Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1264: injection

Dr. Ruan Li said before that she already had a hunch about the internal conflicts in the seminar and made some preparations in advance. She asked me to stand by at any time, and now the text messages she sent are in this regard. To avoid the storm center, leaving the peninsula is the best way, but, according to the crew, the weather near the peninsula will get worse and worse, and shipping will basically be suspended. This means that unless you leave now, it is almost impossible to leave the river by boat after a period of time, perhaps today. The other outlying island route is from the peninsula into the inland, but the range of the mental hospital also spans this route, and there are many bad rumors, all of which occurred on this route under stormy weather, even if it does not follow From the perspective of occultism, this route may also hide some fatal secrets, so it is undoubtedly very dangerous that those rumors will appear.

Although Dr. Ruan Li is also a member of the seminar, the Peninsula Mental Hospital is not under her management, and her relationship with other members of the seminar now seems to be not so harmonious. What's more, the seminar is now leaning towards the doomsday truth, and in the case of conflicting ideas between the two sides, it is of course impossible to lose those who occupy the local geographical advantage.

At present, the situation of Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau is unpleasant, that is to seek the skin with the tiger. However, for Dr. Ruan Li, there are reasons why he has to do this. Marceau also needs the treatment in the seminar- Dr. Ruan Li reminded me seriously in a text message. Marceau is like me. Both are patients, and. Her condition is not exactly the same as mine, and taboo doctors will only have worse consequences. Dr. Marceau looked at Marceau's situation from the perspective of this world, and my view of Marceau, although slightly different, can be further extended from Dr. Marceau's statement to prove that "Marceau" "I cannot leave the Peninsula Mental Hospital for the time being."

Of course I have thought about it. Immediately forcibly took away Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau, ignoring any other situation. But there are already many calls, hints, and clues in front of me. If I do this, I cannot save anyone. Dr. Ruan Li plays an important role in this world, if this is a doomed story, then. She is the clue that drives the storyline to the next chapter. Only the person who writes the story can completely cut off her destiny, and for others, no matter what she does, it is impossible for her not to do those with specific Meaningful things. obviously. I am not the one who wrote the story. From this perspective, even if I force Dr. Ruan Li to be imprisoned and taken away, I can only cut off her influence on the end of the world.

Every time I make a decision to stay here and observe the situation. With the decision to intervene, one can't help but think of it. At the beginning, Dr. Ruan Li was prevented from coming here, wouldn't that happen afterwards. But the final answer always makes people feel helpless. If Dr. Ruan Li and I did not come to participate in this seminar, we would not be able to detect that Marceau would be one of the routinely diagnosed patients, and certainly could not help her. When meeting with Marceau, Marceau had accepted the new medicine in the seminar, which was enough to be one of the reasons why I could not force her away.

As in the past doomsday illusion, I deeply feel that I have always been placed in a chain of cause and effect, and there is a destiny in the dark, which shows maliciousness to the entire world. Whatever he did, no matter what his original intention was, was just promoting this vicious development. It's not about "have power to break fate", but only because "even if you have power, it's just destiny."

For mystery experts, this is the most frustrating and dangerous state. Many mysterious experts, in this state, finally gave up the struggle.

I have also been caught several times by this huge and vicious sense of destiny, just like now. However, I can still write a diary. When I write all this into a story, I can look at myself in the story from an independent perspective, and observe the fate that Gaochuan is facing. Whenever I do this, I can always return to peace.

This evening, I did the same, in the sound of the rain. I opened the notepad and wrote down the nightmare and the feelings after waking up, and this chapter, as always, is obscure, dark and full of twisted flavor. And even from the perspective of the high "author", I can't tell which world in the story is true.

The rain outside the window was greater, and the darkness deepened. I covered the female patient on the bed with a blanket, lifted up the homemade tools, and opened the door to leave.

Following the instructions in the text message, I walked into the rain curtain and came to a tree 100 meters away from the sick building, and dug out the damp ground with tools. It took about a minute or so to dig out a suitcase. I do n’t know when Dr. Ruan Li buried the suitcase and why it was handed over to me in this way. However, I trust Dr. Ruan Li and believe that there must be some kind of The reason, and if I do not follow her method, it is possible to destroy her plan and even put her in danger.

Perhaps these actions are superfluous from my point of view, and are necessary steps for success for others. Out of this kind of thinking, I have never used a tough attitude to interfere in the decisions of others. Unless, in my opinion, things have become irreparable.

When the rain hits on the body, there is a strange sticky feeling, like the rain is not clean, which makes the skin have an allergic reaction. I was wet all over the body, and the patient suit was close to the skin, which was not very comfortable, but I could feel that I had no complaints. I calmly buried the pothole and carried the suitcase back to my room. I took another bath before sitting at the table and opening the box.

Inside is a tube of medicine, all of which are solution-type medicines, the bottle mouth is sealed by a special process, and the bottle cap part has a pinhole design for rapid injection. Each tube of medicine is the size of a thumb. The whole body is pink. In addition to the color, the packaging is very similar to the "paradise" of the doomsday truth in memory.

These medicines. Not for me to try, but for other patients taking the seminar new drugs. Its use is unknown, and Dr. Ruan Li did not elaborate, but probably it will produce a new response to the new drug. Of course, it will also cause some side effects due to the difference in the patient's specific situation. In theory, Marceau can also be injected. Dr. Ruan Li mentioned in the encrypted text message. I can choose a patient who takes medicine, but I can never give myself an injection.

Dr. Ruan Li did not mention how the patients would change after being injected. She just hinted that there must be some changes, and these changes are mostly good. Most of them are still bad, even if Dr. Ruan Li himself is not sure, because the effect it produces is determined by the patient's own situation. However, the "change" itself. This is what Dr. Ruan Li needs.

I roughly counted the amount of medicine in this suitcase, it is absolutely impossible to give every patient who took the new medicine.

Although Dr. Ruan Li could not make a guarantee, I still made the decision in a short time. Remove the medicament and activate the quick injection needle port of the bottle cap. Tie on the arm of the female patient in the same bed.

The effect of the drug was extremely rapid. The female patient seemed to suffocate, her face turned purple, her eyes suddenly opened, her bulge stared at the ceiling, her wide mouth could not make any sound, and her body continued to twitch. In the blink of an eye, she was incontinent, her twitching body suddenly arched like she was about to bounce. I was a little worried, but the next moment, she calmed down like a force. Her eyes closed tightly, and she never seemed to wake up, but her expression, which had always been stunned, had some soft changes.

The female patient is more like a "normal person" than before. I think if she was dreaming at this time, what kind of dream would it be? Her expression changes, how much can you think that the reaction of the drug in her body is more benign? I'm not sure.

I closed the suitcase, hid it, walked to the bed, and opened her eyelids with my fingers. Even so, she failed to wake up and her constricted pupil appeared hollow. I stared at her eyes, staring at herself in her eyes, the power of consciousness walking, let me push open a door of the soul, and go deep into her consciousness.

As the world in front of me unfolded, I suddenly realized that I was back in the nightmare of the deepest night. In the sky of ashes and Mars, there is a huge sphere with blood flowing, which has completely separated from the horizon. And I was not where I left last time, which also means that I have lost contact with the team trying to go to the old Hawk shelter. Although the time in the nightmare is very short, the time in the normal world is very short, but in the nightmare, how long has passed, there is no corresponding reference.

I entered this nightmare through the consciousness of the female patient. The female patient is of course also having the same nightmare. Perhaps her consciousness mapping is beside her. I walked around with such thoughts, and at the same time, weird movements came from my ears. A bad wind suddenly wiped the side of my face. Something penetrated the boulder in front of me. It was not that I did not react, but simply because the sudden attack was fast, but not enough to escape the chain judgment Observe that the attack trajectory does not need to dodge from the beginning.

I turned around and saw a giant spider-like weirdness. The giant spider's body is covered with gritty fluff, and the pattern of the fluff is like some constantly mourning faces. These patterns are constantly changing as the spider moves. However, although the body is like a spider, its head is broken, and a new head grows from the broken place. This head is humanoid, but it has facial features but no hair. It looks like a dark female face, but when opening its mouth, the sharp teeth make people shudder.

However, the evil wind that attacked me was not the attack it launched. In the induction of chain judgment, there is another kind of dwarf, which is hidden in the stone behind the spider. When I moved my footsteps, there was a slight, unnatural sway of sporadic withered grass stalks there, but I couldn't see this little weird figure.

As I stepped forward, the spider weirdly spit out milky white matter. The speed of spitting was easy for me to flash off, and then, the milky substance spilled on the ground and immediately corroded the ground a large piece. Although the spider spit out strangely, it could not help but stop. However, the dwarf from behind it also took the opportunity to attack. A bad wind came.

I drew my sword. Although in the chain judgment, something struck was immediately dissipated, but from the touch, I didn't feel anything.

I quickly backed away, and after turning into the rock, the spider made a weird cry, something splashed on the rock. Make a whispering noise. And even if I use rocks to cut off each other's line of sight, the kind of invisible dwarf evil wind, as if it can penetrate any obstacle, continues to strike me. In the fast-swept state, these evil winds are difficult to catch up with my movements, but they have been aiming so often. It is also troublesome.

Although the dwarf weirdness was not visible to the naked eye, the chain judgement could always lock its position. I lifted my crossbow and shot arrows with an intuitive route. After a breath, the little weirdness disappeared from the chain judgment and the evil wind did not reappear.

I didn't get weirdly entangled with the remaining spiders. Ten seconds after getting rid of his gaze, the spider weirdness also stopped searching. I slowed down and walked along the shadow of the cliff, and a dilapidated wooden house soon appeared in front of me. It should be here, I thought intuitively. Go up and knock on the door.

No one responded.

I looked at the side window, and the windows were all locked from the inside. He also pulled down the heavy curtains, even the light did not show a trace.

The burning but still gloomy sky, the **** spheres that do not know whether it is the sun or the moon, evaporate the gray fog from time to time, and the blood rain from time to time, weird wandering, these abnormal scenes seem to be completely isolated Outside the wooden house-yes, this closed wooden house gives me the feeling of a strong and self-closing fortress.

However, the exterior wall of such a wooden house also shows signs of decay, and, in the observation of chain judgment, this decay is spreading towards the entire house at a visible rate. The time here seems to be accelerating, just a few breathing time, the lock outside the door has been covered with a layer of copper-green rust, I reached out and pulled, the metal lock was broken and cracked like a cookie. Immediately afterwards, due to the external force, the part nailed to the door panel fell off.

Metal products seem to decay faster than wood.

Without any hesitation, the door opened inward as soon as I pushed hard.

There is only one room in the room. When you look at it, you see a woman who looks similar to a female patient. She wears a gorgeous long dress and lays on a rocking chair. As if she didn't realize that someone was coming in, she rocked back and forth and kept her eyes on the ceiling.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." Her mouth made a single voice, like "", like singing, but it made no sense.

I took another step forward, and suddenly a flame came out of nowhere, igniting the woodwork everywhere. A gust of wind blew from the open door, and the suddenly rising tongue of fire suddenly licked the ceiling, and the whole wooden house burned like this. The woman remained motionless as if she didn't notice the danger. No matter what such a scene symbolizes, it is certainly not correct to let a woman burn to death here. This thought prompted me to walk to the woman's side. Because she was still vigilant, when the woman screamed suddenly, she was not frightened.

However, the woman's scream, possessing an invisible power, immediately destroyed the burning log cabin. Before the debris hit her, I pulled her up, grabbed her by the waist, and swept quickly, and left the cabin. As soon as he settled down, he saw the chalet completely collapsed and burned to ashes in an unusually rapid fire. And these ashes cannot be absorbed by Mageweave.

The woman in my arms took a deep breath, just like a suffocating person, suddenly breathing. Her expression began to animate, and began to be full of vitality, however, even if she opened her eyes, it also gave people a feeling that they were not awake at all.

She breathed calmly, her body was soft and warm, her skin was full of elasticity, and the health of living people, and her expression was very soft, but she didn't even turn her eyes.

I simply don't understand what happened to her, and let her consciousness become like this. I hugged her, don't know what to do, maybe just take her to the shelter? However, I don't even know where it is, what direction it is from the shelter, and how far away it is.

However, the chain judgment soon sensed some unusual phenomena-I looked down at the ground following the induction and saw that when the wooden house burned out, some of the ashes produced gradually fell to the ground and gradually accumulated into some patterns and The symbol, while holding the woman, is standing in the center of these patterns and symbols.

This seems to be a magic circle composed of ashes.

Just when I thought about it, the texture of the patterns and symbols walked away. At the next moment, when my eyes were dark, and when the scenery came back into view, I found myself back in the shelter of the shelter. The humanoid "family" sits in a consistent position in a prayerful posture. When I looked at her, she also looked up at me "just".

"Welcome back. You must have discovered something," she said. However, what her deep meaning is, although I have some ideas, it is difficult to describe in words.

"I went to the tower and saw an old hunter and the truth behind a door." I placed the woman in my arms on the bench and said to the humanoid "Department": "Old Hawke has also been there. I have been in contact with the black seat, so it became the appearance of the later. I think you know more. "

"I'm sorry, my beloved warrior. I only know what I should know, but that tower is not among them." The humanoid "Department" said calmly and comfortably: "The tower belongs to the deepest night, and I don't It belongs to the deepest night. "

"So, what the **** are you?" I asked. In the past, she did not answer this question, but now she seems to have loosened her attitude. Although she looks like a puppet, but at this time, she has a kind of unique human flexibility. It made me think that she did not always follow a rigid interaction mechanism, but consciously reacted to certain behaviors. However, this feeling is fleeting.

"I am the guide, observer and recorder of the deepest night." The humanoid "system" replied in this way.

"You are coloring." I said very surely.

The humanoid "family" did not answer, neither affirmed nor denied, just that, quietly staring at me.

"What does Deep Night have to do with Dr. Hawke's research?" I continued to ask.

And she still said nothing, and looked at me with that calm gaze.

"What do you want to do with the deepest night?" I said the third question.

There was only silence in the chapel.

I am not embarrassed by this, or that such a reaction is actually expected. I also don't have any annoyed or blamed ideas. No matter what the humanoid "system" intends to do, its effect will eventually fall on me. Because, Jiang and I are so close. Although she said nothing, I will eventually know. And I know very well that the reason why she doesn't speak is not malicious to me, but merely malicious to Jiang. This kind of maliciousness will not be reflected very clearly. Only now, if you look back and look at the attitude of the color in the end of the illusion, you can feel that there was not much change between her and her now. .

Although she does not speak ~ ~, my heart is still calm and gentle.

"Can you see, what is she really doing?" I said, looking at the woman lying on the bench. Her state has a close relationship with the state of the female patient at this time. This connection is not only mental but also physical, because the medicine injected into her body naturally affects the spirit through physiological mechanisms.

"I'm happy to serve you." The humanoid "Department" bowed slowly to the ceremony and walked to the bench, holding the woman's hand with both hands.

The light gradually emerged in the palm, and after about three seconds, it slowly fell again.

"She is calm." The humanoid "Department" said: "I feel that a force is suppressing the malignant reaction in her body, but the vicious reaction has become the source of her activity, so she will be comatose."

inhibition? I couldn't help but ask: "Can this power let her spend the night?"

"It's a pity." The humanoid "family" calmly gave the answer. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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