Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1265: Connector

So it turned out. According to the humanoid “family”, Dr. Ruan Li ’s pink medicaments can suppress the malignant reaction in female patients. The “active source” of female patients comes from this kind of malignant reaction. Then, can the origin of this kind of malignant reaction be traced back to What about the new medicine given to patients at the seminar? Dr. Ruan Li ’s private actions clearly conflicted with the idea of ​​the seminar. Although Dr. Ruan Li was working for the seminar, the effects of pink pharmacy and new drugs may be regarded as differences between the two parties ’ideas and routes. The attitude of this nightmare, the two sides should also have many contradictory views.

I think that the seminar is to understand the situation of this nightmare, including some information of the deepest night. After all, in the composition of the seminar, people like Dr. Ruan Li regarded "mystery" as nothing. On the contrary, there are many proofs to prove that the inside of the seminar has been eroded by mysterious organizations, including the provision of this Peninsula Mental Hospital and the sponsor of the seminar, "Dallas", is an electronic demon messenger.

Since they are exposed to "mystery" and try to understand "mystery", of course their own position will also be eroded by "mystery". The bias of this perspective allows these people to see things in a way and angle that will inevitably be different from other mysteries. The organization is close. Conversely, Dr. Ruan Li mentioned on the phone before that she thinks the seminar has been influenced by White Claudia and it is completely understandable. When the seminar is getting closer to "mystery" and more and more inclined to use "mystery" perspectives and methods to promote research, in the view of Dr. Ruan Li, these people are becoming "mental patients".

I think that although Dr. Ruan Li did not necessarily make it clear when he was in contact with these people, in her mind, these researchers who were influenced by white Claudia gradually became "mental patients." The seminar ’s research is being led astray, and the “paradise” that was eventually researched out will not be a magic drug against white Claudia and save the world, but will further promote the end of the day and strengthen the influence of white Claudia. The potion.

That's it. The effect of the new medicines produced by the seminar on the patients is of course not favored by Dr. Ruan Li. She even thinks that the malignancy is far greater than that of benign, so she developed the pink medicine to contain the patients. Malignant reaction. However, the new drugs do have an effect on patients, and from the interpretation of the humanoid "system". The patient's current activity is entirely based on this malignant reaction, so only the current situation of the female patient will appear.

On the other hand, since the humanoid "family" uses the word "malignant reaction" in the interpretation, to a certain extent, she has a view of the state mapped by the patient and the situation in the nightmare. It is consistent with Dr. Ruan Li.

That is: the formation and change of this nightmare is not a good thing in itself. It does not reflect a good change. Therefore, the term "nightmare" is used appropriately.

Further speaking, when the seminar was cheering for the effect of the new drug, from the original intention of the pharmaceutical, the new drug was actually "failed"-I can not judge, in the end, the seminar is the correct view. Dr. Ruan Li's view is correct, but on the balance of his heart, the humanoid "family" also occupies a heavy weight, even if I still think so far. She is an incarnation of the "color center", and her behavior and purpose are very targeted to me and "Jiang".

When the opinions of the humanoid "system" and Dr. Ruan Li coincide with each other, I would like to believe their views: the existence of this "nightmare", even if it is not deep into the night, also reflects the patient after taking the new drug. This kind of deterioration, coupled with the existence of the Deep Night, adds to this degree of deterioration.

Since Dr. Ruan Li ’s pink remedy can only temporarily suppress the patient ’s malignant reaction, it ca n’t even make it better, nor let him spend the night, it means that Dr. Ruan Li ’s current research results are not enough for her What to save.

However, patients taking new drugs are not just strangers. I am not worried about my situation, but I am even more worried about Marceau's situation. As a routine patient, Marceau will certainly be valued by the seminar, and this value is not a good thing from the current situation.

Even so, even if you want to take Marceau, it is not an easy task. The most important key is not whether it is possible to break through layers of blockades, find her, and take her away, but you must consider that after taking her away, if you lose the new drugs and research in the seminar, will it make her condition deteriorate quickly? In the past doomsday illusion, "paradise" is an addictive psychedelic drug that will cause drug-breakers to have a forbidden reaction. Even considering Dr. Ruan Li ’s research capabilities, she may be powerless without the support of the seminar.

After all, the reason why Dr. Ruan Li brought me here to join the research in the seminar is because she has determined that she can only achieve very limited results with her own strength. Although she is very talented, she needs the support of the seminar before she can go further. Moreover, the pink pharmacy made by Dr. Ruan Li has a very limited effect on patients. It is even more impossible to develop better drugs without the seminar.

In any case, leaving the seminar in the near future, from the risk point of view, still makes people feel very worried. The current situation is a bit like drinking thirst to quench your thirst. Knowing that the seminar is full of insiders, it is itself producing some dangerous changes, but it must rely on the power of the seminar.

I deeply feel that things are difficult in the world.

Whether Marceau became a routine patient, or Dr. Ruan Li participated in the paradise study at the seminar, they had to do things even if they knew the consequences were worrying.

But I cannot stop them, and there is no reason to stop them, because, from the current situation alone, I have no way to solve their problems. I still believe in my plan, but my plan is not to respond from the perspective of the doomsday trend of a single world, but to a higher level, try to get everything to a good ending, which is extremely ideal.

I certainly know what this idealization means.

The situation of female patients can only be like this for the time being. I think that since Dr. Ruan Li has given instructions, there must be a follow-up plan. Pink pharmacy should only be part of the plan.

The same, I hope she really has a complete. At least a plan that seems feasible on the surface. As long as she has such a plan, then, I am eager to cooperate with her. Not willing to cooperate, but eager to cooperate. Although Dr. Ruan Li's perspective is different from mine, I am willing to believe it. She can see what I can't see, find the answer I can't find, and then save some people and save some things.

It can be seen as such. Although I, Dr. Ruan Li and the Netball are not exactly in the same position and perspective, it is natural for us who take action against the end to naturally cooperate with each other. The basis of mutual recognition.

I used to be more sure about the perspective of "hospital reality", but now, in my mind, "hospital reality" is still very important, but it is no longer the most important one, it is just One of the many sides of "real". The reality of hospitals where "miracles" cannot be born naturally has its own weaknesses. And just look at everything based on "hospital reality". If you take action, you will also be affected by this weakness.

in my opinion. The most substantive manifestation of this weakness is that in the reality of the hospital, or that the hospital core is the core of the problem, it is never possible to observe and understand the "virus", and it is impossible to make the "serum". In a world that is too realistic, there is simply no way to close the gap that is too large. Just like the same. Only in science fiction, when the aliens that are enough to destroy the galaxy come down, can humans rely on some miraculous loopholes to launch counterattacks and finally succeed.

I don't think that the reality of the hospital will be such a world full of miracles.

Because of this. Therefore, I am more and more certain that I cannot follow the path currently taken by the Color Center, Super Dorothy and another Gao Chuan. I can't be sure that they will fail, and they are also very sure of their efforts and will. The capital accumulated from generation to generation "Gao Chuan" will exert enormous energy in the hands of the Department of Color Center and Super Doroth.

However, the path based on the reality of the hospital still needs "miracles", and the theory guiding their actions is full of uncertainty, and once I think that there is no "miracle" in the reality of the hospital, then this path Is n’t it doomed to failure?

It is true that no one can be sure who will fail and who will succeed until the actual results come out.

However, as the saying goes, not all eggs can be packed in the same basket.

I looked at the humanoid "family", and finally did not say these words. I don't think these words can affect their own judgment. They chose their own path, tried to do something in their own way, if they would shake, they would have shaken it earlier. I know very well that only by firmly believing that I am right can I go to the present in so much pain and the darkness that disappears. Now that we have reached the present, there is no reason not to continue.

I am like this, "Gao Chuan" is like this, so are they.

So, just like that.

I firmly believe in myself, but also bless them.

"Thank you." In my heart, I said so to the "family" of the human form in front of me, but also to the color that does not know in what way and where. Thank you, persevere until now, without you, "Gao Chuan" is powerless, and without "Gao Chuan", there is no me now. As "Gao Chuan", I tried to save you, but I was also saved by you.

You are my favorite family.

So, I will definitely not stay.

"I met some people who evaded into the night in the tower." I said to the humanoid "line": "I told them where they are."

"You are correct, the shelter welcomes everyone." The humanoid "Department" said, "The reason this shelter exists is to protect more people."

"Stay here, can you spend the night safely?" I asked.

"Maybe. If here, there will always be a silver lining." The humanoid "family" looked at me calmly.

I couldn't help but reach out and touched her head, she calmly protested: "Please, please don't do this."

Listening to her saying this, I couldn't help but feel it.

Before I heard her protest again, my eyes were suddenly blurred. I couldn't move, I just felt that I was rising involuntarily, and it seemed that I was pushed back by a force that had never been there. The door of a heart slammed shut, my body was shocked, the consciousness suddenly woke up, and the person in front of me had already changed back to a female patient.

I loosened the eyelids of the female patient. She was asleep, her face was calm, I don't know if she could wake up, how the situation in the nightmare, in the end, how to feed back to her.

The remaining pink potion. Not enough to inject all patients, maybe I should prepare a list based on the residents of the shelter in the nightmare.

I turned on the phone again and read the encrypted text messages among them. The person who sent the text message was not only Dr. Ruan Li, but also the information from the network ball and the completely garbled information. The garbled information can't determine the content and sender, which makes people feel weird, so. For the time being, I can only ignore it. The information from the online ball is a letter from a stranger. John Bull mentioned earlier that there are net-level lurkers in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital. She hopes we can get in touch. I tried searching before, but there is no clue, they are hiding very well, and now this text message should come from them.

Compared to the other party. My identity is more prominent and more public. I don't think so. What a surprise they found.

Briefly said in the text message, hoping to meet as soon as possible, because something happened that forced them to seek cooperation. Judging from the information, if such an important thing does not happen, they may refuse to contact me all the time. Although for now. My relationship with the Netball is not bad, but these lurkers are very vigilant. I don't know exactly what they are doing, but it is obviously very important to them.

This night, I didn't dream anymore.

the next day. I arrived at the agreed place at the agreed time. This place is a long distance away from my sick building and Marceau ’s manor. One side of the soil **** is covered with trees, and the other side is sparsely planted. The stones buried in the soil look like they are going to slide at any time. Because there is no rain gear in the sick building, I am still wet? I am drenched in the woods. The lightning in the sky makes this place feel a little dangerous.

I came five minutes earlier than the agreed time, but the other party did not step on the time to arrive. Someone walked into the scope of the chain judgment from the muddy part of the earth slope, it seems to be a female, but I did not go out to recognize her. According to the text message, this time the connector does not need to meet, it is enough to talk.

Obviously, the other party also has the ability to detect on a large scale. She walked around behind me and stopped with a big tree. We turned away from each other and were silent for about a minute. It wasn't until the moment when the "agreed time" arrived that she said: "Heaven covers the ground tiger."

"Pagoda Town River Demon." I answered.

The timing of the opening and the password of the connector are arranged by the other party. For me, it's not that interesting, but even if I can't see each other, I feel that the other is happy.

"Why do you have to speak this code in French?" I asked her this.

"It's interesting, isn't it? And, I don't speak Mandarin in the Central Duchy." She replied.

Her voice is somewhat neutral, but basically, she is still not mistaken for being male. However, she suddenly said to me: "Do you think I am a man or a woman?"

This topic has nothing to do with the topic, but I still answered: "Female."

"Oh--" She made a meaningful voice, but I don't have much thought, whether she is male or female, or indeed neutral, I have nothing to do with me. She's a bit familiar with me, and if I am the past, I will probably talk about it with great interest, but now, I have been curious about these ordinary people, and I don't have much to explore. In such a world, even if a person suddenly becomes a ghost and then suddenly becomes a human being, it is not surprising. The world full of "mystery" is also full of "miracles". What's so surprising about gender issues?

"Is there anything I can help? John Bull told you about me?" I went directly to the topic and said.

"... In the information I received, Mr. Gao Chuan was not such a boring person." She said, "We still have enough time to understand each other in depth and cooperate with each other better, right?"

"No need." I said, "I never understand people who are not male or female."

She seemed to be choked, and did not answer the call immediately, then paused and said, "I am a woman."

I couldn't help but smile, she was obviously not as lively and weird as she thought. Of course, as a lurker, this level of camouflage is broken, and it may be another means of camouflage. However, what kind of person she is, it really doesn't matter to me. We only got on the line because of John Bull. My relationship with the Netball does not necessarily need to be maintained with every Netball member. Even in the cyber ball, although there are similarities, there are also a few people who hate each other because of their personality, not to mention, I am no longer a member of the cyber ball.

"Don't talk nonsense." I told her bluntly: "I don't have rain gear, I have been raining here for a long time, it's uncomfortable."

"Okay, okay, I really have no patience. Mr. Gao Chuan is not the same as the information given to me. I confirm again, is it really Mr. Gao Chuan himself?" Said the woman.

"Yes." I answered.

"I contacted you this time to establish a relationship with Dr. Ruan Li." The woman said very directly: "I believe that Mr. Gao Chuan also noticed that some dangerous changes are taking place in the seminar. Dr. Ruan Li may be in danger. . "

"What do you want from her?" I still asked directly. It is not surprising that Netball wants to contact Dr. Ruan Li. Instead, they did not have an in-depth contact with Dr. Ruan Li even before. They still need me to take the line for them. I was surprised. Although I have no objection to the contact between Dr. Ruan Li and the Netball, as I said before, the two sides naturally have the foundation for cooperation, but in the past there was no contact. Instead, the request for contact was made at this time, of course, for some special reasons.

From the perspective of the Las Vegas repeater, Dr. Ruan Li is also very likely to be the core type of control. I do n’t know if the online ball confirms this.

"We appreciate Dr. Ruan Li's private research more than the seminar's research." The woman didn't seem to lie and said to me in a frank tone: "After observation, we don't think we can stop the seminar's research, but Ruan Dr. Li ’s research may offset the danger brought by the seminar ’s research. Specifically, the effect of the new drug on patients ... I believe Mr. Gao Chuan has already entered a nightmare? The nightmare of the deepest night. "

"Yes." I did not conceal, "Now, everyone who knows the inside of the seminar is active in a nightmare. I have some understanding of your plan, but I don't think it is correct to do so. Deep The night made me feel a kind of viciousness, maybe you want to use the vicious power to promote positive results. I personally think that it cannot be successful. Even if there is a deviation of the torch light, the overall deviation tendency ~ ~ It will also tend to be more vicious. "

"Maybe. But if you do nothing, there is no chance of victory." The woman said: "We have been in contact with the final weapon of the Nazis. We judge that the Nazis tried to use the final weapon and the nightmare in Las Vegas. The gestated monsters are integrated, and the repeaters are also integrated. Once they are completed, a monster that has never been seen will be born. In order to avoid the worst result, we hope to be bred in the nightmare Las Vegas. Before the monsters mature, lead them out and wipe them out completely. Although the behavior of the 51 area has caused a very bad impact, it is still a part of the plan, and because of this, they dare to be so big. action."

"Do you plan to use the deepest night to connect this nightmare and nightmare Las Vegas?" I asked calmly.

"No, it's not a docking. It's just that the monster was forcibly pulled from the nightmare Las Vegas into this nightmare and annihilated in this nightmare." The woman said: "We want to transform this nightmare into a home game. Therefore, the power of liberation of the deepest night is necessary. "

The power of liberation? Although there is an additional noun, the content is basically similar to my guess. (To be continued ...)


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