that brings out other important information. In the whole space, it is not very important." I answered straightforwardly.

"It's not good. I think we have the qualification to be the leading role." The tall girl couldn't help but say: "Now the adventure stories like to use female as the leading role. Do you know why? That's because women mostly behave It ’s weak, but it will become stronger at important moments. Such a woman is easy to create a tense atmosphere and a tortuous storytelling, so that readers ca n’t help but care about the protagonist. You see, there are two full in front of you With a woman with a heroine's breath, you should not waste resources. "

"But you are just ordinary people, aren't you?" I said.

"Speak as if you are not an ordinary person." The shorter girl said with a look of contempt.

"I am not an ordinary person, but a mental patient." I answered calmly.

The two girls rolled their eyes.

At this time, the whistle came from afar. The ferry is here. We turned our eyes and saw that many people had ran to the fence, protruding their bodies and looking over there. After a few breaths, the hull turned out from a small sandbar, and everyone's argument became more heated. It makes people think. They were as if they couldn't wait to leave by boat, they didn't have any attachments, instead they were happy to learn that they could leave. However, this is just my personal feeling, and the two girls around me don't seem to have any doubts.

Five minutes later, the hull reached the shore, not much different in volume from the ferry I had traveled before. But obviously not the same ship. The crew lowered the sampan, but no one came out of the inner cabin. I looked inside and there was no passenger. This turbulent feeling makes me uncomfortable. However, the others did not hesitate to pick up the luggage and board the ship. Soon, the inside of the ship became more and more heated. When the two girls lifted their luggage, I took a step first and talked to the crew and asked why there were no other guests when the ship came—following the route I knew. These ferries do n’t go directly to this peninsula. On the way, they have to pass through the pier of several small towns. These villages and even small cities, on the map, are like guarding the mental hospitals here. The range has not expanded to the peninsula. But in the local people's perception, the peninsula is like a buffer zone between "normal living areas" and "dangerous areas".

Even if the peninsula flights are now open, these ferries cannot give up other terminals and come directly to the peninsula. That night, the ferry we took to the peninsula was contracted out of the seminar. Especially coming at night, it directly hits the concerns of people in the surrounding towns. It must have been a great price.

Others may not have thought about these things, but I think that empty ferryboats come to this peninsula to pick people up, which is a puzzling situation in itself.

The crew did not make it clear. Just claim that all passengers have been put down on the road. This explanation is also quite reasonable, but still can't make me doubt.

"Will you still go further upstream?" I asked.

"No, these passengers are going back." The crew stared at me with strange eyes.

"Is there the next batch of ships?" I asked.

"It's not clear." The crew said perfunctoryly: "Why wait for the next batch? Just sit on our ship."

"I still have people here." I made up a lie, "Will you come over again later?"

"You have to ask the captain." The crew looked at me and said, "It's going to rain soon. If the rain is too heavy, the river will become very dangerous and it won't come. And, once this season, If it rains, it will continue for several days, and it is basically impossible to sail. "

"You mean, if it rains, there might not be a boat coming here for several days?" I couldn't help repeating it.

"That's it." The crew nodded. "So, if there are really people over there, you probably won't be able to leave the river these days, but it should be okay from the land. Look at this weather, probably When the current guest is sent back, it will rain halfway. "Speaking of rain, he looked a little irritable.

Although the situation of this ship made me want to wait for the next batch, the crew's words had to make me hesitate. If the two girls do not leave by boat now, there may be no chance to leave. Obviously, once it rains, this peninsula is likely to evolve into an island environment, and in this environment, if it is mixed with "mystery", it will evolve into the plot of most horror stories. I do n’t expect anything at all. During this time, nothing will happen.

Instead, the information brought by the crew is like a hint-after the rain, there will be mysterious events such as "the horror that cannot be escaped in the isolated island".

This is not to say that the crew is suspicious, but to look at him from the perspective of "fate" or "script", he seems to play such a specific role.

Of course, I also know that the crew must not look at themselves that way.

This ferry is somewhat suspicious, but it may also be the "last chance" that is common in the story. Because of this suspicious, from the overall perspective of the upcoming story, it may not be malicious, but a kind of "reminder". Because it is a "remind", it is necessary to have something special so that careful people can figure out the strange things.

Compared with this kind of strange, I think that staying on the island will be more dangerous. So, I did not stop the two girls. After hugging and saying goodbye to them once again, he asked a few words such as "Be careful". Of course, I also expressed my suspicions about the ship. They also hesitated, but finally decided to leave. Because they can't get out of the peninsula because of heavy rain, for them. It ’s more torture-they also think that the towns outside are more reassuring.

"Good luck to you." With that said, I looked around the inner cabin that was starting to become lively and walked out. There are not too many people on the pier, but the ferry will stay for about ten minutes. Several crew members also got off the boat and relaxed, stretching their bodies. I walked to the crew who had spoken before. Pass him a cigarette and light one. He took it up without any hesitation and his face became more relaxed.

"Are you underage? What do you do on this island? This is not a fun place. I heard that there are developers who want to become tourist attractions, which is really whimsical." The crew took the initiative to tell me: "I know, here The scenery is good, and now many people like thrilling and exciting places. Especially with a certain history. For example, the piercing Duke ’s castle, there were once murderous and lurking towns, and so on. But that is mostly exaggerated to attract It ’s eye-catching. It ’s different here, do you know the history here? "

I nodded.

"Those are true. Until now, people around are still scared of this place. This fear is like being rooted in blood." The crew's face was a little reluctant. "Not only in the past, because there have been many lunatics in this place. In my opinion, many people are already mad." He meant something, but he didn't intend to elaborate.

"In short, this is a cursed place. There are peninsulas and psychiatric hospitals." He said: "The closer to the psychiatric hospital. The more likely strange things will happen. The developers just want to use this as a gimmick. It's a group of blacks Sweet guy. Hey, I believe that if the guests have an accident, they will not have a good ending. That is not to say. They have to pay legal responsibility. "He said this, and was a little excited, as if already Seeing the punishment that the developer will receive, he stared at me vigorously and said, "Before they will be punished by the law, they will become sacrifices to the souls of the victims of the past and the present." He said this, he paused Suddenly, carefully said to me: "Child, if you can, please leave here quickly. If you can't leave, try to get as close to the pier as possible. Don't try to leave from the land, because it leads to the mental hospital. The closer to it Side, the more dangerous it is, but the pier is still safer. Have you heard of such a saying? The pier is water on one side and land on the other, but it is actually two World's borders. "

He made a "divide" gesture and said, "In the past, many people were saved after jumping the river, but I can't guarantee anything. Because jumping into this river during the rainy season is extremely dangerous in itself. But, if there is really no other way, let the dead horse be a living horse doctor. "

He was always talking, and I listened in silence. Then he threw away his cigarette butts and mumbled, "Hey, a little boy with you, what do I say. There should be nothing wrong, good luck, little boy."

"I am a psychiatric patient and was just sent to my psychiatric hospital for treatment." I said to him suddenly.

He “oh” just responded. It seemed frightened and stared at me with round eyes.

"you you……"

"You seem to hate rain, because it can't work because it's raining?" I asked calmly. When I looked directly at his eyes, his eyes evaded a bit, like he was subconsciously trying to avoid, but I don't want to appear so timid.

"Basically, you can't work. But it's not just that." The crew stuttered, and it took a while to calm down. The look in my eyes was even weirder. "There are the most strange things in the mental hospital when it rains. . The surrounding towns ... are sometimes affected, but most people are suspicious. After all, the history here is not very good ... In short, except for those crazy people, no one likes to rain. Especially the kind that will Heavy rain that caused the river to rise sharply. "The crew said that they were about to leave.

"Where will the water rise?" I asked.

"... Basically, standing anywhere on the peninsula, it is impossible to look over the land from the river." The crew hesitated and described it like this: "It's like the sandbar, the town, and the town except the peninsula. It disappears, even if it is connected to the inland, it may be submerged. When you stand at the highest point, you will feel that you are in a vast island. "

"In this case, isn't the Peninsula separate from the mental hospital?" I said.

"It used to be this way, so the peninsula was relatively safe in the past. However, the mental hospital continued to expand and invaded the peninsula." The crew used the word "invasion", "In short, good luck. I think, at the latest It will rain in the afternoon, and it is still the kind of heavy rain that will overwhelm everything. "

With that said, he caught up with the other crew members and pulled the sampan back into the boat after getting on board. Now, I am the only one on the dock. No one came out of the cabin, only to see that face from the window. The crew were busy, and the hull slowly left the shore in the sound of the whistle. I watched them go away. In front of them, a gust of wind was becoming fierce, and the clouds were thicker. The dark color seemed to drip water at any time. I think the crew has estimated the weather so well that it probably won't be in the afternoon. It will start to rain before they can bring the passengers on board.

Looking at the river that seemed to grow more roaring as the climate deteriorated, I couldn't help but imagine the scene of this isolated island where the river rose and engulfed everything.

There is a familiar feeling.

I couldn't help but substitute the scenery in the hospital's reality into my imagination.

There is such a mental hospital in both worlds, but the difference is that there is no iconic mysterious tower in the mental hospital here. All around is just river water, not sea water.

I threw the cigarette butts hard into the river and turned towards the long-awaited driver.

The driver who drove us over was not the one I was familiar with. He seemed to be chewing gum with boredom. But as I approached, suddenly said to me: "Boy, are you going to a mental hospital, or are you taking you back to the villa?"

I stared at him. He was impatient and urged a few more words.

"Villa." I said. I also want to talk to Dr. Ruan Li about the crew's information. The current situation is a bit like playing a game, even if it is the same character, you need to talk many times, and each time a new situation occurs, the content will be different. This information may or may not be useful, but knowing is better than not knowing.

I think this driver probably doesn't know anything about things here.

The car started. Halfway along, I asked him about the rainy season, the peninsula and the mental hospital. The driver did n’t seem to be interested, and said with a perfunctory tone: "In general, I did n’t encounter the strange things that the locals said. Of course, the rain was too heavy It ’s quite scary, as if the island is about to be washed down. I do n’t think anyone will like this kind of climate, even in the villa area, you can only stay in the room. Is n’t it very conflicting with the goal of tourist attractions? But, I do n’t quite understand the meaning of those big guys ~ ~ They will develop here, and they have other ideas. This is not something that people like us who are employed should think. "

"What about psychiatric hospitals?" I said, "The criticism is not too good, aren't you afraid?"

"It's all bragging." The driver said disdainfully. "This mental hospital is not the kind to accept seriously ill patients. Before I came over, I had investigated."

However, the current situation is that the driver's information is outdated.

In the current mental hospital, there are at least seven people who are severely mentally ill-seven patients including Marsol and I.

The driver doesn't like to talk about these rumors. He always has a boring expression, but he doesn't take the initiative to find topics. If I don't take the initiative to speak, the atmosphere in the car will be silent. When the car was halfway down, I heard a soft tapping sound from the window. I turned my head and saw that the water drops slipped from the glass, and more water drops hit the glass again.

It started to rain. There is also a large area of ​​sunshine not far away. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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