Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1270: Never rest

The people who returned from the tower prayed in the shelter, and their mental state, in my opinion, has also changed quite a bit from the ones they met first. , They still remember my things, but my appearance and disappearance in their eyes have another explanation. I don't care what kind of phenomenon my behavior manifests in their eyes, but in conversation with them, I didn't find them expressing doubts about it. The rumours, changes in this shelter and any phenomena that appear abnormal in my eyes and feelings are taken for granted in their eyes. This attitude is where I am worried.

Treating abnormal things as normal, even if the observation results change due to different perspectives, but for itself and what it observes, the environment in which it is located must also be a relatively abnormal situation. This nightmare is accompanied by the arrival of the deepest night. There is a terrible change happening quietly, and people are also undergoing subtle changes with this change. Compared with their past, their consciousness, thoughts and mental state clearly produce what I regard as "distortion".

"Prayers to gods deep down", "gold witch", "pagan" and so on, in the past hunters, it is difficult to imagine that they would say it from their mouths. And those who say these words are more like a group of terrorists who believe in cults. The thoughts of these people imprisoned themselves in Zhaizhen, refusing to continue to fight the weirdness, and refusing to continue to explore the secrets of the deep night.

Now, I am alone again.

The statement about "the **** in the heart" has been circulated throughout the refuge. I have observed all the way that there are very few people who have not been affected. And those who accept this statement, treat the people and things in the house. They all behaved indifferently and even rejected. The only people who can talk a little bit more normally are those who have returned from the tower, probably guiding the sanctuary's sentiment, even so, for my performance of trying to dig deeper into their situation. They also clearly expressed resistance.

"Please leave, Hunter." The people inside rejected my request to enter the mansion. "Although I am very grateful for everything you have done for us, in the face of the deepest night, everything will be nothing. Meaning. There is only prayer, only prayer, praying to the gods in the heart, not asking for forgiveness. Because we have done nothing wrong, but for gods, the difference between right and wrong is meaningless. What ever was done, only prayer can make the gods hear our voice and save us in the deepest night. "

"Why can the **** save us?" I asked.

"No need to think about why." The people inside replied so firmly: "Just believe. If you have doubts, you cannot be saved."

This is already an obvious, religious answer. I have studied occultism and psychology. It is quite clear that a person who does n’t consider why but insists on what to believe cannot be convinced with reason. However, even with the power of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger, I still can't use violence to open the door of this mansion with their rejection. Or find other entrances. In the shelters, these inhabited places seem to be a manifestation of exclusivity in their hearts-they cannot enter without being invited and without permission.

And in occultism. This kind of power, which originates from the will and presents appearances, is also quite common and powerful. In religion, even a demon regarded as extremely terrifying cannot be violently destroyed directly, but can only be tempted by turning around. But on the other hand, whether it is occultism or religion, or some works full of humanism and philosophy, there have been stories that express the danger of using this "self-closure". Although the external force seems to be unable to break this closed protection, from another perspective, the power of salvation is also unable to lend a helping hand to it.

These people who refused to contact the outside world and autistically closed their doors, once a vicious change occurred, it meant that they were in a desperate situation. And what brought me unpredictable is such an idea: If, after these people close themselves to the house, they have already been eroded by the viciousness of the deep night-

The deepest night in this nightmare is a macro concept. It does not start from now, nor does it start when the sky becomes like this. The birth of the nightmare itself may be very short on the timeline of external observation, but living in the nightmare, the deepest night has the concept of "since ancient times".

"The deepest night has begun from the past, and the future will exist. What is happening today is only inevitable. Moreover, it is not just the beginning, but it is gradually becoming fierce and gradually manifesting itself as an obvious phenomenon. , But before these obvious phenomena appear, the deep night has already begun. "-Whether it is Old Hawk, the humanoid" line "or the old hunter, its description of the deep night can be summarized like this Content.

If according to this concept: the deepest night has always existed in this nightmare, and it is going on every moment, only on some weird phenomena, showing a wave-like ups and downs, which is never obvious, unobservable, and developed to obvious Can be observed by people. Then, of course, everyone in the nightmare is affected by the deepest night at every moment, and there is no saying that if you close yourself, you will not be affected.

I know very well that the weirdness of this nightmare cannot be fully understood by myself. However, these people staying in the house and praying, and resisting contact with the outside world, is itself a result of the deepest night. This possibility is still very high in my opinion. What's more, the source of the reason for their prayer, the object of prayer, and the behavior of prayer itself are already weird enough.

Because of the weirdness of these people, the atmosphere of the entire shelter has become more and more disturbing. Even the few people who do not pray have become more anxious in the attitude of conversation than in the past.

However, in the face of these changes, I have no way to do more for them. They repel me, repel everything outside the house, even if this is the refuge they know, just like the concept of "refuge" is coming with the deepest night. And in the scope of a substantial contraction.

At first I tried to find out from this group of people that I knew, even if there was only a patient in the peninsula spiritual port, but in this case, it was also impossible to do. So until now. I still have no one here, and I am specifically connected with the patients in the spiritual port of the peninsula. Because there are no examples, all the previous suspicions still remain in the suspicion.

It is not the first time for me to make judgments and actions just because of suspicion. Such a situation is often encountered by most mysterious experts. Want to find all the clues. It is only a theoretical possibility to determine the truth behind the scenes, and then follow the vines and end the mysterious event. On the contrary, in a specious clue, based on his own experience and knowledge, he made a suspicion in a certain direction, and could not find conclusive evidence. It is the most common situation to start operations based on suspicion.

When the mysterious event began, there were many questions. Until the end of the mysterious event, there were still many questions, but it was impossible to get answers in the end. For the real people, it was an extremely uncomfortable situation. however. If you can not break through this layer of mental cleanliness, it is easy to die in mysterious events.

The so-called "mystery" is what seems to be logical but actually non-logical. Of course, the so-called "mysterious event" cannot escape from the incomprehensible "mystery".

If every clue. Every reason has logic and has a conclusive explanation, and can be reasoned and analyzed clearly through meticulous observation and rich experience, even luck, that is only a "detective story", not a "mysterious event" ""

"Mystery" is a concept of "there is no instance" in an absolutely realistic and completely real world. It is a kind of relative unsolvable, but not absolute. The Great Unity Theory is a theoretical existence that can explain all problems from the bottom of the world.

However, in the doomsday illusion, it does exist, and from the perspective of the doomsday illusion, to observe the world, the world is more like a "mystery". The theory of unity, in such a world, is actually a "foolish delusion".

Observing doomsday illusions from the port reality, and observing the port reality from the apocalypse illusion, regardless of "port reality" or "doom illusion", will produce a huge, almost fundamental contrast in itself.

The experience of accepting bu reality information in the tower of the nightmare made me understand this contrast more deeply-because, at that time, bu reality actually seemed to be an "enlightening dream". Or it is a kind of "make people come into contact with real dreams", but no matter which kind, they can not escape the feeling of "dreams". I do n’t know what it feels like to be crazy about other people who have received the information about the reality of the port, but for me, the reality of the port is actually very realistic, but it has become less realistic. In terms of cognition, it is still It is by far one of the most realistic worlds, but in terms of feeling, it is completely different.

The deep night that is happening in the nightmare is such a kind of "mysterious" but very realistic situation. It only exists in this nightmare, but the source and impact of its birth are not isolated. It seems to have analyzable clues and logically inferred parts, but it is impossible to rely solely on logic to mine its secrets.

From the nightmare to the deep night, whether it is based on the repeater itself, or based on the illusion of the end of the world, or based on the reality of the port, there are different interpretations, and these interpretations are also related to each other. The affected part. However, conversely, none of these explanations can analyze the truth of the Deep Night from a complete perspective-I think the "mystery" of the Deep Night is reflected in this.

It is a phenomenon closer to "real" in my "real side" theory, and other observations and interpretations of it from the perspective of a certain world only illustrate a "side" of this "real" .

Experience, observe and think for the deepest night, I seem to vaguely see the way to perfect the plan.

I don't know if other repeaters will produce something like "in the world of repeaters, people's nightmares can be connected to the reality of the night". But in the Las Vegas repeater, it is indeed spreading in front of my eyes in a wonderful way.

Doomsday illusion in reality, the repeater in the illusion, the world inside the repeater. The nightmare in the world of repeaters, the deepest night in the nightmare, and the reality of the port in the deep night-here, the world I know constitutes a looped integration, and the basis of the entire loopback . It is still "book".

Although I have always been troubled, in a mysterious event, under a certain mysterious phenomenon, what specific actions will be brought about by specific actions, and neighbors, so that this effect becomes benign. But at the same time, I also tried from a higher level, a more macro perspective. Look at these mysterious events and mysterious phenomena themselves.

I tried to integrate macro-cognition and micro-behavior, and use micro-actions to promote macro-changes. For example, what I did in the spirit of the peninsula, even in nightmares, aimed at the deepest night and What other mysterious organizations do. No matter who is protecting, or against someone. To a large extent, it is based on the basic standard of "making these situations in each world that they observe produces a benign response to the plan" ▲ It is not just for the rescue of a certain world in the repeater. Individuals, or, just, to avoid the end of an observed world.

And such attempts have been so far. They still did not show obvious effects, and the giant wheel of the end still came out in an orderly way. I sometimes wonder if my own approach is really effective, however. Every time such suspicions arise, they will be abandoned immediately. I know very well that there is no room for self-doubt in the current situation.

I can only do my best, based on my own suspicion, and before I get the truth, I take action when I am not ready.

I think that for some thoughtful people, this approach is completely free of phenols. Because, this means that the fault tolerance rate is reduced, and the luck component is improved, and even if the mistake is made, the vicious consequences will be more serious, which is "absolutely not cost-effective". The best way is, of course, to understand every key, determine every detail, and advance step by step according to your own preparation, rather than desperate like a poor gambler.

However, in the world that I can observe, no one can do this step by step. The development of the situation is always worse than expected, and the speed of development in the direction of the bad is always faster than expected. When I think I have solved a problem and can improve the situation, I will find that solving the problem makes the situation worse.

If this is a problem that only occurred to me, then, I can think that it is my lack of ability. However, if such a problem occurs to everyone I have observed, how should I look at it? If all of these are regarded as the faults of the world, then survival in a faulty world is an extremely realistic problem—when unable to change the faults of the world, but want to live in the faulty world, but The wrong world doesn't let people live, so what should I do? How to think? What kind of answer can you get in the end? And what answer is correct?

For me, what I have observed is that the world in which I live is bad. But none of them make me think it is "wrong", it should be "blame". Whether I want to accept it or not, it just exists, develops, and destroys. And the person I love is only a part of the many victims. All people are equal in the face of such destruction. Even so, I still hope that I can change it, even if all the evidence proves that I can't change it.

Yes, I know clearly that maybe my struggle is meaningless, but I just want to do it, so I just do it.

I want to be a hero.

I can't put an equal sign on it when I think about it, do I?

So, I forgive myself for thinking so, trying to do it, but I can't do it anyway. Also forgive this world which is wrong in my eyes.

I walked through Zhailuo's alleyway, listening to the self-closing in the room, lighting the lamp, and whispering and sticky prayers. I think that their approach is wrong, all this is itself a change brought about by the deepest night, and their behavior seems to be trying to solve the problem, but in fact, it is only accelerating the arrival of the problem, and Let the solution of the problem become troublesome, bad and unsolvable. However, I never blame them, nor do I resent them, let alone think they are stupid. Because, as they said, the source of all these errors did not originate from them.

The deepest night is here, and no one can escape.

How is it different from what I have observed, the end of each world to face?

If it is absolutely impossible to spend the deepest night, what is the difference between staying in the house and praying, and going out to hunt for the weirdness and finding the truth of the deepest night?

All efforts are only meaningful under the premise of "achieving change" or "unsure whether it can be changed". In the face of the absolute "cannot be changed", all actions are in vain, but the mind has more possibilities than that. What people call "pray to the gods of the heart" may be hinting to me that if the heart is calm, even if the peace will lead to the worst result, it is also a kind of salvation for me. Right. On the other hand, if you can't get peace in your heart, then no matter what you do, you can't be saved. "Struggling" itself is a painful punishment.

The people here have no intention of educating me with such a philosophical approach. They may not have thought so much at all. But their behavior itself seems to be a huge, invisible will implying me, stopping me, letting me feel, the peace under the end, or trying to make me so peaceful To face that future.

Yes, I can feel the high, ubiquitous will.

In this hint, the result of seeking the heart and the result of seeking the foreign things are cut apart.

However, this is not what I want.

I didn't mean to stop, these suggestive things gradually faded from my mind. The reason why I am suffering with such a bizarre, weird and desperate world is not for the peace of mind. In other words, if it's just for inner peace, just close your eyes, close your heart, stubbornly believe that you will be saved, and then die so unconsciously, you can get it. Now, those who are staying in the house must have gotten inner peace?

However, I am not them, I am Gao Chuan. Gao Chuan did not live in this world simply for his own peace and happiness.

This idea has never been wiped out. In other words, this idea is deeply rooted because of the constant search for the answer ~ ~.

What I want is something bigger and more complex than "Self-Peace". And such a thing is not available, is the source of my pain. But this is not the reason for me to give up. If this painful flame will continue to burn, let it burn so that there is no drop of my soul. It was with this consciousness that I embarked on a journey.

Now turning back to shore, standing up as a Buddha, giving up the painful consciousness and gaining your own peace? What a joke!

With such thoughts, I stopped on the mountain road outside the shelter, and just at the half-mountain cemetery that I could already see, as if to punish my stubbornness, there was some hostility Figure. Although it is not clear because of the environment, the hostile taste can be smelled even from afar.

They are digging graves ≥ I know that those graves buried people like old Hawke. The names on the tombstones are all "Gaochuan".

No matter why they are all Gaochuan, and no matter what they do for this reason, it is enough to make me look like an enemy.

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