Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1268: Firefly II

The method used by Dr. Hawke to stimulate the disease can only be used on these "Gaochuan replicas". He tried to use drugs to activate and even strengthen all the "immunizations" in the physiological system of the "Gaochuan replicas". "Adaptation", "perversion" and "adaptation" are related parts. In the normal human body, there are many physiological structures, gene fragments and cell structures that seem to be "excess" and "dormant". Dr. Hawke's drug modulation attempts to activate it, elicit its power, and activate the entire Gaochuan replica. The strongest immunity of the disease, to adapt to the "virus", transform itself, forcibly promote the disease to "pervert" or "evolution", and produce antibodies against the "virus".

The inhibitors and various modulation drugs he provided were obtained through this method, and in the ultimate hypothesis of their theory, these methods will be improved over and over again to reach a final stage in which the diseased body It has been thoroughly developed and the chance of producing "antibodies" will reach 30%.

Dr. Hawke called this method of developing the disease and triggering the disease's strongest immunity, called "liberation." The final improvement process of the whole "liberation" is called "the deepest night".

And Dr. Hawke's research in the underground laboratory is completely around the plan also called "The Deepest Night". He used vocabulary as the codename for the plan, which symbolized the darkest moment before dawn. He hopes that this plan, as well as the ideal results it can achieve, can bring the research to dawn.

"Did you reach the ultimate liberation on the deepest night? Sure enough it fits your aesthetics, mentor." Dr. Ruan Li could not help murmuring. As the most anticipated student of Dr. Hawke, she certainly understands the terrible side effects of concentrating all the energy of the body on the liberation of the immune system and adaptability. Those "takagawa replicas" that were used as experimental subjects. There must have been a terrible collapse.

The reason why she did not think that Dr. Hawke was successful was because she did not think so. Such "viruses" can be confronted by individual human beings at all costs by liberating their immunity in extreme ways.

because. "Virus" is not a virus in the conventional sense, and Dr. Hawke's diary also confirmed this. In some words, Dr. Hawke even agreed with some of Dr. Ruan Li's opinions, but in the end, he was still on the path of his own decision. Promoted him to realize that his path may be wrong, but he must exhaust all the reasons for going on. In fact, it is emotional, not rational-human needs, and all experts in the hospital who are groping in the dark, also need someone to continue on this possible wrong path.

Because it is by far the best way to see hope.

It is not worth more investment, but it must be continued before new possibilities emerge.

As long as the "inhibitor" is still improving, the body's own immunity. It can also produce effects on "viruses", no matter how many, it is enough to make people feel hope. Even. These inhibitors can never be turned into serum, and relying solely on the body's own immunity, it will never be possible for complete antibodies to appear.

Dr. Hawke understands this, Dr. Ander understands this, and now Dr. Ruan Li also understands this. In the face of terrible crises, someone always violates their desired path and lifts torches on the wrong path to provide light to others.

Dr. Ruan Li closed the diary.

"Teacher ..." she choked.

Although for some reasons. She has always been a sign of a pure psychologist, but now. She decided to get back what seemed to have been put down. She never forgot that before she became a psychologist. Which one is better at? If it were only a pure psychologist, it would certainly be impossible to become a disciple of Dr. Hawke.


The rain was getting bigger, and after facing the tree, John Bull's connector explained part of what they were going to do and the secrets lurking in the recent changes. Simply from a single mysterious event, it is difficult to understand the plans of these mysterious organizations, because in addition to their tacit understanding, they also display a hostile attitude and even hostile behavior, and they seem to perform certain tasks for the same goal. When planning, it was also mixed with many plots of self-interest. Originally, the Doomsday Religion and the Netball could not be joined together, but now there is a tacit agreement with the Doomsday Religion. Yes, there are some private organizations like the 51st District that have cooperated with the Doomsday Truth. Behind the scenes, maintain a loose group, and under the ambitious conditions of the 51st district, there are a series of you among me, and your plan among me, and I am unraveling the veil in front of me step by step.

Almost all mysterious organizations that have entered the nightmare have obtained some residues of information about "The Deepest Night" and the so-called "Emancipation Force" from the "crazy" created by the black seat.

Netball has no interest in "paradise" and "the deepest night" itself, but it is impossible to really ignore the situation and let the situation of both be smoothly turned to the side that is not good for oneself. The member organizations and the 51st district are very concerned about the two, especially the 51st district, trying to use it as a springboard, before the Nazi monsters have not matured, using the liberation power generated by "the deepest night" , Drag it out of the nightmare Las Vegas, annihilate or use it to achieve the goal of capturing the Las Vegas repeater.

The manpower of the cyber ball in this world of repeaters cannot even be maintained, and it is even more impossible to twist all the power into a fist. It is not surprising that the parties tried to use the "deviation" of the torch light to stir the muddy bottom even more muddled. For the people of Torchlight, creating "deviations" is the root of their organization and mystery, and they are not completely standing on one side and contributing to a certain party. This time is the same as in the past. The commission of the network ball is not theirs. Reason for action. Creating "deviations" in such a big event is the main reason for their participation in this Las Vegas Raiders.

With the exception of cyberballs, no one wants to see a "deviation" in the plan promoted by tacit understanding at this time. Therefore, in today's state of affairs, only cyberballs are natural allies of the torch light, and they are reasonable. The cooperation of both is taken for granted.

However, this time the person I joined was not a member of the torch light mentioned by John Bull earlier. It is indeed a member of the network ball. Before connecting with me, she had found the members of the Torchlight lurking in the Peninsula Hospital. And this time came. For other purposes, for example, I hope I can get her and Dr. Ruan Li online. In terms of planning, these actions of the online ball are very scattered. I think that everyone who talks to the members of the online ball will have a hard time snooping out their real purpose from this part of the secret temporarily revealed by the other party.

As now, the liaison person of the online ball told me something. But these things are just a fragment of the whole truth. Unless more fragments can be found, they cannot be connected to spell out the real pattern. However, just from the moment, the things she wants me to help are not very difficult. But it is precisely such "little things" that can be used to assess the relationship and attitude of both parties. Willing to help, unwilling to help, or hesitating. They will definitely become clues, chewed carefully by the other party, and used as the basis for future cooperation.

"I know." I didn't hesitate too much. Although it is unclear how the relationship with each other will become in the future, and the possibility of deterioration is mostly, but now, there is still a basis for cooperation between me and the network ball, so that people who let Dr. Ruan Li contact the network ball can To a certain extent, resolve the pressure she is facing.

Whether it is from the perspective of a seminar, or the activities of various mysterious organizations in the shadows. This is all true. Even if I foresee that the future will part ways with the netball, but for the credibility of the netball. But it has never been small. Compared with any other mysterious organization, the network ball has no belief or behavior. Both are more in line with the goodness. As one of the sponsors of the seminar, they also have great energy. The character and purpose of Dr. Ruan Li at this time are very compatible with the network ball, so both sides are equally There is a basis for cooperation.

With the support of the network ball, Dr. Ruan Li abandoned the research direction of the seminar and used the seminar equipment to carry out research that was more in line with his own hopes, and he received a powerful arm. Since it is impossible to leave the peninsula in a short period of time, and the situation on the side of Marceau is also very complicated, then the drug Dr. Ruan Li is studying may be the key to breaking the passive.

Although the efficacy of those pink potions is not complete, they have shown some possibilities. I think Marceau will need to further improve this potion.

The joint in the rain curtain was completed when neither the woman nor I could see each other. There is no "mystery" taste, both of us only use language and our own promise to complete this cooperation. The woman was silent when she left, and only the chain judgement could observe her figure. The rain is greater than when I came out.

After I returned to the sick building, the female patient showed no signs of regaining consciousness. I followed Dr. Ruan Li ’s instructions to perform a simple check and record of her condition. Of course, her condition in the nightmare was recorded in her diary This report only records her physiological changes. If there is a suitable instrument, I can perform more examinations to provide more data for Dr. Ruan Li, but Dr. Ruan Li's statement does not seem to require this. The data she needs can directly observe the body of the female patient. The surface can be collected.

In the afternoon, another group of experts who participated in the seminar came over again. Some of them were experts who had heard that I was not the target of the practice report. Among them were Mitsui Tsukazu, fortune tellers and fitness coaches. So far, with the exception of Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu, I do not know the complete names of the latter two.

However, for me to call them by nicknames, they didn't think there was any problem. Before participating in this seminar, they were doing that kind of work, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with that kind of work. Responding to and participating in the activities of the seminar, in addition to wanting to get involved in another professional field, there are also reasons for personal interest. Judging from the seminar's external statements, their "homework" scores are good. According to Mitsui Tsukazu, people who already have seminars come to discuss the contract with them in advance. It also means that once the event is over, they will still stay in this Peninsula Hospital to participate in further research work.

"However, the weather is not clear at all. I heard that the rainy season will last a long time, and there is no shipping during this time." Mitsuzuka looked at the heavy rain outside the window with emotion and said to me: " Therefore, no matter how the final report is done, whether or not it can be seen by the seminar, everyone can only stay on this peninsula. "

"It is true." I answered calmly. On the one hand, with the assistance of another expert, complete the physical examination. I personally feel that such a simple test. It is impossible for them to make breakthrough progress. However, this time the experts came. I didn't report my patient as a patient, so this examination is full of perfunctory.

"Why did you change the target at once?" I asked.

"It's not clear, this is the decision of the seminar, probably for fairness." The expert who sat on the other side said nothing. The "fairness" in his mouth was full of irony, but I think. He himself is the target of irony.

Based on my understanding of the seminar and Dr. Ruan Li's usual teaching and teaching, I feel that it is this perfunctory attitude that the seminar greatly reduced their evaluation. I guess they may think that as long as they focus on a certain patient and put all their energy and time into it, they can definitely make progress and then make a content report. Therefore, I don't want to waste my time and energy on other patients.

however. Since the seminar made the decision to exchange patients, part of the attitude itself was revealed. And these people who are perfunctory at this time may not be likely to be taken at all. even though. As long as you make a content report, you can show your talents, but the patients they face are all different from ordinary patients. Whether it is a routine patient or someone who seems ordinary, all who can stay here are taking new drugs.

With these people's so-called "talent" and "talent", it is impossible to find out the secrets hidden in the patient's body, and then make a qualified report. instead. If they do n’t know anything, they can still find the abnormality in the patient. And put forward targeted plans, perhaps they are greeted by more demanding commercial spy censorship.

anyway. When their target is our patients, they are already doomed, and it is impossible for them to produce that qualified report. And the seminar did not want to see such a qualified report. What really determined the fate of these experts was the attitude towards this event and their performance in every aspect.

"What's wrong with that patient?" Mitsui Tsukazu asked me. He seemed to care about the female patient lying on my bed. In terms of details, Mitsui Tsukazu was relatively keen, while other experts who stayed in my room were careless about it.

"It's fine, just asleep." I said, "She just took the medicine."

Mitsui Tsukazu nodded with an understanding expression, but I think he actually knew nothing. But that's fine, so I won't tell more lies. I don't want the female patient who took the pink remedy to be noticed by the experts in front of her and write it in the report to be handed over to the seminar. Even if I do n’t think the seminar will look at their reports carefully.

"How is Dr. Ruan Li?" Mitsui Tsukazu asked to digress. And the other experts seem to care less about the surface, but in the subtle movements, let me know that they really care. Perhaps they already knew the important position of Dr. Ruan Li in the seminar, trying to learn more about her.

However, even I am not sure what happened to Dr. Ruan Li these days. Judging from the problems she has to deal with, it must be very busy.

"I haven't seen her for a while." I said.

"Is it?" Mitsui Tsukazu's face has some accidents on his face. "Every provider of a routine patient is the real attending doctor of this patient. I have seen other attending doctors. Interview patients to interact. "

"My situation is still stable for the time being, and I don't need a doctor to take care of it. And she has been observing me for a long time, and wasting her time on this kind of thing.

Mr. Mitsui Tsukabu thoughtfully said, "It is true that Dr. Ruan Li said about the purpose of her participation in the seminar this time."

Dr. Ruan Li said this to them from the beginning, and needed the resources of the seminar to complete the new medicine for my situation.

We talked about a few more topics casually, and then I asked about the status of other patients who had been diagnosed and even those taking new drugs. As I expected, Mitsui Tsukazu's answer was worried.

"I don't know what went wrong. Three patients have died, and one patient has also died. The one I am responsible for is organ failure and there are signs of abuse on my body. I Personally, I feel that something is wrong, but further verification was taken over by the seminar. People who chose the routine patient like me can only use the existing data to complete the report, which makes everyone very unhappy. "Mitsuizuka lowered his voice and said to me:" I heard that the other patients who died and were dying were in a similar situation. They may have been injected with some overdraft drugs. "

"Are you doubting the seminar?" I just asked back, and Mitsuzuka shrank back, shaking his head a moment later, saying, "I don't know. I can't be sure of anything. Now, I am focusing on my report. There are so many experts in the meeting, much better than my half-hanger. "

At this point, whether he is blind or feeling, but it is still a correct response. On the other hand, the seminar is also very dissatisfied with the death of the current patient. Three patients were diagnosed at once, and it is not known how many ordinary patients died. The remaining resources will become more valuable. Maybe they had great confidence in their new medicine at the beginning, but after this blow, they must have treated their results more carefully, rather than letting patients take it rashly.

I think if the seminar is really more cautious, it is also a good thing for Dr. Ruan Li. The more energy they put on the new drugs, it means that they have more control over Dr. Ruan Li, and Dr. Ruan Li has won more time to do what she wants to do. At this time, the online ball came to the door, it was just the right time.

I have a lot of information about the patients in other places from Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu. He can talk openly and see the data implied by Dr. Ruan Li. They all allow me to take new drugs in the Peninsula Mental Hospital The overall situation of the patients is compared with the lunatics, seemingly normal people, hunters and even weirdness in the nightmare who are suspected of being mapped by the patient.

I once again confirm that not all Peninsula mental patients who took the new drugs can enter the nightmare, and those who can enter the nightmare may appear more normal at ordinary times, so that people can feel the positive effects of the new drug. However, judging from the judgment of the humanoid "family" in the nightmare on the female patient, this seemingly normal situation is actually a vicious manifestation. Just like an overdrawn life, it makes the patient look normal than usual.

On the other hand, the things that exist in the nightmare ~ ~ are indeed not all mappings of what exists in the Peninsula Mental Hospital. Judging from the information leaked by the black seat, it may directly be a part of the mapping in the real situation of the hospital.

Simply put, the reality of the hospital and the Peninsula Mental Hospital are merged and mapped into this nightmare in a strange way. The impact of the Deep Night is not only aimed at the patients in the Peninsula Mental Hospital, but will further directly affect the reality of the hospital. The reverse is also true.

Today's nightmare is a very strange and tangled state. Every thing and every effect that occurs inside it will have a larger, more complex, and more tangible chain reaction than the mysterious events in the past. Because it is so sensitive that the result of the Deepest Night and the result of the big plan of the tacit cooperation between the mysterious organizations may cause unpredictable consequences.

Coupled with the "deviation" of the torchlight, I am not sure how it will become in the future. There is only a very strong hunch that I do not know whether it is good or bad. The further back, the less there is a mysterious organization that can control the development of the situation at its own pace. Instead, it made me feel like there was some transcendent force that used the plans of all parties to push this complex script wonderfully.

Whatever happens next is absolutely no coincidence. (To be continued)

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