Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1245: In the hospital

I left the residential area again, and cleared the weirdness of leaving the forest area along the way. I do n’t know if it was my illusion. These weird external models seem to gradually change in the direction of anthropomorphism. Structures similar to human limbs have appeared, and I am not sure that I see the same kind of weirdness, but they obviously have great similarities in appearance, and the only difference is whether there are anthropomorphic limbs-these The parts that seem to be hands or feet, like the long branches, are so abruptly connected to the inhuman and bloated limbs. Although they continue to dance, they have no harm, but they are full of violations. Let its unnatural appearance become more disgusting. △ ¢ four △ ¢ five △ ¢ 中 △ ¢ 文 ⊥,

I ca n’t locate the current residential area on the entire peninsula. I ’m even just guessing that the terrain of this nightmare is based on the terrain of the peninsula, but on the other hand, I have n’t seen the tower on the peninsula far away Image, I suspect that it was built by a "foreigner" like me in this nightmare, a purposeless building.

Because of the relatively striking coordinates at present, only residents and tall towers, I am also more inclined to gradually expand my range of activities along the two points and one line. The current weirdness, even at this time, when I think that I am in a "seal" state, it is weaker than most of the "devil" encountered in the past, and not every one shows strong aggression, and according to my Observation, the reason for its weakness, mostly lies in that their advantages in one aspect are too prominent, just like a balance adjustment of the overall ability, and let them be in a specific ability and state There is a good performance. Conversely, as long as they are outside the scope of what they are good at, they are all weak points.

The thick-skinned guy's movement speed will be astonishingly slow. And good at attacking with limbs. Nor will flames or venom be ejected suddenly. Fast, its body is like glass, and it seems to shatter at the touch-of course, for me, they are like this, if their opponents are ordinary people. Its own advantages are enough to make up for the defects, and even the defects they show have exceeded the average level of ordinary people.

However, as long as there is no omnidirectional attack without dead ends, or a certain degree of self-healing ability, or a strong enough negative influence, these weird nature cannot be my opponent. Even under this "sealed" feeling, the use of Mageweave power becomes very difficult. The chain judgment is obviously weakened a lot, but the "relatively fast" characteristic of the speed sweep superpower does not seem to change. Even if it is attacked by the most agile weirdness, as long as it falls into the chain of perception of the chain judgment, even if it has reached the neck in the blink of an eye, I can still use speed raider to avoid this fatal blow-jump away, Or just roll it on the spot, there is no such thing as a clue. Even when it seemed the most thrilling, the deadly attack almost touched the skin. In my opinion, the time to respond seems to be sufficient.

Evasion, tumbling, these processes all take time, and I do n’t think so. This process consumes less time than the weird speed. But when I reacted, the distance between the other party and me was as close as the horizon. I can always avoid them at the last minute and then fight back.

Hand crossbow is also good. Whether it is a hook rope or a long knife, no matter whether its original purpose is attack or not, I can naturally use them as weapons and instinctively play their own special effects. The intense and compact movements seemed to me as natural as eating and drinking. And these tools are as light as hands and feet when they are used.

I turned around, using trees and boulders as bunkers, leaned down, and quietly approached the weirdness that had just launched the attack, and they were so stupid, without any alertness, scanning around blankly, while it found me , I have also come to the best distance to launch an attack, and directly cut off its head-sometimes a limb, sometimes a chest, in short, these weirdness has so many "cores", just like the human heart and brain nutrition After passing through and chopping out, they will fall to the ground, turn into fly ash, and then be sucked into the nutrients by the magic lines.

At this time, I think that speed is not the best, but it has a real sense of action. It's like I'm stepping down on the ground down to earth, using a method that I can understand, a little bit, unpleasantly but accurately enough to dismember the enemy. In the past, whenever I used speed sweep and tried to use "light" as a reference to reach a limit speed beyond my own perception, it felt even more empty than it is now. It seems that the so-called "faster than light, faster than consciousness" is nothing but self-deception.

I always feel that it is not a good idea to use the characteristics of speed sweep to select those abnormal speed reference objects. When my own speed exceeds the theoretically understandable limit, I feel whether it is a false and full of side effects. Use it once or twice, you may be able to suppress that unreal feeling, but if you use it frequently, it has another bad hunch.

Before entering this nightmare, when I was using the speed swept super power, I always restrained myself and tried not to do what I called the "best". Because, the "best" degree is really disturbing and unintelligible: using light as a reference object can be faster than light? Using consciousness as a reference, can it be faster than "consciousness"? Isn't it a bit? However, on the other hand, I can indeed do it. I have tried it in the past battles, and I have not felt any sequelae.

Perhaps, I can really do it faster than "light" and faster than "consciousness" every time, but I have always subconsciously rejected such behavior so that even the best condition At that time, I never played on the forest farm and reached my own limit.

Nowadays, weirdness is weaker than the "demon", of course, there is nothing to be nervous about.

I do not deny that the weirdness of the future may become stronger and weird step by step under the influence of multiple parties, but at least for now, they are still in front of me.

Looking at the tower from the altar, it doesn't seem to be very far. But when you actually go, you can feel it. It really is farther than I thought. On the way, I took a break and sorted out my graystones and equipment. The large amount of gray stone makes me feel convenient-the treatment of myself, the transformation of foreign objects, including weapons. Basic lines can be completed with the power of graystone. Whenever the power of these gray stones such as weapons and props, I can always feel that there is a force that erodes the body, echoes the magic pattern, and is rejected by the branding of the forehead. I clearly felt that the branding on my forehead would always be useless. The more weird the killing, the more I used gray mist and gray stone from their corpses to use, the feeling became clearer and stronger. Just like a red warning light that keeps flashing and spinning.

I wiped the blade and looked at the sky like a sun and moon, constantly sinking towards the giant sphere, while recalling and analyzing the information obtained during this time. I don't think that I can draw a completely correct and completely affirmative answer from it, but thinking like this has become an instinct. Even when fighting, my mind will still be separated from the current battle from time to time. But even if I think too much. Moreover, it is necessary to think so much. But this state has never disturbed sleep once.

The doomsday illusions of the past are okay, and after the recovery, every time I fell asleep, I couldn't enter a state of deep sleep. I always dream, but these dreams are extremely realistic, there are a lot of conspiracies. A lot of special situations are waiting for me to solve. It ’s the same this time. Of course I did n’t fall into this nightmare voluntarily, but since I encountered it, it ’s impossible to do nothing. He obediently waited in a secret place until he woke up completely.

When waking up, you need to fight the "mystery", and even if you are asleep, you must continue to fight the "mystery". Dreams and reality, in their feelings, are full of contradictory but profound connections, and this connection will always give people a bad hunch, but most of the time, those worst hunches will always come true.

I have always assumed that I am an indifferent person, but I have repeatedly looked at my diary, but I can't see where indifference is reflected. The "Gao Chuan" in the story always asks for bitter tastes, just like a mental patient whispering, and firmly believes in things that normal people will not believe. Yes, I do n’t think that the “Gaochuan” in the story is a normal person. Even the story itself is obscure and ridiculous enough. From a normal perspective, it is simply a product of failure. It ’s what I wrote, and it ’s what I ’m facing.

No matter how many times I go through it, I can't find a "better and more correct" route. Even if I have gone back to the past with memories, I don't seem to be able to make it better through different choices. . An extremely strong sense of destiny, filled in that ridiculous story, will only make people fully aware of what kind of things dominate this, which is completely beyond the scope of human imagination.

That thing is indeed different from the "god" and "devil" set by the people themselves. The things set by human beings, even if they are to express the strength of the other party, and create a pessimistic thought, will always subconsciously hide some weaknesses or characteristics of such a powerful thing that "can let humans overcome it." Even in the mysterious system of Cthulhu called "no interest in humans, far beyond human imagination", those chaotic evil gods are described as "always sleeping, once waking up, it is a disaster" It is also always sleeping, and the horror occasionally produced will often be suppressed by humans back to the "sleeping" state after a period of time.

Yes, even when describing the "fear of the unknown", human beings always have a postmenopausal advantage in the world they imagine and the monsters they imagine. Even at the worst, there is often the belief that "God returns to God, and man returns to man."

However, from my own story, I can't see such things-those who acted after seeing the crisis, who firmly believe that they can overcome the difficulties and save the world, just have to believe that "can do "Those things", even if they know that they may be failing, they forcefully believe that they can get out of this dilemma. I do n’t think that such a belief is incorrect and unreasonable. I just feel that it is this kind of belief that reflects the cruel desperation and how hard it is to shake.

The more people who are struggling, the more they are filled with sunshine, full of fortitude and hard work, the more painful and helpless people will feel when they fail.

This "script" looming in the sky is for everyone trying to struggle. It's all terrible. However, these people who shine with their own light, and those who work hard for their beliefs, are indeed indispensable components of the "script". They made the "script" wonderful and sublimated, instead of becoming a complete one. Thoroughly, a bad story from start to finish.

It is because of this that I have become more and more convinced that the protagonist of this story is "flying insects", not "human beings". The satisfaction or dissatisfaction of "human beings" has no meaning at all, because they were born for this story. Once out of this story, "humanity" has no basis and reason for existence.

Here, there is no gifted human rights, and people are not born to seek their own mission in order to be enterprising and enterprising. There is a responsibility in life, and this responsibility is just to complete a "script". Play a "role".

What a pessimistic thought! I woke up and shook my head. Continue to compile and continue to write the story of "Gaochuan". I know that this is just a nightmare, but when I wake up. Will the things I write here appear in the diary after waking up?

I closed my diary and plugged in the pen tube. The cover of the diary didn't know when, it became this look-very formal, with a black and yellow leather cover. There is no text, but the texture of the cortex makes people trance people to see some illusions, just like those in reality, which use patterns to create "stereoscopic effects", but they are more "advanced" than that. The illusion or illusion that these textures let me see is moving.

I can't describe what the creepy thing is when I stare at the cover of my diary. I just think that it is definitely not a good thing, but it matches the atmosphere of this nightmare. As far as I am concerned, it has no effect, but I am not sure whether it will affect other people, especially ordinary people.

Unconsciously, even the diary and the story itself have become a kind of ominous metaphor for madness. This makes me a little frustrated, because, long ago, I had expected to write long-selling novels like "Harry and the Ring" based on my real stories.

It now appears that what I am facing is not just a problem of personal writing skills and publishing channels. I dare not even show such content to an ordinary person.

I tucked my diary into the holster and put it back in the inner pocket of the high-necked windbreaker. I erected the vertical collar, and the side was in this remote rock depression. The rain outside seems to be bigger again, with water all over the place, and the light is as dim as ever, even if there is no wind, it makes people feel wet and cold. I didn't make a fire, so I lay down in a crouch and rested. In this nightmare, I am a little sleepy, and I know that there is still a long way to go in the direction of the tower.

Although I was a bit worried about the situation in the residential area after I left, I could not stay there no matter whether I was looking for Marceau or to find out the movements of others. At this moment, I can only pray for them.

I don't know how long it has passed, I vaguely felt some consciousness. Then, the sense of alertness made me force myself to wake up—obviously, I should not fall asleep, or even be confused. The so-called blindfolding is to jump up and fight when things happen, And it feels just a moment of confusion, it may have been wasting too much time.

Even just drowsiness will let time slip away quickly and put yourself in an unprepared danger.

I opened my eyes vigorously, the first time I pressed the long knife towards my waist, but there was nothing there. The delicate texture of the cloth comes from the palm of your hand, as well as the touch of the waist. My eyes widened, and I suddenly realized that I was not inside the rock, but in a strange room. However, even such an unfamiliar room is enough to make me realize that I am back.

Wake up from the nightmare.

Not only because of the conscious consciousness, but also in the decoration, decoration and taste of this room are very different from everything in the nightmare.

More voices, more colors, gradually forming in my mind, draw a more vivid image.

The surroundings of the bed are quiet and may make people feel scared, but they will never be as weird as the nightmare. Candles were lit in the corner, shaking the dim light. The sound of raindrops knocking on the glass can be heard. The rain line outside the window is very obvious and pulsating, making people think that it will never stop soon. The sunlight before falling asleep is now blocked by a thin cloud.

This is a hospital, and the air is filled with the smell of disinfecting water. This taste, and the unique atmosphere that often accompanies this taste, are familiar to me. The ceiling of the room is unfamiliar, but the layout, atmosphere and scenery are not unfamiliar. I immediately thought that this should be the Peninsula Mental Hospital.

Dr. Ruan Li probably asked me to send me back, but the process did not wake me up. I do n’t know if this room I ’m in is in their impression, the patient room I used in this psychiatric hospital in the past three days. Although the space is as large as the double room of a general hotel, there is only one big white bed. The style is the kind commonly used in hospitals. The size is just enough to lie down for three people. However, there are no extra personal items in this room, probably I am the only one living here.

In addition to the large bed, there are bedside tables, tables and bookshelves, not even a wardrobe. I wore a gray loose patient suit, and there were two other sets on the bedside table. There are papers and pens on the table. I walked over and turned them over. It turned out to be my diary. The contents in it did not surprise me, including the ones I wrote in my nightmare. In the end, my actions in the nightmare are also returned to my normal body, or other reasons. I no longer deliberately guess. The present situation, for me, is no longer a question of "where is the truth", but the world I observe, experience, and confirm, whether it is a self-righteous illusion or a self-righteous reality, A complicated way to connect with each other.

And I can only treat them as real.

Indeed, this is a crazy world, isn't it?

I pushed open the window, and suddenly a damp wind blew in. Outside the window was a lawn. A thick banyan tree with a thick crown swayed in the strong wind, and a rattan hanging chair was attached to the branch. At the end of the lawn, the ground fell abruptly, forming a small cross-section. From the room, we could not see how deep the cross-section was, and what was below. However, before reaching the section, there were already iron fences preventing people from running there.

It stands to reason that my place should be the key area of ​​the hospital, but from the outside, it looks like a relatively remote place in this area.

The layout of the room is simple, even monotonous. Although the large white color stimulates the spirit, it is the preferred color tone here. Any visible decoration should be as close to white as possible. But to say that it is particularly clean, it is difficult to generate such an idea. In some places, it is grayish white, but it looks a bit old and dirty. The smell of disinfection water can be smelled no matter where it is. They seem to use disinfection water even when flushing the toilet ~ ~. Moreover, there is no circuit in the entire room, and the lighting tools that can be selected are: matches, oil lamps, candles and battery-powered flashlights. As for other large household appliances, it is even more impossible.

It seems that it is to prevent the patient from contacting too many things to the greatest extent. In fact, this is not an uncommon practice. Although it may not be convenient for the patient and lacks channels for communication with the outside world, there are many options for mental hospitals. With this monotonous environment, to restrain the mental pressure caused by the colorful external world to the patients.

The monotonous living environment and the simple lifestyle day after day have been proven to be very helpful for calming the mental level of mental patients. However, if it is capable, the hospital will provide patients with different personal room environments according to their conditions, instead of turning the entire mental hospital into such a monotonous situation. Of course, this approach is also correct. In fact, for the operation of psychiatric hospitals, the so-called "monotonous" can not only exclude "severe patients", but also save money.

I heard these words from Dr. Ruan Li.

However, compared with the reality of the hospital, the personal room of this mental hospital is too monotonous and unnatural, but it seems a bit depressed, and it does not give me the feeling of "for the patient". (To be continued ...)

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