My current mobile phone is dedicated to seminars, both signal and function have great restrictions, but, because there is also a share in the seminar, in which the network ball accounts for the vast majority, so I do n’t think that John Bull can Surprised by calling. On the other hand, even if it is possible to intervene, the instability of the call still makes me think that under normal circumstances, even the online ball cannot be too involved in the current situation. I do n’t know if this is an delusion deliberately created by the network ball, or the fact is true, but in any case, I cannot actively contact John Bull and others, and in most cases, I can only deal with the current environment alone, but It is an indisputable fact.

According to John Bull's tone, the torch light, which is an important part of it, also cannot have a bright and upright identity, and is involved in the current research of the seminar. From this, it can be judged that the internal part of the seminar belongs to the intruders, which has formed a state of mutual restraint, and both parties have enough patience to suppress large-scale actions to indirectly affect and wait for the "paradise" structure. I feel that the relative stability in this kind of hostility will not be easily broken unless there is enough evidence to prove that the current situation has completely fallen to one side. And like me, people who can use some identities to move in a psychiatric hospital in a more direct way are naturally valuable.

To put it awkwardly, my current identity, for many people, is not only a network ball, but also has value-I am not only the adopted son of Dr. Ruan Li, but also her patient; I am both a doomsday illusion Intruders also have mental patients in this repeater world. Multiple identities have given me more room for circumstance in the current ambiguous situation. So far. The only thing that is truly malicious to me is the doomsday truth and the Nazis, whether it is the 51st district, or a lonely mysterious expert like Father Edward, all at once hinted at the intention to cooperate. Of course, after my behavior has shown a certain tendency, they are more of a "guide" and "utilization" approach, not directly face-to-face with me, negotiated hard.

My position will not change, however. My actions and purposes, in the eyes of others, should be fickle and ambiguous. I think they have a lot of scruples about contacting me.

From the perspective of doomsday illusion. My appearance is also very unusual. I believe that so far, no one can be sure why there are two "Gaochuans". Probably on another Gao Chuan, before I recovered, there were already many clues, but these clues should be connected. It is impossible to do without a real perspective of the hospital. And I also believe that the color of the color and Dorothy should not be the other people in the illusion of the end. Their concerns about the realities of the hospital must be similar to that of Gao Gao who cannot explain the realities of the hospital.

In the eyes of these people, it is such a person with unknown origin, high skill, and a status that is quite convenient for action. I am not sure. Has your promotion to Level 4 Mageweave messenger been widely exposed? But this possibility is very high. Just for Father Edward, I do n’t think so. He can keep this secret strictly. On the contrary, if he uses my intelligence to make transactions with various forces, it is easier to understand the situation.

I really do n’t know what my weight is, but I know very well that I ’m not weightless, and I must also occupy an important position in the plans of all parties. Maybe I do n’t understand what their plans are, and whether my actions have any impact, but I know very well that I ’m definitely not “just doing what I want to do”. So far, what I have encountered in this peninsula, and even earlier, is actually a kind of "guide" formed by the cross-effects of all parties after the game. They may not be able to get all the benefits from me, but they must have obtained some of the benefits, and this is something I can't stop. It is completely impossible to want to "do only things that are beneficial to oneself" while completely eliminating the enemy's plan.

They guide the occurrence of mysterious events, and I am a participant that they stipulated. Any impact I bring, whether positive or negative, should also be in their estimation. However, on the other hand, they cannot completely limit the influence that I have, but only in the aftermath of my participation in the event, I can try to correct the side that is harmful to myself and expand the side that is beneficial to myself. In the process, it will inevitably produce games with other forces.

This is a very complicated situation. I am not very different from them except that I do not actively generate mysterious events. It is neither a flag nor a flag bearer, but a necessary component in a macro situation. It is precisely because it is necessary that it has an advantage.

Yes, the "necessary" advantage. From this perspective, without my participation—whether purposeful or purposeless, whether accidental or inevitable—they cannot complete their plans.

The most important benefit that this advantage brings to me is not to bargain with my own participation or not, because no matter what my own wishes, this situation in the game is impossible for me to stay out of it, and my plan , It also made me unable to stay out of the range completely. The advantage is that my actions are relatively free, and there are no restrictions. At this level, the biggest thing is that in the unscrupulous, the other party ca n’t entangle all the power to target me alone. Representative of Asian feelings and whispers.

Simply put, as long as I am still active, the Asian side is safe. Although the whisperer is weak, it is also scrupulous.

My activities in Europe and America are a kind of umbrella. Most people with ulterior motives have to focus on where I am. Although I am only one person, it seems to be walking in the center of the stage, and no matter who is assigned to the light, there will be a conspicuous light beam that shines on me, so that others cannot completely ignore it.

Yes, I know that many important mysterious events have occurred in places where I cannot observe them, and these mysterious events have also brought huge impact. But I don't know the true face of those mysterious events, and I don't even know what their impact is, because I am not the protagonist in those mysterious events. but. It doesn't matter, does it? Because even if I just pass by these incidents, it will make them lean.

From this perspective alone, I can be considered a kind of "deviation", just. The "deviations" I have created are different from those of the Torchlight. They will not derail the overall development, but will inevitably allow people to get a part of their expected benefits.

I do n’t know much about the "deviation" of Torchlight, but. In most rumors, they appear in the form of "running", "no-profit" and "both losses", which is quite a negative situation. Therefore, although Torchlight is a powerful and established organization, it is often not treated by others. After all, no one expects that everything he has prepared is super-expanded in a way that he has not expected. In the end, it will not end. Even the person of the torchlight cannot really avoid the influence of this "deviation". If everyone is out of luck, they often cannot escape.

Because of this, the mysterious torch light with such evil "deviations" is just a powerful old organization, not the strongest mysterious organization. It is clearly a network ball of an emerging organization. But it came later in word of mouth and scale.

Now, John Bull's unclear connection. I had to come into contact with these "deviations" like **** sticks.

I am not a hidden character, since John Bull deliberately mentioned that the light of the torch has interfered. It means that even if I don't take the initiative to contact them, they will come to the door.

In this case, because I do not actively create mysterious events, but passively wait for the mysterious events to come to the door, so I am currently doing nothing and decided to take the initiative to contact them. This is not a matter of objective and advantageous choice, but merely a subjective personal decision.

After all, the research of the seminar is put on our patients, and only the work of testing drugs is left. The whole research process can't be seen, even if you see it, you can't see the reason from that kind of theory.

I determined my goal:

With the protection of Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau as the core, more interference in the nightmare situation, from the perspective of nightmare, try to influence the work of the seminar. Dr. Ruan Li uses my diary and communication with me to determine the impact of the new drug, and should pay more attention to the impact of the new drug on me. The results obtained after the diagnosis and treatment will be fed back to the research, and then the research Itself has an impact. In such a chain, the changes in the nightmare, what happened in the nightmare, what I have seen, the actions I have taken, and the impact I have caused will become quite important enough to affect Dr. Ruan Li, Then indirectly affect the factors of research work.

Compared with this influence, I do not have the position and ability to directly intervene in the operation of mental hospitals, the state of the patients and even the research itself in reality.

To protect Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau, they must first determine their location. The chain judgment has told me that Marceau is not in this sick building, and that Dr. Ruan Li should spend more time in his office and some secret research base. I need to find these places, of course, it is more convenient to get relevant information from my mouth. This is also a reason why I took the initiative to contact the torch light.

I have no objection to doing transactions with them, and they are used by them in the process. Because the mystery of the "deviation" of Torchlight itself means that things often don't change in the way everyone expects. Since they have come here, any "use" and "guide" will deteriorate.

In fact, in this kind of prejudgment, it is contradictory to complete the protection I want-although I have a plan, of course, "deviation" is also possible, and it has an effect in my plan that makes me unable to Accomplish what I want to do.

Yes, the worst possibility is that all people, including me, cannot predict the results of the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital and seminar research. The only reason why I feel that I have more opportunities than others is still " "Jiang".

Because of "Jiang", I can expect something. Because of "Jiang", I can take the initiative to contact dangerous and abnormal "deviations". Because of "Jiang", I can imagine the craziest plan, and Ignore the reason and the science. In front of Jiang, both God and philosophy are dead, and science is like dross. However, on "Jiang". However, there are some phenomena that are consistent with the mystical and scientific theories known as "chaos".

Any thinking is ridiculous, but I cannot help thinking. This is a painful paradox, but I have to split them. In the dark abyss, find a way to a happy ending. However, human thinking and imagination cannot exceed the limits of being human, so we can only use the limits of thinking and imagination as much as possible. To get a result with such madness.

I believe that being a person, confined to one's own self, is as crazy as one can imagine. It must be tolerated by "Jiang" that exceeds the limit of "human". "People" is impossible, as far as "Jiang" is concerned, it is possible.

Yes, for me, the current "Jiang" is such a concept, such a hole card.

I repeated my thoughts repeatedly because, if I did n’t do it. Probably like everyone else, think this is a delusion and give up completely. Human endurance also has limits. Even mysterious experts will collapse when the things they face exceed their own limits.

But as a "Gaochuan", as a person who dreams of becoming a hero, I can never collapse.

I stepped out of the sick building without attracting anyone's attention. Because the sick building is full of patients. There is no hospital administrator at all, and the management here seems to be relaxed. No one maintains order, and no one guards the gate. Even, I did not see the camera. I did n’t look for it deliberately, but my experience was enough for me to find the position where the camera was easy to arrange in the first place. Hidden method. But in any case, I feel that this approach is not for "interfering with the patient's actions at all times", but for maintaining a "when necessary, it can intervene and let it develop normally "Attitude.

To explore the psychology of some people, it is not always necessary to talk directly with the other person face-to-face. Just by observing the arrangement, you can also get some conclusions. I do n’t think how advanced my psychology is. However, I still act with my observations and understandings, and I do n’t doubt my judgment for the first time because of “inadequate psychology”. thing.

Therefore, I have always felt that I am a person with stronger mobility than judgment.

The rain is very fine, standing outside, and within a minute, the thin patient suit will be completely wet. The inhabited room in the sick building cannot be opened, and there is nothing to use in the unoccupied place. I can only walk through the rain curtain empty-handed, so that I can see the outline of the building from upstairs.

According to the information I got, the psychiatric hospital has been renovated many times. The existing area is the largest in history, and most of them maintain relatively original scenery. However, from the two areas that I have consciously arrived in: the log cabin area and the sick building at this time, the distance between the internal buildings of the mental hospital is also too far apart. Although I judge that the sick building I am in is a more central area than the wooden house area, but it is still several hundred meters away from other buildings that are faintly visible, plus the forest road and **** It gives a strong sense of isolation.

It's like dividing different patients into different areas and using the distance to keep them relatively closed and not to be interfered by the environment of other areas, just like using the psychology to cleverly separate. Environmental warehouse ".

The patient in my current ward must be different from the patient in the wooden house area. Although they should all be mental patients, in the morbid tendency, this side is this side, and that side is that side.

I am divided into this side, probably also with a certain intention, but if the patient in the sick building does not come out and can not allow me to observe closely, it is difficult for me to find the commonality.

I do n’t know much about the general structure of psychiatric hospitals. Therefore, although I plan to go to other areas, it is difficult to judge what kind of place I will go to and what functions it will bear in the entire psychiatric hospital. And I ’m also trying to connect the environment along the way with the environment in the nightmare-although I say so and do the same, but what I see along the way ca n’t connect with the place I passed through in the nightmare stand up.

This mental hospital is too big.

However, on the other hand, I heard that it is still in the state of personnel adjustment, so the manpower is scarcer than in the past. I think that the number of employees in this psychiatric hospital cannot meet the current operating conditions. I am also wondering whether this scarcity of manpower is a superficial situation that can be created by seminars, or it is a result of the forces of the parties in the illusion of doom.

There was an anomaly in the log cabin area, and there was an anomaly in my sick building. These harbingers make me think that they are a symptom of abnormal spreading in psychiatric hospitals. Because, even if I see more anomalies on my way to other areas, I would not be surprised.

The same is true. Everything is normal near the artificial roads. However, walking on these roads and looking at the roads, corners, and depths that become more blurred in the rain will produce an unnatural feeling. In the forest in the night, walking alone will inevitably produce all kinds of illusions, as well as frighten one's own associations, which will cause great fear. Is completely different.

Now, there are hidden feelings in those roads, corners and deep, as well as dangers and fears.

The difference between them is like the illusion of what is really ambushing and what is ambushing.

I walked all the way, and the kind of unknown, malicious anomaly followed me all the way, or appeared on my side and far away from time to time. I felt their peeping, and subconsciously felt that they would not pounce on it immediately at this time. There is a very obvious, dividing line that separates me from them.

The woods made abnormal noises in the rain. That's not the sound of leaves and plants being beaten by raindrops. With the thickening of the cloud, and the past in the evening, the light became dimmer, and the abnormalities became more active. I had to light the lanterns. The style of these lanterns is very similar to the lanterns used in the special custom rituals in the small town where we arrived before the peninsula. It seems that there are still many stories and metaphors behind them. It is the same as the black fairy tale used to scare children.

In fact, I haven't always understood why a self who had escaped from hospital was placed in a sick building with such slack management. However, for the present, a more relaxed management ~ ~ is indeed beneficial to me.

Because I needed to observe the environment, I did n’t use speed sweeping, so I stepped closer to the building that I could see vaguely before. In the rain curtain, it is like a greasy cement behemoth. The closer it is to it, the more anomalous that permeates in all directions. The style of the building itself is like trying to imitate a castle, but eventually it turned into a rotten end building due to engineering problems. Finally, the design was readjusted according to the structure of the rotten end building. Appearance.

There are four floors in total, except for the first floor, which is an entrance that extends out of the steps, there is a large drying platform extended on each floor. The entrance is surrounded by overgrown courtyards, and outside is a wooden fence. The main entrance of the front yard is also a very simple arched door. The number plate above is quite scribbled and handwriting. Some of them are missing and can't be seen clearly. I can only guess and take a blindfold to feel the meaning. It is roughly the slogan of "xx manor will serve you wholeheartedly". It is this slogan that makes me think that this place was not originally a psychiatric hospital, but was included after the expansion of the hospital.

However, the psychiatric hospital did not repair the building itself, and it looks worse than the building where I am.

I looked at this place, and when my eyes fell on a window nailed by wooden boards, the light inside lit up, as if someone was moving. (To be continued)

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