Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1253: Uncoordinated

I approached the towers step by step, and the weirdness around the towers was not a hindrance. They inherently have the law of their activities. As long as they master this law, they can pass through the area at the least cost and in the shortest time. However, on the way, I stopped temporarily under an old tree, where there was the first thing on this journey that looked like an artificial thing-a tombstone, leaning crookedly against the head of the grave, but it can be judged by a chain Make sure that there are no corpses under the grave. When I wiped the ashes from the tombstone with my palm, I saw a lot of names engraved on it. At first glance, they were the names of strangers, but they were all squeezed on a tombstone and still seemed weird.

Who built this tombstone? Why are the names of these people carved on the same tombstone? None of the answers to these questions currently have a definitive answer, but again, as a mysterious expert, I have my own guess as to the reason for contacting this nightmare. This tombstone is placed here, but the loneliness is full of some kind of suggestion. I think there is some kind of secret hidden in the names of these people. Some people may think that these people may have been active before me. The weird hunter in the nightmare like Old Hawk is trying to find the secret of "the deepest night" and still knows the mental patient. However, assuming that there are really such a group of people who regard them as a member of the mental patient on the Peninsula, there are actually many doubts.

In my opinion, the biggest doubt lies in time. When will the seminar be made into new drugs? Before I arrived, did the patients take the new drugs? These are temporarily unanswered. However, it is not too early to track the time for patients to take the new drugs. This nightmare was caused by the interference of the mysterious forces of all parties, and its formation time will definitely not be too long. But Old Hawk's "identity" is a person who has been hunting for a long time and is pursuing "the deepest night." This identity has a heavy sense of history. This sense of history and the estimated time for the establishment of the nightmare are contradictory.

Although it is an ideological world, time, place and history. None can take the normal world as an example, but even the ideological world is based on people's own consciousness. To have a "long history", there must be a "long history" consciousness concept. Unless the patients who constitute this nightmare regard themselves as "a witness of a cruel and long history". Consider yourself as a role in this history, then this nightmare is more likely to have a "history" form.

Of course, there are other possibilities, too. In my understanding, the form of nightmares is more based on the dreamer's own cognition and subconscious activities. It rarely happens that it really exceeds everyone's perception. Conversely, even the most bizarre phenomenon in a nightmare can have its source of ideology. This source comes from the depth of some kind of consciousness that constitutes this nightmare.

I don't think that the mental patient who constitutes this "nightmare" can complete such a deep and long historical framework. It also means. Assuming that everything that currently appears has a reasonable explanation, then. There must be a situation other than the mental patient I was watching, which caused the nightmare to look like it is today.

For example, Old Hawk may not actually be a peninsula mental patient, and he has a similar situation, as well as the humanoid system in the church. Compared to the humanoid system, Old Hawk is also not like a known mysterious organization. Despite the "seal" he set for me, it does seem beneficial to the mysterious organization. but. It looks more like "He has survived and fought for a long time in a nightmare", and he feels more. His speech also gave people the feeling that there are "many people similar to him".

However, assuming that Old Hawk is not a peninsula mental patient, nor a member of the mysterious organization that invaded the world, then, what is his origin?

For the time being, call Old Hawk "Hunter". So, suppose the names on the tombstones in front of you are all dead "hunters". What are these "hunters" like old Hawke?

There must be some kind of connection between Old Hawk and the humanoid system. This kind of obscure connection is definitely not only because they are related to "the deepest night", but also has a deeper connotation. This is my intuition.

I searched for the old Hawk's name on the tombstone, but I found it at the bottom, but old Hawk was not the last name. There are more names under him, but with the name of Old Hawk as the boundary, including his name, all the names above are crossed out by horizontal cracks, while the names below are complete, as if It is implied that all the people who have been crossed out have already died, while the names that have not been crossed out are still alive, but they will definitely die.

However, from a certain perspective, I, who is also the heir of Old Hawk, has no name on this tombstone. This also seems to imply a special situation.

This strange tombstone, a large piece of tomb of the famous Gaochuan, full of strange old Hawk himself and humanoid system, these things do not seem to be confined to the existence of this peninsula mental hospital Has a profound meaning. Although this nightmare is caused by the new medicine of the seminar from the perspective of the world of repeaters, it seems that it has another perspective and a deeper source.

It is precisely because of this "deepness" that I can't help but have more profound associations and speculations about the existence of this nightmare and the "deep night" that is happening in the nightmare.

The so-called deep night, the background involved is definitely not just the things known so far.

This tombstone is here, and a tower full of sight is also here. People have to guess what kind of things will appear in the tower, and such things, in my opinion, must let many people Shocked.

The closer to the tower, the more things go beyond the peninsula mental hospital. This nightmare seems to be a nightmare created by mental patients taking new drugs, but exploring the contradictions and doubts about their existence in the depths can certainly be more than that. In my further guesses, even the mysterious organization formed by this nightmare may be surprised by the depth and hugeness of this nightmare. The hidden things in it may not even be thought of by themselves.

They created a nightmare world that they couldn't grasp completely. I think that this nightmare world has become what it is today, and it is not something that these mysterious organizations are happy with. They interfered in the seminar, but at the same time it seemed that there was a force that interfered with them and used their plans. Let the seemingly under control plan appear a little discordant tone.

I am very familiar with this kind of disharmony, which seems to be guided by some kind of interfering force. In the past doomsday illusions, many mysterious experts can produce similar feelings from their experiences. It is precisely this feeling that has caused many mysterious experts to withdraw from the internet. Because they are in this fateful manipulation. Feeling a fool, a helpless situation.

"Everything I do seems correct, but the result is nothing more than to promote the coming of the end." Such a pessimistic statement. It has been accepted by many people in the mysterious circle of the last doomsday illusion.

I think that all mysterious experts who have come to this nightmare and have carefully observed this nightmare will feel the same feelings to some extent.

Crossing a white flower field in front of the tower-these flowers look like I have never seen before, and its presence reminds me of "white Claudia".

Ignore these metaphors for now. I walked up the steps in front of the tower, and beheaded many ugly appearances, but the inner was weak and weird. When I stood in front of the gate, I pushed it away without hesitation.

The gate is heavy. Although the area of ​​the door is not excessive relative to this tower, its weight. Still beyond my imagination. When the gate is closed, it is difficult to imagine the luxury and heavy decoration of the tower. At the foot of the door is a spacious red carpet that extends to the stairs leading to the second floor. The inlaid floor tiles are pieced together into a simple pattern and a complex pattern like a magic array. When you raise your head, you can see the suspended ceiling. There are pictures of people similar to my costumes, fighting strangely with groups of people.

The furnishings here. Rich in the taste of medieval Europe. Although I want to say the taste of the nobility, but. After thinking about it, I felt it again. It is more like imitating the taste of medieval nobles. There is no such thing as an electric lamp, the only lighting is the candlestick, and these candlesticks are linked by a chain. At the moment when I stepped in the door, candlesticks were lit up out of thin air, so that people could vaguely see the dead bodies and bones in the corner. There was still a crazy and frightened expression on the face of the dry corpse. They sat in rows along the wall, their heads were taken off, and they were held in their hands by themselves, like a sacrifice and a confession. In short, there is not one It can make people feel normal.

The tables and chairs under the candlelight are already covered with dust, but if placed in the presence of food, fruits, vegetables and alcohol, these edible things give people a fresh feeling, as if they were just taken off and made and placed on the stage soon. It's just that I couldn't see anyone but myself on the scene. The atmosphere here is unusual, even if we don't see the weirdness, it can make people intuitively feel that it comes from malicious snooping in all directions.

This is the first floor of the tower, and I ca n’t see what it really does—like a combination of living room, chapel, main hall, dining room, and study, and even some small walls surrounded by some low walls, just like Prisons are like graves. These places separated by low walls are the places with the most bookshelves, books and various written materials. I checked one by one, but found that except for some of the recognized text on the cover, the content inside was all ghost symbols, which could not be recognized at all, unlike normal text. However, even if you don't know the content, when you look closely, you can feel a trace of madness, and people only feel that the people who write these contents are actually not in the right spirit.

In addition to this, there are some patterns that may imply "eyes". These patterns are more obscure than the patterns of the mountaintop altar near the residential area. Instead, it makes people think that the construction of the altar is the original sample right here.

Eyes, blood, subtle and crazy breath, weird and contradictory conditions-in my cognition, the most consistent with these characteristics is undoubtedly "Jiang". I have to think that the tower's own "jiang" factor is more than the altar. It looks like a ruin, and the altar on the other side of the residential area is part of the product of this ruin. counterfeit. However, both parties have the same function. This function is ritual, religious, and crazy.

As long as you come here, you can feel the very strong, thick, obscure and dark historical taste. It is like an unknown accumulation of aging. Turned into dust and silt, covering every inch of the land here. And everything that exists today is nothing more than an unexplained continuation of the past. The same is true of the so-called "Deepest Night".

However, if the "nightmare" and "the deepest night" are mysterious events promoted by the mysterious organizations of all parties, it is obviously out of step with the current feeling. To explain this inconsistency. It is impossible to regard the "nightmare" itself, including the "high tower", "the tomb of Gaochuan", the old Hawk and the humanoid system, the hunter's tombstone and the "most deep night", etc. Creation, but must be regarded as, when they advance their plans, "nightmare" merges what they did not expect. Or, they thought they created a "nightmare", but in fact just found the "nightmare".

However, no matter what their initial situation is, they are using this "nightmare". Is an indisputable fact. If these things are not their original intentions, creations, and imagination, they can also draw some dangerous nutrients from them to promote their own plans.

As far as I know, everything related to "Jiang", whether it is direct or obscure, as long as it feels. There is such a possibility that there must be deeper darkness and danger behind it.

Every occurrence of "Jiang" comes from the theory of the two in one. It is also a manifestation of "virus"-for me only, it is "Jiang".

And what I found in front of me, once again made me sure, no matter what kind of abnormality will happen here, I will not be surprised.

The space inside the tower is larger than the tall tower I saw from the outside, which is not something that can surprise a mysterious expert. The only thing that surprised me is. Did not see the living people, more precisely. It is a hunter like old Hawk, or a so-called "foreigner" like me.

This tower is so conspicuous. So mysterious, it seems to be full of the secrets of the source of this nightmare, even if it is strange and dangerous, it should not retreat those who are interested in doing a big thing in this nightmare. Instead, it is because the huge secrets are clearly hidden here that it is more tempting. I thought I could see more people gather here, in an organized or personal way, or be fair or hide themselves, to find the secret deep inside this tower.

Although I didn't see the living people, I saw a lot of corpses. In addition to those ceremonial cadavers who hold their heads, there are indeed some weird dresses, but they are indeed full of corpses in battle-style clothing. The bodies were glued to the floor by a layer of purple-black gums, and the walls were covered with spider webs and dust. However, there were no fresh bodies. I do n’t think it ’s because no one has been here recently, it may be some kind of mystery that makes these bodies decay quickly.

My goal is, of course, the highest level of the tower. Even if there is nothing there, you can see the farther view, and perhaps you can find more iconic buildings or hidden creations. Nothing can be found in the lower places, only weird, but it does not mean that this area is really only weird.

Maybe I can still wait. Waiting for the manpower of all parties to invade this tower again.

I thought so, the chain judgment suddenly felt the existence of foreign objects. The speed of the foreign object is extremely fast. It falls from the ceiling. It may be difficult for an ordinary person to escape, but the super speed can be enough for me to dodge. I jumped back, the thing hit the ground, the vibration was very obvious, but, with the naked eye, I could not see the existence of the real thing. Only the chain judgment can determine that there is such a foreign object. After sneaking from above, I sprinted at the ground. I rolled again, shooting a crossbow arrow to test this invisible foreign object-the invisible enemy, although tricky, but not very new and rare.

Wooden shelves and desks were shattered by invisible enemies, and wood chips and paper splashed all over. The opponent is very large and heavy. Although it is invisible, the fighting style is wide open. This kind of enemy reminds me of the canine demon that I encountered in my first battle.

The equally invisible enemy in front of him, no matter in size or weight, is far worse than the original dog demon. The test of the crossbow arrows also proves that it is thick and fleshy. However, its fighting style is similar, and the response is naturally the same. of.

I took out the dyeing agent from the inner bag of the high-necked windbreaker, flashed sideways again, and swayed in the air. In the fuchsia fluorescence, a beast tall with one person showed its outline. Although it looks like a beast, it is eight arthropod legs, and the head is constantly creeping, just like what is constantly growing. The body has a fur-like part, a carapace-like part, and no tail. To be honest, it is just a weird thing, but its huge size makes it look stronger than the weird outside.

Its attack looks reckless, but it makes good use of its physical advantage. The arrows I shoot will be attracted by a strange force in the air, and can only hit the carapace, there is no use. When I swing the knife, I can also feel that this force constantly shifts the trajectory of the knife. Although this force is not too large, no matter how much effort I use, it is impossible to completely guarantee the correct trajectory. Even if there is a small deviation, this deviation also exists, and often the blade will hit its hardest part.

I moved my steps back and forth, constantly dodge to the side. Excluding that weird defense, its attack is very monotonous. At present, it seems that no matter how close it is or far away, it will only use the collision. And such a simple attack is also the easiest to avoid.

Sliding to the side again, even if you don't use the speed sweep superpower, you can already use inertia to hit its body in this monotonous offensive and defensive. It's just that the blade's deviation caused it not to suffer much damage. When it hits a part of its carapace, it does not emit a metallic clang or a non-metallic puff, but a strange empty space. Sound, as if the crust of that part was behind a cavity.

I have tried to pierce that part directly, but the offset of the blade will become stronger in that place. After a few attempts, I determined that the normal and direct way is very difficult to solve this weird. However, it does not mean that I have no other way. It's just that this weird type was the first one I encountered in the tower, so it only took a little time.

I pulled away from it again, and it jumped to the ceiling again. However, it wasn't an escape. It didn't seem to mean attacking again, but when I accelerated my pace, it would keep up with my speed and keep on top of my head, peering at me maliciously.

I know that sooner or later it will attack, but before it does not attack, I am just looking for the entrance to the upper level. The first floor is very wide and the pattern is very complicated, but just walking along the outermost wall, there is no entrance to the upper floor. However, the strange reaction on the ceiling made me feel intuitively that I was getting closer and closer to the entrance.

Because, weird, as I wandered, the offensive maliciousness became more and more intense ~ ~ I have to assume that it is like a monster often mentioned in mysticism, protecting important places . Regardless of whether it is due to a set responsibility or attacking me by my own will, it must mean that my actions are gradually getting out of its control.

Finally, it fell suddenly.

I swept again, flashing back a long distance, cut the candle and lit the fuel lamp, and hit it on the body.

The next moment, the blazing flames permeated the strange body.

The purple-red phosphor is actually a flammable substance.

I have n’t adjusted my equipment in this nightmare. Since I woke up, I ’m completely in the costume at the moment. However, in my experience, I do n’t actually need to prepare anything specifically in the nightmare, because these things are made long ago Deeply imprinted in my consciousness. Of course, it's just remembered in the mind that it often can't be directly presented in the dream, but if it is still a fighting instinct, something that is used to it will always exist. Even if the appearance is different, the effect is the same.

In the weird roar, the burning of the flames, and the flying of smoke, the violent explosion engulfed everything there. (To be continued)

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