I knew that I would encounter Father Edward on this peninsula.

The clues I have collected so far prove that the activities of the seminar have attracted the attention of most of the "intruders" in this world. Although I can guess that the birth of "paradise" is actually the result of the use of repeaters in the doomsday sect of apocalypse to make a wish. Of course, because of the active torch light, there is a deviation before and after the birth of "paradise" In any case, research on "paradise" has already begun, and around "paradise", various conspiracies attempting to use the doomsday truth plan to pave the way for their own plans have also begun. Nowadays, the forces on the peninsula are very complicated, although most of them do not stand upright, but participate in a secret way-I am very familiar with this style of stealth action, because this is what mysterious organizations are best at. style.

Although Father Edward is a powerful lone traveler, his plan is also impossible to complete on his own. Most preparations need to interfere with the actions of all parties and use the other party's plan to complete his plan. I am well aware of the freedom and constraints, strength and limitations of the lone traveler. So far, I have never seen a lone traveler who can control the whole situation and turn others into puppets in the hand. At the same time as the chess player, he has to turn himself into a chess piece.

Just as I have to see the stitches, interfere with the plans of others that I can observe, participate in person at any time, and fine-tune my plan according to the specific situation. There is always only one draft that is constantly revised throughout the plan, and it is simply impossible to achieve it a little bit according to the established steps.

My plan is on stage objectives and process details. It has been revised in my heart countless times, and it is very different from the original draft plan. Among them, it is not because there is no dramatic change in the outside world, and that my own cognition has deepened, and I have to correct it.

I do n’t think Father Edward will be the exception.

If he wants to complete his plan. There are also many people running around and interfering with any other people ’s plan that he knows and thinks will affect his own plan. What is happening on the peninsula today, and its subsequent impact, of course, must be deeply concerned by him. otherwise. Why did he secretly assist the 51st district to complete the smoky face? I have reason to believe that there must be some mutual influence between the smoky face and the Saya virus, and this influence is absolutely impossible to be cracked and anti-used by the current 51 area. It is assumed that with the passage of time, the 51st district may also be able to completely get rid of the influence of the Saya virus. But they just lack time. On the other hand, thinking about it, Father Edward may of course also create an illusion, so that people in the 51st district feel that they can fully grasp the smoky face and eliminate all hidden dangers. But even if they let them know that they are unable to completely eliminate the hidden dangers for a while, they can regard this hidden danger as the link between the 51st district and Father Edward.

anyway. There is no evidence to convince me that the 51st district can really completely exclude Father Edward from the plan. Father Edward has always been an important member of Doomsday Truth, if the 51st district cooperates with Doomsday Truth. Well, the tacit agreement between the fifty-one district, the Doomsday Truth Church and Father Edward will naturally be met with hostility and vigilance. Because they really have a foundation for cooperation, and this foundation can even ensure that they each take what they need-this is what I can understand and may be the worst judgment of the current situation.

This way. Father Edward appeared in front of me and said these words to me. Of course, it can also be regarded as a joint warning of an organization. I think they cannot be at this time. So I focused all my energy on strangling me. Perhaps this is why I lost my observation of Fujiang and did not face the final weapon for the first time. I know very well how strong the self has reached the fourth level, and how many backers it has, but it is also clear that even such a self is not invincible.

Whether it is possible to perform conscious walking, or the rapid swept superpower that has achieved "using consciousness as a reference", it is not enough to make me 100% sure that I can win in the face of the final weapon. In my theory, "Jiang" and "Virus" are two in one, and "Jiang" is just a humanized result of my observation of "Virus". The observation of the human-shaped river loses the observation of the "jiang" in the body, and quickly favors the "virus". "Virus" is undoubtedly beneficial to all, and it fully conforms to the negative meaning of the word "virus". What is even more terrifying is that probably the "virus" does not deliberately target human beings, its activities, nor does it have any ill feelings or good feelings for human beings, it just follows its own way of survival and unconsciously brings terrible consequences to people. Patients with Doomsday Syndrome simply change because of the presence of "viruses".

Just as we cannot complain about natural disasters, we can only try to weaken it and control it, but when such natural disasters are "unobservable", but how do we face them when they actually work?

I was born in the doomsday illusion of the past. I experienced the reality of the hospital, and I learned the concept of the existence of the virus. Think hard and pursue, such a concept that leads to the end of the process.

It is almost impossible for people in the apocalyptic illusion to know the reality of the hospital. Conversely, people in the apocalypse can only speculate from the data, and cannot intuitively observe the situation of the apocalyptic illusion. Only special people can cross this invisible boundary and at the same time try to understand their own existence from different perspectives. It is understandable that such people are called "selected".

And even the "selected" like me, Dorothy and Tie Sei are equally difficult to understand the existence of "Jiang" and "Virus", and can only describe the almost unrealistic ones with their own understandable parts. Theory, and in this process, I believe that, like me, they understand that they actually do not, and it is impossible to truly recognize such an existence. Its existence has a transcendence.

"Jiang" is the only consolation. Because it can be relatively mild in theory and in my observations. However, if even "jiang" does not exist. All we face is the terrible "virus".

I gained strength and hole cards because of "Jiang", and showed a very strong side in front of others. For the time being, it can be considered beneficial to myself, but when "Jiang" disappears and the "virus" side shows. What are these strengths and hole cards? The beneficial forces can of course also be turned into "harmful erosion".

In the hypothesis, the final weapon belonging to the "virus" will make me look weak, which is completely understandable.

I'm not completely brazen. When Fu Jiang left, and there were no other human-shaped rivers around him, the only solace was the instinctive fear that arose within the body because of the existence of "Jiang". It proves that "Jiang" still exists, and further proves that "virus" is not close. This familiar, comforting fear is like a natural radar for "virus" detection. Until now. Nothing is more accurate.

Even so, in the absence of the observation of the humanoid river, it also implies the activity of the "virus". I still cannot ignore them.

At this time, Father Edward's warning, in my eyes, not only represents those large and ambitious mysterious organizations, but also the hidden "virus" activity behind the activities of these mysterious organizations. Through his behavior and language, I can vaguely feel the threat posed by the activity of the "virus".

I do n’t know in the eyes of Father Edward. What is my expression at this moment. I try very hard to maintain my mentality, after all. This was originally one of the results I had expected. However, Father Edward's eyes occasionally appeared. Still puzzled.

I think he can feel that the reason why I avoided the word front and shifted the topic is not because I was "frightened" by the big forces, but there is a deeper reason. I also think that it is because he does not understand this reason that he is a little curious about my performance.

Even so, I still won't tell him anything about the "virus", because that's not what I planned to do.

There are many false points in Father Edward's words. He didn't lie, but just tried to weaken my dislike with words. But I know that this plan, promoted by the tacit understanding of most forces, has an extremely obscure "ceremony". I saw the altar, even if it has not been activated, I can intuitively feel that it is a kind of offering Sacrificial ceremony.

It is likely that once these people have been confirmed through "nightmares", the patients will be sacrificed to their ideal level. Although I think so, the extent to which the patients are in the "nightmare", or to say, the change in the whole "nightmare", in order to satisfy them, this indicator is temporarily unknown to me. On the other hand, the rumors and start of "The Deepest Night" also proved that the other party's plan must have such an indicator.

I can see through many things, but here it is clear that it is of no use.

"It's better to talk about Marceau." I said, "And the woman just now, who is she?"

Father Edward was silent for a while, then smiled, and would not continue the previous words. I did not give him any guarantee, and I also believe that he actually understands my attitude. In this part of the nightmare, we are hostile. At the same time, I also believe that neither me nor him intends to resolve this hostility right now. For our own plans, we still have time to use each other.

Despite the fear of the activity of the "virus", I would not be afraid of confronting such large organizations as the Doomsday Religion and the 51st District. And my attitude has already made the man in front of me fully aware.

In the current situation, such a statement is sufficient.

Father Edward said to me: "Marsol is different from you and shows great adaptability to new drugs. Among all patients taking new drugs, she is the only one who has almost no side effects. Even, I personally feel ..." He paused, as if he was not sure, "the new medicine promoted her growth."

"Growth? What kind of growth?" I frowned a little. "Growth" seemed like a good vocabulary, but it didn't completely mean good in a specific environment and targeted anomalies.

"I can't describe it. We can't enter her consciousness now. Even she is also connected to nightmares." Father Edward's performance was very cautious. "The mysterious seeds I planted in her body have been completely out of my control. . "

"Sure enough. You really implanted a mysterious seed into her." I said calmly: "Are you dissatisfied? Out of control? But the last time you met, you said that you would lose control because of the loss of manufacturing and The core demon in disguise. "

"No." He waved his hand and said, "It was because she was originally selected. The Masso in London. I thought it was the result of that Masso interfering with a repeater ... but it doesn't seem to be the case. What's the matter. Even so, Marceau is very special here. The mysterious seed seems to activate her particularity. "

"As a result, you still haven't told me how Marsol is now." I said, "Where is she?"

"It's in this manor." Father Edward said: "I just visited her and brought her some fairy tales ..." he said. She frowned, "but obviously, she is very unfriendly. I think you better be careful."

Listening to him say this, I'm relieved. His tone did not disguise Marceau's mental problems. Very likely. The mental patient, Marceau, let him suffer some losses, but it also proved that even in the face of Father Edward, Marceau was already able to protect himself.

"Why is Marceau here?" I asked.

"The seven outpatients were all selected, and it has actually been shown that in the process of testing the drugs, their respective representative reactions will occur." Father Edward said: "Therefore, seven people were placed separately. The others Ordinary patient. After taking the new medicine, it will also be arranged to the place where seven people are located according to the result. "

"What about you? What is your identity? The place where the patients are placed. Isn't it possible for ordinary people to enter and leave at will? The attention of the seminar is also the attention of all parties. Do you no longer need to hide your whereabouts?"

I continue to ask. Father Edward seems to know more about the current hospital situation than me. Perhaps he has obtained a position as an employee in the hospital. I ’m not so sure, just because, I do n’t think Father Edward will be like the mice hiding in the stinky ditch. But since he was in touch with me in a fair manner. I think it must be because he has acquired such an identity.

"Mental hospitals also need priests." Father Edward smiled slightly. Say so.

"So, what about this woman?" I looked inside. The woman who was crying in the corner of the wall seemed not to notice at all. Father Edward and I were standing at the door and talking. She is immersed in her own world, this taste is very familiar to me, because, in Zhenjiang often see similar situations.

"She used to be just an ordinary mental patient." When talking about this woman, Father Edward's expression was a little more dignified. "However, after taking the new medicine, Marceau did some things before it became what she is now. If you are interested, you can look at her face, maybe you will be surprised. "There is a hint of joking hidden in his tone, I heard it, the so-called" surprise "is actually an antonym.

I couldn't grasp more information. Father Edward seemed to be tempting me to face the woman directly.

"If necessary, I will naturally do it." I said.

"I'm curious, what you will see from her face, and ... what she will become when you see it." Father Edward said profoundly, "So, the most compensation for my previous speech , Give you a free message: The reason why the 51st district can behave so strong, the secret is that it is on a chip. I think maybe you will be interested in that chip if you really plan to fight them . "

chip? I felt something vaguely. However, Father Edward's language was unknown. He ignored me again, drawing a cross to the woman in the room with a pair of priests' piety and compassion, saying, "Everything begins to end, this is the truth," and steadily left toward the gate.

I watched him leave the manor before returning my attention to the room. Father Edward said that Marceau is here. That should not be a lie. The unusually strong sense of anomaly here may have been generated by Marceau as the center. However, before I found her, I couldn't help thinking of what happened just before I walked out of the room and met Father Edward.

Before Father Edward said, "You should look at her." Before, there was already ashes on the ground to piece together the text: "Why not look at her?"

I don't think that both of these words are what Father Edward did. So, who is expressing the idea of ​​the ashes on the ground? Is it Marceau? I did not see from Father Edward that he also knew that he knew the ashes.

Along the way, I have encountered enough anomalies. However, most of them are presented in the form of "illusion". Of course, the previous ash text may also be an illusion-because it is an illusion, it may also be a reflection in my heart.

I took a deep breath, too many hints, all proved that this woman's face may have problems. Even so, I still decided to see what happened.

I quickly walked back to the room, squatted down beside the crying woman, and said to her: "Why cry?" The woman shrugged her shoulders, and I suddenly felt a bit stiff, like I was blaming the enemy. , He could not help but let his voice down, "Maybe I am a good listener."

The woman's shoulder moved slightly, and the sob gradually weakened.

"Can you look at my face first?" She asked, and in the current environment, it was already creepy. However, Father Edward has already spoken first, and I will not give up because of this atmosphere.

"Of course." I said without hesitation.

The woman's cry stopped completely, she was silent, and the air became more depressed. The room, which was very quiet in the beginning, became more dead. The sound of rain outside suddenly began to change. Although the sound of water falling and flapping was still there, I instinctively realized the subtle difference between the sounds.

When the woman turned around and raised her head, I could not describe what kind of face it was. It was almost a bottomless hollow, without facial features, and even the outline of the face could not be seen, as if there was only a piece of darkness under the hair. However, gradually, in the dark, as if the five features appeared again, and gradually became familiar. I was in a trance, as if drawn by the faint, familiar eyes into the darkness. In my mind, some images began to appear, but I couldn't describe what those images were. I just thought that it must be something I knew.

In an instant, I felt a peep, a flow, like my own information, leaked out through an obscure route. The woman in front of him is part of this route, but it is not the end. At the moment when alertness was just born, the woman had screamed. The cry was so miserable, painful, and heartbreaking, beyond description.

"Don't look at me!" She shouted hard, curling her body. She covered her hands with her hands and only saw blood in her fingers. At first, the blood was still a small amount, but within a few breaths, it became like a spring. I couldn't help but take a few steps back. The leakage of my information reminded me that it was naturally not a good thing. This information should come from the depth of my consciousness, which is the core of my existence. But because of this, it made me realize the reason why she became so painful.

Sure enough ~ www.readwn.com ~ The blood spewing out is becoming more and more sticky. The woman fell in the pool of blood, as if she had no strength.

I stepped up and lifted her head, forming the darkness of her face, vaguely forming the familiar facial features.


I thought that this face would become Zhen Jiang's face, and this woman itself would become Zhen Jiang's body, and finally a living Zhen Jiang would stand in front of me. However, the situation has become more bizarre. In the darkness, like the facial features of Zhenjiang suddenly retracted, it was like the darkness of this face, leading to a larger nest, and some strange and terrible things were hidden in it.

At the next moment, a hand suddenly emerged from the darkness in the woman's face.

Sweep quickly.

However, it failed.

The hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in at once.

It's hard to imagine that in an instant, I couldn't help thinking that darkness is only the size of a woman's face. (To be continued)

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