Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1252: Approaching the tower

Tall tower. △ ¢ 四 △ ¢ 五 △ ¢ 中 △ ¢ 文 ±, the deepest tower in my memory comes from the reality of the hospital. Strictly speaking, it is not a tower in the normal sense, and those towers left over from history The architecture is also completely different. It was not built for some religious significance. In fact, I do n’t quite know what the tower in the hospital means to the hospital itself. What I understand is that there are only some negative functions, such as some taboo human experiments, but I know That is not the only meaning of that tower. I used to think that Dorothy could not bear the research life of the hospital and hid in the high tower, or the hospital was detained in the tower for research. But the truth does not seem to be the case.

Today I have such a vague impression that Dorothy is not in that tower.

To be honest, I have no resentment for the hospital. Although all patients with Doomsday Syndrome are regarded as the research object, part of the results of the research are indeed used in the attempt to save the patients. So far, the various sufferings suffered by patients with Doomsday Syndrome have not originated from the hospital's research, but from the disease itself. What the hospital did and could do, until I died, was just observation and testing. The failure of those drugs is not the original intention of the hospital. No matter what ambitions, ideas and means to study patients, Dr. Ande and other researchers also hope to conquer this "virus". If you cannot conquer or restrain the "virus", it is impossible to talk about further applications.

The world does not need them to spread "viruses" to threaten certain people or certain organizations, because "viruses" already exist worldwide.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that "Gaochuan" resolutely became a test subject, and cooperated with the research of the "hospital" to get results as soon as possible. At the same time in exchange for the treatment of Miyaki and Bajing and others in the hospital-not just care, there is also such a clause in the contract. Once Miyaki and Bajing and other people become ill, in the case of limited resources, the hospital must reduce Focus on people such as Sakuya and Bajing.

In my opinion, the hospital has always kept its promises. If not. Some people like Miyake and Bajing have already become a beach like other patients. Even Gao Gao will collapse at the end of the experiment. I don't think that the particularity of Misaki, Bajing, Marceau, Sesame and Dorothy can exceed all patients.

Indeed, the personalities of Saya Ye, Bajing and Marceau collapsed, and Selas and Dorothy were transformed into non-humans, all of which were painful experiences. However, compared with other patients, there are still more possibilities. If there is no hospital's commitment and investment, probably they will be no different from ordinary patients with doomsday syndrome.

This also holds a silver lining of hope. The gloomy glimmer of hope, the already gloomy glimmer of hope, is what "Gao Chuan" has exchanged for at its own expense. If Dorothy is full of resentment for such a life, then I feel that part of this resentment must be carried by Gaochuan himself, that is, I must carry it.

They are very painful. It might be better than death. Misaki, Bajing and Marceau may not even be able to think about life and death, pain and happiness.

But they are still alive. Even if it is not in the normal human way, on the other hand, it is closer to the concept of "living" than the ill patients.

Therefore, I don't hate the hospital, I just lament myself. Hospitals are powerless against "viruses", this is not their fault. If, after conquering the "virus", they can treat the doomsday syndrome and expand the disaster of the "virus" because of selfish desires, so that the patients suffer, then. Of course, I am qualified to stand at the commanding heights of morality to condemn them and sanction them, however, this is not the case.

The hospital is helpless about the "virus", and can only find out what the "virus" is through continuous experiments, various methods, and unscrupulous experiments. This is just the first step in dealing with the "virus", and this first step has been frustrated. Until I died, there was not much progress.

Even when "Gaochuan" became an experimental body, the drugs researched based on the clinical data of "Gaochuan" could not achieve the desired effect, but was full of side effects. Even so, these drugs are still an important factor that prevents Sakuya and Bajing from breaking down completely. When "Gaochuan" cooperated with the research of the hospital for the first time as an experimental body, it was Misaki, Bajing, Marceau, Seise and Dorothy at the most critical moment. Within a period of time, I researched a drug and gave them priority injections. Maybe they will collapse at the time-whether it is a chemical or spontaneous death, it is impossible to be sure.

The miserable life of the five girls afterwards started with that helpless pharmaceutical.

With a beautiful prayer, and the helplessness of time constraints, "Gaochuan" let them survive in an abnormal posture. It is precisely because they survived, so their abnormality, to a certain extent, was highly valued by the hospital, and then evolved into the current state in the following time.

These "pasts" are recorded in the volume of "Intermortality" in my diary story. And when I look back at this episode again, I only feel the fate of people, without any bit of resentment.

As "Gao Chuan", in this story, who can I resent?

The wrong foundation did not exist at the beginning. "Virus" was not created by humans, nor was it spread by humans. It just appeared and existed.

If Gaochuan resisted the hospital, if the hospital did not adopt a radical attitude and refused to keep the agreement with Gaochuan, even those drugs with strong side effects could not be manufactured, and they could not help the virus completely. There will be no super color center, so that Saya and Bajing are completely dead, and there is no chance of appearing in the illusion of doom.

This is not a free and correct choice, nor a distinction between happiness and pain.

The choices left to us are simply: Surviving in pain, and dying in pain, which one is more acceptable to you.

"Gao Chuan" may have never thought that the choice would be like this, so that when he made a decision at that time, he never thought about it from this angle.

"Gao Chuan" just watched Saki Ye and Ba Jing as they were about to die in pain. So he made up his mind to cooperate with the hospital. Before that, I had made an agreement with the dead "Jian Jiang", and I must save everyone. Therefore, for "Gaochuan" who was just a child at that time, there was no more and better. More correct choice.

Then everyone survived in pain.

The options of happiness and calmness do not exist. So, which one is more acceptable, dying in pain and alive in pain?

I still haven't given up hope so far, so I don't think that the original choice of "Gao Chuan" was wrong. Even if I live in pain, I hope I can live with myself and everyone. Only by living can it be possible to catch hope. Even if this hope is like a mirror moon, but as long as it is alive, there are more possibilities in theory.

Just for "possibility" and chose to survive in pain. And let everyone survive in pain, regardless of their ideas. This is the crime of Gao Gao. At this point, as Gao Chuan me. I have completely understood. Even so, I have never regretted it. No resentment, nor do I think this is wrong.

I think that as long as it is "Gao Chuan", it will be willing to bear this "sin".

I stood in front of the tower in the nightmare. The huge sense of oppression violently diffused from the immediate sense of sight brought by the shape of the tower. It almost suffocated me. When standing in the distance and looking out, the tower is hazy, its towering posture and huge sense of presence, like coordinates, make people yearn for. However, when actually approaching this distance, you can see its appearance. The memory that was almost buried because of death, as if washed by the flood, emerged from the mud.

This tall tower, except for its unusual smell and appearance, is almost a replica of the tall tower in the hospital. Perhaps the inside is different, but it is difficult to find the difference in appearance. The moment I saw it, my skin couldn't help producing goose bumps, and electric current penetrated the nerves of the brain along the spine. It stands in front of my eyes, and behind it is the pale, huge pale sphere that is about to end the horizon, like a bridge that runs through the two worlds.

"How is it possible?" I couldn't help moaning. There are various ideas running through my mind, and each of them is trying to combine the reality of the hospital with this nightmare world. At the same time, I feel that I should not have come to this conclusion. The sense of sight in front of you, or nothing, may just be a projection on the level of consciousness.

According to the "real side" theory, the tower of this nightmare world may of course also be what I see. Many reasons can be found rationally, but it is difficult to stop the emotional impact.

I shook my head vigorously and threw out the clutter of thoughts. I know, no matter why this tower looks like this, why it is so eye-catching, what it means to this nightmare, relative to the Las Vegas repeater world, and even the doomsday illusion and hospital reality, how does it suggest The meaning of **** cannot be found at this stage. Even, this life probably cannot really understand its meaning.

Human beings have never figured out what kind of thing they realize.

I am also the same, even if I have read a lot of psychology books and ideology books on consciousness, I have never thoroughly, completely, penetrated every subtle level to understand everything about ideology.

I know that I can only treat it as "accomplished fact" and "existing existence", and treat it with such an attitude.

If I think seriously and try to draw an accurate conclusion, I will feel my ignorance even more.

I flashed out, bypassing every weird blind spot on the route in a quick sweep. These weird people standing in front of the tower are like guarding everything inside the tower. I do n’t know if it ’s conscious or unconscious. Their positions are divided into blocks, and they travel back and forth in their own area, and they will never invade other weird areas. .

On the way I came, I have not encountered such a situation.

Although I wo n’t lose to the weird riots, I do n’t want to waste too much time and energy on such things. Although my plan always encounters various problems and has to adapt randomly, and there is no fixed time limit that can be seen at a glance, it does not mean that my time is unlimited. When I act. Others are also acting. This is not a question of who is faster, but, if the parties plan to cause some huge impact, and I am not ready, I cannot use this impact to promote my own plans.

just now. I went to this tower to gather enough intelligence to interfere with all the changes that are happening and about to happen at an appropriate and timely time. There is absolutely not much time left for me to make these preparations. Moreover, I do n’t know when I will get out of this nightmare.

The access mechanism of the nightmare itself is not clear, although roughly. I understand it as all patients who have taken new drugs in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital will be involved in this nightmare, and then become a sacrifice of "the deepest night". Can decide.

The production of the new medicine is entirely dominated by the seminar and is influenced by mysterious organizations such as Doomsday Truth and the 51st District. I do not think so. Their influence on Dr. Ruan Li can exceed their use of the seminar. In theory. If only taking medicine can enter this nightmare, then it is possible to exclude me from the nightmare. Of course, if the other party can really use a similar method to isolate me from their plans, I also have my own response.

But no matter what kind of situation. I do n’t have more time for any kind of response than those organizations that can always be involved in nightmare activities. Compared with these huge organizations, the preparation time and energy, as well as the resources and energy that can be used, are in absolute disadvantage. therefore. I never thought that my own passiveness could be reversed in advance.

To win in the passive is never easy.

I stabbed the long knife into the weird vest and covered its relatively large body, strangling its neck before it screamed. Human-shaped weirdness often has the key to humanoids. In contrast, non-human-shaped weirdness is more difficult to deal with. There is no favor between the weird, they do not cooperate. The previous riots against me did not want to work together to kill me. Although they gathered together, they were just fighting each other.

In the battle with these weirdness, I gradually understand the reason why the weirdness is powerful, but it can be hunted by the old Hawk again. More often, they are just a piece of sand, seemingly diverse, but they follow a very obvious routine in combat. They are not brainless, but, in most cases, they are just muddled. For a certain weirdness, design a counterattack routine, and then expand this routine to other similar weird bodies, this approach is completely achievable.

Assuming that weirdness is also a patient, or, it is a manifestation of a disease, a certain effect of new drugs, and the influence of the patient's ideology, then their performance naturally represents the "negative" and "malignant" side of the patient. In this way, it is easy to think of the "strong because of depravity", but the so-called "negative" and "malignant" are not equal to "strong".

People, because of the health of their hearts and minds, appear strong. The so-called "negative" and "malignant" are the embodiment of the "unhealthy" of the peace of mind. The "powerful" that it once showed is actually more like a "dying struggle"-because of "unhealthy", it is about to enter into extinction. So I did my best and gave everything.

This unhealthy and powerful is flawed and limiting. Compared with the powerful of health, this unhealthy power seems to be full of explosive power, but it is actually more vulnerable.

This is also the reason why I never feel envy, joy, but sadness and pain in the face of so many mysterious powers and people with extraordinary powers in the illusion of doomsday.

The "mystery" that I have seen and the strength that exists only because of "mystery" are nothing more than proof of "unhealthy" in my understanding. Whether it is yourself or others, it seems powerful, but from the perspective of the hospital's reality, it is just a group of patients with end-stage symptoms of end-stage disease. It has either become, or is about to become, or even, the opportunity to become None, directly go crazy, hurt others, have to be executed, or die.

If it becomes strong because of its own health, it is of course very good. On the other hand, it is just a desperate outburst of life and helplessness. Then, why not be sad?

The ugly, weird, diversified but rigid, crazy and indifferent weirdness presented to me, in my opinion, even if it is a living "patient", it is only living in pain.

To die painfully and to live painfully, which one should I choose?

"Gao Chuan" made decisions for Saki Ye and Ba Jing. As a Gaochuan, I have never hesitated to face the choice before me.

Because, I want to save them, but there is no way. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether it is "they" or "them" whether the weirdness is in front of you. If they stop me, I will kill them.

Use chain judgment to analyze their position and orientation, and judge their possible abilities according to their appearance. All kinds of information in my mind outline a route.

Then, a quick sweep is executed.

I use my weird body and surrounding environment as much as possible to cover up my activities. I don't know which side built the tower, or that it was not formed by which side, but was formed naturally. But such an iconic building with a strong sense of existence cannot be ignored by any organization or individual who is active in nightmares. There were many people who were active in the nightmare earlier than me. I don't think I was the first person to get close to this place and try to get something from here.

Conversely, whether this tower is man-made or naturally formed, it is very likely that it will be occupied by a certain party and become the basis for the execution of a conspiracy plan, thereby further enhancing the importance of this tower. Such a place is more likely to be deeply malicious and repulsive to any intruder trying to approach.

The probability of the tower attacking me is as high as 80%. If you expose yourself from the beginning, the possibility of being blocked is as high as 60%. I do not deny my strength, but in this nightmare, my ability is blocked to some extent. Even if such a blockade is good from the perspective of Old Hawk, or, from the perspective of the organization that created this nightmare, it is a matter of course and necessary, and I am unable to fully exert the strength of the heyday.

This seal is not ordinary, it is a vague concept, it does not completely restrain its own abilities, but when using these abilities, you will realize that the original handy and infinite power is not so handy and powerful. Endless. Even if the characteristics have not changed, when in actual use, there will be a huge sense of violation.

The sense of disobedience, incoordination, and the feeling of being blocked. These feelings are not only the result of the "seal", but also make me feel that they are the power of the "seal".

It is difficult to distinguish whether the seal ~ ~ produces a sense of violation, or because "making a sense of violation to reduce the effect of practical application" is the seal itself.

I still feel my power, but if I describe this power as "inventory", then my situation at this time is roughly like losing the key to open this "inventory". Obviously exists, but it is not available.

I think although the seal is made by old Hawke. But is it possible, not just for me, but for all mysterious forces and mysterious experts who entered this nightmare? In other people, although not caused by the old Hawke, but also in other wonderful ways to complete this seal?

From a certain point of view, if the highest power of everyone is limited, of course, the more organized, and the larger the organization, the easier it is to gain an advantage. Pushing the sacrificial ritual depends only on the lower limit of power, so it is enough to meet the lower limit. Instead, the upper limit needs to be blocked to avoid the ritual being blocked by too strong a force.

These ideas are all in my thinking. And this idea is also one of the reasons why I killed the weird without hesitation. After all, absorbing the limestone that condenses after weird death can weaken the seal-even if it is possible, it is actually indirectly promoting the sacrifice ceremony and the arrival of the deep night. (To be continued ...)

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