In my memory, there is no impression of the complete picture of the Peninsula Mental Hospital. Although in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, I was sent to the mental hospital for further treatment three days ago, but for me, that period of time seemed like never None are the same. ● ⌒, the peninsula has a large area, and the range of mental hospitals spans the border between the peninsula and the interior. The environment inside is quite complicated. From the map, at least three-fifths of the area is undeveloped natural mountain forest. There are no particularly high peaks in these places, but there are many mountain bags. It is said that there are cliffs up to ten meters high, and small rift valleys that are only two meters at the narrowest point.

The humanoid "family" said that this is a "hospital". According to past experience, this "hospital" is highly likely to correspond to the peninsula mental hospital. Not exactly the same. In nightmares, even if it corresponds to normal things, most of them will be reflected in an unpleasant distortion. But the general outline of the topography and even the architectural pattern is basically similar.

However, the overall structure of the chapels, dwellings and cemeteries I have seen in my memory does not have too strong a similarity in my memory. It makes me feel that I am actually visiting this place for the first time. My deepest impression of Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital is the log cabin area that I just left a while ago, but it is obvious that this place is not a log cabin area. Conversely, if I can find a scene similar to a wooden house in some other place, then it can prove to some extent that this nightmare scene is based on the Peninsula Mental Hospital. Furthermore, the situation here can be connected to what is happening in the Peninsula Mental Hospital.

I have reason to believe that if this nightmare corresponds to the Peninsula Mental Hospital, then, the people who appear here. It also corresponds to people who moved to mental hospitals, and what happened in this nightmare will be directly fed back to them, from ideological interference in their lives, behaviors and even life and death.

I am not surprised by this conjecture, because Dr. Ruan Li has said it many times. The "paradise" being developed at the seminar. One of its effects is to allow people to interfere with the ideological influence of white Claudia. If I enter this nightmare, it is precisely because I took the medicine of the seminar, and this medicine does apply some research results of "paradise", then, considering the current situation as the success of "paradise", it should also be considered It's not an exaggeration.

In the Peninsula Mental Hospital. There should be more than one person taking similar drugs, but these people are very likely to be unable to cope with this nightmare and fall into a lot of difficulties, but instead lead to an accelerated breakdown of mental aspects. From what I have observed so far, the nightmare of depression, grotesque, and desperate nights revealed by this nightmare made me more certain if people who took the seminar medication. Will enter this nightmare, then. What is finally displayed in front of the seminar is definitely not a picture of success-patients taking medicine will be more painful, manic and more vulnerable than in the past.

However, the original intention of this drug in the seminar to study "paradise" was not completely failed, because. It does make people enter an ideology, but only because this ideology is too unfriendly to the patient.

If the people here really correspond to the state of the patients in Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, then. The deterioration and change here will definitely cause a relatively real feedback to the harm caused to the people here.

I do n’t think I can just let this happen. If I am not useless in this script, but in this plot of my own, I must assume some kind of mission and responsibility-although I am not clear, what mission and responsibility will be, but I Willing to believe that he came to save.

Even if today ’s salvation inevitably fails, or if it succeeds, it will become the cause of another tragedy in the near future. I ca n’t think that today ’s salvation is meaningless and wrong-I am so Warn yourself that after leaving the tomb, climb from another fork to the top of the mountain bag.

This is a flagstone road in disrepair. Most of the stone steps and platforms have been cracked and covered with weeds. In dark weather, the thick shadows seem to flow. The bushes on both sides and the depths of the trees often have fuzzy sounds from time to time. That is definitely not the voice of people, nor the familiar cry of mountain animals. . All of this makes people feel depressed and frightened, but in my opinion, it is totally the same, no matter whether there will be real enemies, this distorted and dark division, and exaggerated grotesque scenes, it is already impossible to let My mood fluctuated a little.

With the same caution as before, I started the chain judgment that was greatly weakened, and observed the surrounding conditions. There was an indescribable feeling. The information captured by the chain state at this time, and the way it is presented in my perception, are more in line with the saying of "talent". In the past doomsday illusion, the chain judgment that showed more power along with the increase of the load made me wonder from time to time whether it was only "talent", not "mystery".

Chain judgment is talent, speed sweep is super power, both are the power brought by the transformation of the magic pattern. This cognition is formed from the past doomsday illusion. In the past, the distinction between talent and superpower, and the strength of the ability to show, are clearly different. However, as the battle became more intense, the strangeness and mystery of the enemy became more and more crazy. The difference between this ability and superpower has been weakened to the point of being almost ignored. And I have already got used to it, under normal circumstances, do not distinguish between the two.

Now I think about it, maybe it is a strong proof that I was "eroded".

In the past doomsday illusion, "talent" means "human ability limit", and "superpower" means "beyond human ability limit". Crossing this boundary, the ambiguity of talents and superpowers can be regarded as the transformation of "human" to "non-human"?

But now, the old Hawk's brand on me has made the chain judge this talent, and once again restored it to become a talent, showing an extremely keen, but still a human sense of the category, does it mean that this brand Let me return to the category of "human" again, and before that, I actually no longer belong to the category of "human"?

If I am eroded. That must have been caused by "viruses" and "jiang". And to some extent, this brand has suppressed erosion, and even returned to a less serious state of erosion. It has to give me a special feeling-the more realistic things corresponding to old Hawk and this brand are what? And this thing. Does it also have an effect on "viruses"?

Imagine further, is it possible that it is an effective drug against "virus"? If you think at this level, then the situation of old Hawk and branding will inevitably involve the reality of the hospital-but this idea is too jumpy.

Of course, it is also possible that it is only effective against "white Claudia". After all, the medicine I take is the result of the seminar's development of "paradise", and the nature of "paradise" and the expectations of the seminar should also be reflected in the drugs I take. From this perspective, it can also explain why this brand came to me in such a way as "Legacy of Old Hawk".

anyway. The return of the chain judgment to "normal" did not make me feel. Just an illusion. The branding on the forehead restrained the power of the magic lines, and made me exist in this nightmare in a posture closer to normal people.

In the short period of time I woke up, there was a lot of information hidden in the situation I encountered. but. As in the past, this information cannot be fully interpreted. As a human being, I, whether it is vision, thinking or imagination, are limited to the limits of humanity.

I think like this. The inclination angle of the steps began to increase, and the last step leading to the top of the mountain bag, each step had a height of half a meter, and the area of ​​the step was also very wide, plus the larger stone pillars on both sides, and the rough statue They all give people a feeling that these steps are not built for normal human beings. There is something much larger than humans that once felt walking on this step.

Nowadays, there is a dilapidated scene everywhere, invaded by weeds and shrubs, and many broken stones have been weathered. Not all pillars and statues are intact, not only incomplete, but also deliberately piled together, giving a bloated feeling.

The sound is stronger and sharper in this place, and when the wind passes here, it also becomes more chilling.

I pressed the knife handle and stepped on the top platform-the top of the mountain bag, turned out to be a prototype altar. I am sure that it is indeed used for sacrifice. Standing in this relatively high place, you can see the scenery below, and make people feel that they are closer to the sky. This feeling is a very distinctive feature in many sacrificial ceremonies in mystics.

The meaning of these names, sky, earth, ocean, eyes ... in mysticology, often exceeds its original definition, and is full of a kind of humane maliciousness and cruelty. Yes, the meaning extended by these names in occultism is definitely not commendatory in most cases. It may carry a certain expectation of people, but when studying this expectation, it will notice the cruel reality behind it and some very unethical concepts. Therefore, I always feel that once these names appear in a mysterious event, then it must be full of maliciousness, full of terrible viciousness, and the source, essence and manifestation of all disasters.

The altar at the top of the mountain is full of "expect the sky" and "overwhelming", and the surrounding patterns and the pattern of the main core are more or less interspersed with the pattern of "eyes", some wavy curves, let People think of the ocean. All this, the association brought to people in the first time, has already explained the abnormality and importance of this altar.

Although this is the first time I have entered this nightmare, I can feel a heavy history and a **** past, which slowly unfolded in the area where I am now. Among the decaying smells, for the first time, I obviously smelled **** smells, as well as some obviously abnormal smells. I held my crossbow and carefully approached the edge of the altar, near the chapel.

From the right-hand side, you can see the tomb surrounded by mist. Because the names on the tombstones are "Gaochuan", I call it "Taochuan's Tomb", while the left-hand side is the place of worship and residence. Farther away, there is also a towering, more iconic building, but in this gloomy sky and misty fog, it is impossible to see its complete appearance. However, this is enough to prove that it is not where I am that there are traces left by humans.

In my heart, I depict a plan-the tomb of Gao Chuan. The residential area and the mountain altar, as well as the road connecting the three, are like seeds that have just sprouted.

Of course, I believe this is also moral.

This is a place to start, but it may also be a place where an end will occur. I couldn't help thinking that. at this time. A bad wind came from behind, and I had been prepared for a long time and rolled backwards. Whistling swept over and swept over, in the rolling vision, there appeared a pair of huge tangled feet, obviously not human feet, because they are reverse joints. The shape of the foot is actually more like a palm.

When I passed by, I drew my sword out of the sheath. Cut it **** the ankle. Its skin and bones are very hard. After cutting the skin and muscles, the blade can't cut the bones. Moreover, when the skin and muscles are cut, it feels uncomfortable to pass into the hands. . Chewing **** the metal blade.

I instinctively started a quick swipe and jumped back instantly. I saw that blood was not spurting from the ankle wound. It's something like ash, they turned into a lot of painful and howling faces in the air. I dare say that if you encounter them, it is definitely not a comfortable thing. These "ashes" spewed out as "blood" reminded me of the black smoke face for the first time.

In the study of the seminar, did people from 51 districts intervene? I think so. But I don't think there is any strangeness in this conclusion. The components of the seminar are already in existence and doomsday truth teachings, and there is nothing more than one 51 area.

The weird attack on me is three times taller than me, except for the appearance of both hands and feet. It can be connected with humans, and no other parts can make people think of humans. His feet are anti-articulated, his thighs and muscles have rotted and long hairs, his upper body is rickety, his swollen abdomen, his chest collapsed, he can't see a human figure at all, and his head is completely like an animal But he couldn't recognize what kind of animal it was. The only part of the hand, which is most similar to humans, is the five fingers, which can be used for fist grasping. It grabbed two axes, the bottom of the axe's handle was tied together with a chain, and when it waved, the other axe was directly driven by centrifugal force, and a heavy blow came to the place where I stood.

There was sparks on the ground of the altar, and the stone surface did not shatter because of it, which was really surprising. The weird power is definitely not false.

However, although the power of chain judgment and quick swept is suppressed, it is enough for me to be within the range of the altar, even if I don't use my eyes, I can determine its movement and orientation, and calmly dodge.

Just when it started its second time, I had lowered my body, sprinted, and slid to its left rib, holding a long knife in both hands, and slashing it on its waist and abdomen. The spine blocked the blade, it didn't matter, it was already staggered, and I turned to come behind him, cut the back of his neck with my backhand, and cut off his head directly with another knife.

The sturdy and full-bodied body fell to the ground and instantly turned into fly ash.

At the same time, there was a burning pain inside my right wrist, and a force was flowing along the magic lines, stimulating every nerve. This feeling is really too familiar, and can even be said to be nostalgic. My blood was boiling, I reached out my right hand, and fly ash was clenched out of thin air by a force, and suddenly sucked into the magic pattern.

I turned the palm of my hand and a hard stone appeared in the palm of my hand, which was obviously "grey stone".

The way the monster died, and the way it was absorbed by the magic lines, was like dealing with demons in the past doomsday illusion.

I don't think this is just accidental. But it is impossible to tell what kind of secret there is between the two.

There was no time for me to think about it. Perhaps the fighting here caused a chain reaction. I heard the sound of collision on the steps behind me. It was a very rhythmic sound, accompanied by footsteps, as if there were a lot of things that were climbing up the road.

I raised my crossbow and aimed in that direction.

When it came over clearly, although it was gloomy, these strange signs did not appear. So, are these weirdness just generated? Was it because I stood on this altar, so did it appear? Although there is no clear evidence, I still can't help thinking.

The weirdness that appeared one after another packed the steps, but there was no order. They collided with each other. The movements were obviously more agile, but they were trapped in the middle and could not be displayed. They seemed very irritable. Some of them are like beasts, some have humanoid figures, but more of them are somewhere in between. Even, the soft and fatty look is like a pustule, and it is impossible to tell what it is. .

Based on past experience, I once guessed that the weirdness here is probably the sick and painful side of the corresponding patients. In simple terms, it should be okay to treat the weirdness here as a human being in a peninsula mental hospital. It's just that the weirdness in front of me just keeps the human form. Those who have completely lost their human form make me feel very depressed. I can't bear to imagine that if these grotesques correspond to someone, then what kind of state would these non-human grotesques and human beings correspond to?

Assuming that this is the premise of the nightmare of the Peninsula Mental Hospital. I think that killing these weird things will definitely have a huge impact on someone corresponding to it. However, I am not sure whether it is a good influence or a bad one.

However, it is obvious that if I do n’t kill the weirdness in front of me, they wo n’t let me go, and, in turn, people in the living area. Their form is clearly hostile and opposite to everything in the residential area. And these weird things are also the things that Old Hall expelled from hunting. In the past, Old Hall might have protected this place from their hands, and he didn't give up in despair until he even encountered certain vicious situations.

This is no longer a question of letting go of it. It is impossible to wait until there is any sequelae to be determined. I didn't hesitate, when the weirdos just stepped on the altar, they even fired crossbow arrows. The impact force of the crossbow arrow is greater than imagined, almost equivalent to a powerful gun. The strange body shot is a meal, and the relatively weak body is immediately pushed down into the strange group behind him.

The weird people squeezed into a mass due to geographical constraints immediately ushered in a commotion, and internal chaos caused them to start hurting each other. Every time there is pain, there will be screams and screams, and from their wounds, some are ashes similar to the previous weird ones, and some are obviously liquid, which are "blood" or "pus", dark red, dark green Yes, blue and black, they are pretty sticky, dirty and cold.

In the air, the **** smell is more intense.

Using the starting crossbow, I realized that it didn't need arrows, but used "grey stone" as the source of power. The gray stone inlaid with its handle soon became pale, and then shattered into powder. At this time, I pressed the gray stone I got back into the hole again to activate the attack again.

Maybe the long knife in my hand will become stronger after being inlaid with limestone? Such thoughts appeared in my mind, but immediately, the pattern on the forehead was tingling, which reminded me of the exhortation and ridicule of Old Hall.

It turns out that every time you use the power of Mageweave, will it impact the branded blockade? Therefore, once you overuse Mageweave and overuse graystone, the brand will be destroyed, and I will return to the strength of the previous Mageweave messenger. For the old Hawk, the Mageweaver is a manifestation of the taboo power?

Guessing so in my heart, I put away the crossbow, shook off the fishing line at the armor, and instantly tied the agile weirdness at the target, dragged it to my feet, and directly slashed it in half. Its body hardness is obviously not as good as that of the tall and strong guy before.

Two successful attacks made me gradually understand these strange strengths. Although the power is limited, it is not difficult to deal with. At least, on the difficulty of battle, it was much easier to face the canine demon for the first time than when the toilet talked about it.

I shook my arm, retracted the hook rope, and at the next moment, launched a quick sweep, and slashed the knife towards the weirdness that had been locked straight ahead. (To be continued ...) u

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