Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1246: Two in the hospital

I fell asleep in a nightmare, and when I woke up, I found that I had returned to the mental hospital. This development was not surprising in my career. ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Chinese ⊙ article, although I call them "reality" and "nightmare" in order to distinguish my environment, but one "reality" is a "nightmare" relative to another "reality" , And the environment that should have been relatively a "nightmare", but in some cases, has become a living reality, these situations will always appear. In the end, I can't tell at all what is reality, what is a nightmare, and what is my illusion.

People like Dr. Ruan Li always define "reality" as the only and true environment whether they are or not, and in the normal sense, the word "reality" looks like this. I do n’t deny Dr. Ruan Li ’s understanding of “reality”, but feel that understanding like that, having a concept representing “truth”, “highest” and “unique” is a beautiful thing and a better survival for humanity. essential. On the contrary, people like me who always unknowingly treat concepts such as "reality" and "truth" must be sick and abnormal. Especially, this kind of ambiguity is not subjective. The problem of knowledge, but a more biased observation, of course, is even more abnormal.

Human beings have limits.

Within this limit, no one has ever been able to observe multiple realities, and it seems that I, who has already done it, naturally contradicts the self-knowledge of the person.

So, the conclusion is quite obvious: If I am a human, then, for so many dazzling situations I have encountered, there must be a part of illusion, not the part of illusion, even if it is broken. It should also be possible to piece together a unique realistic outline. This outline may be flawed, but it is absolutely impossible for the same thing to exhibit multiple forms at the same time under the same observation. Man can only see what he can see at the same time. Under the same observation method, if you see a certain person at a certain time, then this person should not show different behaviors and different personalities under other identities at the same time.

In this way, as a human being, if I really observe the truth, then the color and Dorothy should be just the same, not both human and non-human.

however. In what I have observed, in the situation I have personally experienced, not only there are multiple "Gaochuans", but other people and things also have no "uniqueness" at all. Although there seems to be a connection between them, it is this subtle connection that proves that they are not "unique" in concept.

What is real. What is false, what is a dream. What is illusion, the only criterion is only your own feelings, and "Jiang" and "Virus".

This is a ridiculous thing.

And now, I have become accustomed to such absurdity. You wo n’t even be surprised by the sudden emergence of a “more realistic situation than in the past”. This is not the case at all, but just all of this. Treated as "accomplished facts" and "existing existence".

I assume that "jiang" and "virus" exist, and I am not a "human" in the full sense. It ’s ridiculous to set yourself up like this, but other people who think “because it ’s so handsome. So I want to try it”, or “have a certain psychological shadow, so use this method to escape” Different.

If I don't do this, I can't survive. These settings are not the identity I have imposed on myself, but a part of my personality today.

Sooner or later, there will be a cure for the disease. The world they see will be as ordinary as others. They can be ashamed of what they have done, or laugh at it and start a new life.

But I can't see this day.

Because, in the world I observed, when I dreamed of becoming a hero, some people died, and countless others would die in front of my eyes. Before that, they were suffering. This is not the world I want to see. And when these things happen repeatedly in front of me, I ca n’t do it either, and in a future day, I will treat all this as my shameful fantasy, and laugh at it.

In this world where ordinary people feel ridiculous, I fought against companions who had some firm convictions. The opponents were also a group of crazy but faithful enemies. Their words and deeds affect me all the time, and I also affect them. Let me laugh at those things that happened, those deaths, those pains, those struggles, those dreams, as if they were the "second disease", how could it be possible?

It can't be done.

Therefore, I can only say to myself that everything at the moment, what is happening, may have another image in the eyes of others, but for me, it is my own reality.

In the common and normal cognition, it is very difficult to maintain such a personalized cognition. I know very well that the thoughts of "normal" and "abnormal" have always been like tug-of-war, pulling my knowledge of the world and others.

Everything I have seen is so complicated, so complicated, that I can't understand it at all, but I must go all the way in this kind of ignorance.

Whenever I encounter thorns, and whenever I am stabbed by thorns, I can only swallow these sufferings and remain silent to others. Because this is the world that only I know.

Although, in this world that only I know, there are others, and there will be intersections with the world in the eyes of others, but this does not mean understanding and approval. Instead, differences are the most visible.

Even temporary cooperation cannot be represented, and the two sides will not become enemies. Even if you think each other is important, there is no guarantee that the two parties will join hands on the same path. Even if they are similar in concept, they cannot be sure that they will step in the same direction.

Can't think the same thing as the one you love.

You cannot treat the same thing in the same way as someone you trust.

Can't accomplish the same goal with the people who value it.

People who are regarded as important to each other will always embark on their own affirmation for the sake of the other side, rather than the road that the other side affirmed.

Isn't this a very sad thing?

There is a saying that if you really fall in love with someone. It should be for its own sake, admit what it decides, and even help it realize what it thinks in the direction and road it decides-but the problem is. Do you really think that your decision is wrong, and the talent you love is correct? Are you willing to help the other person on the wrong path when you think you are wrong just because of the wishes of the person you love?

Without his own will and centered on the other's will, is this a manifestation of love? The answer to this question. I do n’t know because I have never met such a person. The people around me are all people who have a strong self-will and try to save something and achieve something. They are not indifferent and recognize others, just. From the beginning, they have not denied themselves. Don't doubt yourself. Even in this world, there is a saying that “there are many ways to believe that you are correct, so you can deny the correctness of others”. Correct. "-That's all.

Yes. Everyone is right for everyone.

However, when these can't be combined correctly, they are full of contradictions.

When the self-righteousness is correct, even if there is no other people's loyalty and approval, it will be carried out with its own strongest will. That's all I see now.

This is true whether it is me, a researcher in the hospital ’s reality, or various organizations in the doomsday illusion, and even everyone in the organization. Cooperation and grouping are only because everyone's "correctness" has something in common, rather than being infected by the "correctness" of the other party, and trying to complete the "correctness" proposed by others.

It is in this form that the doomsday truth religion and black nest appeared, which is incredible, and I can only use the commonality of personality, humanity and human ideology to explain.

This is what I see in the world, even if it is not the "hospital reality" embodied by too many "mysteries", it is also a group of stubborn people playing games.

I sometimes think, in fact, what will happen to the world, for them, it is not really important. The most important thing for them is whether they can implement and execute what they think is correct under the same environment. If this is correct and saves the world, then it is good. If it destroys the world, it is evil. However, in fact, before this "rescue" or "destruction" result, what he thinks correct will achieve good results or evil results, but it is only a small embellishment, not higher than "self-righteousness itself.

I sometimes think that I am actually such a person. Also because I am such a person, so I will exist and observe such a world.

Of course, this is only a very casual occasion, the idea that just flashed.

I always think a lot and record it in my diary, but these thoughts have never been the main driving force for my actions. What I have to face is that there is never one thing that can be solved with these complicated and obscure ideas.

My mood is always fluctuating, and I often hesitate about one thing. But I am quite sure that after deciding the direction, I also have a very strong execution, and will not change the direction because of the momentary swing and hesitation.

I put water on my face so that I couldn't help myself, and suddenly my confused thoughts stabilized. I do n’t think it ’s the unnatural monotony and whiteness of this ward that caused this emotional instability and confusion in thought. Because, even if it is not here, I often committed such a problem in the past, especially after the recovery, it became more serious, even when fighting, it will suddenly break away from the content of the battle itself. If it weren't the "relatively fast" feature of quick-sweep, maybe it was as early as in a certain battle, it was because the God of God was overturned by the enemy.

Or, it is precisely because of the speed-sweeping superpower that gives me more leeway than others, so that I can breed distractions in battle?

I can't tell. I know that this is probably not a good thing, but I ca n’t control myself.

I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered if I was in a trance. After a while, I felt that my face became blurred, but it didn't look like what I knew, what I was like in this world. but. I still don't have any doubts. This situation has happened many times in the past. Although it seems that a little secret can be discerned from this phenomenon like an illusion, it is actually. I never found this secret and answer. It seems to be a "real mapping", but in fact, there is no evidence to prove this.

When the hospital was in reality, these "illusions", "illusions" and "visual perception" once became my help in finding truth, but now it seems that it was still too naive. These hallucinations, illusions, and immediate vision can indeed suggest many clues. But it does not mean that what you find after following these clues is true.

The mirror seems to be covered with mist because of my thoughts, and looks very strange. I wiped it with my palm, only to see a handprint clearly printed on the top, and then a trace of blood ran down from the top of the mark. The mirror surface was painted all at once. My face, blocked by **** handprints, seemed stranger in the mirror.

I took a deep breath. Ignored and left the bathroom directly.

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon. When I woke up from a nightmare, it was half an hour ago. The sound of rain outside the window became more and more vectored. I decided to leave the room and walk. It was unlikely that I would walk out of the building again. However, on the other hand, I also want to confirm the structure of this building and other guests. I picked up the special mobile phone for the seminar from the bedside table, and wore the patient's uniform directly out of the door.

The long corridor stretched in front of the eyes. For a while, it seemed to spread to the front that I couldn't see clearly, and the door began to bend, just like a wide-angle camera with spherical mirrors. However, I blinked, and it was restored to about 20 meters, and things on both sides were restored to the square shape. I kind of think that my vision has become more frequent? I suspect that when I entered the nightmare, the hospital staff injected me with certain drugs, and the situation at this time was side effects. Although Dr. Ruan Li prevented me from taking new medicines, this simply means not taking the new medicines that were made in the past, and as time progresses, the new medicines will continue to improve, and of course she will let me take newer medicines.

The new drug should be part of the research and development of "paradise". Of course, it will also have a certain hallucinogenic effect. It is a nightmare, but it is only one aspect. I can imagine that the worse situation will be the reality of the hospital. The hallucinations are enough to allow the observed people to be reflected in a non-human image. Thereby awakening its own aggressiveness.

However, as far as personal feelings are concerned, except for the occasional scenes that occasionally appear to be suspected of "illusion" and "illusion" abnormalities, but the strong hallucinations like psychedelic drugs and the feeling of light and flicker do not exist.

I think I am completely normal, but everything in front of me suddenly changes the image, and in the next moment, it changes back to its original appearance, and the chain judgment did not observe the slightest abnormality.

For chain judgments with a range of up to 50 meters, the entire building will be wrapped as soon as possible. The building where I am located has only four floors. My room is at the end of the third floor corridor. After walking out of the door, the left hand is the fence, and the right hand is the room in full color. The doors are hidden, not all are locked. . In my mind, a three-dimensional figure quickly outlined.

Two thirds of the rooms in this building are already occupied.

I knocked on the neighbor's door. The people inside did not plan to come out. From the perception of the chain judgment, he just stood quietly in the center of the room and did nothing. He looks like he has been standing for a long time. I have been in front of him for five minutes, knocking on the door a dozen times, and he shows no movement. I know that no matter what the psychiatric patient looks weird and meaningless, there is no need to make any fuss. If I want to go in, I probably have to break through the door, and the problem is that the door is quite solid, with a wooden surface, but listening to the sound, it seems that the inside is inlaid with steel plates, otherwise, it seems like it was deliberately on several Dao Dao, and I don't have any tools at present.

My luggage has long been unknown where it was taken. When I am awake, of course I can ensure that the tools are not lost, but the problem is that I can not always stay awake. Of course there is no such thing as a crime in the ward. If you want to ensure the attack and action capabilities, it is not enough to have chain judgment and quick sweep superpower. I need at least a dagger. If possible, I also need to find enough materials to re-create auxiliary props. The current situation seems to be a bit like the reality in the hospital. Although it has the power of the magic pattern, it has to face a more strange environment, and it is not easy to tell which side is easier.

Afterwards, I intentionally made some movements, but no one came out to watch the excitement. The whole building is maintained in an empty and quiet atmosphere, which becomes more and more strange. Any room with people, no matter what the people inside do, does not respond to my meaning, and the structure of the door does not say that my speed-type Mageweave messenger can be forcibly opened by hand. Conversely, in a room with no one, either the door is not closed or there is no anti-lock, you can twist the handle directly from the outside to open. I expect there will be some materials in it, but it is a pity that there are long-discarded vacancies, as if no one has been taking care of them, there are almost no usable objects, and the accumulated dust is enough to make people breathe. And, there are spider webs everywhere.

I thought that the psychiatric hospital would look at Dr. Ruan Li's face and arrange me to a more refined patient area. Just when I turned over the box, the phone rang.

Caller ID is not any number stored in the phone, it is replaced by a series of question marks.

I did not hesitate to answer the suspicious call directly.

"Who?" I thought, my voice was a little blunt.

"... I finally got in touch." There was a pause in the voice over there. It seemed that the signal was very poor. Not only was the voice intermittent, varying in height, but also full of noise, "Gaochuan ... shasha ... I ... John Bull. "

"John Bull?" I confirmed.

"Yes ... the signal on your side ... interfering ... The people of the torchlight passed ... leaving a mark ..." John Bull said a few words, but all I could hear was only a little bit of content. When I wanted to ask for more precise content, the signal was interrupted and only a string of blind tones remained in the receiver.

However, with just a few important words, I can probably guess what John Bull wanted to say.

The most important thing is that the person of the torchlight has come.

The torch light is an important component, and it has a seat in the seminar. Therefore, when the seminar tries to create a "paradise", the arrival of the torch light is not surprising. However, it was not others, but the torch light, coupled with John Bull ’s intentional notice, the meaning behind it was somewhat intriguing.

Because the arrival of the torch light means the expansion of "deviation"-in short, before they arrive, if there is an accident, it is normal. However, after the torch light arrives ~ ~ Recurring accidents are no longer normal. The "deviation" of the torch light is mysterious, and may bring about changes that are unexpected to everyone.

What kind of considerations are there to let Torchlight participate in the production of "paradise"? They must know what the "paradise" that Dr. Ruan Li and others want is, and what will happen to the "paradise" under the influence of the doomsday truth. Because all parties need a "paradise", most of them are affirmative about the completion of "paradise". The biggest contradiction lies in what effect "paradise" should have.

However, the "deviation" of the torchlight is a type that does not distinguish between enemies and enemies. Is the reason why they are sent over can be regarded as that it has been thought that it is impossible for them to exceed the doomsday truth in the influence of paradise research, so try What about water?

John Bull seemed to want me to meet the people of the torchlight.

But I think it is better to observe it in secret.

Although I could not hear everything John Bull said because of the signal problem, but when it comes to the torch light and the mark, if the torch light will leave its own mark, I have a rough idea. Even if you ca n’t describe it in detail, you can make sure that you can recognize it when you see it. (To be continued ...)

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