Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1262: Black Block II

Black Block makes me conscious, but my voice is getting clearer and clearer. There are Dr. Ande, Dr. Ruan Li, and other doctors ... all experts in the reality of the hospital. I did n’t think too much, I wanted to think, but I could n’t do it, I could only listen, and there was a lot of messy information rushing into my consciousness. I'm not sure what I actually received. However, I suddenly understood why the mysterious experts went crazy.

There is no doubt that mysterious experts who come here will also have the opportunity to sit on this black seat and experience the same situation as I did at this time. It's just that I'm not sure if what others have heard, felt, or received is the same as I am.

My consciousness is like sinking and floating in the deep sea. For a while it is cold, and for a while I can't feel anything. I am like a kite off the line, losing the soul of the body. Accompanying it, there is also a great sense of fear, just like facing a huge disaster, but being naked, there is nothing to save yourself.

that's terrible. Fortunately, I have long been accustomed to the fear of "Jiang" and "Virus".

The sound began to blur again, leaving only the sound of water, machinery and unintentional sounds, and in this messy sound, there was a deep, inhuman voice. I gradually became conscious again, and after half a dream and half awake, the information related to Dr. Hawke was recovering.

I remember, Dr. Hawke. Old Hawk's face seemed to overlap with the face in memory.

That was when "Gaochuan" voluntarily became an experimental body, in order to save Sakuya, Bajing, Marceau, Dorothy, and tie colors that were about to collapse. The direct person in charge of the experimental surgery, under the circumstances. Attending doctors with deeper qualifications, and At that time, Dr. Ande was only one of the more outstanding members of the entire team. Then, of course, the manufacture of serum failed, so that Miyake and Bajing and others became what they are today, the first "serum" failed product manufactured at that time. But that is not the real reason for Dr. Hawke's failure, and his true failure is the final result accumulated from dozens of failures. It is said that. The sponsor decided to give up.

Dr. Hawke ’s plan failed to achieve the desired value, and was replaced by the new research plan proposed by Dr. Ander. Dr. Ende took the position of Dr. Hawk, and Dr. Hawk was behind the scenes.

The scene I heard before-

It seems that even after his plan was rejected, Dr. Hawke continued secretly in a personal way.

Dr. Hawke, Gao Chuan replication, inhibitor.

Old Hawk. Hunter, seal.

Gao Chuan's grave and the deepest night.

I seem to understand what. However, the connection here is too complicated, even if I had a hunch earlier, but when I actually think of it, I still feel incredible. but. If this is the reality I have to face, there is no surprise.

I opened my eyes vigorously, as if breaking free from another nightmare. I don't know when, I'm sweating all over, and my headache is breaking. It's like a lot of thoughts tangled into a big ball, almost bursting his head. Lots of. The information that is muddy and clearly knows its existence, but cannot be carefully distinguished, is rolled in the mind, as if all the parts of the mind that can handle the information are blocked. This is the first time I have experienced such serious suffering after entering this nightmare, but I feel that I will not become crazy because of it.

I pushed my body hard and left the black seat. I stumbled a few steps because of my weak feet. Before falling, I finally stood firm. I gasped hard, but the suffocation was still so strong. I slowly walked to the transparent wall and sat down next to the wall, shaking out the cigarette and the lighter, and spent a lot of energy before barely lighting the cigarette and stuffing it into my mouth.

In the current situation, even smoking cigarettes has become difficult. The inhaled smoke diverged, and I coughed for a while.

After a while, I was able to deduct a little bit of thinking ability from the blocked brain area and make a summary of what happened before.

When I was sitting in a chair, what I heard and felt, those conversations about Dr. Hawke should be what happened in the reality of the hospital. Although it is a bit like a "dream in a dream", assuming that there is a mystery of ideology that makes me fall into another nightmare in this nightmare, it is not impossible, but the intuition still makes me affirm the first time, this is not It was another nightmare in the nightmare, but in the nightmare, the hospital ’s reality information was accessed in a conscious manner.

If you think about it, this is not impossible. If you look at it from the perspective of the hospital ’s reality, the end-of-the-world illusion, the world of the repeater in the end-of-the-world imagination, and the nightmare in the world of the repeater are all ideological structures, interactions, and presentations. For the illusion itself. And the foundation of this doomsday illusion is the consciousness of patients with doomsday syndrome, and contact with the real information of the hospital can be regarded as a return to consciousness.

Simply describing it is like "waking up" from a dream. It doesn't really matter how many layers this dream has, whether it is a dream or not.

Of course, the actual situation is more complicated, and no one in the past has been able to awaken spontaneously from the illusion of doomsday. Even "Gaochuan" requires a series of guiding methods. In the doomsday illusion of the past, the tie color assumes this guiding role.

Now, the black chair in front of you can obviously achieve a similar guidance function, and it is not only for "Gaochuan", but for all people who can sit on this chair.

This nightmare is very peculiar. From a perspective, it does have the nature of a dream. It also seems that a temporary data hedge space is constructed in the temporary data hedge space, showing the "gradual deepening of the subconscious" nature. But from another perspective, it can be seen as an upward consciousness, trying to wake up to the reality of the hospital.

Whether this nightmare is going deep into the subconscious, or floating in the world of ideology, only a change of perspective is needed to completely reverse its meaning.

I cannot understand the essence of its existence, however. The information received before proves that there are artificial traces in it. and. It may be related to Dr. Hawke's experiment. But even so, I still do n’t think that this is a victory of Dr. Hawke ’s research for the “virus”. Instead, in my heart, a voice told me that Dr. Ruan Li ’s concerns are correct. Continue Follow the direction of Dr. Hawke. Unable to reach the real end, instead, there is greater terror waiting in front.

Although according to Dr. Hawke's data and research directions, better inhibitors and specific drugs can be manufactured, it seems that if you take a further step or a few steps, you can turn it into serum. But the last step or steps can never be crossed. That does not mean that it is a dead end. I don't quite understand what Dr. Hawke's research is all about. I just intuitively told me that this is a step that can't be crossed, but rather a step that can't be crossed. Because it is more like a seal that isolates a huge terror, and that step is taken, that is, the seal is lifted, which may lead to a worse situation than it is now.

My research on the reality of the hospital is not ignorant. The "virus" observed by Dr. Ande and others can be compared from the data. It is believed that it will show activity for a period of time, but it is impossible to prove whether it is the real activity or whether it has reached the maximum activity.

Inhibitors and specific drugs seem to work, but whether they limit the activity of "viruses" or stimulate the activity of "viruses" has not been finalized in hospital reports to date.

Although Dr. Ruan Li did not say it, I used to be a patient who had been taking specific drugs and inhibitors. I still have an intuitive voice as to whether my condition has improved or worsened.

"Dr. Hawke ... Old Hawk." I was talking about these two names. Before this day, I had almost forgotten his message. Was this nightmare caused by him? Old Hawke, is it Dr. Hawke's mapping? Is the seal that Old Hawke put on my forehead a reflection of his research results? So, if the limitations of inhibitors, and the hypothesis of crossing the last step and trying to complete the serum from this route, will the malignant consequences that will be mapped to the present seal? In the deepest night, is it the result of Dr. Hawke's research, which, according to his expectations, went to the last moment, but actually opened a terrible door?

These questions, along with the death of Dr. Hawke, cannot be answered until the last minute unless they are inherited and studied. Even so, I still agree with Dr. Ruan Li's statement and should not continue. However, in the reality of the hospital, Dr. Ruan Li did not have enough say. From the perspective of the hospital's reality, Dr. Hawke's research still has valuable reference and utilization value.

This nightmare, this tower, and this black block can allow people in the illusion of doomsday to come into contact with the reality of the hospital. The angle of feedback to the reality of the hospital must also be a very enlightening and pioneering achievement.

Judging from the current situation, the reason why those mysterious experts are crazy is probably that they have received the information of the reality of the hospital here. Under the impact of the complex, chaotic and huge amount of information, from the perspective of the reality of the hospital, they have observed their "true" Situation ", learned the desperate" truth ". Even if it was me, I entered the “Hospital Reality” in the relatively gentle way in the past, and inevitably experienced the smashing and reorganization of ideas, and mysterious experts who were struck by the information of the “Hospital Reality” in a very rough way It is not difficult to imagine a complete collapse. On the contrary, like the old hunter and old Hawk, although they also came into contact with the so-called "truth", it is actually "hospital reality" information ...

No, no!

The identity of Old Hunter and Old Hawk is in question!

I suddenly remembered the words of the old hunter: the bloodline of the hunter is the same. As well as the "Hospital Reality" information received before, Dr. Ruan Li mentioned the "Gaochuan Replicas" and Dr. Hawke's research. Then it was connected with the way in which Old Hawk died, that piece of "Gaochuan" cemetery. A ridiculous idea can not help but breed from the bottom of my heart.

Is it possible for Dr. Hawke to also be infected with Doomsday Syndrome and use himself as a test article?

After several failures in serum production, Dr. Hawke lost support and had to transfer to private secret research, but made some progress. But anyway, these developments are based on the samples of the initial serum failure products, which means that these achievements all carry the information of "Gaochuan"?

The so-called "Gaochuan replica" is not a controlled result. In fact, it is also a manifestation of a side effect of Dr. Hawke's research route?

"Virus" and "Jiang" caused the alienation of "Gaochuan", and Dr. Hawke extracted a part of the alienation information from "Gaochuan". It seems that it can achieve a certain effect by producing failed serum, inhibitors and adjustment drugs, but in essence, it has been infected and eroded again by the alienated Gaochuan Information?

I couldn't help looking at my hands. I cannot deny the possibility that I envisaged.

No matter from which point of view, the virus has the ability to infect two or more times, and in the process of generating variants, it is not uncommon. Just from the perspective of hospital reality. The "virus" in Gaochuan may have been alienated once in the dead Zhenjiang body, and again in Gaochuan. In my actual information in the hospital, "Gao Chuan" seemed to have eaten Zhenjiang who died of the disease, and then gradually became what he was after.

Dr. Hawke's research indirectly made the information of Gaochuan erode other patients. Even himself—if he considers himself as a guinea pig. This kind of erosion may succeed, it may fail, it may be dominant, or it may be recessive. But it can explain part of the strange situation in this nightmare.

"Is this true? For Dr. Hawke, the existence of Old Hawke is a subconscious mapping, or a conscious observation?" I couldn't help asking myself.

The information received here is too complicated. Even after finishing, it still makes people feel secret and random. All my guesses. It is just a guess without an exact answer. Even in the reality of the hospital, no one can give a positive answer.

In such a messy and desperate message, I took a step earlier and took the mysterious expert in the black seat. Because of lack of more information and buffer time, he decided that it was "real" and fell into madness- — This is probably the truth about the strange and absurd clues I have encountered before.

The old hunter and old Hawk should not fully know the reality of the hospital, nor realize their identity in the hospital, but only have the relevant information in the subconscious, and then know the "truth", Although it also suffered a huge impact, it was not as crazy as other mysterious experts.

The hunters like the old hunter and the old Hawk, in the real identity of the hospital, may be the patient who was injected with Dr. Hawk's new drug and Dr. Hawk himself. Dr. Hawke's new drug is the result of further research using the original Gaochuan serum failed product as a sample. Just as the five members of Xie Se, Dorothy, Misaki, Bajing and Masuo received the initial injection of Gaochuan Serum Failed product and produced different alienation reactions, further new pharmacology will of course alienate the patients in the trial. The manifestation of this alienation may be the so-called "Gaochuan replica".

Although there are still many questions, but in this "hypothetical" way, I give myself an answer, and based on this answer, re-summarize the information obtained. Admittedly, these assumptions and answers may be wrong. The actual situation is not the case. However, human thinking is so wonderful. What I need is just a core to sort out these large amounts of chaotic and crazy information. I don't need it to be correct, only such a core exists.

This is what I found from psychology and my own practice to survive in despair. Anyone can think that this is just self-deception, but it is undeniable that this method works very well. At least, people can survive in "despair without answers" without losing hope.

I decided to leave here. The secret in the tower is roughly like this-a signal tower that can receive real information from the hospital from the conscious level? It was incredible, but it didn't surprise me so much. From the perspective of the hospital's reality, including the tower and this nightmare, it can be regarded as: the results obtained after Dr. Hawke extracted the failed serum from the original Gao Chuan and secretly conducted further research. After the injection of the syndrome patients, the alienation generated by the patients themselves. In nature, the personalities of Saki Ye, Bajing, and Marceau collapsed, and the color became the center of the color, and Dorothy became the super Dorothy, no big difference.

From the perspective of "making serum", it is completely a failure, alienation, and a vicious result.

Now, the old Hawk in the nightmare is dead, and the Dr. Hawk in the hospital reality is also dead. Dr. Ruan Li in the hospital's reality took over Dr. Hawke's research results and analyzed the results under Dr. Ander's ulterior motives. This nightmare change will be put under the direct influence of "virus" again.

No, maybe, from the beginning, Dr. Hawke's self-perceived achievements were nothing more than the corresponding changes of the "virus" because of what he did. From the beginning, the seemingly effective new drugs were not benign for patients.

The so-called deep night, no matter what kind of change, was doomed from the beginning, it is a manifestation of a pathological deterioration. The emergence of the so-called "hunter" may be regarded as the "erosion of Gaochuan's information" or as a manifestation of "the new medicine resists the deterioration of the disease", but the result is desperate.

All seemingly "beneficial" phenomena appear in the "malignant" results in the final results I have observed.

I thought so, driven by a flash of fuzzy thoughts, I suddenly turned to look behind me, only to see outside the transparent wall, it was round and big, but it was definitely not the sun, nor the moon's sphere. , Slowly leaving the horizon, as if rising again. However, its body seemed to be torn open a deep wound. The deep red liquid is slowly flowing out of it, dyeing the lower half red.

No, even the gloomy sky was stained red, and immediately after that, it started to burn.

Ashes and Mars fell like snow.

In the end, this is the deepest night, or the action caused by the mysterious organization. In this lack of information, it is simply not enough to make a judgment.

I clenched the handle of the knife tightly and retreated to the door. There was noisy footsteps outside the door. It was a large group of people who were coming here. When I opened the door, I saw the group of people with a shocked expression. The atmosphere of the scene suddenly fell into silence. I don't know these people, but it seems that they are hunters who lead a group of civilians. Their costumes and looks do not look like members of a mysterious organization.

"Who are you?" One of the hunters asked.

"Gao Chuan." I answered.

"You are also a hunter?" He stared at me, then nodded definitely. "It seems so. Hunter, the deep night has begun. I hope that these civilians can be placed."

Although he said they were "civilians", the appearance of these "civilians" was different, and several of them were obviously mad and kept thinking. From the perspective of Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, the "civilians" and "hunters" here are all a group of mental patients. It can still be like a normal conversation guy, and it is definitely not a normal person.

"You can move anywhere, but don't enter this room." I said so, went out and closed the door, "The deepest night has just begun, but if you enter this room, you can't spend the deepest time. It's late. "I didn't lie. The impact of Black Block on anyone in the Doomsday Realm is fatal, even if it is a mental patient.

The hunter had a distrustful look, but he did n’t question. He just stared at me cautiously, saying, “This is actually not safe, but there is no way, I ca n’t find a better place to settle. I heard that here It has already been completely cleaned up by other hunters. "

"That's right ~ ~ I answered. If he said" cleaning up ", it means that a group of mysterious experts got through the tower and became a lunatic.

After a pause, we seem to have nothing to talk about. Although they are all hunters, my "hunter" is different from them.

"Have you seen such a child?" I described Marceau's appearance, but if she also came into this nightmare, it might not be like this.

"No." The other party's answer did not surprise me.

I was not continuing the conversation, walking straight through the crowd, preparing to leave the tower.

"There are some weird people looking for hunters." The people behind said loudly: "I don't know what they plan to do, but obviously it's not good intentions."

I waved and thanked him for his kindness. I know that what he called "weird people" is probably a member of a mysterious organization with ulterior motives. Now that the deepest night has arrived, they have already begun to act. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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