Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1240: Tomb of Gao Chuan

I stood in front of the door of the chapel, the broad sky was gloomy, the lead-colored clouds flashed from time to time, and after a breath, the sound of thunder rolled. The rain was not heavy yet, but it occasionally drifted to the face. It was wet and icy. It did not give people a sense of purity. Instead, it made people feel that it was not clean rain. It seems that there has been a rain before, the ground is slippery, the soil is mixed with water, mixed into a ball, black and red, reflecting a layer of oily light, the surface of the stone is also very rough, the water accumulated in the pits, hazy The hazy reflection reflected my face.

Every time you take a deep breath, there will be a smell of rotting in the air-it is difficult to tell where the rotting matter is, it seems to be in all directions.

In this nightmare, all buildings are wood and stone structures, showing huge blocky and rough textures. The windows and glass are all painted and have some metaphorical patterns. Among them, eye-like patterns are the most common. Through the windows and the cracks of the door, the lights can be seen, it seems that there are people, but I did not step on the door easily.

The environment here is weird and full of "mysterious" flavors. Light, color, texture, climate, and shape are all gloomy and unknown.

I couldn't help but take my steps lightly, and I had a feeling that if my movements were too large, I would be alarmed by some weirdness and cause trouble for myself—although, at this moment, I couldn't find out what they were hiding by my sight. local.

The place outside the chapel is very spacious and looks like a town, but the humanoid "Department" has said that this is just a hospital. The buildings around the chapel are either wards or workshops. Those staying here are either patients or doctors. No, later. Just my personal thoughts. All in all, if it is set according to a fixed scene plot, there may not be a normal person in the true sense.

From time to time in the air, if there are vocal voices, like whispering, it seems to be praying. Or low crying and crazy laughter, will be buried by thunder next time.

I stepped on the stagnant water, making a rattling noise, and then a few birds flew from the side roof. The bird is all black and looks like a crow.

I saw another familiar and iconic thing. I couldn't help thinking.

According to the humanoid "family", turn left after leaving the chapel. It was a long and gentle stone step, which extended to a hundred meters away and turned into a bush, and it was not clear what the end was. When I was half asleep, an old man named Hall brought me to this place, and it seemed that I had done something on my body. Although in the description of the humanoid "family". He seemed to be a good person, but his ravings I heard at the time had a crazy quality. I want to know not only what he did to me, but also why he did these things.

Hearing the humanoid "family" said, he harbors a lofty ideal. Guarding this hospital for many years, but before the arrival of the deepest night, he had already failed. "He didn't get taboos"-the humanoid "family" makes such a description for him. And this "taboo" vocabulary is also used in me. Not only did the humanoid "family" mention it, but Hall's own ravings also appeared frequently.

I think that "taboo" may refer to "jiang", but the people here. Can you really feel the existence of "Jiang"? Or maybe they also confuse "Jiang" and "Virus"? Even. They do n’t really know too many things, but only based on the concept of "the deepest night". And relatively describe a mysterious and antagonistic mystery in your own way?

In any case, it is impossible for me to separate the current nightmare from the world of the repeater, the illusion of doomsday, and even the reality of the hospital, and treat it alone. However, if it is connected, there will be too many associations. I must first determine what is happening here and what other people have done just for the current nightmare environment.

The humanoid "family" didn't give me a detailed answer, so I had to turn to other people here, such as the old Hall, even if these people were crazy in my eyes.

As far as mental state is concerned, people here can be regarded as "mental patients". I even think that even a "doctor" will not be much more normal than a "patient". Although I haven't met these people yet, I am ready in my heart.

Walking on the gentle steps, I could hear a heavy gasp. Someone was digging. The shovel hit a hard rock and made a beeping sound. The digger was very explosive. He threw the tool on the ground several times. After a while, he began to cry, the unique voice, and then gave me the first time to realize that the man was the old Hall.

After turning through the bushes, you can see a figure from a **** that is half a body tall, with rickets on its back. When standing up, it is about two meters. The whole body is covered by a broken cloak. When the wind blows, the cloak ’s The hem seems to be ripped at any time. The humidity in the air has increased again. I can't tell whether it is day or night now. Although the sky is gloomy, even if you don't turn on the light, you can still see what is around you, and farther away, it seems to be covered with mist-yes The gray mist is not surprising at all.

When I stepped on the slope, I found that the stone monuments standing in front and surrounding the Old Hall had a large area with at least a hundred seats, and these stone monuments were of different heights and not all were straight. Some seemed to be about to collapse, and Some have been broken. And these stone tablets are all tombstones. Just before the entrance, there is a wooden sign with words that I do n’t know, but directly know the meaning. It is not simply the word "cemetery", which is more euphemistic and more verbose, but it means this.

Some people were buried here, and Old Hall was playing with something here-he was carrying a shovel and digging in a place where there was no tombstone, but there was no body around him that needed to be buried, nor did he seem to be digging other people Man's grave.

I said hello and looked at the surrounding tombstones at a distance of two or three meters. Then, I suddenly realized that the place where the deceased was on the inscriptions that could be identified around. They all wrote shocking names: Gao Chuan.

The ripples spread deep in my heart, and I quickly walked over a few tombstones and looked at the inscriptions that I just couldn't see. Sure enough, the name of the deceased. All are "Gaochuan". As if this messy cemetery, all buried are "Gaochuan".

It is like this, of course, it is not meaningless. However, in the current situation, even if you think deeply, it is still impossible to get an accurate answer.

at this time. Old Hall said, "Oh ... you woke up ... outlanders."

"I heard that you brought me back. Where did you find me?" I asked.

Old Hall gasped hard, as if his lungs were about to be reimbursed, with a hoarse voice and yin-yang laughter, and said to me: "This is not important ... foreigners. Do you know where this is?" Do you know why you are here? "

I answered in silence.

"They don't believe me." Old Hall said as if he were selfish. "I said ... I said, here is a nightmare. They all thought, what I'm metaphorizing ... wrong!" He tapped the shovel hard and raised the volume, saying, "I'm not metaphorizing anything, this is a dream , A nightmare that ca n’t really wake up. This is the essence of this world! "He paused and said in a decadent and low voice:" Nightmare ... will continue its intended ending ... No one can Stop ... sadness. Sadness, the more you resist, the harder you struggle. The more sad you are. "

He stopped his work, looked at me again, and said to me, "Can you understand? This is a nightmare."

"I can understand." I replied calmly, and my answer was not false.

Old Hall frowned suspiciously, staring at me carefully, as if examining whether I was insincere. But he didn't seem to get the answer, he just sighed. Say: "I can't do it, I know. No one can do it ..."

Do it? "Rebel? Struggling?" I asked.

"All the actions caused by the deepest night are meaningless." The old hall was filled with a disappointed atmosphere, "Trust me, in the process of the deep night, we Can only wait, only accept ... sorrow, sorrow. "

"What have you tried to save in the past?" I said.

"Ah ... rescue?" Old Hall answered as if to ask himself.

"So why did you bring me back? You know, why am I here?" I asked again.

Old Hall was silent for a while, and then gave a yin-yang laughter: "Because, this is the first time I have seen a living foreigner ... do you know? I used to kill them in the past, because, I think they are here The source of becoming crazy, they are crazy themselves ... But, you look normal? "When he said the last sentence, hesitated, and not only looked at me again:" Behold, these crazy and calm eye."

Crazy and calm? Full of contradictory descriptions. I can't keep it in my head. Outline what I see in his eyes.

"Beautiful eyes are scary and full of power ... but maybe not a good thing. Who knows?" Old Hall said to himself, and began to dig again, "Maybe, I just want someone to replace I struggle. "

Because I have nowhere to go, I have lost all my faith, but I can't let go of my original intention, and with despair, do I look forward to others? It's really complicated and full of emotional heart. I couldn't help thinking so.

"What can I do?" I asked.

"... Who knows?" Old Hall said: "You can do whatever you want, but can you get the results you want?" He smiled ecstatically.

"What is the deepest night?" I ignored the laughter full of jealousy, sarcasm, and despair.

"An end, a new beginning." Old Hall's voice became serious, as if praying to a great being: "It has no meaning in itself, but an alternating process. Only when people face it , People give it a meaning: when it comes, it is time for change. Some people are afraid of change, some people think that the deepest night will bring a tragic ending, and a painful future. Others are full of all that Confidence. But in any case, with the arrival of the deepest night, everything will no longer be what they were. "

"Aberration?" I summed it up briefly.

"Aberration?" Old Hall didn't seem to think about the word. He thought about it and nodded and said, "It's very vivid. The arrival of the late night makes everything start to change. No one knows. This change The end result is good or bad, but at this moment, it has brought people great pain, sorrow and despair. "

As he said, he lifted the last shovel aside. Turned my head and said to me: "Foreigners, why are you here? Who the **** are you?"

at this time. Only then did I see his appearance: the old face seemed familiar, and at this age, it was really reluctant to face dangerous anomalies and protect others. His body. Although it is very high, it is not strong. All in all, it is hard to think of what he is like now, he will be a warrior. I once fought to protect what I wanted to save here.

Moreover, the old Hall staying in this hospital is not just a mental patient-when I think so, I feel that there is a faint connection between me and him. Because, I seem to be someone like Old Hall. However, when he was desperate, I still did not despair. When he was old. I am still so young.

His existence is like heralding my future? I can't help thinking that, but I take it for granted, refusing to become like him.

"Maybe, I'm here. Just to accomplish what you failed to accomplish." I answered calmly.

"Huh?" He stared at me with incredible eyes, gradually angry. "Speaking out loud! I have nothing to do! My failure is not my fault!" He paused. As if to emphasize something, said to me: "No one can avoid or turn around into the deep night. Because, that is the reason why this nightmare exists, and it is also the reason why people here are still alive. , I know what you will do, you will do those things that I have done, I know ... I know ... "He said that, his spirit became weak again," I know, all this is delusion , What you do is no different from what I did. What I did is all I can do. No one can save here, no one can stop the deep night. "

His current state is no stranger to me, because, in the past doomsday illusion, those mysterious experts who were full of despair and finally gave up because they deeply felt the unstoppable "doom process", all It's such a look.

I don't want to promise him anything, because no matter what I say, he can only use his pessimistic and desperate perspective to understand, treat and accept. His heart was already full of ashes. As the humanoid "family" said, he might have been a very strong and powerful warrior, but he failed, leaving only the remains of such a bad old man wandering like ghosts.

In this nightmare, he must be a reflection of a certain consciousness, or, there is a specific object associated with it. This is an ideological world. If you give up, it is really over.

I saw the excavated deep pit, just where I could put a coffin, but there is no coffin here. Old Hall ’s back was even more rickety. He dropped the shovel and jumped into the pit—I understood immediately that he had dug a grave for himself.

"You added something to my head ... you don't plan to see it, can it work?" I stood by the pit and asked the old Hall lying at the bottom of the pit.

He straightened his body slowly, and his spine made a gurgling noise. In this gloomy atmosphere, he added a gloom. Then, he folded his hands on his abdomen, always full of emotional expressions, and gradually relaxed.

"No, that's useless. I know ..." He said: "It can prevent you from seeing something more terrible. You can't be affected by it if you can't see it, but it's useless. When you come to them, because you are under taboo, you will definitely do something that will erode you a little bit. You may doubt whether the world in your eyes is real, but you can only treat it as real. No one can It will remain normal until the deep night, and the changes will follow the shadows. "

Although he said it very obscurely, I still understood what he meant. In the past, before the formation of the two-in-one theory, there was indeed such an idea that every occurrence of "jiang" and every strengthening of "mystery" are manifestations of their own erosion. No matter what it is eroded by, it must be manifested as a "malignant" for itself.

Now what Old Hall wants to express is what it means-his imprint on my forehead, in this nightmare, cannot offset the "mysterious" erosion that comes with the magic lines, and he may think , Mageweave and Deep Night are closely related. The person with the magic pattern can take different actions from others when facing the deepest night, thereby contributing to the results that ordinary people cannot, but all these results, even if it seems temporarily good, But with the arrival of the deepest night, it can only be in vain. Even, the person with the magic pattern, in the process of the arrival of the deepest night, their own changes will allow them to destroy those they once thought to be a good result.

This is not an unimaginable situation, and it is not unique to the mysterious expert. In occultism, a similar situation is not a rare exception. On the contrary, this unusual change is really too classic and too popular, even ordinary people have heard of such plots.

I was silent for a while, and Old Hall was silent as if he were dead.

It took a while for me to ask: "Why are the names of these tombstones the same? Why did you choose here?"

"Why?" Old Hall's feeble voice came: "No why. Gaochuan, it can be either a name or just a symbol. I should lie here, because other people have chosen here, and they chose this way. "

"Do you want me to engrave your name on the tombstone?"

"... if possible." Old Hall said: "Please be the same as around."

"Gaochuan?" I asked.

He was silent.

I can't hear his breathing. In the chain judgment, all the subtle activities of his body have stopped.

he died.

I picked up the shovel on the ground and restored the mound a little bit. The mud quickly covered the body of Old Hall. He didn't move. Even if he was still alive, I don't think he wanted to climb up. His heart was full of despair and pain, he put everything he longed for in the drift bottle, eager for someone to pick it up, and accomplish what he wanted to do again, but he did n’t think, even did not want The other party can accomplish what they have not done.

Such a contradictory and old man was completely buried by the dirt. At the bottom of the mound is a tombstone. I inserted it firmly and carved the name "Gaochuan" on the stone face with a long knife. When I finished, the text became the same shape as the surrounding tombstones, strange and weird, not directly recognizable, but able to understand its meaning.

I said to the tombstone: "Hello, Hall, I am Gao Chuan."

I do n’t understand why the tombstones around them all use the name “Gaochuan”, why the old Hall was buried here after his death, and also used the name “Gaochuan”. However, I know that my mood has not become agitated, and deep down in my heart, although full of pain, sorrow and despair, that is, there is still a light of hope that prevents me from stopping.

It would be more appropriate to use such a sentence:

They are dead ~ ~ and I have recovered.

I was still full of doubts in my heart, but he didn't hesitate at all, with pity, but no fear. I think it's time to find a place and make an overall confirmation of how the place is. I have an idea. Perhaps the "hospital" in this nightmare, the overall layout is the mental hospital on the peninsula. And those who exist in this nightmare will also be associated with patients who have taken seminar drugs in the Peninsula Mental Hospital.

So, what kind of patient does Old Hall correspond to? Since when has he existed in this nightmare? This answer can also be explained to some extent. When did the seminar research on "paradise" start, and to what extent?

Nevertheless, I still have some uncertainties. For example, the experience of Old Hall seems to be very rich, and the historical time of this nightmare seems to be very long. Even if it is explained by the ideological sense of time, I cannot be sure about it It was only formed not long ago.

Perhaps Dr. Ruan Li ’s explanation of White Claudia ’s influence can shed some light.

In any case, it is the first priority to understand the general situation of the nightmare. (To be continued)

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