Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1258: Original death

The Saya virus is extremely difficult to tangle. Its most terrifying power lies in its strong aggressiveness and alienation. In the past doomsday illusion, this Saya virus has already existed. At that time, in order to complete the Tianmen plan, the Mar Jones family Such a virus was spread in towns, and it was incurable at the time. △ ¢ 四 △ ¢ 五 △ ¢ 中 △ ¢ Wen, in that battle, even the powerful Mageweave messenger could not completely resist the erosion of this virus, and the damage to our team at that time was much better than that of the wizards. Confrontation. At that time, whether Father Edward already existed, and whether he was also serving the Marl Jones family at that time, it is no longer known. Even if it is called a doomsday illusion, it is called the "illusion" from the cognition of the observer of the hospital reality, but no matter from the perspective of the hospital reality or the perspective of the doomsday illusion itself, no one can use the perspective of God Examine the existence and changes of the entire Doomsday Illusion. Even in the reality of the hospital, it becomes a "central", and it is almost impossible to connect the illusion and the "color" observed by the hospital.

Personal observations are extremely limited for the world in which they are located. Even if more people are gathered, the scope of observations and intelligence collection that can be achieved also has an upper limit. This upper limit comes from the limit of being human, even if it passes The use of tools can change the perspective of observation, but the tools themselves are also limited by the limits of human beings. Therefore, in any case, humans cannot observe and recognize anything from the theoretically most complete angle.

I know this very well and accept this. I do n’t know if Father Edward is as important and special as the file and others, through every doomsday illusion I have experienced. But the Saya virus is indeed such a special and important existence. It existed in the past, and it exists now. No matter how the illusion of the end changes, it will still exist. This existence. This means its particularity, which means that it represents a very special and important meaning not only in the illusion of doomsday, but also from other worlds and other observation angles.

Therefore, it is very powerful.

I think. There are not many people who can understand the SAYER virus better than I do. It is presented as a tangible substance, and most people who come into contact with it will probably feel that "alienation of flesh and blood" is its most essential manifestation, but I don't think so. In my observation and cognition, Sayya virus is more than a physical manifestation of flesh alienation. More importantly, it is a kind of "mystery". Even though the process of alienation of flesh and blood manifests as a material state, the source of this alienation is not a material state.

It is not difficult to make flesh multiply on inorganic matter, or let inorganic matter show the characteristics of flesh and blood from the perspective of science fiction. It seems to follow some strange physical changes, but as long as the angle of observation is converted to see. On the contrary, it feels that its powerful erosive power and vigorous vitality are not biological and physical phenomena.

I do n’t know how Father Edward created this kind of thing, or the birth of the Saya virus, and the birth of someone. In fact, it also represents a deep meaning that covers the truth. In my opinion, no matter from the perspective of the hospital's reality or the end of the illusion, there is no one or organization. Find out how to really eliminate it.

To put it simply, after eliminating the theoretical existence of "Jiang" and "Virus", the Sayya virus is something without a nemesis. It cannot be truly eradicated. Even Father Edward himself may be able to control its reproduction , But I am afraid there is no way to destroy it. This is a kind of existence that cannot be truly prevented from spreading once released.

Without the power of "Jiang", I don't think I can wipe out all the Saya virus. Fortunately, the Saya virus present in front of us is only part of the "Saya", and here is a nightmare.

Similarly, because of the emergence of Saya virus in the "Nightmare", it is more proof of my previous ideas. Even in the illusion of doom, Saya virus is definitely not a material virus. The end of the growth of Saya, the huge organism that will eventually form, is definitely not limited to the physical state.

Such a Saya virus is very similar to the "devil" that we often see in the past.

In the world that I can observe, there were many amazing things at first, but now, I no longer feel fresh because, because of its existence and the phenomena caused by it, there are not too many unique places. I vaguely feel that every thing that contains "mystery" has certain common points in nature. They are not unique or unique. They must have a source that contains all specificities and changes.

In occultism and philosophy, there is such a source that contains everything. Because of the existence of this source, everything that flows out and evolves from this source seems to be diverse, but in fact, it is not as complicated and unique as it seems on the surface. People call this source a variety of titles, but no matter what kind, it contains a "ultimate meaning." And trying to reach and understand this "ultimate meaning" is the existence meaning of occultism and philosophy. From this perspective, occultism and philosophy are the same, but contrary to science.

From the birth of science, the meaning of its existence is not to understand or reach other meanings, but to analyze the existence itself. Yes, we don't understand the meaning of existence, but only analyze the existence itself. It is precisely because of this that it is only the other half that complements occultism and philosophy, both in the past and the present. Scientists will believe in religion and study mystery and philosophy, which is the process of trying to analyze the existence and develop to find the meaning of finding.

I have realized that in fact, from the time when I first came into contact with "mystery", now I have completely fallen into "mystery", and it is the same process. And this process is not special, whether it is in hospital realities or doomsday illusions, no matter what world can be imagined, illusions and even realities that can be truly touched. Such a change process has been many before me. People have experienced, and after me, there will be more people experience.

I think I am unique, and I have no doubts so far, but I have also realized that this is just a sensual expression.

Sensibility considers itself unique. And rationally recognize that this is not the case, for humans, this performance itself has no particularity. If within a limited range, the observed specificity is placed in a larger range, the specificity will be reduced proportionally. Then. Assuming that your observation range is far enough, or at infinity, will your own particularity shrink to approximately zero? I once thought about such a problem.

But up to now, the only answers available are: the limitations of human beings exist absolutely, so the assumption is not true.

Yes, although humans always hope that they can continue to grow and expand their horizons. Eventually it reached the level of omniscience and omnipotence, so science, occultism and philosophy appeared. From the perspective of occultism and philosophy, it is to reach the ultimate meaning and return to the source of everything, and science is nothing more than a big ship carrying them. However, think the other way round. When humans define "infinite", "universal" and "omniscience", it does not mean. Humans have already established their own limits, are they "limited", "incompetent" and "ignorable"?

Humans have limitations. This is something that humans knew at first, but did not want to admit it anyway.

Then, when humans start thinking, they do n’t want to admit it anyway. He must also admit that he has become "a fool who makes God laugh."

In this process, anything that can be observed, can be thought, and can be recognized. None of them are special, nor are they truly true in absolute terms.

Because of this, I got calm. Although I am still struggling, I am trying to protect some people, save some people, do everything that others seem hypocritical, and fulfill the mission that others may think they are self-righteous. However, the origin of these actions is not that I think I can do everything, but that I admit that I am limited and not special.

I just found out, within my own limitations, within the scope of the observation determined, what it means.

Admittedly, to break this limitation, and assuming that the observation range can be expanded indefinitely, my particularity will be close to zero indefinitely, and what I do at this time is meaningless. However, this assumption is not true.

Because, I am a person, I have the limit of being a person, and I, admit this limit, and face this limit.

But the existence of "Jiang" and "Virus" exceeds this limit. When I mounted my existence on it, I broke the limit of being a human being from the perspective of philosophy.

Yes, things that cannot be done from a scientific perspective can be done from the perspective of occultism and philosophy. The things that cannot be done within the limits of mankind, as long as there is a non-human fulcrum, it becomes a matter of course.

As a person, Gao Chuan has something he cannot do anyway. However, it is no longer the human Gaochuan, but it can take for granted those things that the human Gaochuan cannot do anyway.

Because of this, the Sayya virus observed by Gao Chuan, who is a human being, is invincible. However, in the face of Gao Chuan who is not a human, the Sayya virus is nothing more than that.

I own "Jiang" and I love "Jiang" can see through everything. This is my trump card.

I Benz, dodge, counterattack, hack, but more importantly, adjust the height of philosophy from the perspective of thinking. In the face of the SAY virus that already exists in the "nightmare", it is meaningless to focus solely on the SAY virus at this time, and it is absolutely impossible to win. The winged knight alienated by flesh and blood controls all things that are alienated by flesh and blood, and their existence is higher than the limit of being human. The limitations of mankind determine that it is absolutely impossible to defeat such an opponent and to understand ourselves from a human perspective. The only option left is to flee.

However, because it is an ideological nightmare, no, even if it is not in a dream, if you can understand the world from the perspective of the spiritual world, you can do something inhuman. It is not that the limit of being a person is broken, but, to a certain extent, it is no longer human.

There is no need to recognize and understand what "jiang" and "virus" are, as long as you feel it and recognize it, even if you only subconsciously let yourself accept the alienation caused by it, you will have a chance of winning.

Because they are humans, they cannot defeat monsters. Then, they are not humans, so they can defeat monsters. Don't take it for granted? In the world of ideology, admit the limits of being human, find the pivot of non-humans, and become non-humans from the perspective of philosophical thinking, so the limits of humans will naturally not exist. Isn't it a matter of course?

The seemingly materialized world can be observed completely from the perspective of ideology, to believe, to understand, and it can be achieved in substance. So, the above method can be used in any place where it is, is it not for granted?

I thought so and did it. This is my fight against mystery. Struggling to survive, the "mystery" I realized. From the point of view of the Mageweave messenger, the chain judgment is only the limit of talent, and the speed swept superpower is not my own trait, but only the one determined by the Mageweave, because even the concept of "faster than consciousness" is more powerful , May also include my essential side. So it was awarded, however. It is by no means my most essential thing.

Only my thoughts are what I realize, and they can best represent my own essence.

I, Gao Chuan, are a fool mocked by God. And this is my original "mystery".

Form the cornerstone of my thoughts. "Jiang", which guides the formation of ideas, is my ultimate trump card.

I used one minute to fight, and once again the integration of complete thoughts, this may be a kind of exaltation. It may just be a distortion or a change, but it does not matter what. I can feel that at the moment of completion, although the seal on the forehead exists, it is already weak, and the power of the magic pattern circulates like a magma.

A feeling, an intuition that is beyond human imagination, is inexplicably, incomprehensible, unreasonable, but can be carried into a more substantial thing in a way that can be carried, attached to every action of mine.

So, when I cut the flesh knight who was alienated again, his wound no longer healed.

I no longer think about how fast, how fast can be swept, I am just in Mercedes-Benz, waving a blade in Mercedes-Benz, the wing knight does not have any power to fight back. In other words, since the other party cannot "react" it anyway, then, how fast does it make any sense? Since intuition knows the opponent's state, opponent's position, and opponent's weaknesses, then what is the point of observing the extent to which chain judgment can be observed?

It is enough to know only one thing. I am faster and stronger. In front of my attack, all its dodge, defense and self-healing are meaningless. The rest is just Mercedes-Benz, wielding a knife—


I do n’t have any idea. When the knife light cuts through the darkness again, I know that it is a proof of two cuts. No matter what it is, the opponent being chopped has no meaning other than death.

I crossed the wing knight and stopped with his back to him. I didn't need to look back to know that it had been cut in half from it, and the body of alienated flesh was dying a little bit. Not only the wing knight, but even within this range, all things that have become alienated by flesh and blood due to infection with the SAY virus are also turning into a fly ash.

Because it was not the wing knight, but the Saya virus.

The two pieces of the body of the wing knight fell to the ground, and the fresh blood of human beings was flowing from the body endlessly. It had already become weird, and he became human again. Even so, the "mystery" of the participation still made him stare at me and wriggled his lips.

He couldn't make a sound, but the sound came back to my mind, letting me know that he was talking to me.

"... Originally dying ... you are ... apocalyptic ... how is it possible ..."

I didn't answer because there was no doubt about this voice. He seemed to understand the reason why he died in this strange way in his own way. And his understanding has no meaning to me. Because, that is only his "truth".

I looked around at the darkness around me, and in the embellishment of the fire candle, the fly ash rose like a flake, and was absorbed by the magic pattern. Afterwards, I felt tired and confused, and the thoughts I had sorted out before, the height, order and structure of those philosophies collapsed like building blocks. When I first imagined and started thinking, it was as if there was a transparent wall standing there. When there was only a blank space in my mind, I could breathe. After a while, I didn't even understand what I thought of.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the weirdness around was swept away. The seal on the forehead still exists, and the feeling of being restricted is as clear as ever.

I rested for a while, put the long knife back, and strode forward to find the way to the upper layer. The surrounding scenes are constantly changing, but there are no things when they first came to the second floor, and the furnishings and patterns are also very different. The only similarities are the patterns and objects representing the "eyes" and the runes representing the blood, the large number of corpses and the bright light composed entirely of candles. The heavy and rough masonry is both gloomy and humid. In many places, I saw the corpses of more doomsday shamans as expected. Their dress is unique and easy to recognize. Although there are traces of fierce fighting remaining on their body, the place where they are located has not been destroyed on a large scale. Moreover, their death method is not just a kind of erosion by foreign bodies.

On the contrary, from the traces of many deaths, many people were not even protected at the moment of being attacked, and in some cases did not respond. The scars on the body are ridiculous. Compared with being attacked by outsiders, it is more like the gray fog spell of the doomsday shaman, causing fatal damage.

Of course, it ’s not just the doomsday shamans who left the corpses, but the injuries of others are not much different from these dead shamans. In my opinion, whether it is a wizard or not, there is a wizard in its murderer. In this place, Father Edward did not use the SAY virus, and the area I had fought before seemed to be the only place in this area that was eroded by the SAY virus.

Judging only from the corpses and the traces of fighting, there have been many doubts about the fighting that took place here. What do the wizards of Doomsday Truth, other mysterious organizations that come here, and Father Edward fight? Of course they also fought each other, but the one with the most casualties seems to be different from their other side, and that side also has doomsday truth wizards and some mysterious experts in terms of personnel composition, only in number In the absolute disadvantage, judging only from the combat power, this mysterious and unknown party seems to be more powerful.

Doomsday Truth and other mysterious organizations have split after entering the tower? I can only infer that, although this answer seems ridiculous, but beyond that, no better explanation can be found.

But ~ ~ In any case, even if it is divided and betrayed, the mysterious organization has not stopped. They have broken through this layer and have moved towards higher places. Their battle, the corpses left behind, are the best beacon. They were sniped all the way, hitting and retreating, not only against the betrayer, but also distracted by a lot of weirdness and traps. The reason why I can walk in such a safe and secure way is only because the one who has taken the lead has already cleared almost all the most dangerous things here, and of course, took away any valuable things.

It seems that all the hostile things are converging toward the route where these people are. Those people are like torches that attract moths in the dark. At a great price, they found the entrance to the upper level.

I stopped under a huge revolving stone ladder and went upwards. The ring with a radius of two or thirty meters was leading to a place where I didn't know how high. On the steps, corpses, scars and blood spots were also left. When you come to this place, you can gradually find the bodies of several attackers suspected of betrayal. The location, posture and expression of their death make people feel a desperate madness. It is precisely because there are people of Apocalyptic doctrine among them, so people are puzzled.

Members of the Doomsday Truth Church never show such an expression. Maybe their thoughts and behaviors are crazy, but they never believe in the desperate craziness that believes in the truth of the end. (To be continued ...)

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