Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1266: Doctor Hawke

The screen of the monitoring room is focused in the isolation room. The doctors wearing chemical protective clothing operate the high-tech operating table. Although the full-cover mask masks their faces, each high-precision operation is completed. The subtle movements captured made everyone in the surveillance room aware of their tension. The patient with Doomsday Syndrome was lying on a hospital bed, part of his body was burnt into coke, and part of it appeared as a semi-melted wax. Although his body and internal organs were seriously damaged, he was still alive, a powerful vitality that came from nowhere , So that the well-preserved internal organs are in a hurry, this state has lasted for twenty minutes.

Dr. Ruan Li withdrew his gaze from the screen and transferred it to the data of the testing instrument. The continuously beating numbers and spectrum were printed by the computer after preliminary processing by the computer. Some of her research colleagues are sifting through the parts they need, but despite the large amount of information, they seem unable to meet the needs of these people. Some of these data are not helpful for their research, some are repetitive, and some cannot be interpreted at all. If you want to find some data that is sufficient for your own research, in these days of work, it has been proved that you need luck.

However, no matter which field of research, once trying to get into the scope of the previous people, it also requires luck to achieve results. The famous researchers in history have repeatedly proved this with their own experiences. However, in the study of "viruses", whether it is the hospital's selection team led by Dr. Ander, or the support of spy organizations, in the dark place of the hospital. In addition, the established research team currently lacks luck.

And this one does not know what the formal body is. The secret organization lurking in the hospital dealt with it. At the beginning, Dr. Ruan Li couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but afterwards it proved successfully that the other party can exist in the hospital, and there are indeed inevitable reasons. The hospital is not necessarily aware of the existence of this organization, but wants to encircle and suppress it and eradicate it completely. But it has never been done. It is precisely because this is the result of multi-party forces involving, negotiating, and gaming each other. The hospital reflects the sincere cooperation of many forces, and the lurking organization that seems to be a spy may represent the intrigue and selfishness of all forces.

Although all activities can only be carried out in secret, talking about the resources that can actually be used. It is also less than the maximum value that the hospital can theoretically mobilize, but the lurkers will not completely lose their support, and thus completely lose the power of entanglement with the hospital. The hospital used the color system to complete the color center, but the lurkers also rely on various means to take Dorothy and make it a super Dorothy. The capabilities and effects of the two seem to be similar, but the difference has caused the research team of the lurking organization to be different from the hospital in terms of research route, subject or method. Before the final result comes out, it is impossible to prove which side is better.

Relatively speaking. Just as the lurker organization is optimistic about Dr. Ruan Li and introduced it to the reason. Dr. Ruan Li did feel that participating in this research team was more rewarding than when serving Dr. Ander ’s research team. The biggest problem still lies in that, although it is not without results, the overall progress of research on "viruses" is also the same as that of Dr. Ander's side, and no key results have been achieved. So far, the various branches that have been extended in this study have strong side effects. At the current level of understanding of "viruses", it is also difficult to further complete these by-products.

As a researcher, the current situation is certainly better than when I first recognized the existence of a "virus". However, when it comes to concrete progress, it is a bit hazy, which makes people think about the future. Full of uncertainty.

What's more, the "virus" is so terrible, there is enough evidence to prove that it has already spread to all parts of the world, and the entire hospital has been enveloped by it. The only difference is only "onset" and "not onset". The author of the issue is the "patient with doomsday syndrome", and the author of the unpublished can use the identity of a normal person to continue the research on "virus" in an attempt to find a cure.

Whether such a horrible conclusion has made more people aware, Dr. Ruan Li is still not sure, because, even in "hospitals", there are not many people who realize this on the surface. However, all the researchers who were selected into the research team, whether it was Dr. Ander's side or the lurking side, were well aware of the crisis. Everyone is sitting on the crater. I do n’t know whether it will erupt in the next moment, leaving everyone dead without a burial place. Such a sense of crisis is also the reason for the mutual understanding between the two parties.

All the defensive measures in the hospital can only bring people psychological comfort, but they are actually ineffective. The study of "viruses" is no longer simply driven by interests. Dr. Ruan Li's immersive observation has been very clear. Everyone understands that if they can make a "serum", they can save themselves and save the world. If they fail, the history of mankind may end there. . Every time a study hits the wall, and every time passes, it is enough to make people restless. The dark clouds have been covering every corner of the hospital and have never dispersed.

What is the origin of "virus"? Is it a wonderful thing generated by nature itself? Or is it some kind of unknown existence from the outer universe? Or is it the crystallization of uncontrollable factors generated by mankind's request and transformation of nature? Research scholars have their own rhetoric, but they are unanimous, but one thing is very certain, and the facts have proved that any currently clear scientific theory and means cannot really touch the truth, and what can be expected is only in the research. In supernatural and luck, there may be some breakthrough new theories. This world is realistic. Without the support of theory, we can only test and eliminate various hypotheses one by one through many complicated experiments. However, after such a long period of experimentation, all the more mature and seemingly higher success rates have been proved to be all fantasy.

The researchers have been exhausted of their brains and lack of inspiration. A more ingenious possibility was conceived and verified.

Under such circumstances, Dr. Ruan Li was selected into the research team of the lurker. To contribute my own inspiration for the entire study. However, even Dr. Ruan Li, who stored a lot of theories, assumptions and experimental desires, gradually proved all the mistakes he had thought in the past during the experiment, and also felt the bottleneck standing in front of him .

It's like hollowing out your mind and overdrawing inspiration, all possibilities have been traversed. The remaining possibilities are desperate.

Although the researchers are about to reach the limits of their own thinking and cognition, the "virus" seems to be more active, giving everyone the feeling of being like the past activity, but just accidentally turning over in sleep. The further activity of the "virus" also brought an explosive disaster to the hospital. Patients with rioting doomsday syndrome, sudden new symptoms, and a sudden increase in patients within the hospital are all uncomfortable for those who know that some of the hospital is thin.

Whenever someone he knows suddenly becomes ill and becomes another patient with doomsday syndrome. Of course worrying, will he become the next one. It is even more chilling to bring this situation to the world. Some information shows that hospitals no longer need to do everything possible to obtain patients. In the isolated island. Such intelligence is by no means good news, because. It is enough to prove that the "virus" is indeed spreading around the world, and its activity is not limited to hospitals.

Maybe, one day when you wake up, you will find that people all over the world are sick and collapsing. In the past, the scenes that only existed in science fiction seem to be stepping towards reality-no one will look forward to that future. The extinct disaster caused by the outbreak of "virus" is a genocide that has already occurred in history. , The most difficult to spend. Because this is not a destructive and contradictory manifestation of human society itself, but an external attack on all human society.

It is indeed painful for people to kill people, and any foreign intelligent creatures also make people feel sad and indignant for the efforts and killing of human beings, but all this is far from the desperation of the result of "human infection with viruses and extinction overnight. Without creating a "serum", it is impossible to crack such a desperate situation. Even if this "virus" does not erupt at all at the same time, it is like hanging a sword of Damocles. And at the closest distance, researchers who were completely helpless when approaching the sword of Damocles, were devoured by terror and despair every day.

A psychologist like Dr. Ruan Li is not only to provide directional assistance to the research, but also to alleviate the pressure and negative emotions of the researchers themselves. In this hospital, Dr. Ruan Li is not the only expert who specializes in psychology. Dr. Ruan Li was selected into the research team, and she could not make her think that she was the most special one.

As long as the research can not make breakthrough progress, no matter how exquisite the theory, how frequent the inspiration, how high the status, and how rich the experience, there is no difference with the cleaners here. Because, one's own talents cannot be reflected in practice, and what is the difference from no talents?

Of course, Dr. Ruan Li knows that this kind of thinking is also too radical. Under the pressure of "virus", his mentality begins to appear unbalanced, but he can't stop it. She has already felt that the limit of her own psychological adjustment is also a vicious change in her body. From the flesh to the soul, it was gradually eroded by a kind of terror.

Every night, she will have nightmares, and when she wakes up in the morning, she will forget the content of nightmares. Every physical examination can't detect the wrong place. Even so, she is very sure that the "virus" also exists in her body and has already started to be active. Maybe one day when you wake up, you will become a patient with doomsday syndrome. This possibility also exists in her colleagues.

Even so, everyone still needs to continue that exhausting research in this fear in an attempt to find a glimmer of hope.

All means must be taken.

In the past, Dr. Ruan Li would also feel dissatisfied and guilty for the bloody, crazy and inhumane means, but now, she finally understands that human beings have come to the edge of the cliff and can't care so much. Outside the islands, on the continent across the ocean, what is the situation of human society, she can not be sure, but for the top of the governments of various countries, this crisis should no longer be a secret. However, for the sake of social stability, it is of course impossible to announce the existence of "viruses". Probably all people with illness will use "cold" and "mental illness" to cover up the past, at least. In morbidity, it is indeed very similar.

Like other researchers, Dr. Ruan Li has participated in many inhumane experiments. However, the results achieved by these radical methods are no better than conservative methods.

On this day, she was tired and worried again. Go back to your room. Although she was off work, she couldn't help but pick up today's data report again after eating. The patients on the operating table are maintained in a state of near collapse by Super Dorothy. Researchers try to find the critical points of their changes in this delicate state, and then use these critical values ​​to establish the basis for future research. Such experiments have been done more than once. Because it is not that the data is difficult to obtain, but because, as the active state of the "virus" changes, this value keeps changing, and it must be done every once in a while. Just reconfirm.

However, today's data proves once again that the performance of "viruses" on patients has not yet reached the end. The morbidity it caused. It has been extremely complicated from the past, but now. These complicated data seem to prove that its complexity has increased again. In the past, a thorough study of the syndrome and various chain reactions has not been fully studied, and now the factors of uncertainty are further increased.

Dr. Ruan Li is very suspicious that before the day when the "virus" actually broke out, can we really study all the problems clearly and find a targeted treatment one by one? She dropped the report, squeezed the bridge of her nose, and then picked up the photo frame resting on the table. The boy named "Gao Chuan" in the photo frame was smiling cheerfully. That heavy haze.

The indoor lighting is very bright, but it makes Dr. Ruan Li feel that the darkness outside is getting deeper. It was as if a group of demons and ghosts were watching, trying to oppress this little light.

When you ca n’t see hope, it becomes easier to recall the past good times, even at that time, those times are also full of pain.

Dr. Ruan Li sighed and put the photo frame back on the table again. She fell herself on the bed and slept dimly. She seemed to dream something, her face was twisted, serious, and constantly changing. Her body curled up like she was trying to avoid some kind of terror. Suddenly, the ringtone of the indoor telephone made her wake up suddenly.

Dr. Ruan Li sat up in shock, and after two or three seconds, he realized that the phone was ringing. She shook her head, leaving behind the nightmare of forgetting the actual content again, and picked up the telephone on the bedside table.

"Hello?" Her voice was low, with dissatisfaction, not because the letter disturbed her sleep, but because of a nightmare.

"Dr. Ruan Li, if something important happens, please come to the meeting room immediately." A familiar voice came from the phone, Dr. Ande.

After the death of Gaochuan, Dr. Ruan Li had little direct contact with Dr. Ande. The research team led by Dr. Ande rejected Dr. Ruan Li for his ideas, routes, and methods. This is very important in group research. Common, is also a common struggle situation in the institute. However, in this case, I still received such a serious call, but it made Dr. Ruan Li feel a bad feeling.

It is not that Dr. Ander has any wrongdoing, nor is he worried that his participation in the research of the lurker team will be exposed, but a non-selfish hunch. What happened to everyone in the hospital was not so good.

"Yes, I get it ... I'll be there soon." Dr. Ruan Li responded, putting on his coat and white coat. Dr. Ande did not tell the specific situation on the phone, but it should have a very important connection with him. Dr. Ruan Li thought so, and his pace could not be accelerated.

When I arrived at the place where I was notified by phone, at this point in time, the building that should have been shut down and turned off the lights had a prominent light on the side of the meeting room. When Dr. Ruan Li arrived, there were also more researchers coming, some of them familiar, unfamiliar, and familiar. Their past resumes and research fields all have some things in common, so that Ruan Li The doctor was keenly aware that there seemed to be a problem with research in a certain direction in the hospital. Others made eye contact with her, whether they knew it or not, they all showed similar eyes and appeared anxious.

Dr. Ande ’s team has all arrived in the conference room. Dr. Ruan Li looked around. Researchers belonging to the lurker ’s research team are also hiding their identity in secret, waiting for the explanation of the specific situation.

This time, Dr. End did not make any official speech, nor did he say any nonsense about the research, so he said to the people straightforwardly and briefly: "Dr. Hawke is dead."

The air in the conference room was suddenly stagnant, which made people a little suffocating. Obviously, the people standing here knew exactly who Dr. Hawke was, what his identity was, and what his death meant.

"Have you found him?" One asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes." Dr. Ende nodded heavily. "The people here know how much Dr. Hawke is, and what I want to inform everyone is that his death was due to illness."

"Apocalyptic syndrome?" Someone exclaimed, "What about his inhibitor?"

"When we found him, he was dead." Dr. Ande said: "However, he left a lot of research materials. We need someone to interpret these things."

After that, many people's eyes fell on Dr. Ruan Li.

"Dr. Ruan Li, you are his student." Dr. Ande said.

"What is the situation on the scene?" Dr. Ruan Li turned to the topic, but no one was surprised. Dr. Ande did not struggle, and directly said to everyone: "This time I came to you just to confirm his situation." He said this, and nodded to the people around him. After a while, security personnel came in outside the door, they brought a box with a portable chemical protective clothing.

"Although it may not have any effect, it is best for everyone to wear it." Dr. Ande said, and security personnel began to distribute chemical protective clothing to everyone in the room. "We all know the direction of Dr. Hawke's research. It is possible to confirm his death because he notified the hospital. "

"Do you mean that Dr. Hawk already knew that he would die, so he prepared in advance?" Someone asked when wearing chemical protective clothing.

"Yes, I think so. Although the hospital does not support his research, he must have achieved some results. From the status of a researcher, I don't think that Dr. Hawke is kidding." Dr. Ander Say: "We all know how bad the actual situation is. The reason why we have differences is because of the lack of research resources and differences in ideas. However, the people here ... and Dr. Hawke are really for the same purpose. It is a goal to move forward. From this perspective, if I change the position with Dr. Hawke, I will do the same thing, and Dr. Hawk can certainly understand me. "

"Don't mention these old things again." Some researchers said anxiously: "Dr. Hawk has been studying privately for so long, we must confirm what he found and what he did ~ ~ just like these The researcher said that Dr. Ruan Li ’s mentality at this time is also full of anxiety and memories. Who is Dr. Hawke, his position in the hospital, and his past are not secrets for Dr. Ruan Li. Because Dr. Hawke was one of her teaching teachers and a guide to take her to the hospital to participate in virus research. A long time ago, when Gao Gao had just participated in the research of the hospital, he was a nominally attending doctor, Participated in the experiment of using "Gaochuan" to make serum at the time, and was the main person in charge of the experiment at that time. It was because of repeated failures in the manufacture of "serum" that it gradually lost its aura and was replaced by Dr. Ande.

After Dr. Hawke withdrew from the research team, he did not withdraw from the front line of the research, but his research could not receive the highest priority support. After that, he disappeared into the sight of everyone, and even lost his whereabouts, all of which are suspicious. There was a lot of speculation during the period, and it did set off some storms, but under Dr. Ander's strong wrist, this conflict caused by Dr. Hawk gradually subsided. Then, after a period of time, Dr. Hawk seemed to be forgotten. However, one day suddenly, he had a deeper relationship with him, and even in cooperation, the researchers who naturally had the advantage of the alliance, and even replaced the security. Dr. De, received his gifts-better inhibitors and various modulation drugs for "Gaochuan". (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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