Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1243: Relative safety zone

At a glance, there are more than 20 buildings in the residential area. The humanoid "family" and the central fountain are the most conspicuous and the most peaceful places. ¤ The apex novel, the humanoid “family” says that the people here are mental patients, and the building where they are located also exudes a gloomy and mad taste from the appearance. This kind of gloom and madness, in the eyes of ordinary people, are often the characteristics of mental patients, but I know that this is actually a prejudice. Not every mental patient is gloomy and mad, nor every mental patient will be in a state of seizure for a long time. The reason why mental patients are different from ordinary people is essentially a psychological difference, but there are also many Physiological diseases and defects lead to functional differences in sensing things and judging things.

Truly aggressive and extremely abnormal mental patients often show a worldview and morality that are different from ordinary people. Therefore, they often produce stubbornness that is different from ordinary people in the aspects that ordinary people think are insignificant, and then conflict with ordinary people, and Eventually pay for violence. More serious, it is based on their own physiological mechanisms and functional disorders, resulting in a kind of almost instinctive aggression. This is the most aggressive mental patient I have seen, but even such patients are not always their daily performance in a "manic" and "eerie" manner.

In my experience, especially in the real life of the hospital, the mental patients I have encountered have not shown much difference from ordinary people in daily life. The mental state they show is more of an abnormal calm and dullness. These patients, as long as they live a monotonous life day after day, will not produce boredom, nor will they suddenly become mad. Interactions with them, in addition to the sense of incongruity shown in the communication, in fact, there are not too many dangerous situations. What doctors need to worry about is that they hurt themselves.

Yes, mental patients are more likely to hurt themselves than others. Even with careful care, keeping them from harming themselves is often the core focus of the entire treatment phase.

The above, although only based on my own experience. The conclusions I have drawn, but, I still believe in such an argument-a mental patient full of restlessness, manicly hurting others, and even not understanding why he is doing this. In the entire group of mental patients, it is actually just Very few parts.

The "minor part" statement has explained their specificity to a certain extent. And there must be something less common that happens to them.

For example, doomsday syndrome.

In the reality of the hospital, the most moving danger is indeed the patients with doomsday syndrome-their danger is that although they also have a quiet time, it is difficult to capture the timing and cause of the aggressiveness. Their anomalies. Relatively more sudden, and when it suddenly broke out. The extraordinary physical abilities and consciousness displayed are manic. Even a heavily armed soldier would be killed in the hands of patients with Doomsday Syndrome once the incident happened suddenly and he was not prepared.

Yes, although the patients with Doomsday Syndrome do not necessarily attack other people in terms of onset. However, the probability and ability of attacking others are the most severely ill patients in the hospital.

However, the patient was diagnosed with onset and had a history of doomsday syndrome. Of all the mental patients in the hospital, including those who can theoretically be regarded as having changed to doomsday syndrome, but have not yet manifested clearly from their physiological state, they still belong to a small number.

The understanding of all these data makes me feel that this residential area is not normal. Because it is in an ideological world, I am more certain that this gloomy and manic atmosphere is the only appearance, even if it implies a mental hospital, it is absolutely abnormal.

These residents, placed in the group of "mental patients", are definitely a small part. In other words, in the reality of the hospital, this place is bound to be a special area specially reserved for dangerously ill patients.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to be a wooden house area.

The patient in the wooden house area teased me and others not long ago, but that performance is actually relatively mild.

Since Old Hawk fought to protect this place, then, I think that the so-called mental patients should actually include Old Hawk. This also means that Old Hawk's subject outside of this nightmare is actually an aggressive and seriously ill patient. What he sees here, of course, is also closely related to his dangerous mental state. Furthermore, I am actually not sure whether he is immersed in his nightmare, and wants to be a certain person, to solve certain things, or, the weirdness here may not be because of his cognition And change?

The trouble with the ideological world is that it is difficult to distinguish commonness and individuality in the same precise way as a scalpel, to treat it specifically, and then it is difficult to confirm whether what you have seen, experienced, and others Also has a role.

At this time, you can only understand from the same place as yourself and others. The commonality between oneself and others is the benchmark by which one can truly understand the state of others.

If I am completely different from the mental patient here, and it has no essential similarities with me, then I cannot use what I have encountered and observed to put it on other people to understand.

Conversely, I can understand the crisis faced by everyone in this neighbourhood, as well as the despair and death of Old Hawk, and accept the current environment as a matter of course, it has been proven that I am a mentally ill There is a certain degree of commonality with their condition.

Yes, what I have in common with them is the reason why I can calmly accept their reactions and words here. Otherwise, even if you are a psychologist, you will be irritated by the performance of mental patients.

I knocked on the door of these residents, and told the old Hawk's death to them. And their responses are not consistent. Of course, any of their reactions are actually my expectations.

Whether it seems that the young woman hiding in the house is interested, it is actually indifferent. Or perhaps the capricious man next door, always with a sarcastic man. Their perspective and attitude towards Old Hawk is definitely not what they showed at this time. Their reaction now is more normal than the appearance of the rooms where they are staying. Their response, whether it is cover up or ridicule. It's too close to normal people.

Perhaps ordinary people will feel that their performance is already abnormal enough, but I still have to say that their performance is far from being as abnormal as I think, and this is actually the most abnormal situation.

Perhaps there are forces that restrain their danger and madness in their behavior. It made me assume that once they left their room. Or if I open these doors, they will become different.

In ideology, rooms and doors are all things with deep metaphors. This is especially true of rooms with special styles and closed, and locked doors and windows that no one walks out of.

As I talked to the patients, I carefully figured out what the room, doors, windows, and styles, conditions, decorations, and light and silhouette might suggest. I really made up my mind. Protect this area as much as possible, so that patients are not subject to those weird attacks. However, of course, for these patients, I also have a certain degree of preventive psychology. They appear to be victims at this time, but, under unknown circumstances, they may become perpetrators.

They are those "minority" mental patients who must be strictly guarded against. And in the communication and exchange with them. Even if they say nothing, and in their words, they must carry part of the information, but they must not be completely trusted. What they think. What I have seen, even if it has a certain commonality with me, is definitely not exactly the same as mine. Moreover, it is also unnecessary to care about their statements and attitudes, because it is foolish to have disputes with these mental patients about these issues.

With this creed, my mood is as calm as ever.

The man lowered his voice, but asked clearly enough: "Hey, you ... the heir to the old Hawke." I turned my head, as if I felt the serious and sharp look from behind the stained-glass window, only listening to him Continue to say: "Is it true? Is Old Hawk really dead?"

"Yes." I answered quietly.

"Oh, my God, it's so unfortunate." The man sighed in an exaggerated voice, and said to me quickly: "Tell me, how did he die?"

"He dug a grave for himself and then jumped in." I answered.

To put it this way, in the minds of ordinary people, they must feel very ridiculous, think it is not something normal people will do, and even doubt whether I am kidding. If the old Hawk is a mental patient, it is easy to understand. And his way of death also hinted at his own mental state. Of course, the people in the room never doubted what I said and believed it without hesitation.

"Oh! That's really interesting ... Ah, no, I mean, that's really a pity of death." The man hurriedly changed his mouth, but I still couldn't hear what he meant, his attitude. And stand against old Hawk? Or is it just a bystander like the previous woman?

"You said you were the succeeding hunter?" The man said, "You want to do things for old Hawke?"

"No, I just do things for myself." I answered clearly.

"Ah ... like this ..." The man seemed a little surprised, and soon laughed loudly again, seeming to be very happy, "I said it, I said it, the old man certainly did not end well."

"What the **** do you want to say?" I asked, interrupting his complacency.

"What do you want to say? No, I don't want to say anything." The man lowered his voice again and said to me: "Give you an advice, young man, don't trust the cunning old hunter. Unless you become such a guy too. He is foolish! Dangerous! He thinks he is right, but will only cause trouble to others! "Speaking of which, the man's voice was indignant, this anger is weird, and it suddenly broke through the critical point and burst out with a huge roar : "I hate him, but he is dead, what should I do?" At the next moment, the emotion in the voice subsided again, and said to me: "Alien, I smell your taste. You say you are Take over the old man ’s hunter? Well, it seems that you do n’t know what the hunter is, and what you are hunting, you will regret it. I guess the old man has regretted it, right? So he wanted Bury yourself. "

"It's a pity." I said calmly and positively: "Maybe I don't know what a hunter is. What I'm hunting, but I know, what I'm doing, it's all my own choice."

"You will regret it," the man said stubbornly, and then turned off the light again.

"Don't pay attention to this man." The young woman who had spoken before said softly and politely: "When he was young. He suffered a serious psychological trauma. He hated everyone with dreams."

Only this sentence sounds to make her less like a mental patient, and the past man in her mouth, of course, is completely different from the current him.

I don't plan to do more exciting things at this time, such as breaking into the door. In the current nightmare, even if you want to find a safe place to relocate them, it is impossible.

It hardly needs much thought. I can be sure that even if this residential area is full of grotesque atmosphere, it is already a relatively safe place in the current nightmare.

I talked to them as if they were newcomers and had a good relationship with the neighborhood, at least to figure out who they were. It's not about bringing in a utilitarian goal.

I greeted outside the door and the young women were silent. It seemed to disappear. After that, my family passed the news of the death of old Hawke. Gradually grasped the general situation of the patients here. As I had originally thought, there should not be patients in every building, but some rooms are dark, but there are still people. They seem to be afraid of light, and feel that light will bring danger. And darkness can make them feel calm. Moreover, not every room that confirms someone will respond to my greeting. Some people pretend that they are not there, but they can hear their breathing. The chain judgment can directly perceive that when I speak, they are actually behind the door, listening to my voice, as if calculating a certain conspiracy.

Such scenes must be creepy for ordinary people.

However, ordinary people shouldn't be able to come here. Even if they come, most of them can't directly perceive what is happening in the invisible places like me.

If you can only see what your eyes can see, then this residential area is just an eccentric atmosphere.

Quirky, uneasy, gloomy, and all kinds of negative things converge into a gray and stagnant water, and in the fine rain, the starting point ripples. Should people with bad intentions be treated equally? I have thought about this issue, but I do not intend to draw a conclusion. Because, from the beginning, I did not expect that people here would respond well to my determination. I did n’t do anything for this place just to get their praise. It ’s just that I unilaterally hope to protect this place.

I didn't find Marceau. But assuming Marceau also came here, then, at least there is a relatively safe place where she can live.

Although it is necessary to deal with the dangers of patients here, it is always better than facing the weirdness. Those weird forms have proved that they are even more twisted, crazy, and dangerous than these weird patients, full of extraordinary malice. At the very least, the patients here can still talk to me, and, they seem, they won't run out of the room for no reason, or even, under normal circumstances, they can't walk out of the room at all. As long as these patients stay in their rooms, they are safe outside the room. If it is not necessary, I will never go in and open the door for them.

I have a feeling that even the rumors of the deepest night will come when the bell rings at zero, and end everything, but the length of the entire nightmare, there will never be only one time to sleep.

I walked in the direction of the chapel unhurriedly, while sorting and analyzing the current situation in my mind. What kind of situation is the deepest night, Marceau's whereabouts, the cause of this nightmare, and the series of consequences that will be triggered from it. I have to find out all these things. Even if it is impossible to find out, those bad results must be prevented as much as possible.

It is undoubtedly a feasible method to bring all the people who can be found in nightmares as long as they still maintain their human form, and bring them to this place for unified protection. When I entered the nightmare, I was not in this residential area, but in a comatose attitude, was found and sent here by Old Hawke. I feel that this encounter is not special, and there should be other people who are in a lonely and dangerous situation after falling into this nightmare.

As I explore this nightmare world, I can work harder and need to find their tracks.

Making a decision in my heart like this, I walked into the chapel. The humanoid "family" was still sitting in the original position, holding her fist in prayer, but her hood seemed to never be put on again after she put it down. Before I suspected that the human form "family" is related to the color, but the two are not the same in appearance, although both can be regarded as beautiful in the human form.

When I deliberately approached her, she looked up at me and said, "Dear messenger, can I help you?"

"Old Hawk is dead." I said.

"Yes, so you can only find him if you go to the cemetery." The humanoid "family" is just like I thought, without any emotion, whether it is voice or expression, it is as usual as usual. However, her answer meant a little more pun intended.

"When did he die?" With a suspicion in my heart, I asked this seemingly redundant sentence again.

"When he took you back here, he was seriously injured." The humanoid "Department" said: "He was dead before you woke up."

Sure enough, there was an abnormal answer.

"But I saw him in the cemetery. At that time, he was not lying in the cemetery." I described what I saw with my own eyes, the death of Old Hawke.

But the humanoid "family" doesn't seem to understand what I mean. She tilted her head to express her doubts.

"If he died long ago, then, what did I see in the cemetery?" I asked.

"He is burying himself." The humanoid "family" a serious answer, but for me, this answer is of no use.

I began to feel that I could not find the cause of the conflict from her. The humanoid "family" seems to take for granted these seemingly inconceivable situations, and is also accustomed to it.

"What's the matter with the cemetery?" I asked: "Why are the names on the tombstones all Gaochuan? Old Hawke's grave is also engraved with Gaochuan's name, not his own."

"The deepest night allows everyone to see their death." The humanoid "Department" said: "God is overlooking us and giving us a warning."

Her attitude and statement seem to be unable to give me a more intuitive explanation. But I am not anxious and dissatisfied with her so obscure and rigid words. She rightfully exists here in such an attitude, and I do n’t think it ’s wrong. If she is not taken for granted as a way of being, it is absolutely impossible to support the more grotesque and crazy things she should have in the nightmare.

"Do you know what you are and why are you here?" I turned to the subject and asked.

"Yes, a great fate, let me wait for your arrival here." The humanoid "Department" said: "Serving you ~ ~ is my mission until you endure the deep night Test. "

"What is that great destiny?" I asked.

"It's a great destiny, that's all." The humanoid "Department" replied in this way: "It is destined that even something like me is born with a mission, and this mission makes me feel the meaning of life. I try Serve you as much as possible, respectable messenger. "

Her answer is still very obscure.

"The residents outside are all patients, what about you?" I continued to ask.

"Yes, I am also a patient. The whole world is sick, and I can't be an exception, but maybe you can save it all, if you really want to do it." The humanoid "Department" said: "You found yourself Is there a reason and mission here? "

"Of course." I said.

"So, congratulations, I hope you will not get lost on the road." Humanoid "Department" said so. (To be continued ...)

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