Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1261: Black seat

Within a second, the old hunter went around a circle of fifty meters, and I also chased fifty meters. In this second, I tried my best to swing more than fifty times, and we were as if surrounded by a blooming Mars. The old hunter's fatigue is even more pronounced. It is a non-stop attack, without any skills, or any gorgeous moves, because there is no such time. This is the simplest and most rapid offensive, with the shortest route and the strongest force in the shortest route with the shortest route and the shortest route, which constitutes a surging force like the tide. And the reef that is suffering from this tide is the old hunter. Under the observation of the chain judgment, I can feel that his muscles, bones and even every sensuous organ supporting high-speed war are mourning.

This is my choice after reorganizing the fighting stance in the "normal" state. No longer need those gorgeous skills, nor worry about speed can no longer crush opponents as before. Yes, the speed is similar, the experience is rich, the style is similar, the moves are the same, and the people you face are like your own mirror. However, one thing is decided from the beginning.

He was old and seriously injured, and he stood in front of me with his last breath. If he has enough rest time, he can still restore the original fierceness, and even let me enter an abnormal state, and use that terrible and detached mystery to overcome it in the outbreak. However, there is no battle.

Standing in front of me with such an incomplete gesture is his choice. His consciousness is definitely not the mentality of "this kind of self is enough to pass opponents", but, "Even the current self must stand here. Until a certain moment comes."

I have felt it from the conversation with him.

Therefore, there is no need to be fair. Now it is the fairest battle. In order to bring the conscious old hunter here, I waved my sword as hard as I could. In the identity of a hunter, every fight with a knife and a knife conveyed the complex will and desire that I couldn't even understand.

Then, in the ninth second. I kicked the old hunter's chest. He finally lost his balance. This was not the result of being kicked in the chest, but the result of the fierce battle in the first eight seconds. I bullied and broke into his collapsed defensive circle, flashing the knife into his chest, he was almost cut in half by me. A large amount of blood spewed from the wound like a fountain.

I drew the knife into the sheath, and the dying old hunter lay halfway at the root of the wall, gasping like a bellows, and did not cover the wound, because it was useless. He has some pain, and this pain seems to be contagious. I can't move forward anymore. After gasping for a moment, he let out a rather hearty laugh.

"Very good, I lost. You won. So you can enter the door, or you can give me another knife?" The old hunter took off his wide brim hat, revealing the old face like scars and weathered rocks . His voice was not breathless, and his uplifted expression was like returning to the light. I don't know if he will die like this after I leave.

"Don't worry. No ..." He shook his head. Say: "That's fine. To be honest, I still stick to my ideas until now. That's not the truth that people should see. But I also saw your persistence. You know, the persevering people always have a way to break through the blockade. . To find what I want ... I tried my best to stop you, and you defeated, so you are qualified to face that truth. If you fail, maybe it will become a corpse, I will not let the water, Say something like 'not killing people, just to stop you'. You come with faith, and I also greet you with faith, and your death is like that. Don't tell me other nonsense. "

"You can talk, it's good." I nodded. The old hunter in front of me didn't need any comfort. If he could stand up and fight, he would definitely stand up and fight. He fell now, the result of his persistence, I do n’t think there is any regret for this, even if this is his end point.

"Of course it's good. I won't die so easily. I'm different from Hawke's old bone." The old hunter smiled lowly. "If you don't kill me, I will survive and stay here again." In front of the door ... "

"I just want to ask." I know, he didn't lie, but I don't care, even if he can get up now, it is not so easy to get a good wound. In this kind of ideology by most people The "nightmare" in the composition is not like the nightmare of an ordinary person. As long as you wake up and enter the dream again, it will be intact. I do n’t know if the old hunter has a subject outside of the “nightmare”, but, whether or not he is injured, it is probably impossible to heal in a nightmare, unless there is any miracle, or some mysterious power help. Otherwise, I think he was either killed by someone who came here next time, or weirdly. In short, the possibility that he could survive into the deep night was extremely rare.

"Do you understand that I came here before me--" I glanced at the door, "Do you beat those who entered the door, or were you killed? I know they are not all hunters. You I understand. "Through the battle with the old hunter and the contact with the old Hawk, I have gradually understood what the so-called" hunter "is about in this nightmare. That is not to distinguish between outsiders and locals. Identity, but a profession: for some reason, insist on hunting for weirdness, exploring the secrets of the deep night. Basically, as the old hunter described it, the hunter is born with a sense of mission. This is not given by God, but by himself.

In this nightmare, on the basis of the sense of mission that one has given to oneself, and the courage to face up to the weirdness, the person who acts around the deepest night is the hunter. However, in general, although mysterious organizations as "foreigners" also have their own missions and beliefs, they must fight with the weirdness to ensure their own safety, and then obtain some materials, etc., and even try to use the deep Night, however, their behavior and perspective are not based on this nightmare, and may not focus on the secrets of the deep night. Therefore, in some details, it can indeed be considered. The mystery expert is not a "hunter" in the conventional sense of this nightmare.

From the most essential meaning of "Hunter" in this nightmare, I am not actually a "Hunter". It's just that I got the recognition of Old Hawk and the old hunter in front of me.

Many times, the concept of "hunter". Even in this nightmare, it is general and vague. But I think, the old hunter knows what I mean, he must have understood that he had contacted and fought with those people. What is the difference between those mysterious experts and the "hunters" they represent.

"Ah ..." the old hunter exhaled softly and said, "Those people do have a lot of powerful guys. But as you said, not every one is a hunter. Before seeing the truth, they don't Understand. What does the hunter mean to the deepest night, and in what way did it exist in this nightmare. And after seeing the truth, they all became lunatics. "

The old hunter thought about it and said to me: "Remember, the hunter is not just a spirit, but also a heritage of blood. Don't look at you and me, there are so many differences from Old Hawk, but in fact we have common The source. Even, we have the same source as weirdness. Therefore, we are experts in weirdness, and we are more susceptible to weirdness ... Listen, young people, be alert to yourself at any time. "

He didn't seem to point out, but this kind of covert statement. It doesn't look like his character at all. In my opinion, some scruples prevented him from making it clear. Or, he just has feelings. I have never sorted out a clue myself, so I can't speed up more things in a more logical way.

"In short, when you see the truth, you can understand." The old hunter waved his hand, as if there was no interest in talking, and his head dropped deeply.

When I looked at the door again, and turned back to my eyes, the old hunter had disappeared, just like he appeared suddenly, with no signs at all. However, the blood flowing out of his body and the damage caused by the battle did not disappear, so naturally, it is not an illusion. What exactly is an old hunter? I do n’t know, but I do n’t plan to pursue it. The important thing is that he did appear in front of me, fight me, and told me a lot of information.

I came to the door and pushed open. The gate is very heavy, just as its appearance feels. Even if you use chain judgment to observe, you can't find the traces that someone pushed before me, but indeed before me, many people have arrived here and lifted the truth behind the door.

Now, I will be one of them.

I want to see what the truth is, which will drive these determined hunters and mysterious experts crazy.

The space behind the door is unexpectedly small, it is a small hall of more than 100 square meters, but it is more delicate than the situation outside. The marble floor that can reflect the figure is wiped brightly, as if someone has been taking care of it all the time, and no trace of other people's entry and exit can be found. The surroundings are not walls, but transparent materials like glass, just like a viewing platform. What is most different from the area I saw before is that no strange lines and patterns can be seen in this clean little room. In the middle, there is a chair with a dark wood floor, which has no momentum and does not fit the style of nightmare decoration.

This chair is too conspicuous, as if summoning someone who came here to sit up. According to the theory of occultism, if you sit in this chair, you will get a "reward", perhaps that is the "truth." However, I did not sit up immediately. I just came to the transparent wall and there was a subtle voice calling me to look out from here.

I first realized that the place where I was was the top of the tower. There is no continuity in the Raiders for the Tower. I only reached the second floor when I had this nightmare last time, but this time, I crossed the first floor directly and came to this place, as if I was in the area before. It is the penultimate layer. This not only means that every time you enter a nightmare, the place you are in may change, but it also means that this tower has a special meaning to me.

I think it is this obscure meaning that made me not sit in the chair in the first place, but looked at everything outside the tower from here.

Outside the transparent wall, I don't know if it's the sun or the moon. A very large pale sphere has sunk to the horizon by two thirds. What surprised me was that from the part that was still bare on the horizon, I could see something vaguely—I'm not sure what that was, but the voice deep inside told me that it was a nightmare in Las Vegas. I don't have any evidence for this idea. I can't see the vague appearance on the surface of the giant sphere. However, that is what my heart tells me.

From this nightmare, you can look out to the nightmare Las Vegas, between the two nightmares. Just like the earth and the moon, there is a deep and powerful connection. Therefore, the mysterious organization will choose here. The plan they execute can use this deep and powerful connection to directly hit the nightmare Las Vegas and the monsters bred deep in the nightmare Las Vegas by the Nazis.

however. The most surprising place is still what I saw when I looked down from the transparent wall-I saw the edge of the land, not a river or lake, but a seemingly endless ocean. Where I am. This nightmare is not a peninsula, but an isolated island suspended in the sea.

Moreover, from the overall impression, it is exactly like the island where the hospital is located in the reality of the hospital. No, there are still some differences, some of the building outlines on the ground. It still fits my impression of Peninsula Mental Hospital.

Therefore, it is more like-

"A combination of hospital reality and Peninsula mental hospital?" This answer surprised me a little. I have a hunch. In fact, I understand what I can see when I sit in that chair, the "truth" that drives many people crazy. Of course, to confirm this conjecture, I also need to sit up in person.

then. I returned to the chair and sat up without hesitation.

next moment. The chair without any organ suddenly popped handcuffs and handcuffs. Before I reacted, I was locked in the chair. Even so, I still did not struggle. The voice in my heart prevented me from doing anything that could get rid of this seemingly dangerous situation in front of me. My beating heart is telling me that the so-called "truth" is being awakened.

Another breathing effort, I heard the sound of water, as if there was water directly washing my brain. Then, my pant legs got wet, and I do n’t know when the ground has been swallowed by a large swath of liquid. The taste of these liquids is so special that I immediately recognized what it was.

Not just. It is gradually rising, and in the yellow liquid that flooded the waist in a flash, red appears. First a red strand, then more strands emerged, forming a continuous one, the yellow area continued to shrink, leaving only about a quarter. And my location is in the center of the small hall, and it is also part of the red area.

The unique taste, mixed with the **** taste, makes people feel nauseated. Everything shown in front of me is like hinting something.

It is of course suggesting a certain situation!

I know very well what kind of situation it can imply.

This is simply the erosion of "jiang" or "virus" on patients with doomsday syndrome. It is just the collapse of patients with doomsday syndrome. In theory, there is no death, but it is definitely not a good thing. The scene in front of me, red is constantly compressing the range of yellow, as if eating yellow, and yellow can only give way step by step, has lost a quarter of the territory. Such a scene implies that I have to think that all patients with collapse behavior are also facing further deterioration.

My limbs were imprisoned, but the red liquid did not erode my *, instead it made me feel comfortable and warm. The liquid was rising and the thought was turning, it had overflowed my chest, then the neck, and finally drowned me completely. Even so, I didn't feel suffocated, just that there was huge and messy information, which suddenly plunged into my mind, making it almost unbearable and crazy. At the same time, I also felt the fear from "Jiang" and "Virus". That strong sense of fear will also drive people in contact with it crazy.

Is this the secret that drives "people who come into contact with the truth" crazy? No, I think it's not just that.

In the familiar great fear, my consciousness began to dissipate. Before really losing consciousness, I suddenly realized that this is the call to contact the "truth."

Half awake, I heard many people's voices. They ran back and forth, yelling in distress, and there was an urgent and helpless atmosphere. I also heard the sound of machinery, the roar of water. I don't have facial features including eyes and ears, but sensuous information still enters my heart. At this moment, I "hear" the familiar voice, which is Dr. Ruan Li's voice, but the surrounding environment makes me feel that this is a secret research institute in the Peninsula Mental Hospital.

On the contrary, even if there are no specific facial features, but the sensuous things are still spliced ​​with extremely messy information, which makes me suddenly realize what the outside is-the reality of the hospital!

What a joke? How can it be! ? This was my most surprised moment, and then, I heard a clearer voice.

Dr. Ruan Li said: "... the deceased was Dr. Hawke? He was ... he and Gao Chuan ... made serum ..."

"He failed." Another familiar voice was Dr. Ander. "We thought his route was wrong, but, I didn't expect him to insist on doing that ... an unexpected result ... We need a person to sort the data. , You were his assistant at the time, Dr. Ruan Li ... cracked the data ... "

"... Despite this, I don't think his serum is qualified now," said Dr. Ruan Li.

"You haven't even seen it," said a less familiar voice.

"I know Dr. Hawke's ideas. At the time, I did agree with his ideas. However, it seems that the ideas at that time were too simple. According to Dr. Hawke's ideas, it is impossible to make serum." Ruan Li The doctor ’s voice was particularly clear. She paused and said, "The limit of his thinking can only produce inhibitors. Moreover, they are inhibitors full of side effects. All of our current drugs have never been separated from Dr. Hawke. It is true that when we first made the serum, the samples did not completely fail, and the few girls who could survive to the present, including Gao Chuan, proved that, but that was not successful. The original serum sample was based on blueprints, and the re-produced drug has also proved to be a failed product. You know what I mean, Dr. Ander and Dr. Hawke are among us, the closest to the serum in theory, but also the actual The person who is the most distant from the real serum. The data he finally parsed from his private experiments will definitely not be closer to success. Instead, we Affected by the outcome of his deviation from his ideas. Doctor Andrew, do you really think that they need these data? "

The air became silent and depressed. It seemed that the listener was in silence, agreeing with Dr. Ruan Li's words.

Dr. Ruan Li also said: "Dr. Hawk ’s achievements maintain the various modulation drugs of Gao Chuan and inhibitors full of side effects. I admit that his achievements are also the basis of Gao Chuan ’s replica, but that ’s all We all know that the Gaochuan replica is not a true replica. "

"We need funds." Dr. Ande said: "We need the results of Dr. Hawke to make better inhibitors ... in the absence of serum, better inhibitors can give sponsors hope. We need Take out some ~ ~ so that they can see the desired results. "

There was another silence, and Dr. Ruan Li said tiredly: "Yes, if this is the reason, we really need to analyze the data left by Dr. Hawke. I am willing to do this, but, my instinct tells Me, this is not a correct move. "

"... Intuition?" Dr. Ander's voice was full of confusion and dissatisfaction.

"Yes, women's intuition." Dr. Ruan Li said.

"Ridiculous statement." Although Dr. Ande said so, it made me feel that his emotions were not such a complete denial in his mouth. "Anyway, we need these data. Dr. Ruan Li, if you are not willing to do actual work, I can ask others to help, you only need to be responsible for the global, critical part. "

"I see, Dr. Ander. Since you insist on this, I have nothing to say." Dr. Ruan Li said.

After that, the sound began to blur again, leaving only the sound of water, machinery and unintentional sounds, and in this messy sound, there was a deep, inhuman voice. I gradually became conscious again, and after half a dream and half awake, the information related to Dr. Hawke was recovering. (To be continued)

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