Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1257: Flesh alienation

I sat on the bed and opened the medicine box. There were five kinds of medicines in the box. The five kinds of medicines were taken together according to the formula on the paper. There are two kinds of strict order and time requirements. I don't think the numbness and numbness of other mental patients can be used according to such a precise prescription. When inquiring about me, the expert nurses who came to the clinic were also examining other patients. I suspected that if they did not prepare the medicine in advance and let the patients take it directly, that is what other patients took. The medicine is different from the medicine in front of me. Including me, the total number of medicines taken by a total of seven routine patients may not be of the same type. As a result, I was unable to give Marceau the medicine that Dr. Ruan Li specially matched for me. She could only take the new medicine in the seminar. The current situation made me have some vigilance about the new medicine in the seminar. If possible, I certainly want to transfer Marceau to Dr. Ruan Li, but this is not allowed in the rules of the seminar.

The custody of the patients who are routinely diagnosed is entirely controlled by the experts who bring her or him over to obtain quota for her or him. For example, Dr. Ruan Li has the right to tell me which drugs to take or not to take. Even for some reason, I cannot put this attitude on the countertop. However, even if I only take Dr. Ruan Li ’s drugs, it has been discussed As you will know, the other party has no absolute position to condemn Dr. Ruan Li, and he has no right to transfer the supervision of me to other experts.

Even if Dr. Ruan Li thought that the research attitude and the research route of the seminar were wrong, he did not dare to vigorously correct it. Even as my guardian, when restraining me to take drugs, he only interfered with private secret talks. Instead of talking to the seminar positively. What's more, she has already prepared for some of the worst, and has formulated an outlying island plan. These actions have proved how bad the current situation inside the seminar is, I believe. If Dr. Ruan Li did not notice some signs, he would definitely not adopt such an attitude and practice.

Obviously it has all kinds of rights, both theoretical and nominal, but it cannot be used in a fair and fair manner. This proves that my worries are definitely not untargeted.

In the end, what happened inside the seminar, I was just unable to understand the identity of the patient. But I believe that it is not far from my previous inference. The seminar is just an internal institution that favors psychology in the doomsday truth, but with the progress of the research of "paradise", the whole doomsday truth will be more and more distorted, and this distortion will also be reflected in the seminar itself.

There are of course more than one type of staged results obtained in the research of "paradise". In order to verify the results with the greatest efficiency, it is quite common to equip patients with different drugs according to their own conditions. The seven patients diagnosed in their own condition are all different. After taking different drugs, there will be further differences. These differences limit the routine patients to take other people's drugs. For me, Dr. Ruan Li's formula is beneficial. But if you switch to Marceau, it may become a terrible poison.

Without Marceau's data, I don't understand the drug properties and pharmacology, and I can't analyze the ingredients and mechanism of the drugs I take. These problems make me have to sit back and watch Marseille's changes. The situation of Marceau may be good or bad, but if I intervene in the drugs she takes, it may become worse.

I can only expect. No matter what kind of medicine Marceau took in the seminar and what kind of purpose he wanted to achieve, the original intention was to have the idea of ​​seeing a positive reaction in Marceau. The ideas that prompt a person to act are often not pure, but a mixture of ideas. However, as long as these ideas have a certain degree of goodwill and responsibility from the doctor to the patient, it is already the best situation for me. I never expected that every expert here is a kind person. On the contrary, based on my knowledge of Dr. Ruan Li, I am sure that none of these experts is really a good person in the true sense. Even Dr. Ruan Li is privately Violating trample on laws and morals, in a cruel manner, maybe there is no malice, but it is indeed not a kind act.

I also thought that I could take Marceau out and hide it somewhere. Once she cannot be found in the seminar, there may be some confusion, but there must not be enough time and energy to maintain a high-intensity search. Although Marceau is one of the routine patients, judging from her changes, even among the routine patients, it also has its important and unique identity and position. The conspiracy hidden in her body also makes me smell some. Target your own taste. Even so, in my opinion, the importance of Marceau has not reached the point where she must be.

Therefore, it is indeed possible to hide Marceau to avoid the undercurrents surging inside the seminar and prevent it from becoming a victim.

However, Marceau itself is a patient, and a patient cannot be separated from a doctor.

As in the reality of the hospital, the choices encountered by Gaochuan in the past—whether to die like other patients, or to struggle desperately, to cooperate with doctors and experts who know that they are not completely well-intentioned.

In the past, "Gaochuan" eventually chose to become an experimental body, and worked with the hospital to develop those dangerous drugs, in the worst way, to sustain the lives of Sakuya and Bajing.

Today, I can better understand the choice of Gaochuan. Because, I also chose to allow Marceau to be tested and treated by experts who may not have good intentions.

I feel powerless and painful about Marceau ’s situation and changes. However, imagine that if you hide Marceau by your side, is it really a good thing for her and me? I know very well that the cruel choices facing me, whether it is me or her, are not simply derived from the fate of this repeater world, but have deeper and more essential reasons. This is not a reason for self-satisfaction, as long as my plan is completed, all the pain will end.

Conversely, once the plan fails, even if happiness is achieved at this time, it will only be the next desperate nutrient.

According to my memory, Dr. Ruan Li once explained that the formula was washed with salt water, and the new formula appeared on the basis of the original formula. Although there are still five kinds of medicines needed, there are quite a few differences in the proportion and modulation-ratio, ingredients, time, etc., and even one medicine needs to be separated again. just. These complex modulation processes do not require any professional equipment, and can be done with all kinds of things in the room.

Sure enough, Dr. Ruan Li's approach is just like the underground party. Such thoughts turned in my mind. But the hands and feet have been sloppy in accordance with the new formula.

I trust Dr. Ruan Li as well as her prescriptions. To some extent, I recognize the concepts she said. Therefore, in the process of dispensing, my mood is very calm.

After about ten minutes. I poured the last powdered medicine into the cup, and I heard nothing but the liquid in the cup became a sticky purple. The color and condition are completely in line with the description of the finished medicine in the new formula, which also makes me think of the highly concentrated "paradise" again. However, I still think. This purple-red viscous liquid is very different from the "paradise" of the doomsday truth religion in its original intention and effect.

I took a deep breath and poured the hot thick liquid into my mouth in one breath.

In an instant, an indescribable, extremely complex taste stimulated my taste buds. It seems to turn into a signal that is difficult for the brain to accept, running along the nerves and spine. My eyes are white, everything around me is losing color, as if it has become something like a stone.

I feel that the ground is soft and rolling like waves. However, the hardness of the reinforced concrete can withstand this kind of twist well, but it is just untenable. My body was shaking too, and a fire burned from my internal organs and lungs. I am preparing to fight these hallucinations. As you can see, the ceiling is melting, revealing a gloomy sky, and in the thick clouds, bifurcated electric wires swim from time to time. Then. The sky began to burn, and the rain was unconsciously turned into ashes with Mars.

I do n’t know if it ’s the sphere of the sun or the moon. In a heavy posture, it slowly tears the burning clouds.

The sphere cracked a huge mouth, and it looked like the eyes were slowly opening, and a large amount of red liquid poured out from it like a dyke.

When I realized it, the illusion was over. The last second was still watching the terrible and weird scene, but the next second I woke up to see where I was. The abrupt and obvious changes have no sense of violation. The burning sky before, the red liquid dumped, is also full of sight.

Yes, "paradise".

I remembered it all at once, because, in the past, the illusion produced when taking Paradise was too deep.

The illusion at that time had much in common with the previous illusion. Obviously, he took Dr. Ruan Li ’s prescription drugs, but there were new drugs that did not appear before taking seminars, similar to the illusion of "paradise". I have to think that Dr. Ruan Li's research is still at the forefront of the seminar.

Suddenly, something cut through the air and hit me with a heavy sense of oppression. I don't know why, I didn't choose to dodge as I always did, although I knew subconsciously that the speed-sweeping super energy would definitely be able to dodge. But I just extended my right hand and pressed on the heavy object that came from the right. The huge force released a huge impact when it first collided, destroying the surrounding objects all at once.

Even the object that brought such a big impact did not go further in my palm. The loud collision sound seemed to disturb some of the beings in the darkness, and they began to move in consciousness, emitting targeted maliciousness.

I glanced at what was blocked by my own hand. It was an axe with a larger blade than two adults. The axe handle is attached to the ceiling and looks like an organ, but in fact, the axe handle is not an inorganic substance, but like a weird twisted into a stick. Countless faces are emerging from the weird body, their wailing, once again triggering the shock that even the air is rippling. Then I cut the sword into two pieces.

The axe blade fell to the ground, the blade moved deep into the floor, and the air became extremely chaotic. The shock wave, which is visible to the naked eye, has spread to a depth that is invisible to the naked eye.

At this time, I observed the situation around me one by one, and this place, supposedly located in the tower, was not the same position as when I retreated from the nightmare earlier.

I can't tell which floor is the tower. The huge cavity is fleshy and adsorbed on the simple wall. At every distance, you can see the combination of meat and inorganic matter. They have the most basic activity. From time to time, people feel that they may also have the lowest Level of sanity. They seem to think. However, this kind of thinking has become their most painful source-this is the most intuitive feeling when I see them for the first time, but of course this kind of thing cannot be affirmed with reason.

These weird things. Based on some equipment and facilities, it seems to follow the original function of equipment and facilities and alienate into some special attack methods. And the place I am in is not like the place where normal people live, nor is it like the place of experiment, but more like a huge prison. The bones are piled together. You can see the meat hanging on the hook everywhere, leaving traces of torture in some places, like a human figure, but there are also non-human things.

The attacker used to look like a trap in this place. When someone triggered the organ. The giant axe will be lowered to split the person in half-such a simple trap has now been eroded by flesh and blood, activated into a weird and active aggressive.

"Father Edward?" I shouted loudly.

The strangeness formed by the combination of flesh and inorganic substances is very similar in appearance to the worsening variation of Sayya virus. The Trojan virus in the fifty-first area can also make people feel abnormal, but it will not produce alienation of flesh and blood. therefore. To a certain extent, the presence of flesh alienation can also be regarded as the gap between Trojan virus and Say virus. I personally think that it is precisely because Father Edward did not provide complete information to District 51, so that the Trojan virus in District 51 does not have the characteristics of flesh and blood alienation, so it prompted them to study the strangeness of smoky faces.

The sight of flesh and blood alienation in front of me makes me have to assume that Father Edward is here-or, has been here. Have left? It is quite possible that he encountered something here and released the Saya virus. I guess, is it possible that some mysterious organization attacked him in this place?

My loud shouting did not lead anyone. However, with the targeted malicious increase suddenly. I instinctively pulled the knife and cut it again, where the light of the knife was shining, the sparks splashed, and the reaction force of the wrist proved that it was an extremely hard object. I have swept away quickly, and the inhuman roar accompanied my gust of wind across my chest. At the same time, in the darkness of all directions, a lot of blue flames were jumping.

I skimmed behind the obstacle, the shelter was broken into a horse's honeycomb, and the finely crushed stones were scattered around. I confirmed what it was--


It is the muzzle that emits the blue flame. A large number of firearms are setting fire on me, and within the range that the chain judgment can capture, there is no human form where the guns are located. I calmly thought that it should be the combination of flesh alienation and firearms, turning it into an activated attack array. However, assuming that these guns and giant axe that are alienated by flesh and blood are passive traps, it must be triggered by the organ before they can launch an attack. However, I have no feeling of touching the organ. The maliciousness that can be felt is targeted and full of initiative. This means that perhaps these weirdnesses all have a conscious core. It is precisely because of the core drive that targeted fires are targeted against targets that have not triggered the organ.

The gunfire interrupted the candlestick, ignited the light, and the flame spread on the combustibles, gradually illuminating a larger area. The outline of the attacker I vaguely seen before has disappeared at this time, and the other party is hiding in the deeper darkness, and may also get into the perspective of the vision. But it doesn't matter, the chain judgment has no dead ends, and once it enters the range, it will be locked.

Even if it is an attack, my mood is still calm. The attacking thing at the moment is incompatible with the style of this nightmare. The alienated guns are full of modern styles, and even the hunters like Old Hawk in the nightmares will use guns , Its firearms are definitely not such an appearance.

The current scene made me more sure that Father Edward had been here and had a conflict with a team that was good at using firearms. I moved next to the bunkers one by one, waiting to see if there would be more familiar attacks and mysterious powers.

Didn't keep me waiting.

Within the scope of the chain judgment, there was an abnormal flow of air flow on the ground. The air that has become muddy due to fierce fighting is like muddy water flowing close to the ground, but there is something in it that feels like a snake swimming along the water. Their march is rapid and obscure, just like aiming at prey, ready to launch a raid relying on the group advantage. Just when I raised my arm and prepared to start strong, another huge ball was thrown into the range of the chain judgment.

A huge force hit the bunker, causing it to fall apart. If you are not prepared, you will have to suffer a bit.

However, there is no dead space in the chain judgment, and the induction is not cut off.

At the same time that the bunker was torn apart, I clung to one of the most fiercely shards with a quick swipe, using it as a bunker and projected it up into the air. In the more turbid air below, six black elongated objects were blasted, but not as hard as arrows, but because of the softness, they began to deform in the air.

I immediately recognized, what the **** was that-the activation rope that the Doomsday Shaman's gray fog spell turned into. Although the main purpose is to bind the target, it will also change the snake head and bite the target with fangs.

And before breaking into the chain judgment, the ball that broke the bunker has also been unfolded. The appearance is a tall humanoid, but it is definitely not human. Its body is melted in many places, and many are tumor-shaped. The dissimilation of the body makes the armor mounted on it, just like after decomposition, embedded in the body's flesh, it looks like it has grown up with the body. piece.

However, I will never admit that the texture and style of those armor are all "mysteries" unique to the doomsday truth.

The doomsday shaman of the apocalyptic shamans-the wing knight!

I am well aware of the fighting power of the wing knight, but even such a powerful enemy, in the face of Father Edward ’s Saya virus, has also been alienated into a weirdness of being a ghost. I'm not sure whether this fledgly knight alienated by flesh and blood still has self-consciousness, or just a violent killing machine.

The fighting style displayed by the wing knight at this time is too fierce, it is completely like losing the sense, but just invokes some strategies in an instinctive way. I think that so far, any attack on me, including those trap-like weirdness, is under its control. It may be irrational, but instinct and mystery are still enough to make it the core.

I even guessed that the series of ambushes I encountered were originally constructed by Father Doomsday against Father Edward. However, the Sayya virus allowed them to start alienating flesh and blood before they could complete the order, which was then cracked by Father Edward. This ambush. In the end, the rest, the ambush that had been alienated, became a trap against others. Father Edward has left, but everything that is alienated by flesh and blood in front of him will not touch his own aggressiveness unless he is completely dismantled and killed.

In addition, the erosion and survival ability of the alienated flesh and blood of the Sayya virus is extremely powerful. All the weird people who die in their hands or characters are probably part of this alienated flesh trap ~ ~ In the blink of an eye, I shot an arrow, shot down the activation rope, ejected the hook rope with my right hand, and grabbed the top to swing out. In the rain of bullets, the speed of the muzzle passed between the bullets, and the speed of the muzzle's turning speed could no longer catch up with my movement speed. I fell behind these firearms covered with flesh, and pulled out my long sword to cut it off.

After two arcs, the flesh and blood firearm array was broken, and the two broken bodies twisted like a dying struggle. I sprinkled the powder, ignited the lights, and plunged the area into the flames.

At the same time, a shadow appeared above the head, which was a cloud of gray fog.

I started skimming. The gray fog has condensed into alienated wing knights. In the observation of the chain judgment, a large number of holes are opened in its body. At the next moment, the activation rope corresponding to the number of holes is scattered out. It is not difficult to avoid or shoot down the activation rope shot at you, but the target of a larger number of activation ropes is obviously not me.

As soon as the activation rope touches the ground, ceiling, and wall, it splits the bleeding hairy roots. These activation ropes, which are obviously composed of gray fog spells, are all alienated by flesh and blood. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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