Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1269: prayer

In the eyes of the experts who participated in the seminar activities, such as Mitsui Tsukazu, the death of routine patients is not a normal phenomenon. They observe the routine patients as psychologists. They also know about the effect of the drugs taken by patients on routine consultations. They are not aware of the patients who have been diagnosed with new drugs and their pharmacology cannot support them in analyzing the effects of these new drugs. Conventional drugs that have been used in the past, after repeated inspections and confirmation, will lead to the death of patients. This, of course, is very strange to them.

The detection of patients who have died in routine consultations is no longer enough, and the experts responsible for these patients are relatively lacking in clinical data. Even so, they still need to make a report and deliver it to the seminar at the end of the event as the final summary of the event, which makes many people complain.

Mitsui Tsukazu and I talked about the experience of many such seminars. The patient in charge of his routine diagnosis has also died unexpectedly. However, he himself did not have much thought, or that he did not want to think too much in the depths. Up to now, there have been many accidents in the activities of the seminar, and some people do not intend to treat these accidents as accidents. For example, the fortune teller and fitness coach once contacted Mitsui Tsukazu to try to dig deeper inside, but Mitsui Tsukao refused.

"One day, the seminar will end." Mitsui Tsukazu said to me this way: "If I can, I want to leave this place as soon as possible. Maybe I think about it more, but I think, if you can, you are the most Okay, remind Dr. Ruan Li. "He did n’t finish what he reminded, but his eyes told me. It was full of meaning, "If it is Dr. Ruan Li, should the ship be found?" I understood immediately. Mitsui Tsukazu already knew that he couldn't rely on himself in this increasingly harsh climate. Left the island. He was guessing Dr. Ruan Li's identity in the seminar, and wanted to use Dr. Ruan Li's power to escape the vortex. Indeed, in this unfamiliar place, it is certainly safer to bring in someone who seems to know the roots.

However, to disappoint him, even if I told Dr. Ruan Li, Dr. Ruan Li would not do what he wanted. and. Dr. Ruan Li already knew more about the inside story.

I didn't get the answer I wanted. Mitsui Tsukazu said to me with a reluctant smile, and he joined the other experts to leave the sickhouse.

In the afternoon, Dr. Ruan Li finally appeared in front of me again. She came by car alone and did not bring any tools or medicine. She read through the data I wrote about the female patient and my diary. After personally checking the situation of the female patient, she fell into a moment of contemplation, and then said to me: "The new drug in the seminar did achieve some of the effects expected There is something wrong with the key part, and the potions I made can't really solve the problems that have already occurred. However. If Achuan you can really move in a nightmare, then there is a way to save it. Then the so-called deep night It is the white Claudia's influence on the human body. It is the malignant part. If the patients can survive through the night, their physical and mental conditions should be improved. "

"Do you want other patients to take the medicine you gave?" I couldn't help asking.

"You can try to let some patients use, and then look at the effect." Dr. Ruan Li said.

Dr. Ruan Li ’s research seems to be in a bottleneck, but this is something I cannot help. Looking at her with a slightly sad face, I took out the business card left by the jointer of the network ball and said, "Someone contacted me in the morning, let me bring a sentence, saying that I hope to cooperate."

Doctor Ruan Li was stunned and took the business card. I wondered for a while and asked me: "Who is it?"

"I don't know." I shook my head. I think it's better to introduce yourself to each other after the two sides really contact each other.

"Okay. I'll handle it." Dr. Ruan Li shook his head and put the business card back in his pocket. After that, she asked me about my life here with concern, and I asked her about the situation of Marceau and other patients. The part of the information that Dr. Ruan Li was able to disclose did not exceed my judgment. In Dr. Ruan Li ’s opinion, it was caused by the patient ’s strong allergic reaction to the new drug, but because of the existence of the white Claudia, who can “simultaneously cause multiple people ’s mental hallucinations,” she can somewhat accept that “nightmare”. It is believed that such a strong allergic reaction will be fed back into the dream. However, it is impossible to be sure what way it is. Maybe I have already seen it, but for some reason, I did not realize it.

Not all patients who take new medicines will fall into that nightmare, but patients who are routinely diagnosed must be in the nightmare. After seeing my records, Dr. Ruan Li seems to have guessed. However, her goal has never been this nightmare, nor is it a deep night. In her eyes, these conditions that exist in the nightmare are just a feedback of the effects of drugs on patients. If the resulting "paradise" is the same as the original goal, then the effect of this drug on the patient should be reflected in a phenomenon such as "no dream" or "the illusion of entering the spiritual world of others". . It should allow patients to escape from nightmares, and even allow drug users to help other patients get rid of nightmares, not just to fall into the nightmare themselves, but also to endure the so-called "deep night" madness.

Dr. Ruan Li came very hurriedly and was very hurried when he left. However, she promised me that she also made some drugs for Marceau's condition. Marceau has been hiding from me. When I met her last time, I didn't meet directly, but in a way like "illusion". However, the identity of Dr. Ruan Li was very convenient for all routine consultations. Patients communicate. And I heard that it was Dallas himself who brought Marceau here. Dallas is the sponsor of this seminar and the owner of this peninsula psychiatric hospital. Even if he is not responsible for Masuo's attending work, it also has a strong influence on the attending doctor and Masuo himself.

Dr. Ruan Li has some old relationships with Dallas. With this relationship, it may be possible to transfer Marceau to her name for care. However, really doing so will of course cause dissatisfaction with Marceau's current attending doctor. What should I do, Dr. Ruan Li has her own ideas, and her requirement for me is: try not to go out, try not to contact strangers, and don't take drugs casually. She heard some bad winds. Some of the radicals in the seminar may have their hands on patients in private. The principles on which their treatments are based are not so scientific and standardized. even. They pay attention to the "nightmares" that the patients have produced, and disdain the physiology of the patients. In the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, there are some researchers who have been deteriorated by the influence of white Claudia.

I think I know who these radicals are. Because the basis of their actions has been very biased towards "mystery". It was precisely because they tried to use the "mystery" as the core to explain the impact of the new drugs on the patients, so Dr. Ruan Li felt out of place. And these people are not even members of the mysterious organization. There must also be a certain degree of interaction with the mysterious organization.

The place where the patients live is strictly monitored, so as long as they stay in the sickhouse and the seminar people want to intervene in the treatment work, they must go through a quite strict process. On the contrary, if the patient leaves the sickhouse on his own, he will naturally be easily arrested. I know my mystery very well, but for Dr. Ruan Li, I am just a sick teenager.

However, since Dr. Ruan Li said so. I also let go of the idea of ​​visiting the living environment of other patients. Dr. Ruan Li ’s pink pharmacy may be more likely to be suspected if it is distributed to the place where other patients are diagnosed. now. It is best to select a part of the patients in this sick building for injection.

I watched Dr. Ruan Li leave, took out the box of pink medicaments, and selected the targets one by one. The number of patients in the sickhouse is far more than the number of pink medicaments, and I did not plan to use up all the pink medicaments in the first time, so I only chose three men and two women. Including female patients who have completed injections, there are three men and three women. The age range is between 20 and 40 years old. I moved the patients near me and placed these patients in their wards. In order to observe.

At night, I went back to "Nightmare" again. There are currently two ways to enter a nightmare. One is conscious walking of patients who are having nightmares. The other is normal sleep. The former is almost 100% able to enter nightmares, while the latter has a certain chance of not entering nightmares . Regardless of the entry method, the position at the time of entry is different from the position at the last departure. For example, when I climbed the tower before, I left the nightmare halfway, and when I entered again, I was already on a different level.

Because it directly reached the middle and upper part of the tower, it will only go up one floor and enter the room where the black block is located.

The conscious walk through the female patient is away from the team of hunters and directly reaches the location of the female patient.

I do n’t know what my appearance and disappearance look like in other people ’s eyes. I think this kind of chaos is uncontrolled, and it is also a manifestation of the essence of this nightmare.

When I entered this time, I was in the chapel when I opened my eyes. The humanoid "family", as always, sat on the bench in the same posture, and beside her, another woman was sitting. I recognized it at a glance. It was a female patient who was injected with pink medicaments. Although her sitting posture was upright, her closed eyes and other body details were enough to make people judge that she was not sober, but because of this In a weird way, you can directly sit in a sitting position, just like a sculpture.

The posture of a female patient is like praying. This is a very metaphoric posture. If it is designed by a humanoid "family", what does it mean to do so? Although there are some doubts, I did not disturb the two women and went straight out of the chapel. The sky was still gloomy, with ash and rain with Mars. Although the rain began to increase, they could not extinguish these Mars. When the two sides fell, the two sides had a distinct feeling. Only when it sinks on the ground, it will become a pool of gray-black puddles and currents. This gray-black color is like the black rain full of radiation that fell in the doomsday illusion because of the impact of the lunar nuclear strike plan.

It looks like the sun and the moon like a sphere, which is larger than the volume seen in the previous nightmares. At first, it was falling; after the tower, it became a rise; and now, because it is too large and full of a heavy sense of quality, it is clearly rising, but it makes people feel that it will fall at any time. .

It is such a sphere that there is a huge opening in it, and blood-like red liquid is constantly flowing. However, it is difficult to estimate where the bright red liquid is poured. at least. Where I have been, I have not seen this red liquid, and it is estimated from the naked eye. The amount flowing out at this time is enough to make up a small lake.

Just as in the best weather. Seeing the outline of a crater on the moon with a telescope. In such weather, it can also be observed with the naked eye, which is the vaguely visible outline on the huge sphere. If you are on the tower, you can see more clearly. It was a nightmare scene in Las Vegas. It was impossible to be sure in the past, but now there is no doubt at all. The mysterious organization's plan is to use the "power of liberation" generated by the deepest night in this nightmare. "Leave" the nightmare monster in Las Vegas in advance and drag it into this nightmare. The huge sphere in front of you can naturally be understood as the connection point between this nightmare and the nightmare Las Vegas.

Although this matter has been confirmed, but what exactly they will do, the specific details are not clear, I think, the network ball does not seem to want me to stop this action. As the connector suggested, the unbridled movements of the 51st district are not without reason. their behavior. It may not be in the interest of a single mysterious organization, but it cooperates with the whole plan tacitly.

I used a quick glance to climb the clock tower at the top of the chapel, looking around the entire camp of the shelter. Compared with what I saw last time. There were more people who lit the fire, and some areas that seemed to be unpopular also showed signs of people's activities. But at this moment, there is still no figure on the street. The atmosphere here is always weird. There is a very heavy depression. Although it is regarded as a refuge, the last time I checked, I didn't find a normal person.

During this inspection, we have to talk about changes. Probably the "sound". In the past, even in a room with lights, people rarely heard the sound of people's activities. And this time, just walk through the door. You can hear some weird noises. It seemed to be moaning, it seemed to growl, it was like chanting, and it seemed to be some kind of dark singing. Although there is sound, there are few normal words. When I banged the door of the room, the sound inside suddenly fell silent, when I called them, the sound became messy, and when I left, everything became organized.

This is not the case in all houses with lights on. The last time I dealt with me, the women and men who were neighbors were still the same. Women are full of sorrow, but it makes people feel that this kind of sorrow is a disguise, and men continue to curse sarcasm, but the objects of curse and sarcasm are unrelated. However, when I asked if there was a newcomer, both women and men gave affirmative answers.

Some hunters came here with a group of ordinary people and stayed in the big house not far away. The house was uninhabited not long ago. As I guessed, these people who moved to the mansion were the hunters who met at the tower. I originally agreed with them to lead the way for them, but soon after I left the tower, I left the nightmare without warning, and when I entered the nightmare again, I was already elsewhere. In this nightmare, regardless of entering the location or the time elapsed between the two entries, it gives a sense of confusion.

I know how far this shelter is from the tower, and how many weird things you will encounter during this period, especially now that the night comes, these weirdness has become stronger than ever. If the normal time passes, these hunters bring a group of ordinary people to this shelter, definitely more than a day, not to mention, in such a harsh environment, it is indeed very difficult to protect ordinary people.

But now that they are separated from them, it is only two nightmares in and out, and they have safely arrived at this shelter. I heard the same sounds of singing and moaning in the big house. Like the people in other houses, this group of people didn't seem to plan to come out of the house anymore. When I knocked **** the door, I heard a familiar voice: "Ah, you, the hunter brother." It was the hunter who communicated with me when I was in the tower.

"It's really pleasant and unexpected to be able to see you again," said the hunter. "However, we must thank you for guiding us, so that we can come to this safe haven when the night arrives. Place. "

"How is your situation along the way?" I asked: "I'm sorry, I left the team halfway."

"Leaving the team?" Said the hunter lowly. "Please don't say that. If it wasn't for you to leave early and clear a path for us, we can't get here. You are a powerful hunter."

His statement surprised me. It seemed that I was off the assembly line in a nightmare, and they looked differently in their eyes. What the hunters said, I cleared the road for them, I didn't know it at all, but in their eyes, it was an indisputable fact. Ask more about the situation at that time, there will inevitably be more differences.

"What are you going to do? Do you still go hunting?" I asked.

"If those weird people break into the shelter, we will do our part ..." the hunter inside said in a low voice: "But now, please forgive me for not fighting anymore. We are tired of fighting, It ’s just that killing the weirdness cannot stop the deep night. "

"So, what can you do?" I asked.

"Pray." The hunter's interest increased a little, saying: "We are praying, and as long as we pray, we will survive the deepest night."

"Pray?" I understood a little. The sounds of groaning and singing in those houses were people's prayers. I am not incapable of understanding the reason why these people pray, but--

"Who do you pray to?" I couldn't help asking.

"God deep in the heart." The hunter replied: "This **** is in charge of all the changes in the body, and praying to it will liberate all our own potential. Only in this way can we spend the deepest night."

I couldn't help frowning, his words were full of immediate vision.

"Who tells you that you can spend the deepest night by praying to this **** in your heart?" I asked.

"No one told us, but you only need to listen to your inner voice to understand. Of course, you can also ask the lady in the chapel." The hunter said: "They have been praying all the time, haven't they?"

Related to the humanoid "family"? Despite this guess, he felt intuitively wrong. It ’s not just the question of the prayer itself, but my intuition tells me that prayer can go to the deepest night. These people seem to have made a mistake. But I do n’t know what went wrong. And at this time, I can neither break into other people's houses, nor will they come out, and the details are naturally unclear. It is even more impossible to stop their prayers. On the other hand, the sound they made when praying had a sticky rhythm, but the actual content was completely inaudible.

"Are there any people who don't pray?" I asked ~ ~ Those are all arrogant idiots! pagan! "The hunter's voice was suddenly furious:" The gold witch will punish them! "His rage showed no signs. I couldn't help being silent. After a while, I heard him gasping, suppressing his angry voice and saying," Did you hear what they said? " Powerful hunter. Please ignore them and don't believe their arrogance. "In this way, the anger in his voice began to subside, and then, weird and deep laughter:" When the deepest night comes, they will pay for their arrogance. " "

After that, the hunter disappeared, no matter how I shot the door, no more response. The sound of prayer from the house was more pious, loud and gave me a twisted sense of uneasiness. Compared with the people hiding in the room and praying, the lunatics who do nothing but just stay in the room make me feel more normal.

The "prayer", "the **** in the heart" and "gold witch" mentioned by the hunter, etc., if some people did n’t tell them, and as he said, they would know it naturally, which just reflects the latency Some kind of change in them. I think so, and therefore worried, because whether it is related to "the deepest night" and the so-called "liberation force", or to "jiang" and "virus", it is enough to let People have some bad associations. (To be continued)

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