Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1260: Kaimen

The old hunter was seriously injured, but he couldn't see it when he started. △ ¢ 四 △ ¢ 五 △ ¢ 中 △ ¢ 文… ≦, under the induction of chain judgment, each of his muscles operates with a non-human high intensity, and the blood at the wound is heated to evaporation In general, a faint red mist appeared. Of course, the power in him is also a kind of "mysterious" display, although it is only in a "nightmare".

Not everyone can do everything in the ideological world, turn themselves into unkillable superhumans, or show inhuman power. Especially in nightmares, ordinary people are often the most vulnerable party, and it is precisely because people have difficulty fighting the situation in nightmares, so "nightmares" have their meaning. Wanting to be a great powerhouse in a "nightmare" that most people "share", enough to kill other people or those terrible, weird to make most people helpless, itself proves that it has "mystery" the power of.

The old Hawk who had died, and the old hunter in front of him, no doubt existed this way. Regardless of the meaning of their existence in this world, the secret of their birth, even the origin of their will, and the reason why they appear here, what is the background behind the scenes they imply, they exist and participate in "It is an inevitable part of today's nightmare, but there is no doubt about it. By now, I have made it very clear what is called "existing facts".

I don't think that the old hunter's attack was aimless. The words he said already hinted at many things. Even so, people who follow his advice and act may become hunters, but that's not me. I told him that he inherited everything from Old Hawk, half of which was a lie. Everything I do does not follow the will of anyone here.

I only choose the path based on my own ideas, my own plans, my own sensibility and rationality. If everything is done, there are already ancestors doing it. Or it may be similar to some people, it is just a coincidence, or the commonality of being human is inevitable. But if I violated other people's truths, ideas, wills, and desires, and was sniped, it must be the consequence that I must bear, and I do not hesitate to bear these.

I'm going in. The old hunter tries to stop me, and I have never been shaken by his words. This is the reason for the war. Not just or evil. Nor is it a malicious killing. I am very clear, therefore, very calm, even if I have never been alert, but when the old hunter fired, there was no accident, the body naturally moved faster than thought-because No need for extra thinking at all, or. Even if there is extra thinking, it will not be implicated by these thinking.

I draw a knife.

The blade was chopped on the bullet, and suddenly it hit the wall. The old hunter quickly walked around, the musket continuously fired bullets, and I also used the chain judgment to sense his position and movement to synchronize or respond faster. Swim in the same direction, approach, swing away with a knife. The collision of the blade and the bullet flashed sparks in mid-air, and the walls were hit by bullets one after another. The stone chips fell apart, and all this was found in the observation of the chain judgment. I am a good player with a gun. Every time the old hunter shoots, it will let me quickly analyze the characteristics of this gun and the bullet. The bullets fired in a straight line are not effective for me, even if the old hunter pulls the trigger no matter how fast.

I don't need a wide range of evasive movements at all. Just a slight shake of the body and a swipe of the blade can make the bullet useless. The old hunter is clearly aware of this too, and the chain judgement does not see any panic from his detailed reaction. As I thought, this old man is also a battle-hardened. Being able to hunt weirdness, arrived at this tower, and saw the so-called "truth", I am afraid to fight with many mysterious experts who have been here before me, and survived successfully, which is enough to prove its strength.

The moment I entered the range of the long knife, he also pulled out the long knife with one hand. Daoguang circled him in front of him, fighting against my blade. The great force pushed me away a few steps, just when I swept and turned. The long knife pulled out by the old hunter, the blade handle and the scabbard joined together to form a double-handed large knife and slashed towards me. The blade is not cutting the air, but pressing on the air, making a dull crit sound. The shock wave visible to the naked eye has spread in just a blink of an eye, trying to stop my high speed.

I jumped on the wall, and then jumped on the ceiling, over the distorted vision. Hook rope was thrown over the old hunter's head, and the old hunter rolled backwards, his speed suddenly accelerated, and a ghost image turned into a flash. After flashing the bundle of hook rope, another wave of bullets came. His acceleration is not continuous, but alternates with disordered normal, slow and rapid. It is difficult for people to catch his movements. Such superb mobility is obviously also derived from his battle-hardened experience.

No matter how you get high-speed mobility, the experience and skills of high-speed combat are basically the same, just the difference between doing it or not. To be able to explode at a faster speed in a short period of time, and connect this explosion with actions at different speeds to form a more elusive movement method and flexibly adjust to the current enemy. , And need enough combat experience.

When I was killed in the last doomsday illusion, in most of the battles, I was just speeding up. In reality, the hospital is a weak patient with crippled legs and feet, and the fighting method is completely different from high-speed warfare. However, after this recovery, the accumulated combat experience, and the feeling of more Gaochuan remnants obtained through the birth of another Gaochuan, and even the skills of another Gaochuan itself, have allowed me to further improve my own High-speed war.

My growth is not just my personal reason, more "Gaochuan" also left me with enough wealth, although it is not a "memory", but only a vague impression and sensuous things .

Now I am more capable of fighting than I was in the past. This is 100% certain. In terms of the normal timeline, the time I participated in the battle, even if I added the time in the end of the illusion and the time in the hospital, it was only a year and a half. The old hunter in front of him clearly has more than ten times the experience. From this perspective. His combat experience is of course several times that of me.

However, we are not in the normal timeline, and our combat experience is also very different. These differences allow us to fill the gap in age and experience. Even if the feeling of "seal" appears again. In every case of mystery, I can not reach the best condition, I still have the confidence to beat each other.

I didn't want to kill the old hunter, but just to defeat him so that he couldn't stop me from entering that door.

I turned around to block his spin, and when he suddenly accelerated and retreated, I galloped forward and shortened the distance with a strong attack. This old hunter is not that weird and weird. Hook rope can contain it. However, they cannot really play the role of restraint and traction in this fierce battle. The old hunter's muskets and long knives are skillful, plus a high-speed combat expert's special skill, in just thirty seconds, constantly switching attacks and defenses, it is comparable to me.

I did n’t hide my strength. I ran out of power that was “normal” to me, and it was just the strength that the old hunter showed now.

The blades and blades are staggered. Frontal cutting, side surprise. A large number of Mars bloomed in the rapid collision. In the chain judgment, every splash of Mars is clearly visible and full of rhythm, and the expression of the old hunter has not changed in the light and dark. It can be called as iron as iron.

However, even if he is experienced, skilled in moves, quick in response and determined in spirit. The fact of being seriously injured cannot be ignored. The blood on his body was not an illusion, but also a symbol of being hurt in a nightmare. Even if he can erupt the fighting power of today, these wounds, which cannot be erased even in the ideological world, make his energy unsustainable.

For those who are accustomed to high-speed combat, ten seconds is enough to decide many things. If the battle is delayed to thirty seconds, it is already considered as an opponent. If the battle cannot be resolved within one minute, it means that you must readjust your attitude and make a comeback. The battle between me and the old hunter lasted about 45 seconds at a high speed. Obviously, I had the concept of "relatively fast" sweeping, but it was greatly reduced in front of the experience of the "seal" and the old hunter.

I don't think at all, because my ability is weakened, so I can't win this old hunter in a round of battle. Because this is a fight, not a friendly discussion. Any reason that cannot defeat the other party is not enough to be a reason. Only the result can prove everything.

The old wounded hunter in front of me is enough to continue more rounds of engagement in my current "normal" state-this is the reality, the result is that he may face more mysterious experts and can still survive in Now the proof.

Presumably, this old hunter has already killed many mysterious experts.

After another direct blade collision, the old hunter exploded and swept away me with the long knife. With the help of this force, I once again opened a distance of ten meters with him. Afterwards, we revolved around each other consciously, adjusted our posture and state, and tried each other's flaws. I know that most of the flaws exposed by the old hunters are intentional, and those flaws and fatigue that are really affected by the injury and have to be exposed are hidden in these trap-filled camouflage and become difficult to catch .

However, I do the same on my side.

Our fighting style is very similar. As far as I can think, the other party can also think of it, and be prepared accordingly, and vice versa. This is a tough battle. In front of my eyes, it is not an old and seriously injured old hunter, but more like a mirror image of me in the current "normal" state. I believe that the old hunter feels the same way.

"Don't think about it? Give up entering the door ... I have seen many people who think they are powerful, and really powerful people. After they enter the door, they see the result of the truth." The old hunter said: "That truth cannot be saved. Anyone will destroy all people. This nightmare exists for this reason, and the deepest night will inevitably come. "

"So, old Hawke ... and hunters like you, what's the point of doing everything in the past? What are you doing in order to kill the weird ones, preferring to risk death, and to explore the truth? What about it? "I pressed the scabbard and pulled the knife around, slowly circling the circle with him. He is willing to talk, and I am willing to listen. Maybe he can't tell new ideas, maybe it's just a trap that paralyzes me, but for me, these careful thoughts don't matter. Even if it is possible to understand more of their thoughts, the dangers in his mouth, and the secrets of the deepest night he knows, it does not matter if he walks a few more circles in this strange place.

There is not much time, but it is not urgent. The winners and losers must be separated immediately, and then rush to the next battle. There is a sense of urgency in my heart, but I am no longer caught by this sense of urgency.

My heart was calm and I asked him: "Is the so-called hunter and protection just a joke?"

"The so-called hunter is just to protect himself in the deepest night, and then go to shelter others." The old hunter pressed his wide-brimmed hat and said hoarsely: "We are looking for the truth, but. Since the truth is relative to all No one benefits, and I also think that there is no need to let people touch. In the deep night, no one can live, even for us hunters, but the deep night does not mean the end, it is a new beginning. "

"The beginning of another deep night?" I thought. I understand what he means, and. This statement is actually similar to the doctrine of Doomsday Truth. The difference is that the doctrine of Doomsday Truth generally allows people to face the doomsday and guide the doomsday. That is a cult that truly pursues the "end of the world." The old hunter in front of him just wants people to die in "ignorance" and not be defeated by "truth".

"Anyway, there is no difference between knowing and not knowing. When a deep night passes, everything is happy and painful. It will start again. In this case, it is because of ignorance and death because of ignorance, and struggling because of knowing, but destined What's the difference between dying? Ah, the difference is that one is struggling in vain, and the other is not doing vain things because of ignorance. Instead, it will be easier. "The old hunter said so.

"I think this kind of thinking is different from the original intention of those of you who have come here and have been fighting." I said.

"Yes, I admit this. But because of this, I am also curious, why did Old Hawke want you to inherit the so-called hunter's legacy?" The old hunter smiled Shen Shen, "He clearly saw the truth. I know, In his mind, I must also agree with my thoughts. The so-called hunter, we can end here. When the next night arrives, maybe there will be a hunter again, but we have no any more with us now. Relationship. Old Hawk ... Is it crazy? "

"Yes, he's crazy." I admit, "He really hasn't left any hunter's will. I just fulfill my responsibilities to myself with my own will."

"I am responsible for myself?" The old hunter seemed a little surprised, and suddenly coughed with laughter. "It really is a hunter. Although there is no guidance, I didn't expect that there will be hunters even now. You don't need it at all." Old Hawk ’s guidance does n’t need to inherit anything from him, because, like us, you are born a hunter. ”He said with certainty,“ But when you know the truth, you can continue to be a hunter. Or, become a lunatic, or become a person like me? "

"Why don't you try it?" I replied, "Although Old Hawk is crazy, he still doesn't know where to pick me up. I think this is the biggest difference between him and you. You think, one Crazy, hunter without any hope, obviously having such a negative thought as you, but still picking up a hunter. What does this mean? "

I stroked the "seal" on my forehead and said, "Although, I don't need this thing, but I still leave it instead of deliberately looking for ways to destroy it. What is the reason?"

"Because--" The old hunter's voice sank like he was missing something. "This is the hunter. When the first hunter appeared, he listened to the call from the heart and gave himself a justice and greatness. The mission, although, for me now, it is just a part of the deepest night, but ... "

He did n’t say it, but I said to him, “But, even if there is no deep night, in the face of the same disaster, there will still be such a call in the hunter ’s heart, making him a hunter . "

The old hunter was silent.

"So, what is the deepest night is not meaningful to hunters." I said this way: "The so-called hunters are just people who have done such a thing: we listen to our inner call, Decide what it means to be here, even if you are in destiny, watching the cruelty of destiny, you will not be shaken by any theory of destiny, and practice the responsibilities you have given yourself. "

I asked the old hunter: "Why, you, who are also hunters, will change your original intention because of the truth? Although I do n’t know the secret of the hunter, I know the essence of the hunter ’s soul. Your current choice is undoubtedly Betray yourself. "Yes, in my opinion, the choice of the old hunter in front of me is not betrayed by other people, but only betrayed me. He draws a line between his present and the past in a desperate gesture to divide each other, but in fact, it does not make any sense, he is still the result of the connection between the past and the present.

He cannot escape the past, nor can he really deny the past. In his mind, do he really think that the past himself was wrong? Is it pointless? In order that other people don't become such mistakes, are you standing here?

I don't know the answer, but the answer should come from his heart, not by me.

"Good talk." The old hunter just pressed the brim again, as if to subdue all emotions in the shadow of darkness to obtain peace of mind, "What a young speech. But, because of the full energy So, when you see the truth, you will be even crazier. Old Hawke still holds unrealistic hope, I probably envy it. Because, there is no such thing in my heart. hope."

"No, if there is no longer any hope in your heart, then, why stay here and still appear in front of me?" I stopped and said to him, "You actually want to see, there are still people who can Beyond you? Beat you here, open the door, and after seeing the truth, still save yourself as a hunter. You want to see, you can do something you ca n’t do. ”

The old hunter was silent, and the only mouth that was still out of the shadow of the brim was gradually cracking a withered smile.

"A lot of people defeated me and were able to enter the door and see the truth, but they were all crazy." The old hunters said, probably those mysterious experts who came here earlier than me. At this time, I can probably guess that it is those crazy mysterious experts who will cause the strange deaths and injuries that I have seen along the way.

"Do you think that UU reading will be the special one?" Asked the old hunter.

So I answered: "Of course."

Without hesitation.

When the old hunter suddenly raised his hand to shoot, I threw the hook. The bullet broke the hook rope, but the front end of the broken hook rope still flew according to the trajectory in the chain judgment. The old hunter must flash away, but his movement trajectory has also been read by the chain judgment and my judgment in advance. The "relatively fast" of quick-sweep, let me come first, then draw the knife and then cut. The old hunter stopped, and with the help of the impact, suddenly accelerated to retreat, and I chased forward at a faster speed.

Within a second, the old hunter went around a circle of fifty meters, and I also chased fifty meters. In this second, I tried my best to swing more than fifty times, and we were as if surrounded by a blooming Mars. The old hunter's fatigue is even more pronounced. It is a non-stop attack, without any skills, or any gorgeous moves, because there is no such time. This is the simplest and most rapid offensive, with the shortest route and the strongest force in the shortest route with the shortest route and the shortest route, which constitutes a surging force like the tide. And the reef that is suffering from this tide is the old hunter. Under the observation of the chain judgment, I can feel that his muscles, bones and even every sensuous organ supporting high-speed war are mourning. (To be continued ...)

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