I can't speculate on this repeater world with Marceau I have seen in the past. I have known for a long time that she is a mentally ill child in this world, and now someone is obviously confusing her. She leaked information in a ridiculous atmosphere, and I don't think she was lying. The person who instigates her to do so is of course a person who can profit from it, but the problem is that all the abnormalities that are currently happening are a type of anomaly that is trending and the default. In this group of people, there are a lot of good people who manipulate people's hearts. I don't think that just relying on their own psychological knowledge of half a barrel of water can be guided by them to correct Marshall's spirit.

I know that I must make a preparation, that is, Marceau will continue to do what she thinks now, even if this idea is deliberately guided by someone with ulterior motives. The point is that Marceau ’s idea at this time is not a forced indoctrination, but a breeding ground. Even if it is a mental patient, the inner thoughts are also very complicated, and the guidance is only to let the patient choose one of these complex thoughts that is more in line with the wishes of the leader.

I am very familiar with this kind of guidance. Dr. Ruan Li has theory books in this area, and she has always used this method on me.

Assuming that Marceau ’s approach at this time was her own decision, then I do n’t think I can persuade her by mouth alone. Now she even uses my ability to prevent my direct contact. The environment where the weird changes occurred before is presumably the embodiment of Marceau ’s inherent enchantment. This manor may have become her "territory".

With reference to the previous receipt from Father Edward, regarding the placement of the seven "routine patients", of course, it can be assumed that every patient including me has its own "territory". And I leave my "territory". A special case of going to someone else's "territory". Since the seminar assigns us this way, I probably don't want to see me doing this.

In their eyes, I am probably a restless patient.

Every "territory" has a routinely diagnosed patient as the "chief leader", and the other patients assigned in the past are also patients who have taken new drugs. Suppose the patient has the consciousness of "territory". And they will also exist in the "nightmare", then this kind of "territory" regional distribution may also appear in the nightmare.

When I woke up in a nightmare, I was not in my "territory", but in a "residential area" where I didn't know where it was located, relative to which area of ​​the hospital. It can already prove many things in itself-even if it is placed in all patients taking new drugs, and it is placed in all routine patients, I am special. For me, this particularity is also a matter of course.

I have always been special. I have a lot of evidence to prove my particularity. The current situation is only a trivial part of the evidence.

Although I also saw some special patients. For example, the woman who has died, such as Marceau at the moment, but I can still feel that my particularity is essentially different from them.

However, this particularity is not enough for me to immediately solve the problem at hand.

Marceau ’s room has returned to normal, empty, and all the furnishings seem to have just been there. But Marceau is indeed not here. When she wanted to hide, my chain judgement could not lock her position at all, but could only feel her presence by feeling. However, even if the result is not satisfactory, it can be determined that Marceau's safety is still worthwhile to come here by himself.

The mental problems of Marceau have become an important part of the secretly surging plan. It's just that the phrase "giving birth to Achuan" is somewhat shameful.

I decided to quit here. Because if you continue to stay, there will probably be no more gains. I came here and confirmed the safety of Marceau. Contacting Father Edward and observing Zhenjiang again with the help of a special woman, these achievements cannot be ignored. I need to rearrange the information to adjust my plan in detail.

When I left here, there was no hesitation. There is no wish to get more ideas. The rain curtains outside the window and the thunder and thunder, such an environment is enough to dispel the idea of ​​exploring new areas. When I packed up the materials I collected in the manor and returned to my sickhouse along the route I came from, my whole body was soaked up and down, and there was no trace of dryness.

The situation in the sickhouse did not change from when I left. Those patients who can be observed by chain judgment seem to have never come out of their room when I left.

I threw the material into the corner of the room. The gloom outside the window is no longer just a relationship of overcast clouds, the night has come quietly.

I have confirmed that there is a large canteen in this ward, which can fully cope with the number of people who fill the room of the ward, not to mention that at this time, the number of patients has not reached that level, and all the patients here have three Meals need to be solved there. As I thought, only at this time will most patients come out of their rooms.

However, even if some patients do not go out, there will not be a manager in this building, forcing them to be dragged out of their rooms. The life of every patient here seems to be spontaneous, and the hospital only provides daily resources, but it is slightly indifferent. Probably no normal person wants to stay here for a long time, so when I entered the cafeteria, the person in charge of food seemed to have already left, and the food was like four buffets, placed on four large tables, still steaming.

No one needs to be accounted for, and the patient will take the food himself. I took this opportunity to observe them in the crowd. The appearance of these patients is not very good, and they are all very quiet and very negative. In Marceau ’s manor, a strange woman appeared, but in my sick building, there seemed to be no such aberrations.

I took the food tray and found a female patient to sit down. There is no special reason for choosing her, but her appearance and figure are in line with my aesthetics, and it seems relatively free of other patients' numbness. Her eyes are sometimes dazed, but sometimes she becomes alert and cautious in her actions, especially when eating, her eyes are even brighter. It seems to recover from the mental illness to the range of normal people at once.

Personally, I do n’t want to talk to her, just choose the seat next to her. Unexpectedly, she took the initiative to talk to me.

"I know you." This female patient came after I sat down. Keep staring at me with amazing eyes: "Who are you?"

I didn't understand what she meant, and she looked at her suspiciously and started eating in silence. Of the patients here, only me is obviously Asian, and among the many western foods, only a small part of the Chinese style. As if it was specially prepared for me. Soups, rice, various sauces, greens and steamed buns ... Even in Chinese food, these meals are very daily features, certainly not always prepared.

I poured the vegetables into the rice bowl. Add condiments such as bean paste and tomato paste, and stir together with rice. The female patient next to him looked at her with a slightly disgusted expression. At this time, she seemed mentally normal.

"So you can eat it?" She said frowning.

"It's delicious." I used a spoon to dig up sticky food and stuffed it into my mouth. Although this looks a bit ugly, it has a mixed taste. It has always been my favorite.

"It looks like she is eating Xiang." She used a very civilized "Xiang" to refer to that indecent statement.

"Then do you want to take a sip?" I scooped a big spoon, right against her mouth.

I thought the woman would refuse in disgust, but I didn't expect that she wouldn't think about it and swallowed it. At the end, she specially emphasized: "It tastes like Xiang."

I didn't speak. Just looking at her expression-her look is different from the normal appearance when normal people say such words, but it makes me feel that she is more mentally ill now.

"I remember you, you are Xiang people!" The female patient looked at me with serious eyes. Say: "Sorry, I didn't mean it just now."

I immediately felt that her next words would definitely not sound good to normal people.

"I heard that you Xiang people can't live without eating Xiang." Sure enough, when she said that, she was serious. There was no intention of insulting people at all. Instead, it made her feel apologetic, "I should not blame you for the necessary lifestyle. I really have no racial discrimination."

"Are you Asian? It doesn't look like it." I decided to divert the topic.

"Of course not." The female patient said, squeezing her chest with both hands seriously, and said, "Asian women's **** are not as big as mine."

Although I don't think this is the correct statement, at this time, I can only say nothing.

"But what you said just now is from the Central Duchy ... You used Chinese just now, didn't you?" I suddenly realized why there was always some kind of unnatural feeling in the conversation. The female patient in front of me is entirely of European and American ethnicity, but when talking, he uses the most standard Central Principality lingua franca.

"What stupid words are you talking about?" The female patient said with dissatisfaction: "I use the Aquilian language of the N48 Nebula."

What the **** is the Aquilian language of the N48 Nebula!

I find it difficult to continue the dialogue. Although the appearance and figure of the female patient in front of me are in line with my aesthetics, the mental problems are becoming more and more prominent, and it is not the type of mental illness I am good at dealing with. In comparison, the past Zhenjiang and the current Masuo are easier to get along with. Although in terms of the degree of trouble, the woman in front of him is undoubtedly safer.

I do not speak, step up to eat.

The woman does not eat at all and keeps staring at me, this gaze cannot be completely ignored. I had to raise my head and cope with it and said, "Is there anything?"

"I seem to have seen you somewhere." She said.

"N48 Nebula?" I asked back, but obviously my response was wrong.

"Are you sick? What the **** is N48 Nebula?" The female patient looked at me with pity. She wanted to teach me something about this. I interrupted her quickly and asked, "So, what's the matter?"

"I was thinking, where did I see you in the end?" She said like this, still staring at me, however, until I silently swept away the dinner, I did not see her think of it. Come. When I was about to leave, she grabbed her arm. She was very hard, and I couldn't break away with normal strength.

"What's the matter?" I can only ask again.

"I remembered!" She said aloud: "You are that foreigner! Heir of Old Hawk!" Her voice spread throughout the cafeteria, and what she said seemed to have certain influence on the patients in the cafeteria. stimulate. For a time, the shuttle crowd stopped, and every mental patient here looked at me.

The air becomes depressed. Only the female patient said aloud: "It's you, you accomplice to the murderer, you killed us!" Her voice just fell, and the atmosphere and style of painting began to become abnormal. The canteen, which had no special features, seemed to be stripped of its old skin. Exposing the rough texture inside. In the blink of an eye, all the windows around them followed, and a force squeezed the glass fragments to scatter indoors. I saw several patients standing by the window were pierced through the temple and throat, even if there was no fatal injury, there was blood flow .

Even so. They did not die, nor did they panic. They just stood there, surrounded me and the female patient, and stared at me silently with a morbid eye. Hostility floats in the air, and more anomalies have emerged. A light gray mist has appeared on the ground, and there is a darker gray and black liquid, which is constantly oozing out of the cracks in the floor.

Wind and rain blow in from the broken window. Patients who had been fatally injured by glass fragments began to change their skin, face and figure, just like the flesh was twisted and smashed. After being rubbed, some completely lose their human form, while others still maintain their human form, but they are no longer like human beings. I looked up to block the wind and rain. The dampness and coldness were more bitter than the normal rain silk, and my left hand was still caught by the female patient. However, at this time, her screaming face and hurried posture were completely frozen, just like the same statue-no. Wet by the wind and rain, she is showing the stone texture from head to toe, she really turned into a stone statue.

The gray-black fluid oozing from the cracks in the floor, like self-consciousness, wrapped around the patient's ankle all the way up. The patients are of course changing. Become a more malicious, destructive and irrational look.

A group of weirdness is being born before my eyes. And the scene I am in is no longer a sick building in the normal sense. I didn't do it for the first time, I'm not sure, this is an illusion, or maybe I fell into a nightmare. Whether the people around have mutated, or just in my eyes, have become such an ugly and abnormal form.

The wall was smashed by something from the outside, and the huge force cracked the wall in just a few clicks. When the wall collapsed, a huge world, which was completely different from the scene around the sick building where I was, spread out in the field of vision.

When I realized, I was actually standing on the flat ground in front of the cave. I was already wearing the high-necked windbreaker inlaid with metal shields in the nightmare. The long knife and the crossbow were already in my hands. Everything seemed to be in In suggesting that I am in a dangerous situation under siege, I must use violence and killing to protect my life.

It feels like the peaceful "reality" before it is a dream, and then back to this world full of weirdness is to return to reality.

I just woke up from an ignorant dream and had to deal with the cruel reality-but I think this is an illusion.

The current situation is not "returning to cruel reality", but "entering a cruel nightmare."

Although I don't understand, why did it suddenly become like this. Where did the nightmare and reality divide the boundary, and when did I cross this boundary. But the malicious surroundings are not fake. Even if the opponents are humans, I just see them as monsters. However, I don't think malicious will deceive people.

Even if the other party is a human, it is also a malicious human being.

I actually do n’t really care about the female patient ’s shouting when she grabbed me: “Kill the murderer.” I can guess what she is suggesting, and I can think of a “I ’m crazy, the same disease The patient is killed as a monster. But actually, I didn't think so much.

I have always understood that not fighting may really kill people, but I must become a dead person.

"Sorry." I said to these weird weirdness. When I pulled my arm back, I found that the statue of the female patient who had been holding me just now had disappeared unconsciously.

I took a deep breath. Compared with the mysterious events encountered in the past, the current abnormal situation is actually nothing.

I drew my long sword and raised my hand to shoot the crossbow. At the same time, weirdness in all directions surged like tide.

Cleave, pierce, rush, retreat, roll--

The crossbow arrows pierced the head, and the filament twisted the neck.

Before the heavy axe fell down, he jumped onto the rock platform and splashed the scattered rocks.

Strange like a ghost body, once penetrates an object, it will be covered with a layer of frost.

The ghost fire is spinning, the space is twisting, the tentacles are waving like a whip, and even the wind will sharply cut hard stones and iron.

It looks like a dog-like thing, peering in a dark corner, the ticking saliva is full of corrosiveness, and the paws are also full of toxicity.

Something that I do n’t know how to describe, suddenly appeared beside me in an indescribable way, causing terrible trauma to the spirit.

All this is a strange war between me and me.

Although the initial weirdness seems to have been mutated from the patients in the canteen, in fact, the number of weirdness has far exceeded the number of patients in the canteen. It can be inferred from this that the place where I am now is certainly not a "canteen". The weirdness I killed, even if there were patients, was definitely not just "patients in the canteen".

I started flying. More weirdness seems to be summoned, and it is coming to this battlefield endlessly. Although I did not feel tired during the battle, I was not seriously injured. Chain judgment and swift, although they are suppressed in the sense, they are still playing their most commonly used characteristics. My dodge and counterattack are much faster than these weirdness, and even if they surround me, they can attack me at the same time. , But only the innermost ones. The most dangerous is the weird ones who have the ability to attack in the air, but as long as they can wander through the strange gaps, they can create accidental injuries.

Even if I do n’t feel that I am in an extremely dangerous situation, I do feel that even if the stalemate persists, these weird numbers are definitely not me alone.

To get rid of them is the only way out of combat.

I rolled, jumped, and jumped on the rock platform. The smoke and dust chased me, and like a bulldozer, a huge force crushed where I once stood. The wind and flame, and the vortex of space try to stop me and pull me, as long as I take a slow step, I will be swallowed into huge waves. The explosion continued to make the trench coat hunt in the dust and smoke. And all this prevention will eventually become my motivation, and everything that cannot be motivated will be cut off by me like a film.

My footsteps are getting faster and faster. At the same time, there are malicious and aggressive phenomena around me, and the number and number are decreasing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. In the end, there are only those that resemble wolfhounds, which make people feel extremely agile and weird at a glance, as well as those that do not walk at all and move in a special way. However, even for dogs that are good at running, the distance between me and me is accelerating and zooming in. The rapid swept super energy is still "faster than them". The only things that cannot be set as reference objects are those that do not move in the normal way. Monsters ~ www.readwn.com ~ Should they be "jumped" or "shuttled"? There is no "moving process" for these weirdness, but for me now, it is not a rare opponent.

They seem to be unreal and uncertain, but it is still very easy to approach and behead when they appear to be physical.

More importantly, such weirdness actually occupies only a small part of the number of weirdness.

After more than a dozen breaths, there were no more weirdness beside me. The distance between them and me is completely beyond the scope of the chain judgment can be observed, and they are not necessarily at this distance, they will still catch up with perseverance.

I think the battle is over.

I ran out very far in one breath, and the surrounding area was no longer full of rocks, but a dense forest of roots.

Standing at the end of the tree and looking at the gloomy sky, half of the huge white sphere, whether it is the sun or the moon, has sunk into the horizon. And the tower that stands in front of it seems to be swallowed by huge shadows. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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