Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1239: Deep night

I'm falling, in the darkness, an empty feeling surrounds me.し △ ¢, I do n’t feel fear, just like in the past, calmly and hazyly, waiting to wake up.

I began to hear the voice faintly. Someone was talking, and I couldn't hear what was being said. I only understood that it was a rather old, yin-yang sound. Then I felt that I was touched and pulled, and the feeling of rubbing on the rough texture gradually came from behind. Perhaps the ground? When such thoughts were born, I realized that I was sober.

"... a newcomer, a foreigner ... hehe, why are you here?" Said the old, yin-yang sound, breathing heavily. He should be pulling my body, are these words being said to me? There are too many nouns with inherent meaning in the bread, which makes people associate.

I felt that I was lying on my back, and my limbs had not recovered strength, like a corpse that had just recovered consciousness. The back was rubbed against the rough ground, and occasionally the skin was pierced by sharp pebbles or something, leaving long blood marks, a little pain. The pain is very clear, more clear than any dream in the past. where is this place? Nightmare Las Vegas? Not like.

I was suddenly turned upside down, a loose sound came from my ear, and then my body fell, knocking several times on the hard and cold corners-it seemed to be the steps, I thought so. It hurts, and it seems real because of the pain, making me feel very weak. The yin and yang strange old voice made a low chuckle at the top when I fell down: "... haha, don't worry, don't worry ... it hasn't come out yet ... we need to find a safe place that can't make a sound ... … "He gave a soft" shhh "sound.

I started to smell a strong smell, dirty. Decay, defecation, and blood ...

Tactile sense, hearing sense, smell sense, all immersive feelings, and the resulting associations, are sketching a scene in my mind-I lie in a cold place. The long, stepped alleyway is dim all around. There have been many unknown, absurd and **** things here. The people staying here are like cockroaches, no matter how dirty they are in order to live, they will touch . They are dangerous and crazy. My heart is full of darkness and fear, but only then can we survive in the world they see. And the one dragging me is one of them.

I feel dangerous, but there is no fluctuation in my heart. Probably because there have been too many strange dreams in the past, and what is happening now. Although it seems to be somewhat different from the past, it is to a "mysterious" degree. It hasn't increased much.

My consciousness is awake bit by bit, and energy gradually flows in the limbs. I moved my fingers, moved my ankles, my neck and spine were very stiff, and it took a little while. In order to fully wake up, but it has not hindered the organization of thoughts and thinking.

What is the situation now? First, before I knew how long, I had a conversation with Dr. Ruan Li, and then she left. I watched the rain scene, and a deep sleep fell on me. then--

Yes, like past experiences, I once again "fall into a nightmare".

The only difference is that this nightmare is not like a nightmare in Las Vegas or a ghost nightmare. It is also different from the content of those nightmares in the past. This is a new dream, but it is uncertain whether there is any further connection with the nightmares that have been done in the past.

The "nightmares" arising from "mystery" are very real. No, it might be more appropriate to say this: even after waking up, you will realize that this is just a nightmare, but in the nightmare, you cannot treat everything that happened as an illusory existence.

Emotions, consciousness, encounters and all those negative pains will make the entrant understand that if they are not regarded as "true", they cannot survive. Yes, survive the "nightmare" until you are sure, or accidentally, that the "wake up" condition is met.

I felt all the information I had along the way. I didn't open my eyes, but I knew that in this dirty and dim corner, even the wood was rotten. I will be taken to a place that "this person" thinks is safer. Therefore, for the time being, I am safe.

After a while, the man stopped and mumbled, learning what he was looking for. Next, he touched my body. The rough and dry fingers had a sticky feeling, as if they were filled with some liquid. My fingers moved along a strange path along my skin, as if sketching something, and then he opened my right wrist-I suddenly understood that he was watching, the magic lines on the inside of my wrist.

Then he burst into laughter and said in a low voice: "... he ... a beautiful pattern ... a gift from taboo ... why do you guys like this also fall here?" He paused and said: "Okay, I don't want to be saved anymore, but ... maybe you can try to save others ... before the deepest night ... quickly ... keenly ... don't hesitate ..."

He who spoke like this sounded like a good person. But I am still not sure. His yin and yang strangeness and the surrounding atmosphere made me realize that this is not a good place.

He let go of my hand and started to walk sideways, as if playing with bottles and jars, making a constant crashing sound. I have been opening my eyes vigorously, and now I finally see a little hope. The heavy eyelids trembled, and a gap was gradually raised. Then, I saw a hazy figure coming from the side, overlooking me from the top, and said to me in a hurry: "Although it has not been used for many years, it should still be useful. Ah ... you wake up ... Very good. I do n’t think you will reject my proposal, so I wo n’t ask you what you think ... I picked you up because I feel that you have a little bit more luck than everyone else ... ... giggles ... hehehehe ... "He gave a creepy smile and put it in my ear:" ... I feel it, the taboo on you, and ... your desire to be a hero ... I can help you, but you can handle something. What? I do n’t know, but I know. What must you lose ... "

The sound of lifting the cap and the sound of stirring exudes a very strong, almost fainting taste.

"Now, let's complete the final operation." The man shook in my hazy field of vision, pushing the instruments one by one above me. There is a burning sensation that stimulates my scalp, "You have a taboo gift, but this is not enough to let you survive in the darkest night ... I can keep you awake all the time, you will be grateful . Now, you can sleep. "So to speak, I felt a sharp tingling from the burning scalp, and my consciousness quickly blurred. But before this kind of ambiguity reached a complete loss of consciousness, the sudden excitement made me suddenly wake up.

I opened my eyes subconsciously and sat up. Then I realized that my body's strength and consciousness had completely returned to normal. The memory is also very clear, I know that weird person. Did something to me. I could not help but touch the forehead, where the skin became rough. It's like feeling a scar, with a strong sense of lines. I feel that my forehead is branded with a certain pattern. However, these things are still a minor matter, and I did not feel any physical discomfort. And even if there are really any problems, I believe that none of them can escape the distortion of Jiang ’s power.

That person tried to transform me, but under the power of "Jiang", it was a very unnecessary thing after all.

I have no worries at all. Quiet in his heart, after checking himself, he looked around. This is a dim room. The only light source is a candlestick with thick arms. The red candle is only one third left. The firelight can only illuminate a five-meter square. The corners of the room are all in darkness. And I lay on the stone table that was probably the center of the room. By the light of the candle, I could see the rough table surface, engraved with a lot of textures like magic circles, and the engraved lines were just like the same interception guide. The flow tube, with red and purple-black spots condensed on it, emits a fishy smell.

Although it reminds me of what the "man" did to me, it is not like an operating table, but more like an altar for some kind of sacrifice ceremony. I turned and jumped, and the clothes on my body had been completely replaced with gown-style patient gowns. The color is gray and sullen, lifeless, and has an unspeakable taste.

Without shoes, I barefooted and tested my abilities a little bit. From chain judgment to superpower, all mysterious powers can still be used, but it seems like they are tied to a heavy shackle. At this time, you can clearly feel that the superpower starts from the magic pattern, and the power of the shackles starts from the forehead. The two forces are entangled, so they appear muddy and slightly weak.

Recalling what the "that person" said before, he thought it was helping me. But I am not sure whether the "mystery" engraved on the forehead is really what he said. From this point of view, it has limited my strength.

There are too many nouns coming out of that person's mouth. What I am most concerned about is, of course, the phrase "the deepest night". He meant something like this: People here are facing a mysterious attack called "The Deepest Night". "The Deepest Night" has not yet arrived, but they have made them desperate, and maybe someone needs me. To save.

Of course, I ’m not sure how much his words are true. And how does this "nightmare" relate to those "nightmares" I have done in the past.

I first guessed the ins and outs of this "nightmare". Perhaps it was related to my medication during the three days of amnesia on the peninsula.

But perhaps, when I first used the new medicine, I had already entered this "nightmare". And now this "nightmare" is exactly what I have encountered in three days of amnesia.

Although there is no evidence and no hints for the time being, I still suspect that this "nightmare" has a huge impact on the waking self on the peninsula. It may be that under certain circumstances, such as death, you will lose yourself in "memory" after waking up.

I took a few deep breaths.

Barefoot, stepping on the rough ground and walking towards the light source outside the door.

The room outside, like the hall of a chapel, has light coming in from the outside, which makes the painting on the glass very conspicuous, but the brightness is over. The light on the ground is a candle light, staggered in rows of benches. The color and style of the bench are very old, and many of the wood has been decaying and cracking, and it seems to collapse at any time, and a person is covered by a robe and a hood. Sitting on a bench, fingers clasped together, a look of prayer.

I did not move, but when I stepped on the decaying wooden board, from time to time, clear and audible footsteps sounded, constantly echoing in all directions. It's a "giggling" sound. Even so, the prayer is still pious, without any movement.

I crossed the front desk and walked over the altar of the high case. In this position, I can notice that the candlestick on the bench actually constitutes a weird eye-like pattern. This pattern is full of familiarity and has a "jiang" taste. And in front of the altar. The food used for offering has completely rotted away. It is not fruits and vegetables, but a whole piece of meat. The blood is dried up and the meat is blackened. It is not clear what kind of meat is. There are also some skulls with big thumbs, which are also unclear, what is the head of the creature. Other than that. There are also flowers, that is the only fresh and charming offering.

in my memory. There is no impression of this kind of flower, but, at the first time, subconsciously understand that it is "white Claudia".

An idea came to my mind: Well, I finally found something familiar.

Full of suggestive "eyes" and "flowers". And devout prayers, decaying churches, altar altars ... all these things make me no longer as strange as before, full of strangeness around me.

It seems. In this ghost place, there are no more people besides me and this prayer. So, is this person who brought me here before? I stepped forward and wanted to speak, but I saw that the prayer had raised his head and took the initiative to lift his hood. It was surprising that it was a young and beautiful woman-no, it was a woman, and it felt a bit wrong The feeling she gave was not the living feeling of youth emanating from above. Although the skin and facial features were very delicate and delicate, it gave a very profound sense of carving, as if deliberately shaped like this, They are not naturally generated.

Although she looks like a person like this, she is more in line with the "human form" in my impression.

A person with only "human form" exists in a different way.

"Respected messenger." She started, and there was only a faint, graceful expression on her face, as if her form existed, such an expression had already been solidified, "Can I help you?"

Her words also gave people a very rigid feeling, as if they had already been written, and there were only a few sentences.

I didn't answer. She reached out and poked her face. During the whole process, she didn't respond at all. She just looked at me with polite and plain eyes. My fingers slipped down her face, over the neck, deep into the chest and abdomen ... Soft and elastic touch, full of extraordinary feeling, completely beyond the touch of the natural body. However, the collocation of bone and skin structure also fits the human form and is very delicate.

I can already be sure that the women in front of me, even with knowledge, are not humans in themselves.

I pulled out my hand and there was still a slight floral fragrance on it. This fragrance, combined with its delicate appearance in front of it and the delicate white Claudia on the altar, is the most fresh and pure thing in this evil and decaying chapel.

Even if I use behaviors that are very rude to women, it doesn't mean to resist at all. It seems calmly incomprehensible, so I don't care.

"Where is this place?" I asked.

"This is a hospital." The beautiful figure replied gracefully and calmly: "It's where you set off and return."

Hospital-is a familiar term. I'm not surprised at all.

"I have been here before?" I continued to ask. However, for this problem, the beautiful human figure just crooked his head, with no expression on his face, but the posture expressed an incomprehensible taste.

"Why call me an emissary?" I changed the subject.

"Because, you are the chosen person." The beautiful figure said: "The magic pattern on your right wrist, and the mark on your forehead, are things that the messenger has. They will give you strength but bind you. Keep you as indifferent as possible, and get crazy before the deepest night. "

"What is the deepest night?" I asked.

"When the deepest night comes, everything will end, and everything will have a new beginning." The beautiful humanoid said: "However, no one is sure that that is a good thing or a bad thing. But, the deepest The arrival of the night. It is already doomed. The weirdness of sleeping in the deep sea will wake up and destroy everything. They are the destroyers of the end and the new pioneers. "

Answers full of morals made me smell familiar. The weirdness of sleeping in the deep sea. Such descriptions can't help but remind people of more. If the current nightmare is connected with what is happening in the entire world of repeaters, it seems to be another description and embodiment of the upcoming changes in the Las Vegas repeater world. Those nouns have extraordinary meanings, but they seem to imply similar information, referring to the same phenomena, things and situations.

Will the weirdness of sleeping in the deep sea be the weirdness hidden deep in the collective subconscious of humanity called by the Doomsday Truth? Or, is it the same thing as the weirdness that the Nazis gave birth to in the depths of the nightmare Las Vegas? even. Observed from the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li, is my current situation "under the influence of white Claudia, has contributed to an illusion of relevance"? I know that in order to cope with the effect of white Claudia on people's hallucinations, the seminar is developing a "paradise", and with the participation of Dr. Ruan Li, I took a new medicine for three days of amnesia. It must have the experimental component of "paradise".

Seems from different angles, the different situations that are happening simultaneously. But it gives people a very strong sense of sight, just as they are actually different descriptions of the same situation, not different situations in the true sense. The nightmare right now feels the same.

"Is the messenger alone?" I asked again.

"You are not the first to come here, but. You are the only messenger among the people who came here." The beautiful humanoid reminded: "However, be careful, not only you are the strong. This place is full of Outside danger, outsiders are also full of danger ... But. Taboo will bless you. I also believe that you are the only one who can let us spend the night safely. "

So, I was actually pinned to hope and assumed a responsibility of salvation, in such an identity, in this "nightmare"? I have no doubts about this. Because, whatever I do, it's the same thing.

"I understand, I will do my best." I said: "But first, I need tools for fighting."

"Yes, I am very happy to serve you, respected messenger." The beautiful human figure said so, salute gracefully, hugged me gently, kissed my lips, it was a completely different kind of touch before The coldness of her skin is like a dead thing, but it still has a floral fragrance. At this moment, my vision became blurred, and there was a force that flowed from my forehead and wrist at the same time, and instantly spread to the whole body.

When I got back to God, the beautiful figure has let me go. And I also noticed that I have changed a whole set of clothes-from hats to shoes, as well as some small accessories and weapons hanging drug tests, all have a low-key, secret, gray and evil smell, put it right now In the scene, there is no abruptness at all. The coat is a windbreaker that extends over the knee. The high collar can cover the mouth. The wide belt is inlaid with a metal plate. The crossbow and the long sheathed sword are tied, but the arrow and quiver are not found. There are spray holes in the armor, familiar organs can shoot hook rope, the rope is only thick and thin, but extremely tough.

Although there are some details that are different, and the overall style is different from what I wore in the past, it didn't give me any novelty.

"Who brought me over?" I continued to ask while adjusting my weapons and props.

"Old Hall found you and brought you ~ ~ the beautiful human figure said," He used to protect this area, he also tried to be a messenger, let people spend the night, but he failed By the way, Taboo does not care for him. When he saw the weirdness of the deep sea, he was already crazy. "

Old Hall ... This is not a familiar name.

"Where can I find him?" I asked.

"Turn right after going out, there is a grave there, you can see him there." The beautiful figure replied.

"The last question." I paused and said, "What's your name?"

"Department." It said: "You can call me that, respected messenger."

system? Tie color? I'm not so sure. The human figure in front of me is not the same as the tie color I am familiar with. However, how can I be sure that the color combination I have seen is her only and truest look?

I put these questions for which the evidence could not be obtained for the time being and walked out of the chapel without hesitation. (To be continued ...)

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