Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1267: Firepower

After Dr. Hawke withdrew from the research team, he did not withdraw from the front line of the research, but his research could not receive the highest priority support. "『 After that, he disappeared into the sight of everyone, and even lost his whereabouts. These are some cases that make people feel suspicious. There was a lot of speculation during the period, and it did set off some storms, but under Dr. Ander's strong wrist, this conflict caused by Dr. Hawk gradually subsided. Then, after a period of time, Dr. Hawk seemed to be forgotten. However, one day suddenly, he had a deeper relationship with him, and even in cooperation, the researchers who naturally had the advantage of the alliance, and even replaced the security. Dr. De, received his gifts-better inhibitors and various modulation drugs for "Gaochuan".

These drugs, along with the pathological changes of Gaochuan, are constantly updated with extremely high synchronization efficiency. In other words, if there is no research result of Dr. Hawke, the research on "virus" may be a big step backwards.

However, such an important doctor, Hawke, was suddenly confirmed dead. Just as he disappeared suddenly, his death was also caught by surprise. Although everyone knows that anyone in the hospital may become ill and become a new patient with doomsday syndrome, unable to receive effective treatment and die, he has also seen his own colleagues and died in an outbreak of no symptoms. However, the identity and contribution of Dr. Hawke still caused his death and made people feel a harder blow.

Dr. Hawk was clearly prepared for it and exposed himself where he was hiding. That's where it deviates from the core of the hospital, but of course, it has strict security and extremely high-end equipment. It is a very complete research room at a glance. It is enough to be sure that he is not alone. The hospital reduced the investment in his experiments, but there were obviously others who provided him with sufficient resources to satisfy his research. When I saw this laboratory with my own eyes. Dr. Ruan Li has already affirmed that there are lurking organizations involved.

Dr. Ande and other researchers are not too surprised by the high-end and completeness of the laboratory, but are rather calm. Their anxiety does not come from the research environment here, but it also proves in reverse that they are actually The situation has long been psychologically prepared. Those inhibitors and modulation drugs provided by Dr. Hawke. It is absolutely impossible to complete in the absence of research environment.

Indeed, the most important thing now is not who is supporting Dr. Hawke, but what Dr. Hawke left behind and what he did.

The air-conditioning has been turned on in the underground research room. When Dr. Ruan Li and others entered the room, the room had already dropped to minus degrees Celsius, and many instruments and counters formed frost on the surface. Dr. Hawke's body was suspended in a transparent container like a coffin. It is completely covered with a pale yellow solution, just like a specimen. The lower body has melted, and most of the upper body is also in a semi-melted state. The pipeline should be filled with the whole body. Because there is most of the dripping solution, only a small part is still connected to his upper body and head. Although I have seen many patients with doomsday syndrome appear to be collapsing, but. Dr. Hawke's identity still makes his death uncomfortable.

The researchers whispered to discuss whether Dr. Hawke ’s body should be taken out, and others, including Dr. Ruan Li, began to examine various instruments, drugs, and data in the research room. Dr. Hawk ’s situation was just a failure. Experimental body. Perhaps Dr. Hawk has conducted an in-depth examination of himself, and has also prepared drugs for himself according to his own situation. But he failed to save himself in the end. Even so, the data obtained in these experiments based on his own experience is indeed quite precious.

After Dr. Hawke's death, his research must be taken over by someone. This is a matter that everyone has already made clear. After all, before failing to make a truly effective serum, inhibitors and modulation drugs are still very few for the "virus". One of the few means.

Dr. Ruan Li turned on the computer, checked the information left by Dr. Hawke, and preliminarily reviewed the records of the experiments he had done, as well as the list of various drugs. Dr. Hawke organized these materials in an orderly manner, as if he had already thought about it. After he died, who would take over his research? After seeing these materials, Dr. Ruan Li also felt that He is the successor of Dr. Hawke.

Of course, Dr. Ande belongs to Dr. Ruan Li. Although the research philosophy and line of the two parties are inconsistent, she is often restricted from participating in her research team. But Dr. Ander certainly understands Dr. Ruan Li's talents and her relationship with Dr. Hawke. In his view, the research lines of the master and the apprentice have many things in common. The reason why the two conducted the research independently is because after Dr. Hawke failed, he disappeared without saying a word, instead of seeking to talk to him. Of the student Dr. Ruan Li.

Dr. End did not know what Dr. Hawke was thinking. At that time, although he could not receive the highest priority support, his research was still favored by many people, and it was still sustainable. Even after achieving the results of inhibitors, he could set up a second research team. However, he still chose to escape from people's realization, achieve his own results in seclusion, and provide them to the research team unconditionally.

Dr. Ende has a complicated mind, and he cannot give an absolutely rational assessment of what Dr. Hawk has done. But after seeing what Dr. Hawke left behind, he was also the first to default Dr. Ruan Li to inherit the research of this contradictory researcher. Of course, it depends on whether Dr. Ruan Li is willing.

The researchers tested the environment in the research room with professional instruments and confirmed the tightness of all deliberate objects before readjusting the indoor air conditioner to warm the room temperature. After confirming the safety again, the hermetically sealed helmet of the chemical protective clothing was removed. It is really difficult to work in such protective clothing. What's more, everyone understands that it is no longer useful to wear chemical protective clothing now, and at most it is only a little comfort for the mind. "Virus" has been lurking in everyone for a long time, and in the research so far, it has never been found that there is a unique incentive that will cause the "virus" to suddenly burst. In other words, when a "virus" occurs is simply an uncertain situation.

"How? Dr. Ruan Li." Dr. Ande walked to Dr. Ruan Li,

Dr. Ruan Li transferred a list and said to Dr. Ande: "Inhibitors, medicaments, and various by-products derived from it. I cannot find anything more novel. I reserve my opinion."

"What about Gaochuan's replica?" Dr. Ande looked at a list of branch plans on the screen.

"He didn't keep anything. It was all provided to the hospital in his experiment. He got a certain perfect product." Dr. Ruan Li's expression was very indifferent.

"That is to say, he has reached his limit?" Dr. Ande narrowed his eyes and sighed again. "Dr. Ruan Li, you know what we need now. We must have someone walk in the direction of Dr. Hawke, And you are the most promising one. "

"I always think that Dr. Hawke's research went in the wrong direction." Dr. Ruan Li's voice was not very calm. "The body's own immune system cannot resist the virus."

"However, we need inhibitors." Dr. Ander's voice became tougher, "You know, the hospital has not produced better results, and is not sure when the results will be produced. Now inhibitors are the best answer. Maybe it ’s not the right answer, but at least it ’s possible to block the mouths of those people at this stage. We can do whatever we want in the hospital, precisely because someone supports our research. And we must give our supporters confidence. "

"Even if these confidences are false?" Dr. Ruan Li asked back.

"What do you say?" Said Dr. Ande: "Dr. Ruan Li, no one can enter the hospital, there are no naive guys."

"... Yes." Dr. Ruan Li also sighed and said: "Even false confidence is better than nothing in such a situation."

"We are not only researchers, but also doctors." Dr. Ande said: "We treat all human beings, not specific individuals. But no matter what the object is. Let the other party maintain a good state of mind. It helps to find hope. A patient who is desperate for himself. The possibility of being saved is 50% lower than that of a patient who is full of hope for him. Dr. Ruan Li, if you agree with this sentence, then please Take over Dr. Hawke ’s legacy. Maybe you do n’t like his method and do n’t agree with his ideas. And Dr. Hawk ’s research seems to have reached his limit. The person who can break this limit, I think it ’s you . Even if Dr. Hawke is wrong, it is impossible to reach the correct end point, it is a poison. We now have to continue to make this poison, so that everyone can drink thirst to quench thirst. "Speaking of this, he paused and said:" What's more, before the final result comes out, no one can be sure whether Dr. Hawke is right or wrong. Is it true that your accusation does not include emotional factors? Think about it, Dr. Ruan Li, are you really sure that when you look at Dr. Hawke, there is really no prejudice? Really completely overthrow his theory in theory? The results you have achieved are more than Which of the results achieved by Dr. Hawk is currently the most effective? "

Dr. Ruan Li did not answer, and could not answer. She clearly opposed the attitude of Dr. Hawke, although Dr. Hawke was her mentor at some stage in the past, and she was also the most anticipated disciple of Dr. Hawk in terms of talent However, in the end, she still voted against the vote that determined the fate of Dr. Hawke. There are of course divergent ideas, but she does have no evidence that Dr. Hawke is completely wrong. On the contrary, much of what she has achieved so far depends on Dr. Hawke ’s ideas and data. In short, in the eyes of others, Dr. Ruan Li probably betrayed his mentor and stole the mentor's achievements for his own sake. Dr. Ruan Li ’s position in the hospital is subtle, and in the eyes of others, the image is not good, and not many people are willing to help her speak, and there are such reasons.

Even so, Dr. Ruan Li never compromised. Whether the past betrayal was based on reason or sentiment, or some negative human nature played a major role, it is now meaningless. Dr. Hawke died and lost a lot of help in the study of "viruses". Therefore, someone needs to take over the research, not to continue the idea, but to continue the hope.

Dr. Ruan Li looked at these complicated and huge databases silently. She could see every effort and failure of Dr. Hawke. However, this man never lost hope and never thought that his own path was wrong. He is stubborn, and she is as stubborn as he is.

Am i ready? The continuation of a study that you think is wrong is not to prove that you are correct, nor to commemorate anyone. But to let people's hope, a self-seeking false hope, can be continued. This is a noble goal, but it needs to violate all the efforts so far. Dr. Ruan Li asked herself, she was very clear. What a huge pressure this is.

The past rebellions, betrayals, and efforts will be completely meaningless when they take over Dr. Hawke's research.

Dr. Ande just looked at her quietly, waiting for her to make a decision. If possible, he hopes that Dr. Ruan Li can take over Dr. Hawke ’s research, preferably on a voluntary basis. It is true that there are many outstanding experts in various fields in the hospital, and there are also many professionals who have received more honors than Dr. Ruan Li in their past achievements. But Dr. Ande still cares for Dr. Ruan Li, which is a rational and woven intuition.

Dr. Ruan Li pressed her forehead, an unprecedented dizziness that caused her to hallucinate. She seemed to see that Dr. Hawke's phantom still walked between these instruments, using computers and paper and pen to record data. He flipped through theoretical books and thought hard. From time to time, he danced with excitement like a child who found candy. He is crazy. He was calm, he was troubled, he was happy, all this seemed to be concentrated in this short, dizzy moment.

Dr. Ruan Li felt this illusion. There is a huge force pushing myself and letting my soul into the scene, as in the past, following Dr. Hawk to observe the sample and calculate the data. Analyze the theory, think hard about various possibilities, and select the most probable part from it, and conduct experiments. Then, Dr. Hawk fell down, and he would put his body into the transparent container like the coffin according to his instructions, and according to the original plan, inject him with a variety of directional quantitative medicines and turn on the machine. Record data. Dr. Hawk's body dissolved in the solution.

Unconsciously, Dr. Ruan Li felt that the corners of his eyes were moist. At the next moment, the illusion disappeared and he was no longer dizzy. Dr. Ruan Li's field of vision returned to this cold research room. However, with the illusion, the burning power generated in the body still remains in every cell.

Yes, I decided. Dr. Ruan Li told Dr. Ande: "I understand, I will take over Dr. Hawke's research."

Dr. Ende smiled.

Overnight and a busy day, the hospital transferred all the materials that could be transferred from Dr. Hawke's underground laboratory to Dr. Ruan Li's computer. The hospital opened an additional laboratory for her, and Dr. Hawke ’s body, as well as a part of the experimental body, were also transferred to this laboratory. Compared with Dr. Hawke's underground laboratory, this laboratory's research environment is not much better, but it really belongs to Dr. Ruan Li's personal. In addition, not all the legacy left by Dr. Hawke was handed over to Dr. Ruan Li for research. The hospital divided another team to allocate more resources to it. This team is relatively independent from Dr. Ruan Li. Of the two teams.

Even so, Dr. Ruan Li did not have any emotions.

Neither joy nor sorrow. When she decided to take over Dr. Hawke's research, she knew what she had given up, what she had lost, and what kind of power that made her willing to give up those, lose those, and gain the current research rights. It is a kind of power from the soul, the transfer of teachers and students' previous feelings, but also from their own stubbornness and expectation of the future.

The hallucinations in Dr. Hawke's laboratory made Dr. Ruan Li feel that he had never left the mentor.

Although, that is just an illusion.

Dr. Ruan Li is also very clear that because of the hallucinations, it is possible that the "virus" in his body is already about to move. Perhaps in a near future, he will become like Dr. Hawke. A patient with Doomsday Syndrome entered the footsteps of "died with his own experiment".

However, such an unknown, still can not stop her. Dr. Ruan Li feels that his heart is like a piece of ice, and the flame is burning in the ice. The flame could not melt the hard ice, but it was burning all the time, and it was always releasing heat. This heat makes me sober like never before.

She entered the corridor, and the sound of her footsteps recalled the deserted corridor, and she felt the weight of the books and reports in the box on her right. She pulled open the door of the research room, put the box on the table, and behind her came the sound of the laboratory door closing automatically. She lifted the frame on the bridge of her nose, unlocked the lock of the box, and lifted the lid firmly.

These books and reports are the things that need her to overcome and conquer for a long time to come. What is flowing inside is not the cold and rigid words and values, but the most in the medical field, and it cannot give a correct result, but they are indeed the "hope" that people at this time need.

For the next three days, Dr. Ruan Li did not conduct any research and was completely buried in these theoretical books and experimental reports. There are also many diaries left by Dr. Hawke. Obviously, he had already expected this day, and from the beginning Be prepared. In his diary, he wrote down his guesses, his hallucinations, what he felt from the erosion of "virus". In his description, "virus" is no longer a virus in the conventional sense, but a life called "Jiang", an indescribable and almost helpless high-altitude existence, all that he experienced There is a large part, just like the illusion he produced after being eroded by "virus". However, when he was sober, he did not mind marking this part of the fantasy, and afterwards, he left a lot of speculations describing the phenomenon, including various self-made words.

Dr. Hawke's experimental experience has completely exceeded the normal scientific experiment, and gradually tends to a philosophical and mysterious speculation. Such a change, even Dr. Hawke himself realized. However, neither Dr. Hawke nor Dr. Ruan Li felt that such changes were abnormal. Instead, this is normal and consistent with changes in the mental state of patients with doomsday syndrome.

In his diary, Dr. Hawke repeatedly expressed regret and remorse for "Gao Chuan" because he could not realize the agreement with this teenager in his lifetime. When Gaochuan agreed to participate in the initial research as an experimental subject, Dr. Hawke promised him in his own name that he would definitely find a treatment.

Maybe others will not care about this verbal agreement, or may think that it is only a means used for patients ~ ~ However, Dr. Hawke is serious, he does write in his diary Feel this serious and persistent mood. However, I have to admit that the "virus" was the most helpless opponent he encountered.

For the last part, the part of the plan to turn yourself into the experimental body in the later stage of the Doomsday Syndrome, Dr. Hawke did not leave too much process, and Dr. Ruan Li did not think that everything he saw in hallucinations was the truth. . However, in the diary, Dr. Hawke did mention some clues, some of which unique terms attracted Dr. Ruan Li's attention.

As Dr. Ruan Li understands, Dr. Hawke is still trying to liberate the human body's strongest immunity, while adapting to the "virus", while stimulating the disease with drugs to promote its natural resistance. Dr. Hawk knew Dr. Ander's research and borrowed his research results, some of which were directly reflected in the inhibitory effect, and the other part was reflected in the "Gaochuan replica".

The so-called "Gaochuan replica" is not simply the extraction of "Gaochuan" genes from stem cells, and the creation of individuals that are almost the same as "Gaochuan". Instead, through some means, the special substances extracted from the body of "Gaochuan" are used for pharmacy, and then these drugs are used to modulate other patients so that these patients can obtain a certain degree of similarity to the disease of Gaochuan. Then analyze these weakened and similar places one by one. (To be continued ...) u

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