Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1248: caveat

A manor, in a gloomy and rainy season, is full of decay and decadence, just from the outside, it looks like it has been deserted for a long time and no one cares, but sometimes the light can be seen from the nailed wooden window , So I think there are still people living inside. Moreover, no matter how old it is, it is still a large building, and the psychiatric hospital has no reason to ignore it, unless there are too many taboo events here. However, what is hidden behind this psychiatric hospital is not just a mystery Power, but a number of groups that contain each other. Before the infiltration of these mysterious organizations, there was no "mystery" in the normal society of this relay world. All the "mystery" was concentrated into a "nightmare" by the Nazis with a strong and effective system. Go and support the monster hiding deep in the nightmare.

No matter under normal circumstances or under abnormal circumstances, it is impossible for a mental hospital to give up the use of such a ready-made manor because of the desolation and unsightly nature of the building itself. Obviously, such an environment is not suitable for normal people to live in. It is generally not allowed for normal hospital staff to live here. Therefore, the residents in it should be a group of mental patients.

The appearance of the whole building gives me the same feeling as the sick building I currently live in—psychiatric patients are deliberately placed in such places to be stocked.

Speaking of which, after this psychiatric hospital was bought by Dallas, the new management policy seems to be biased towards giving patients more "freedom." The log cabin area is an example. Depending on the patient's condition, this "freedom" restriction will also be seen from the situation of the patient's area. There is no doubt that the manor in front of me looks worse than the sick building where I am, and the patients in it must be in the state of illness. It is also more serious than the patients in the sick building.

From here, I feel a more intense sense of strangeness, and it is likely that a more dangerous situation will follow. When the "mystery" has begun to permeate around, I can't help but think that everything is still normal in the manor.

The gate of the manor was entangled with thick chains. I can't solve it with bare hands, and there are indeed people in the manor. In the grass nearby, I found a warning sign saying "No related people are allowed to enter." All this implies what. Even so, I will still go in.

I dropped the warning sign, although I wanted to find a handy weapon. But the texture of this wooden sign was already decaying. When I could not use the weapon and was thrown down by me, a slightly larger stone was knocked in, and it was suddenly torn apart. I suddenly heard an illusion of laughter, and the laughter itself had no emotion. Full of mechanical sensation, but let the cold feeling of the body wet by rain soaked into the bottom of my heart. I glanced calmly at the break, where blood was pouring out.

After blinking, the illusion has disappeared.

Whether it is in the illusion of doomsday or the reality of the hospital, this is full of unknowns, as if to say something, but it is inexplicable. I have to combine some dark guesses to make the illusion of association. In the past, I also tried to find out the reason, tried to prove a certain real situation implied by the illusion, but until now, think about it carefully, I have not really cracked a certain illusion, but only forced to attach some circumstances . I once thought that hallucinations are a reflection of one's own memory, but now he is hesitant about such thoughts.

Even, I doubt it. The memories, dreams, and hallucinations that flash in the realities of the hospital really have something to do with it, or a distortion of what has happened, or they just think they are facts.

In addition to the present, weird situations surrounding "Jiang" and "Virus". I'm not sure which of these are the real things.

If you think about it this way, maybe even Misaki and Hachi's things are different from what I think of "Takagawa". However, such a rational assumption is completely impossible to accept in terms of sensibility. In any case, I must believe that "Gaochuan" was born with the mission of saving them, and worked hard for them to the present.

Only by believing like this, and by doing so, can we prove that my existence is meaningful.

These thoughts are just a flash. Because, I do n’t need such negative thoughts, so even if I think so for a while, I will never leave a trace in my heart. I have always spared no effort to adjust my mind. However, I have become accustomed to the hallucinations from time to time, and it is also an indisputable fact.

At this point, there is no need to be surprised and panic about the mysterious and mysterious situation of these gods. There is no need to immediately make a decision based on some assumptions and guesses. What these hallucinations might represent, but since I have never found enough evidence to prove its true meaning, then I just need to treat it as a daily phenomenon, just like a rainbow after the rain. In a harsh and difficult life, a complex seasoning.

For the time being, this is enough.

This is my most sincere thought after experiencing so many things.

I have vowed that no matter how hard the truth is, no matter how harsh the truth, I will never give up hope.

In order to maintain hope and adjust my own psychology, it is a necessary means, and I will never be too harsh on myself.

I circled along the side of the fence and found some holes that could be drilled into. In fact, it is more convenient to use quick swept, and the wooden fence full of decay is only one meter high, and it is impossible to prevent people with ulterior motives from entering and leaving.

The warning sign outside is just a warning sign.

Ordinary people will not unknowingly walk around in such a dark place.

I think that if I were to change it, I would definitely not spend much effort to renovate this place into a more claustrophobic space. At this time, the taste of "no one is too close" is already very strong.

Even so, I still did not use any "mysterious" power.

Just like an ordinary person, he got in, walked with his feet, observed with his eyes, and perceived with a certain degree of chain judgment. I don't know whether such an approach makes sense, I have reflected on it. But in the end, this method was adopted, as if there were some elusive emotions and ideas, which made me choose to act like ordinary people.

Why should I do this? Many times, I do not have an accurate answer, but since it is a natural action. Then it must not be wrong.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this natural "waste" and unclear "self-restriction" that made me feel more abnormal after entering the manor in the way of ordinary people.

The air that penetrated into the nasal cavity seemed sticky, but it was definitely not due to rain or rain. The deserted lawn spread out. It is not the smell of natural grass and soil, but a feeling of decay of corpses, which makes me feel that a large piece of corpse is newly buried in the soft ground underfoot. I paused before raising my foot. To the main entrance of the manor.

In the rain, the lights in the manor soon disappeared, because the time and rhythm were too consistent, so it gave me a deliberate feeling. It was like someone inside knew that an outsider was approaching, so the lights went out with some kind of psychology.

I put my hand on the door and tried with a little effort. The door was not closed, although it was awkward and slow. But creak opened a gap. A gruesome laughter came from my ear again, as if saying to me: It's too late to leave now. But as a mysterious expert, this obvious provocation has no idea how many times it has been encountered.

I was completely unmoved in my heart and pushed open the front door.

Directly in front of me, in the hall is an old man in a wheelchair. He tilted his head, like the bones of his body were all taken away, and the facial features were also twisted. When he saw me, he immediately laughed-I heard it. He heard the gruesome laughter heard outside the door. However, although his eyes and expressions were strange, it didn't make me feel targeted. Ordinary people may be shocked and feel that the old man is at fault. Indeed, of course he has a problem, he is a mental patient.

In my eyes, he was like a phonograph, but he sat quietly in a wheelchair and smiled at the front door, but he didn't make more dangerous moves at all. It ’s weird, but there ’s nothing wrong with mental patients.

I turned a blind eye to him, and let him continue to grin grimly behind his back. He seems to have no problems, but the problematic situation still exists. The ground in front of me, I don't know when it has been covered with a layer of ashes, outlined an arrow-shaped pattern, just like the direction of the route under the influence of a certain will.

Then, as soon as the wind through the hall came in, the ashes began to deform, loose, drifting in the air, and mixed with ignition stars.

There are indeed dangerous, mysterious and conscious things in this manor.

The chain decision did not perceive the existence of the ashes symbol and this gloomy old man in advance.

The door closed behind me, and I glanced back. There is nothing more special.

The old candlesticks are also used for lighting here. Instead of rushing to explore, I bypassed the candlestick and lit all the candles and oil lamps that could be lit with lanterns. When the interior is bright, the gloomy and depressed atmosphere is immediately relieved.

I grabbed an iron candlestick enough to use it as a spear. Only then carefully search every corner of the hall. After confirming that there is no harvest, proceed in the direction of the ashes symbol.

As I went upstairs, there were constantly strange, seemingly words and patterns, spreading along the cracks in the wall, and the most prominent one was still the arrow pattern.

I have a hunch that someone is waiting for me.

On the second floor, without taking a few steps, I smelled a strong **** smell. I followed this smell to a half-open door and stood quietly for three seconds. I heard crying inside, full of tragic rendering.

I deliberately knocked on the door before I entered.

There was a squatting woman in the corner of the room, splitting her head and making a sobbing cry. When I saw her at a glance, I knew it was another mental patient.

She didn't pay attention to me, as if she didn't even notice me, she just cried. Why do we cry? I do n’t want to know, because mental patients often give jaw-dropping reasons.

The woman didn't look threatened.

However, the sense of anomaly flooding this manor is even more intense, and with it comes a sense of danger that is getting closer and closer.

I also see a different feeling when I see my long shadow swinging in the candlelight.

Like the elderly in wheelchairs, I did not ask the woman, so I retreated.

After that, it was written with ashes on the ground: Why not look at her face?

"Because it is not necessary." I answered very carefully.

Scraped with the ashes of Mars. The strange wind blown away.

"Actually you should look at her." A voice came from across the stairs. I looked over and saw Father Edward calmly descending the ladder.

I was not surprised that he was here. Even if I don't know when I will meet him, but at the time and place of the "paradise" 's birth, I may encounter this former doomsday priest not present. on the other hand. He was hiding from me for so long, and it was even more surprising that he was not on the road at this time.

"Have you transformed here?" I asked. The anomaly of this manor is so strong, but it is by no means a temporary data hedge space.

"Do you know what will happen next? Mr. Gao Chuan." Father Edward did not answer my words, but asked instead.

"I don't need you to popularize the world." I said cautiously.

There is no weapon at hand, although it will not be lost. But I still feel that it is definitely a stupid choice to fight him here. The fourth-level Mageweave messenger is certainly powerful, but the shamanist tricks of the doomsday truth religion and the priest Edward ’s Saya technique. It will definitely not be a good match.

After a pause, there was speechless glue between us. After a small meeting, Father Edward suggested: "Let's cooperate."

"What do you want?" I asked calmly.

"I have something that I can't pull away. I hope you can bring it into the nightmare of the sick." Father Edward said, spreading his palms, revealing a small gray-black thing that looked like matter. But I understood at the first time that it is not a material state, nor a completely conscious state. This is the mysterious species, a kind of strange thing that can spawn ordinary people into "mysterious".

"Why should I help you?" I didn't reach out, but asked instead: "You and I know that the implantation will not be too good, and it is very troublesome to pull it out. In addition, the matter of Marceau, you also Give me an accurate account. The last transaction between you and me has not been completed yet, has it? "

"It seems that you have entered a nightmare." Father Edward nodded. There is no surprised expression. Obviously, he really knew something about the new drugs given to us mental patients by the hospital and the effects of the new drugs, and this just proved it. These people did interfere with the effect of the new drug. All of this is for the world of nightmare and its layout.

However, even if Father Edward took the initiative to ask for help, I am not sure whether he really "can't pull away", or it is just a temptation. These small movements, just from his superficial behavior and expression, are completely incapable of being judged. I don't believe in the results of judgments even if I make psychological judgments on people like him.

I did not take his word, just waiting for his successor.

Sure enough, he continued to say: "You have seen Marceau. Why do you still say that the transaction has not been completed?" He stared at me with a sense of scrutiny: "Did you really remember? Three days What happened here ... I really did n’t think that this medicine would have such a big effect on your memory. But it seems that there are no other side effects besides memory. "

Listening to his tone, it seems that like Dr. Ruan Li, he has some knowledge of the three days I have lost. In this way, I can also judge that I am indeed observing the time in this repeater world in the observation of others, not that I suddenly "jumped to three days later", and this repeater world " After completing the skipped three days ".

"Yes, for me, it was just a moment." I said, "I was in the nightmare Las Vegas for those three days." In this matter, I don't feel the need to lie because I do n’t think it ’s a situation that can be used as a handle, and what Prince Edward ’s actions are actually not the most direct source of threat relative to the current situation. On the contrary, the hostility in the 51st district is even greater.

"Nightmare Las Vegas ... I heard that District 51 has turned the entire audience?" Father Edward asked, and he really didn't seem to understand the situation.

"When I left, it was considered that they had the upper hand. You should know the smoky face's ability, after all, its characteristics are very similar to Saya, don't you?" I said calmly, "This is what you expect to see Yes, it ’s why you handed over some of the Saya technology to them, did n’t you? "

"Yes. However, they seem to be doing better than I expected." Father Edward smiled innocently. "A repeater is different, right?"

"I know what you plan to do." I said: "The new medicine you let patients take will bring people into a unified nightmare, and in this repeater, the nightmare is the meeting point of the" mystery ". There is such a Different from the nightmare of Las Vegas, you can do things more conveniently and freely. "

"Yes, as you think, this is a plan that everyone has tacitly promoted." Father Edward smiled. "I just gave a little effort. A lone traveler like me cannot complete this huge project on his own ... we Everyone knows that there is a monster deep in the nightmare of Las Vegas, and there is a final weapon that can control that monster. That is a common enemy. You see, under the threat of such a monster, even the end of the truth Teaching peace can also be combined. The destruction and inherent prejudice caused by the 51st district can also be temporarily put down. All fishery ideas can also be put on hold. So ... you know. "He shrugged.

What he is suggesting, of course I know. The plan promoted by all parties in a tacit agreement is definitely not something that I can destroy alone. The victims that will be produced in the whole plan have been estimated and approved by default. This is not a just plan. None of the people involved in the plan will have a naive and pale idea. This is not "a thing that you have to do without thinking clearly," but "a thing that you think about and promote in unison."

Even so, I still don't think that this is a thing that is in line with its own aesthetics and can be ignored. I also don't think that when I see those miserable results in a nightmare, I can treat it as calmly as everyone else. I know that my sensibility is rich, and all rationality is just for the sake of not spreading sensibility, but I am indeed more one who relies on sensibility.

I think I will interfere in this plan. What they have done now, and what they want to say, have already been reflected. I also feel that Father Edward has also seen it and is warning me in a polite way.

Yes, this is a warning.

They knew that the plan promoted by the tacit agreement was unstoppable, but they did not want to cause more trouble on the way.

"What do you want me to say?" I raised my wrist so that he could clearly see the fourth-level magic pattern, which is also a warning: "The new medicine has affected me. You think this is an error within the permitted range. ?"

"Maybe." Father Edward's expression was a little tight, and he said: "Maybe, it just proves that you are different from other patients? Of all the routine patients, you are also the most special."

It turned out that they had completed observation and comparison of me. I don't care about this kind of thing, but it also proves that they also have a deep understanding of Marceau's situation.

"Not everyone ~ ~ can enter that nightmare." Father Edward pondered and revealed this information to me: "Not everyone who takes a new medicine can survive and take a Strong will, free movement in nightmares. The seminar's research on new drugs is not entirely based on our ideas. "

"That is to say, there are indeed more than seven cases of patients taking new drugs." I said.

"Isn't this something obvious?" Father Edward spread his hands. "However, who can succeed, who can be free in nightmares, who can finally be liberated in nightmares, is not something that one of us can decide. . This is about the patient itself, but also about some more complicated reasons. "

"Really?" I didn't speak, because, I know, it was lying. This plan, promoted by the tacit understanding of most forces, has an extremely obscure "ceremony". I saw the altar, even if it was not activated, I can intuitively feel that it is a sacrifice ceremony.

But it is clear here that it is of no use.

"It's better to talk about Marceau." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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