Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1244: United

This nightmare is a bit different from what I have experienced in the past. The most special thing is the humanoid "family". Her existence and interaction are like a pre-set guide. She looks human, but she has no human touch. Although she has the fragrance of women, she does not possess the sensibility of women. All her behaviors and conversations make me think that she will only say so and do so without expecting. She will produce other ideas and actions. I know that the humanoid "family" must know a lot of things, but the problem is that she seems to have a "procedure" in her body. Only when certain conditions are met will she begin to explain.

So far, all of her active actions have only attracted my attention to her, and do not have other deeper ideas.

I do n’t know if I should describe her as a “guide character in the game”, but her performance is very close to that description. The only thing that makes me hesitate is when I observe her and interact with her, I feel hidden in The spirituality behind passiveness and mechanicality-that feeling, as if she is not a rigid role, but is playing such a role.

I suspect that the deep part of this body is the color. I stared at her eyes and wanted to see if the color was using her beautiful but somewhat empty eyes to observe my every move. But I failed, and I couldn't treat these eyes as doors and windows deep inside. That empty look is like covering up a thick layer of haze, which makes people unable to see what is in the depths, only to feel that there must be something in that depth.

I guess the origin of the humanoid "family" and the meaning, position, identity and background of her nightmare.

There has always been a saying in the mysterious circle that when a mysterious event occurs, everything present is by no means a passerby, whether it is a person or a person. Phenomenon or object, the form of its existence, the way of communication, the characteristics exhibited, etc., all the elements describing its existence are the components that constitute this mysterious event. Delicate and complex, it contains a lot of information that cannot be fully interpreted by humans themselves.

Any innocent person involved in a mysterious event may seem to be a kind of accident and bad luck, but in fact, the meaning behind it has a deep involvement with the mysterious event. It is better to think of it as "innocent" "The selected." They are involved. Not accidentally, but inevitable.

In such a mysterious event, there is actually no "ordinary character" in the true sense. Each character has its irreplaceable meaning and role. The reason why the mysterious expert who experienced the event cannot see it is simply because , These meanings and functions. It happened outside the vision and cognition of the mysterious expert. According to the mystery expert's experience, imagination, insight, observation ability, interpretation ability and his own characteristics, different mystery experts are facing the same situation. The distinguished "important roles" and "ordinary roles" are also different. But it is also limited by its own narrowness, so it is impossible to dig up the secrets of each character, and then it is impossible to truly see the full picture of the mysterious events that they have experienced.

That kind of dominance, the possibility of grasping the entire context of events, when mysterious experts face mysterious events. It is completely impossible.

Mysterious experts know many things, but in turn, they can only know what they can know.

The more you experience a mysterious event, the more you will realize your ignorance and powerlessness, even when you are exposed to some terrible existence. This ignorance and powerlessness will produce a chemical reaction with madness, which will in turn twist the mysterious expert.

To a large extent, these situations are very similar to the Cthulhu system in occultism. It must be recognized that ignorance itself is happiness, and the more you know, the more you will think about it. The biggest difference with the Cthulhu system is that the so-called "Evil God" has never been confirmed, and the fear of the unknown is definitely not the focus of the mysterious event.

The point of the mysterious event is that it seems very

There is a sense of sight, but its development is often unexpected. For an experienced mystery expert, the unknown in the mysterious event seems to be very little, and every possibility of development can have a pre-judgment, even if it is truly faced with that it has never been realized and never touched It is impossible to limit the mystery expert's own qualities to fear immediately. However, the development of the entire mysterious event sometimes produced huge and abrupt changes, which caught people off guard. And what makes mysterious experts mad is not a domineering, irresistible mysterious force, but a direct situation-I do n’t know why, I feel fear and madness, and I ca n’t find a real reason at all. Give yourself a reason, but you know that it is by no means a real reason.

I'm often exposed to this kind of fear, but it's hard to say a standard about the crazy situation.

The mysterious events in front of me, every bridge section, every plot, every scenery, give me a very standard "horror and mysterious templated scene" feeling. The people and things here should clearly have people and be interacting with them, but you can still feel this template.

However, the experience and caution of the mysterious experts made it impossible for me to really treat all of this as a model horror game. I must beware of sudden twists and changes, and the secretly surging waves hidden behind this patterning.

Every sentence, every action, every performance of me may seem meaningless and redundant to others, but from my point of view, it has meaning and is carefully arranged. My question, the answer I want to get, is not only in the answer given by the other party, but also not only in the performance of the respondent at that time. What I am after is what they mean in this nightmare.

I know that it is very difficult. No matter whether it is the past or the present, any mysterious expert cannot understand the whole situation in a mysterious event, and I will probably not be too different from them. Even so, if you really want to survive and do something, you must do it.

"Are strangers here often?" I asked.

"No, the people here have always lived here." The humanoid "Department" replied.

This is not the answer I want. From the perspective of doomsday illusions, even if there is no deep conscious walker, there are many ways to invade the patient's consciousness. The composition of the entire seminar is very complex. And I absolutely do not believe that when seminars let patients take new drugs, the mysterious organizations lurking in the seminars will do nothing. There must be a part of the nightmare that is now due to those mysterious organizations. Dr. Ruan Li's theory and technical level are unquestionable, but she does not recognize the phenomenon of mystery. And often from the direction of more scientific logic to explore the end of the world is facing the process, so even if she assumes that "white Claudia" can give patients "interactive hallucinations", it is absolutely impossible to use drugs to make patients Have hallucinations and build such a nightmare.

And this nightmare is obviously not naturally formed by the patient under the influence of "White Claudia", nor is it constituted by the channel of the electronic demon messenger in the process of the mystery of the world. The template of nightmare people and things. It turns out that there are certain people's consciousness behind it in its leading role. They interfered in the seminar's research and used the seminar's new drugs. It is possible that some mysterious ingredients were added to the drug ingredients in a premeditated manner, and the patient's ideology was actively used to create such a nightmare environment.

Because of this, it is inevitable. In some phenomena, some very representative situations are presented. People can think of familiar people and organizations as soon as possible.

And I also believe that since they have deliberately constructed such a nightmare, it certainly cannot be a casual act. Any mysterious organizations and individuals who cause this nightmare and recognize the existence of this nightmare will try to use this nightmare. And the most direct way to use it is to enter this nightmare and tinker with some things.


Entering here directly may not be the best way, but it must be people who are hidden in the dark. The most common means.

Therefore, if what the humanoid "family" says is that this nightmare is the only one of us, I absolutely do not believe it. Conversely, since she did n’t mean that, she could also think that she might be suggesting something else.

The simplest is, "There are other people outside this residential area, but they have been here in the future."

What is more complicated is that "the people in this residential area are not only the old Hawk who went out, but also some people who have not returned after going out."

Who are these unreturned people and what happened to them? What is the difference between their situation and mine? These problems are quite complicated.

In addition, I can confirm one thing: Although I was called "foreigner" by Old Hawke, it seems to have been defaulted to the members of this residential area. I am a "foreigner", but not a "foreigner", nor a "stranger".

"Has this been troubled by weirdness all the time?" I thought about it and asked again.

"Old Hawk solved all the troubles of approaching, but he will always die in despair. The coming of the deep night is unstoppable." The humanoid "Department" answered.

"So, can I bring someone here?" I asked again.

"Yes, you can bring people here." The humanoid "Department" said: "Here, it may make it easier for them to spend the night."

"Those weird, did it become a person? Is it a patient?" I asked further.

"Maybe." The humanoid "family" said: "Strong faith, burning desire, is the beginning of all changes."

The answer given by the humanoid "family" is too obscure.

"Do you have a map of this place?" I asked.

The humanoid "family" shook his head.

"If I need to go out, which way should I go to make it easier to reach someone?" I asked.

The humanoid "family" pointed me in a direction. I recalled that the tower-like building overlooking the altar was in that direction.

"Who are the users and objects of the altar?" I asked.

"Completing the ceremony is the only way to spend the night." This time, although the humanoid "family" did not give a clear answer, it revealed an important possibility.

I looked at the white Claudia on the altar of the chapel, the "paradise" associated with the seminar, the various situations that are related to the repeater, the doomsday illusion, and the reality of the hospital, and the "virus" that assumed everything started. "And" jiang ".

If the late night refers to the change of the entire repeater, then it will of course affect the situation of the illusion of doomsday and the state of the patients in the hospital with the doomsday syndrome. No matter from which angle. The Deepest Night is a suggestive turning point, even for Dr. Ruan Li's perspective that is not affected by "mystery".

Well, the "ceremony" for the deepest night may also be a way to make a huge and critical change in the situation of the Las Vegas repeater. So, who actually designed this "ceremony". Why is it possible to ensure that this "ceremony" must take effect?

This question has no answer from the humanoid "family".

But I instinctively think that this is the color of the handwriting.

As a result, you have to consider the risk of performing this "ritual". If it is really tied in the "script"

The foreshadowing embedded in it, then, regardless of its appearance, its ultimate purpose. They are all directed against Jiang, because, like Dorothy, she thinks that Jiang is a virus.

Is the color plan to let me personally complete the trap for "Jiang"?

Speaking of which, Fu Jiang has been away from my observation for a long time. It also means that my observation of "Jiang" has been interrupted for some time, although the strength of "Jiang" has also been shown during the period. However, don't stay with me as a human figure. It always gives me an obscure hunch, like the sword of Damocles hanging over my head. I do n’t know, passing by the Nazi alienated You Jiang is not a fulfillment of this hunch, but I personally feel it. The crisis at that time was not big enough.

After Fu Jiang left, there has been no news or other familiar figures appearing. This has made me always cautious and prepared for confrontation with the "final weapon" level. I do not know. When will such a situation occur, but as long as the "Jiang" cannot be observed, it will definitely become like this, just a matter of time.

If it appears in this nightmare, is it possible to use it to offset the traps that may exist in the color schemes? After all, to tie them together is to generalize "Jiang" and "Virus", so there is no difference between them, other final weapons, what is the difference between them and Fujiang.

Can I think of it this way: For them, all existences called "Jiang", similar to "Jiang", are the ultimate weapons, all manifestations of "viruses", and are the enemies that must be eliminated.

And in the nightmare in front of you, since the participants can already confirm that there are fifty-one districts, then all the circumstances that arise in this nightmare, their ultimate purpose can also be considered to point to this repeater itself To be specific, it is probably to eliminate the monsters hidden deep in the nightmare Las Vegas by the Nazis, and to alienate Youjiang, the ultimate weapon of the Nazis.

With this kind of thinking, I can gradually sort out the seemingly complicated relationship here. Connected the information obtained before with the current situation.

I guessed this way:

For Dr. Ruan Li, the nightmare produced by this medication is the prelude to the birth of "Paradise", which embodies some of the results of "Paradise" and is a major step in the research of "White Claudia". However, this medicine did not achieve the desired therapeutic effect for my mental patient. Instead, it may have deepened the morbidity. This is why she stopped me from taking the medicine and hurried away during the morning conversation.

For the Doomsday illusion and the 51 area, they contributed to the research of the seminar and, to a certain extent, interfered with the effect of the new medicine, thus creating the nightmare at the moment. Compared with the nightmare Las Vegas, this nightmare is a common nightmare even though the number of people is limited to mental patients in Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital. There are differences between the two nightmares, but there is also a certain degree of similarity. I think they may want to interfere in nightmares through nightmares. At present, it is only an experiment. After more results are obtained, it should be further spread to more people, and it is no longer limited to mental patients.

The proliferation channel of the nightmare Las Vegas and the ghost nightmare is the electronic demon system. The diffusion channel of this new nightmare is "paradise" if I am not mistaken. No matter whether it is the 51st district or not, they all understand the meaning of "paradise". Their intervention in the new medicine, in their view, also has the effect of suppressing the doomsday truth.

The mysterious spread is the erosion of the electronic demon system on the normal social system. It can also be regarded as the alienation of the normal people in this world by the Nazis. It provides food nutrients for the monsters deep in the nightmare of Las Vegas. The Las Vegas repeaters under Nazi control are operating according to a preset mechanism.

Well, the nightmare generated by using the new medicine this time can be regarded as the Nazi opponents trying to alienate those who have been alienated by the electronic demon system to change them.

Into a "toxic substance", try to use this method to weaken or defeat the monsters of the nightmare Las Vegas. On the other hand, it can also be regarded as a more intense action against the operation mechanism and control of the Las Vegas repeater than before.

The formation of this nightmare is a mysterious event on the surface, but what is hidden behind it should be the sublimation of the Las Vegas Raiders again.

Before the team completely collapsed and completely opposed to the fifty-one district, and before the Doomsday Truth Church completed their big plan, the cooperation of empathy was launched between the three and even more mysterious experts. There should be no specific consultations, but under the circumstances of each mind, they have unanimously promoted this development.

Maybe, somewhere in the peninsula, among the mental patients, there is a mysterious expert that I am familiar with.

The area of ​​this peninsula is not small, and the situation in the psychiatric hospital should also be suitable for stealth and guidance. It becomes somewhat similar to the reality in the hospital.

In this way, what the humanoid "family" says "is it possible to spend the night until the completion of the ritual" is probably a hint to all other conspirators entering this nightmare. And this ceremony should also exist for the above speculation.

In my opinion, the most critical point lies in "alienation"-let the conscious level of the drug user complete a metamorphic alienation, but there is no guarantee that this is beneficial, even, I think, this This kind of alienation must be vicious and fierce to achieve an offensive effect.

Using "ceremony" to complete the so-called "to spend the deep night" is probably a different concept from what I think of "saved".

The humanoid "family" has also said before that the deepest night is inevitable, and a night of major changes will inevitably occur. If you ca n’t get through, you will be destroyed. If you get through successfully, you will usher in something new. "Temporary new" and "saved" can sometimes be linked together, but sometimes they are completely irrelevant, and even opposite.

I stared at the humanoid "family", but it was clear that she did not have any intellectual or emotional shake, and I confirmed that it was impossible to get more specific tips from her. If I don't ask these questions, she will probably remain silent. In this nightmare, she played such a role: not evil or justice, guiding me, but not necessarily, guiding me to the desired result.

She is just a preset. And I am not going to do more to her like this. Because ~ ~ makes no sense at all.

I backed away and turned to leave the chapel. Standing under the eaves, I looked up at the orb that did n’t know whether it was the moon or the sun. It was falling slowly, and it was clearly cloudy and rainy, but it seemed to be under the clouds. You can see the texture of its surface.

Only in a nightmare can you see such a magnificent scene-it is like falling to the ground, not crossing the horizon.

I made a decision. I'm going out here, looking for more people, to see if I can justify my guess. Then, I want to find Marceau, take her back to this residential area, and then, try to protect the people in this area and spend the so-called deep night safely in the way I want.

If I can, I want to destroy the ritual. The only question is, without this so-called "ceremony", can these patients now survive "the deep night that will come"?

The only way to get the answer is to go out and find more "foreigners" like me-Doomsday Truth, the 51st District, and other mysterious experts to figure out what they are doing. (To be continued ...)


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