By the time he returned to the villa, Yusi had become very fine, but the sunlight was still falling and did not look as gloomy in the dockside area. ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Medium ⊙ Text ¤ However, the rainy period mentioned by the crew also seems to be a sign everywhere. I must be prepared for the upcoming "mystery". The anomaly in the log cabin area proves that the "mystery" has begun to flow on this peninsula, and the invaders have arrived. After that, some strange things will inevitably happen one after another, but I am not sure whether every mysterious event occurs on this peninsula. It will involve my plan, and at the same time, I am not sure that I can figure out the ins and outs of each mysterious event and its impact.

Everyone has their own plans. These complex results are the results that are intertwined with each other's plans and cannot be fully grasped by one of them. Just as on the way to the peninsula, the mysterious event that happened at the rest point, we were drawn into it, but we could only see an incomplete profile. Although I later learned more information from John Bull, it was completely impossible to piece together all the information into a complete picture.

A large part of what I understand is just my association, inference and guessing.

This is not surprising, any mysterious expert may encounter this kind of thing. Even the best mysterious experts can only focus on what they see, and try to guess and imagine what they do n’t know based on known clues. In this case, in the face of a weird and changeable situation, it is inevitable that there is a feeling of drifting with the waves, and most deaths occur at this time.

Even if it is a mysterious event that looks simple on the surface, when there is enough intelligence, it will continue to be discovered. The impact is definitely not as simple as what I felt at the time. All this is like a ripple, spreading out of your vision, it seems to have weakened to the extreme, but it may still be spreading, perhaps in a place that you cannot see. Because of this ripple, the chain caused more ripples. Layers of ripples will eventually contribute to a result-for mysterious experts who are sensitive enough, this result is the "end of the world."

What will happen to this peninsula will be the same.

My focus is on "paradise", but to say what impact "paradise" has on my plan. From my point of view and the recent situation, in fact, there is not much impact, even, the impact of changes in the entire peninsula. It must be accumulated to a certain extent, or more successors will be chained to the extent that it interferes with the monster deep in the nightmare of Las Vegas, which will become the situation that must be faced in the plan. But then again, I have almost foreseen what is happening here. It is bound to increase the impact to that extent.

There is an assumption, if here. You can directly interrupt the "ripples" generated by the peninsula's changes, so it will definitely make the plan go more smoothly. However, from my experience, it is completely impossible. There are many perspectives to explain this "unable". But the simplest and most direct one can imagine that what happened here and what will happen in the future are regarded as a set storyline. A "script".

Yes, the script. This script concept originally appeared from the real world of the hospital. It is an uninterruptible concept that describes the "process of the end".

There are many details about this "script" and the plot of this story that have not been elaborated, but in some important links that promote the "doomsday process", they have already been outlined.

And on this peninsula, what will happen, along with the seminar's research on "paradise", the ever-changing changes and its impact will accumulate to the "monster deep in the nightmare Las Vegas" Point, it is already doomed.

If you want to interrupt it and violate it, you are actually trying to fight against the "doomsday process", and the "doomsday process" is determined by the "virus", which is no different from directly opposing the "virus". Under this presumption, I can't see any hope for the time being. If it's really that easy, you can interrupt this link, then everything that the previous online ball has done should be more successful.

At present, I cannot defeat the "virus", cannot interrupt the "doomsday process", and cannot stop the chains that lead to the "doomsday". Of course, I cannot stop the changes that will occur on this peninsula. "After being produced, it will become what Dr. Ruan Li and others think, is a" beneficial "thing.

All I can do is protect the people I care about in the changes that have been determined to be inevitable. Waiting for the impact of mysterious events that I know and I do n’t know, to reach a critical intensity. Then try to attract the power of "Jiang" to wipe out one breath. Based on too much experience, I guess that in the face of such a desperate situation, "Jiang" will wake up. Such a situation can also be seen as another confrontation and choice between "virus" and "jiang".

In other words, even any mysterious event usually results in a malignant result that can be regarded as the active manifestation of a "virus", but in fact, a mysterious event of general intensity is more likely to be a "virus" The marginal impact of a certain activity cannot be cut into the real core.

Only those very special, strong, high-intensity, desperate, or even sudden, unprepared changes are the more direct manifestations of the "virus". Only then will the existence of "Jiang" be more directly and forcefully reflected.

Then, even if the events and phenomena that directly reflect the activity of the "virus" are solved, it probably won't cause real harm to the "virus". Because "viruses" cannot be directly observed, it is impossible to determine whether their targeted actions were successful or failed.

However, under the concept of the two-in-one, there is also a relative observation: Although it is impossible to directly determine whether the "virus" has been hit, but if it is active with the "Jiang" of one body, it can not be regarded as a "virus". Has the activity been weakened? When "Jiang" was awake, I carried out "Jiang" 's will and used the power of "Jiang" to achieve victory. Can't it be regarded as "Jiang"' s victory?

I am the person closest to "Jiang". I can totally feel "virus" by feeling "jiang", and deny "virus" by observing "jiang".

A possible ending to the "end of the world" is that I can learn from every world I know, whether it is this world. Or the end of the illusion and the reality of the hospital only confirm and affirm the existence of "Jiang", and observe it as "the only", in order to deny the existence and influence of "virus".

Facing such an unobservable and incomprehensible "virus", I think this is already the most likely way to win.

I want to eliminate this "virus" like the actual material, or according to the scientific concept of "energy" and "material". It is simply impossible. It is more like a concept, a kind of existence beyond the scientifically defined dimensions. And human beings can escape the cognition of the concepts of "energy" and "material", leaving only philosophy, consciousness, and thinking, these profound and profound powers.

And if you want to use this power of mystery and mystery to really do certain things, you must have certain premises. And I think I already have these premises because. My two-in-one hypothesis unifies "Jiang" and "Virus". Moreover, "Jiang" is beside me.

The only thing that is not certain is whether the assumption of the oneness is correct. Only this, the most fundamental point, is that I have the least confidence, but I have to believe it. It is correct.

This may be the last time to complete the plan with all your "imagination", "judgment" and "choice".

If this also fails. Probably my complete failure.

For me, science is already dead. If philosophy and imagination fail, then how can an enemy that cannot be described by thought even be overcome?

It is impossible for human beings to overcome such things.

It really makes me think that "virus" cannot be directly observed and is difficult to understand, but the reason why there is a chance to defeat it is precisely because of the existence of "Jiang". Regardless of whether the memory is true, but the memory of "I eat Zhenjiang who is a patient with doomsday syndrome, and Jiang appears in my body" does exist. In terms of human philosophy, "existence makes sense", then the existence of this memory that does not know true or false must be justified.

I believe that in the memory, the scattered information, the prayers before the death of Zhen Jiang, and the existence of "Jiang", even if there are many discrepancies with what I think, they must all imply a meaning, that is: "Virus The existence of "exceeds the limit of observation, but does not exceed the limit of" thought ".

Yes, there is nothing beyond the "ideological limit", even if it is "unintelligible", there is still a chance to win. And this victory must start from the "ideological" side. The "two in one" and "true side" assumptions are precisely such attempts, and are also my current "thinking limits".

It is better to interpret it as a "dream"; to use the relative concept, to pass through an existing existence, to lock and deny another existence; to pass a phenomenon, to combat another phenomenon; to use "love" to go It ’s okay to save everything; the essence is the same-it ’s crazy, it ’s unbelievable, I believe it seriously, I execute it, in the eyes of others, it ’s an out-and-out mental patient

Even so, I have no other choice. Because, so far, only I am not looking at all this from the scientific concepts of "energy", "data" and "matter". Only I got the hint of "Jiang", only I thought of these, and only I will seriously believe these and implement them seriously. Only I will look at what has happened and what is happening from such a crazy angle.

Any other ideas have their implementers. And only this idea, only me is the executor. If I do n’t do it, no one will do it. If I think so, I will lose the possibility on my side.

There can be no doubt. You can continue to think about it, but you cannot doubt it. Whether it is right or wrong, it must be judged by the "final result".

Once doubts are made before the "final result" comes out, then all of the thought-based will collapse, all will collapse, and all previous efforts will become meaningless.

I stood in the rain for a while, affirming myself again and again, encouraging myself, bit by bit, to expel all the hesitation and hesitation in my heart, just like cleaning up the weeds. No vicious birth of any trace of "doubt". This is difficult, but I am used to it. When I meditate, half of it is really thinking, but the other half is like this, constantly adjusting and consolidating everything I believe. at this point. When reviewing the contents of the diary, it can be clearly seen.

The car has left, and no traces can be seen, so I adjusted my mind and knocked on the door. After a while, I heard Dr. Ruan Li's response.

"Achuan?" She said as she opened the door.

The experts living together are staying in the nature reserve to participate in the seminar. Dr. Ruan Li does not actually participate in most activities, so what did she do at these times? How did you get through? I am not very clear. I can only be sure that Dr. Ruan Li is absolutely impossible to do nothing, just specialize in those theoretical books and data reports. The reason she came here is to use the resources of the seminar to transform the theories and ideas she has studied into more practical results.

Experiments are essential. However, I am not sure. When and where was she? And who completed these experiments.

In the three days I have lost, with enough theory, data, and resources, and a sample that was "inadvertently" completed, I can believe that the progress of the entire experiment is fast. The seminar gives the experts time, from the three days claimed at the time of the invitation. The extension to one week, I think, also implies that with Dr. Ruan Li ’s participation, the seminar only takes up to seven days. You can complete the "paradise".

Today, half of the time has passed. According to the normal process I envisaged, I and other routine patients will also participate in the research and development of the "paradise", but because of the loss of three days, it is completely unclear, in the end of these three days what happened. I can't believe what is "normal" in the eyes of others, because ordinary people and even Dr. Ruan Li cannot observe what has happened from a "mysterious" point of view.

"Isn't it said that the hospital will send someone to pick you up?" Although Dr. Ruan Li said this, he didn't mean to reject me back. "However, you can come back by yourself to prove that you are fine."

"Mom, I want to know what happened in these three days." I told her.

Dr. Ruan Li stared at me for a while before shaking his head, beckoning me to follow her room, and saying, "Come in and talk."

There was no change in her room from the beginning, and she didn't even have one more book. There was no trace of aggravated work. However, I do not believe that this will be the case. After I sat down, Dr. Ruan Li threw me a towel to wipe my hair, and poured me another cup of hot milk coffee.

"Your diary." She sat across from me, lit a cigarette, and said directly.

I took out the diary directly from her arms and handed it to her. She read it for almost half an hour and was very serious. When thinking about it, she frowned from time to time.

"I didn't expect it." Dr. Ruan Li said to me after putting down his diary: "The diary was completely interrupted for three days."

I mean what she meant. What has become a habit will not be interrupted for no reason. In the past, even if I didn't realize it, I would keep a diary. This time, the three days I lost were not mentioned in the diary. However, I thought about it, and I'm still not sure. This is really a very abnormal situation. After all, the content of the diary is just like a novel story, there are a lot of content that has been taken, and there are many things that have not been written.

Instead of the memories of those three days, this time in my diary, I wrote about another Gaochuan in the illusion of doomsday. Such content is not uncommon in the past.

"I don't understand it this way." Dr. Ruan Li seemed to see my thoughts and shook his head without further explanation.

The air was a bit dull. After a while, Dr. Ruan Li seemed determined: "Don't take those medicines, I will prepare new medicines for you."

"Medicine?" I asked.

"Oh, forget, you don't have the memories of those three days." Dr. Ruan Li paused and explained: "All the routine patients, when receiving the treatment of those wild experts, the actual treatment course and plan are determined by the discussion It will be decided. Achuan, you also know that during our research project, there were many by-products during the research period, which are useful to you, they will be used by you. However, because it is an experimental drug, it is the same thing in theory. When used, it is likely to produce less than ideal results. "

"That is to say, my situation is a less than ideal result?" I confirmed.

"I think it is." Dr. Ruan Li said: "Although other people may not think so, I still insist on my own opinion, so Achuan, don't take those medicines first."

"What about Marceau? Are they still taking that medicine?" I asked again.

"They all responded very well." Dr. Ruan Li nodded. "It just doesn't work on you." With that said, she frowned again.

"How is the progress of the park?" I asked. "Is it the same as my mother thought?"

"That's a secret." Dr. Ruan Li shook his head, and he couldn't see any answer from his expression. "What we need is not a paradise that happens by accident, but a paradise that can be produced in batches. It must be like a cold medicine. Most people produce utility. "

"Isn't there a sample?" I asked again.

"The sample is too harmful." Dr. Ruan Li said: "That is not the paradise we want."

"Everyone thinks so?" I said.

Dr. Ruan Li frowned again, and seemed somewhat distressed: "No, some people think that that way is correct, so I propose to perfect the sample. I personally feel that the research route and philosophy indicated by the sample are wrong. . It is impossible to get the correct result along the wrong route. "

"Will they let us drink such a paradise?" I said.

"Maybe." Dr. Ruan Li's eyes sharpened, "I will stop them as much as possible." Then he comforted me with a gentle voice: "Don't be afraid, Achuan, I still have some face, even if the seminar ends Decided to choose their route, I can at least let you not become their test product. The drugs you take are all controlled by me. "

"What about Marceau? Mom, I care about her very much." I said.

"Masuo is the same." Dr. Ruan Li said without hesitation, she shook her diary and said to me: "She is a very important role in your story, which actually means that even if you don't have each other I have seen it, but the connection between you does exist. White Claudia, will not connect two absolutely irrelevant people. "

Listening to her say, I suddenly felt relieved.

After coming out of Dr. Ruan Li ’s room, although I still do n’t know exactly what happened to me in the past three days, the general situation of the seminar has already got a general impression. As I thought, the study of "paradise" has entered a stage of divergence. And I think that the "paradise" that is different from the expectations of Dr. Ruan Li and others has actually entered the research agenda, and even started. This also means that in any case, the vicious "paradise" will definitely appear, and then, when the research process and research results come out, there will be many abnormal and dangerous situations around the "clinical experiment" .

Apart from internal disagreements and already predictable storms, the situation in the entire psychiatric hospital still seems calm.

Dr. Ruan Li is preparing to take me back to the mental hospital in the afternoon ~ ~. When I left, she had contacted the hospital.

My luggage has long been taken into a mental hospital, and I can't find any trace of life in the villa area. Dr. Ruan Li opened a new room for me to take a break, and my diary was returned to me. After that, she walked closely and drove away from the villa area. Now, I am the only one left.

I sat by the window sill, staring at the fine rain outside the window, the clouds were getting thicker and thicker, and the sunlight was gradually fading.

Heavier rain is about to start.

I can't help but think, in addition to the office buildings in the log cabin area and the nature reserve area, has anything changed? And when will the changes that will inevitably occur next, when, where and in what way?

Thinking like this, suddenly I was a little sleepy.

The next moment, I felt myself falling.

It's the feeling of "starting to have a nightmare" again. (To be continued ...)

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