Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1254: Layer 2

The weird was blown away for several meters, the flame gnawed its body, the pain caused it to stumble, ignited the surrounding wooden frames, tables and chairs, but under the isolation of many low walls, the fire did not spread to a larger range. I also encountered this kind of weirdness for the first time. I didn't expect the flame to be so effective for it, and it was some good news. I kept walking and kept the distance from this freaky freaky freak. After a while, the huge and ferocious freak left only a dark outline, lying on the ground motionless, and seemed dead.

I raised my right hand, the magic pattern lighted up, and with a burst of burning pain, I seemed to hear the sound of a red iron pressing on the flesh. Of course, this is just an illusion.

The strangely charred black body has a large part of it turned into fly ash, which has penetrated into the magic pattern, but there is still a part like a carapace that cannot be decomposed. I am a little curious, this is the only case among the weirdness encountered so far. There seems to be something special about the remaining carapace. Because of this particularity, when I approached, I was still very cautious and kept the idea of ​​starting a quick sweep at any time.

I came to the side of the wreckage and turned it with the scabbard. I heard a crashing sound and rolled something out of the wreckage. Despite the severe damage, it can still be recognized as a bone under close inspection. It is not the bone of a monster, but it makes me feel like a human bone. Whether humans have been swallowed into the stomach by this weirdness, or for another more secret reason, cannot be known here. These bones are not complete, and the carapace of the weird remains gives me a faint sense of familiarity after being burnt. But beyond that, no more could be found.

I give up and continue to look for this weird secret. Its resistance to flames is too poor, and it has been burned, and most of the clues have disappeared. However, after this weird death, the amount absorbed by Mageweave. There are more weird than any one in the past, probably three graystones can be made.

In this nightmare, graystone can be used as a supplement and aid to almost all combat materials-strengthening and repairing weapons and armor, replenishing the ammunition of the crossbow, and even healing the wounds after absorption. Although I was not injured, I still took a break from the spot. Only then did he continue to find the way to the upper level.

There are many unknown things on the first floor of the tower, such as statues, corpses, patterns and patterns, and even books and texts that are not understood at all. These things make this tower not like a place where people live, but more Like a huge proving ground. As for who is experimenting here. What terrible results have been achieved, but there is no clue that can be interpreted. The significance of this tower to the whole nightmare is more obscure than the meaning of the deepest night.

During this period, I also saw some harmless ghost phenomena. It is not a real ghost. From the perspective of a mystery expert, it is actually a phenomenon similar to the ghost in occultism. Some transparent figures will occasionally appear in the field of vision, or read through books. Either talk to each other, or run in a hurry, but none of them are offensive. Even if it happens to pass through my body.

Between me and these "ghosts", it seems to be in the same space, but in fact there is a distant conceptual distance. The ghosts seem to be performing their life here.

After encountering a weird attack, there is no more danger. Occasional ghost phenomenon, let me follow these ghosts and find the way to the second floor. It was a cage-like lift. The gate is an iron fence with a sharp bottom. Just like a javelin, there are still a lot of blood stains. It seems that someone failed to get in, and the iron fence suddenly dropped at the door to penetrate the hole, but I did not find the body.

Before going in, I deliberately experimented with the strength of the iron fence, but I did not shake it at all. After entering the elevator, it seemed to sense the start of some kind of mechanism, and the iron fence suddenly lowered, making me feel that I was being held in this cage. When rising, don't have a strange sense of being judged by the upper class.

The volume of the elevator greatly limits the active area. If I am ambushed at this time, although I don't think I will have no ability to fight back, I imagine that it will be very troublesome. The rapid sweep super power can gain even if it is transferred in a small range, but in terms of personal fighting style, moving in a narrow range is far less easy than transferring it in a large range.

While alerting, I estimated the ascending speed and time of the elevator in order to try to determine the distance required to go from the first floor to the second floor. Observing the distance between the strata from the outside of the tower is indeed very different from the experience of personal experience. I think this elevator has risen at least more than 20 meters.

The elevator rises from a hollow platform, and part of the scene on the second floor expands in my field of vision. Just when the elevator stopped, I heard something hit the ceiling of the elevator and made a dull sound. Just judging from the vibration and sound thickness of the elevator, it can be judged that it must be a huge, tough but not hard thing. The chain judgment has been on all the time, and when that thing entered the observation range, part of the information about this thing came into my mind in an intuitive way.

Another weirdness I have never seen before.

The body is like a worm, oblong and fat, without feet, but there are two human-shaped forelimbs, presumably human arms. This strange forelimb is longer, like a layer of leather wrapped around the bones without any muscle tissue. The weird hand drilled into the gap between the iron fences as if pulling something deep from above. Its goal is me, there is no doubt about it.

No need to hesitate, as the iron fence rises, I draw a knife and cut it on this arm.

Only the sound of clang was heard, like a metal impact, crisp and hard. After the blade broke through the skin, a spark immediately splashed.

With a strong swing of my long arm, I felt a huge force that almost lifted me up. I jumped back, used the back wall as a pedal, dived down, and slid out under the iron fence where a gap had just risen. The other long arm was very sharp, and when I was still sliding on the ground, I slapped a fly-like palm down.

Sweep start. I suddenly accelerated and slipped, avoiding the blow.

The weird slap hit the ground, the air was squeezed, and in a muffled sound, it turned into four waves of air. Let the dusty battlefield be muddy. If this force hits the human body firmly, it should crush people into meatloaf.

A hard body, strong power, and a keen response-this is the power of the weird two hands in front of you.

However, this strange worm-like body is obviously far inferior to these hands, and even makes people feel. It is actually very difficult to move the body, relying solely on these two hands for hunting. But conversely, these hands can actually be regarded as its feet, assisting it to move.

I took the time to glance at the blade, the collision between them. It seems that the blade is also dimmed. This long knife has been upgraded by graystone, and its effectiveness is far superior to ordinary weapons. Therefore, it is certain that the hands are accompanied by other mysteries in addition to their rigidity.

The worm monster looks like the front of the head is slowly opening, like a round mouth with teeth. At the next moment, a gray material spewed out. Turned into a rope before me, trying to wind me up.

It looks like it's spinning. However, the fog forms a rope phenomenon. It reminds me even more of the activation rope spell of the Doomsday Shaman, so instead of evading for the first time, I used a long knife to split the rope that I was trying to wrap up. Sure enough, when these gray fog ropes were cut in two Time. Suddenly turned into two poisonous snakes, climbing on the knife body. Opened the big mouth of the blood basin and bit me.

This weirdness ... is related to the doomsday truth.

My thoughts flashed, and I flicked my long knife. Use inertia to break away the viper that climbed on the blade, start a quick sweep, and quickly pierce through the gaps of more ropes.

The gray fog hasn't disappeared yet, condensed into a mass in front of the worm monster, but the volume is much less than when it was originally ejected. Even so, the weight of these fogs is still enough to complete one or two witchcraft. As I thought, when I jumped by the speed sweep, and slashed towards the weirdness, the four sides of it suddenly appeared a layer of translucent hexagons like scales, easily blocking my attack.

I haven't moved my eyes completely away from the fog, and I really saw it reduce a large volume. Before the weird arm was retracted, I quickly waved the knife and cut it all on the shield. After a breath, while the weird arm returned, the fog had collapsed and disappeared. I walked and dodged farther before I was hit by my arm.

The worm was weirdly hoisting on the elevator, waving its arms back and forth, and a hollow mouth with sharp teeth. Its mouth opened and closed, and it seemed that it wanted to say something to me, and it seemed that it would not be a good word. Moreover, it did not make a vocal voice now.

Suddenly, I felt a little dizzy, and the ground seemed to lift waves, making me unable to stand firm. And weirdly seized this opportunity, with his arms on the ground, as if firing a shell, hitting the elliptical body. I instantly understood that this dizziness is definitely this weird ghost.

Although my body was out of balance, the rapid swept super energy was still working, letting me pass by the body that rushed like a cannonball on the occasion of a thousand shots. I rolled a ball on the ground and saw the worm weirdly hit the weird and huge container in front of it. A sound of shattering and collapse came, and it was almost buried.

The second layer is as weird as the first layer. If the first layer still has some breath of human daily life, then the second layer will only have the taste of the laboratory. Spindle-shaped, cone-shaped and cylindrical instruments are everywhere, but the smallest one has my half-height regardless of the instrument or container. The volume of the worm monster can be contained in some large containers.

The elevator has its own candlestick, which is also the only light-emitting point on the second floor at this time. The darker it becomes, the darker it becomes. Before the worm monster fell to the ground to adjust its body, I quickly scanned the surroundings. Although it was not very real because of the light, the contents of some of the containers in the depths, the outline of which can be linked to the worm weirdness .

This worm seems weird and seems to have been deliberately cultivated.

I was thinking so, the sudden dizziness appeared again. It should have been the tail of the worm monster. The anthropomorphic but extremely distorted facial features of the worm monster appeared. It looks as if the head and tail are reversed, and the forelimb becomes the hind limb.

Forced to be uncomfortable, I fired the crossbow again several times. On one occasion, the arrow just got into the open mouth. After the weird worm swallowed this sharp arrow, there was no obvious adverse reaction at all, just closed its mouth. Then the sense of dizziness subsided immediately.

I took out the phosphor bottle. It hits the weird body of this worm in turn. It seemed to be extremely disgusted, and it twisted its body hard, and then with its arms, it jumped to the ceiling and seemed to be ready to launch an attack from above. I was running in the shadow of it, just a breathing time. There were dozens of corrosive liquids smashing behind me, and soon the ground was corroded into holes. During the shooting, I shot with a crossbow, but as I thought, it was completely blocked by a hexagonal shield.

Just like this, you chased me, although there was a stalemate for a while. But for me, the whole battle is not difficult. I also want to find more evidence from this weird worm and see what it has to do with the Doomsday Truth. However, after several rounds of work, its attack and defense have no new tricks. It seems that the breathing ability of the gray fog spell is not as rich as the formal wizard, especially the very unique portal. It did not appear. This means that this worm's weird gray fog spell ability is only the level of a wizard apprentice. of course. With its protective cover and two powerful arms, its overall strength is stronger than that of a wizard apprentice. However, it is still not as powerful as the official wizard of the doomsday truth.

Any official wizard can easily beheaded.

See this clearly. I no longer have new ideas. At the same time, the high-speed shuttle shuttle consumes its shield. Take the opportunity to throw the prepared burning object on it.

Like the weirdness encountered on the first floor, this worm monster's resistance to fire is still very weak. Even, its entire body, except for its arms, is all flammable. The weirdness wrapped in flames fell off the ceiling without breathing. The flame licked its body, making a whispering noise, with a black oil-like liquid gradually flowing out of its body, emitting a pungent stench.

It waved its arms frantically, but it was useless to save itself. Eventually, the arms fell like exhaustion, and it was another ten seconds. These arms fell off the burned body.

Eventually, the worm weirdness turned into fly ash along with the flames, and was sucked by the magic pattern, while the remaining arm was waiting for my inspection.

I cut the epidermis with the tip of the knife. Sure enough, there is no muscle tissue underneath. It seems that the bone is deconstructed, but its texture is similar to the first layer of strange carapace. I hacked it a few times without leaving any scars on it. At this time, I vaguely remembered why the carapace and arm bones gave me a vague sense of sight.

Because, they are very similar to the structure of the ruling bureau-although visually and tactilely, they are very different from the structure, but their quality and use are very similar to the dead soldiers.

However, the dead body soldiers of the whole body structure, even if they cannot use the gray fog spell, are stronger than the average wizard. And the weirdness at the moment, despite the variety of fighting methods, seems so fragile.

No matter the weirdness of the first layer or the second layer, if they are all the morbid deformation of "human" in ideology, then their soft places seem to imply something.

This time, I was able to find less on the weird body. It's stranger than the first floor, and it is easier to catch fire, leaving no debris at all except the arm. I began to think about whether to stop using flames in the face of the next weirdness.

I went back to the elevator and was ready to take off the fire candle inside and head towards the deeper layer of darkness, but at this moment, my eyes were in a trance, and my body seemed to fall into a hollow, falling down quickly.

When this sense of fall reached its extreme, light penetrated into my eyes, which made me unable to lift my arm in front of my eyes. The next moment, a clear scene unfolded in the field of vision.

I suddenly realized where I was-in the canteen of the sick building, just before entering the nightmare, I had a conflict with the patient here. But the scene in front of me was obviously no different from this perception. I stood at the dining table and raised my arm to block my face, while the food in the dinner plate had not moved. I lowered my arm, and no one around was curious about my movements. The atmosphere in the cafeteria is very quiet and lacks vitality. The patients, like puppets, enter quietly, cook, eat, and leave. Sitting next to me is indeed the female mental patient who is in conflict with me, but she is also just sitting in her place, stirring the food together again and again.

It ’s not me who is stirring the food, but she is stirring the food. Her nervous words were put on her at this time, but they seemed out of place. I can hardly be sure that when and what the situation was at that time was already an unreal illusion. The only thing I am sure is that I must have hallucinations, and the hallucinations are connected to nightmares.

I sat back in my chair, started eating, took a few bites, and glanced at the female mental patient beside me. There is no change in her appearance, and she is indeed the same person, but now she is more silent and quiet, but appears numb and dull. She didn't eat, she just stirred the food, even the soup was poured into the meal.

Although something happened before entering the nightmare, what can I complain to a mental patient? I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me blankly. I sorted out the messy bangs and neckline for her, then scooped up the dishes in her plate with a spoon and delivered them to her mouth. Without a word, she opened her mouth to eat and chew slowly.

Her food is like slow motion. But I still have enough patience to feed all the food in her plate. I don't know whether she is hungry or propped up. Her expression was sluggish, her reaction was extremely slow, and she lacked communication skills, which was completely different from what I saw before the nightmare. At this time, the patients I saw in the cafeteria were almost like her.

After she had finished her meal, she sat next to me in a daze until she finished eating, and when she was about to leave, she did not stand up. I do n’t think she will stay here all the time. Since she was stayed in this sick building, and this sick building is like this, then at least the patients here have developed some reflex mechanism and can take care of themselves according to time period . This woman, although unresponsive, will return to her room at a fixed time.

Even thinking this way, I still don't want this female patient who has a little relationship to stay here. I grabbed her by the arm, she stood up obediently, and was led by me and left the cafeteria.

I do n’t know where this female patient lives, but, on the other hand, it ’s because there is not much care on the surface of this sick building, so in fact, patients can choose to live in any room. The only question is whether there are living facilities in the room, and whether they can take care of themselves ~ ~ The female patient holding my hand obediently went to my room. Although I don't know where she lives, she can live here until I figure it out. Although she should be able to take care of herself in theory, although no one is taking care of it, I have a compassionate feeling and a light bond for her. I do n’t know if I took her back to my room to take care of her, or just because I did n’t want to be alone for the next time.

The night is getting dark, there is no entertainment like TV in the room, there are no other large-scale household appliances, and even there is no table lamp. The most commonly used lighting is candles, oil lamps and flashlights. I turned on the fuel lamp and took the female patient to the bathroom to help her clean her body and hair. Her patient did not wear any underwear, but of course she did not have any sense of shame. Even if I cleaned every part of the body at this time, all her emotions and reactions seemed to be rusty. If her expression was dull and her eyes were blank, after washing her face, she would look beautiful and mature, and she would be considered a beautiful and mature woman.

I helped her put on my other patient suit and took her patient suit for cleaning. Then this night passed by.

I don't know the name of this female patient, nor did I plan to know. In my room, she was alone, and the dullness and monotony in the air were slightly eliminated. For me, this is enough. (To be continued)

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