Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1271: Fantasies

Unexpectedly, just after leaving the shelter, I saw someone digging a grave. ∷ 四 ∷ 五 ∷ 中 ∷text ◎, that piece of cemetery that I called "the tomb of Gaochuan", the person buried should not be "Gaochuan" like me, I did not dig the grave, see what the corpse below is , But in front of my eyes, old Hawke buried himself, and the name engraved on his tombstone was "Gaochuan". From the perspective of occultism, this strange phenomenon is certainly related to Gaochuan.

In occultism, "name" has a strong power and inevitable connection. Even though the things related by "name" seem to be irrelevant on the surface, they have a certain deeper connection. The "Gaochuan" on the tombstone here may not refer to me, or the various "Gaochuan" personalities in the past, but it must also have some connection with "Gaochuan". In the past, this connection was difficult to imagine. However, the information conveyed by the tower's black block in the hospital's reality made me assume some assumptions.

In the information, three distinct names were mentioned: "Dr. Hawke", "Inhibitor" and "Takagawa Replica". As the name implies, linking it to the current nightmare situation, it is not difficult to come up with such a possibility: Is the name "Gaochuan" shown in the tombstone of this cemetery related to the so-called "Gaochuan replica"?

The "Gaochuan Replicas" mentioned in the actual information of those hospitals are also different from the normal meaning of "cloning people". In the hospital reality, Dr. Ruan Li has only a few words to explain these "Gaochuan Replicas". It does not seem to be a simple and neat situation of "cloning a human body through genetic engineering", but involves the professional research of "Dr. Hawke". Dr. Hawke focused on the manufacture of serum. Although it was unsuccessful, in this research process, he produced a variety of inhibitors and modulation agents. In my opinion, it may be all the drugs that Gao Gao, including me, took in the hospital, as well as the drugs that Gao Gao used to make physiological adjustments before and after entering the illusion of doomsday.

If the copy of Gao Chuan is related to Dr. Hawke ’s research, then. It can be assumed that Gaochuan replicas are related to these inhibitors and modulation drugs. Looking deeper, of course, it is not only "Gaochuan" that uses these agents. In the study of "viruses" in hospitals, any patient with doomsday syndrome selected by the hospital should become a tester.

Dr. Hawke used "Gao Chuan" as a sample to make the medicine, which was taken by other patients with doomsday syndrome. Of course, these patients will be reformed by drugs, not to mention whether their morbidity will be suppressed. Their physiological changes must be affected by these drugs. In view of the fact that drugs are by-products produced during the study of "serum", the drug properties of these drugs are more or less affected by this research direction.

According to the report of the hospital, although no entity of "virus" has been formally observed to date, its impact on the human body has been proven. At least from the basic level of the "gene" of the human body. It is inferred that the drugs made by Dr. Hawke to fight against the "virus". It is also necessary to go deep into the basic level of "gene" in order to have a certain degree of "suppression" and "modulation" effects on patients with doomsday syndrome.

As a result, drugs made with Gaochuan as a sample may erode, suppress, and adjust the bodies of other drug testers at the genetic level. So, will the body of these testers be somewhat similar to Gaochuan? If we start from this angle. In the mouth of Dr. Ruan Li, who is actually in the hospital, the only words about the "reproduction of Gaochuan" seem to be less difficult to understand.

I have verified in the past several times in and out of this "nightmare" that there are things in this "nightmare". It is definitely not just "patients who took the new medicine in the seminar in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital", and based on the experience of the tower, it was further assumed that "here is not only a mysterious organization from the illusion of the end, but also a direct mapping of the hospital's reality. "

Well, old Hawk or Gaochuan ’s tomb, and their existence is further proved: they are probably the mapping of the dead Dr. Hawk and the copy of Gaochuan.

The death of Dr. Hawke must be very close to the time when Old Hawke buried himself. After the old Hawk buried himself, the tombstone used the name "Gaochuan". It can be further inferred that Dr. Hawk in the hospital's reality has also become a patient with doomsday syndrome, and he must have used his research on himself. The drug that came out became a member of the so-called "Takagawa Replica".

The gatekeeper who appeared in front of the black tower of the tower, the old hunter, once said to me, "The bloodline of the hunter is the same." When linking this to the above inferences, I cannot help but come to the conclusion that the hunters in this nightmare are all replicas of Gao Chuan. Conversely, if Gaochuan's replicas will all become hunters, then I, who was originally "Gaochuan", is regarded as a hunter, which is a matter of course.

So far, the hunters I have contacted with have either died or lost the heart of hunting, and are influenced by the deepest night, confining themselves in one place: in front of the black tower of the tower, or In the deep courtyard. Their thoughts are very negative in my opinion. If the old hunter's performance seems to have not completely fallen, then now stay in the shelter of the shelter, pray to the "God in the heart" and resist contact with everything outside The hunter of things is completely distorted.

These things are enough to prove the essential difference between "Gaochuan Replica" and "Gaochuan", as well as to prove that "Gaochuan Replica" itself has serious flaws in the face of the malignancy caused by "virus". Reflected in the reality of the hospital, it may be that "Dr. Hawk's efforts have failed, and the drugs he has made have no decisive role in the face of the virus." Such a situation.

In the reality of the hospital, Dr. Hawke cooperated with the original "Gao Chuan" and was the first doctor to try to use the special characteristics of "Gao Chuan" to make serum. In order to save Misaki, Bajing, Marceau, Seise, and Dorothy, I had to urgently rush the system, which eventually caused the girls to not collapse like ordinary patients with doomsday syndrome, but caused them to become today. Yes, that initial serum failure product came from Dr. Hawke.

I am not blaming Dr. Hawke. I also believe that no matter which "Gaochuan" is, it will not resent Dr. Hawke because of the initial serum failure product. I have always believed that the subsequent failures, and what happened. It ’s not someone ’s fault, because the plight that everyone has to face has been proved afterwards, and it is completely beyond the scope of one person, even a professional group, and even the entire human world.

It was good then, even now. No one knows how to do it right, but must do something.

Dr. Hawke did his best, as did "Gao Chuan" at the time. But it is precisely because of every effort that you can only get a bad result that makes people collapse, so let people feel desperate.

The failure of Dr. Hawke also announced the initial failure of Gao Gao. just now. As "Gao Chuan", I once again saw the failure of Dr. Hawke. I feel very painful.

Dr. Hawke's medicine and the so-called "Takagawa replica". It is enough to prove how much effort he made after the first failure, and even after becoming a doomsday syndrome, he also turned himself into a drug tester. He struggled with his whole life, but it was in front of my eyes. Like old Hawk, like a crazy hunter, dig a grave for himself and bury himself.

His despair is in my feelings. The sky is darker and darker than the nightmare at this time, as if foreshadowing a deeper unknown.

If all the inferences I made are correct, no, as long as 80% of them are correct, then the plight of the hospital's reality will be more serious than in the past. The loss of Dr. Hawke, the "Gao Chuan" sample, and the drugs that are somewhat failed, but the actual research foundation of the hospital, as well as the past planning system based on these things, will be crumbling. Maybe Dr. Hawke left all his research materials, some drugs, and "Gaochuan replica", but only the degree of heritage is not enough. Some people must accept these heritages and promote them further to obtain higher results. Temporarily alleviate the impact of the death of Dr. Hawke.

The reality of the hospital in my theory is only one side of "truth". However, in this theory, the changes of each side will be related to the changes of other sides. Once the actual situation of the hospital deteriorates, it can be regarded as all the deterioration of the "real side", of course, including the end of the illusion, the world of repeaters and even this nightmare.

What is "The Deepest Night" is, I ca n’t imagine for the time being, but, as the hunter mapped by the "Takagawa Replica", everything in the nightmare is affected by this "Extreme Night", which is enough to prove "The deepest night" is certainly impossible to have nothing to do with the "reality of the hospital" and "the research of Dr. Hawke".

The hunters are not completely aware of "The Deepest Night", but instinctively search for its secrets and resist its existence, which is enough to prove that "The Deepest Night" is likely to be related to the situation of the "Gaochuan Replica" There is a very close relationship-but this relationship may be vicious.

"Gaochuan Replicas" may not have a clear understanding of this malignancy, just as the hunters do not know the situation of the late night, but their instincts are warning them how profound this malignant effect is on themselves. And seriously, they instinctively want to get rid of this vicious influence, but they cannot do it.

Nowadays, hunters can only pray to "the gods in their hearts", which is enough to prove such a situation.

The distortions of the hunters, the abandonment of the hunters, the prayers of the hunters, and the huge and unusual changes in the scene that this nightmare has manifested are definitely not unreasonable and unfounded.

I have to further assume that it is the drugs made by Dr. Hawke that are defective, which leads to the defects of "Gaochuan Replicas", and when faced with "viruses", a deeper vicious change has occurred.

When talking about "the deepest night" with the connector of the network ball, the "power of liberation" she mentioned, in the assumption at this moment, made people shudder.

The vicious "Extreme Night" released the "liberation force". What will liberate?

In this nightmare, it has been impossible to prevent the arrival of the deepest night. But in the reality of the hospital, there may be opportunities. I do n’t know if Dr. Hawke understands the shortcomings of his drugs, whether he has left some emergency response measures, and whether there are other people who can take over Dr. Hawke ’s legacy and have a critical and questioning attitude. Look at what Dr. Hawke left behind and find out this terrible malignancy. It is also unclear, even if this kind of malignancy is found, whether it is capable and whether it is too late to stop it.

I just pray for the people in the hospital's reality, "liberation" caused by "the deepest night". Not only will it appear in a nightmare, but will also be fed back to the reality of the hospital. Perhaps, in the nightmare, just like the information provided by the online ball, it will be used by the mysterious organization to liberate the "monster" deep in the nightmare Las Vegas in advance. But in the reality of the hospital, there is no power of miracles, and the consequences of the "liberation" will be particularly serious.

Such thoughts are terrifying. The intricate connection makes the "Tomb of Gaochuan" in the nightmare and everything buried in the tomb surely have the mystery that can interfere with "the deepest night". Conversely, suppose the "Tomb of Gaochuan" and Things in the tomb interfere with the deep night, and will also be eroded by the deep night. If you want to take advantage of "The Deepest Night", you must carry the viciousness it possesses. And the consequences of this viciousness.

I do n’t think it ’s because of the huge, deep and distorted "Deep Night". The behavior of these gravediggers is correct. This kind of inaccuracy is not only related to the sense of morality, but also to the unknownness that I foresee. Of course I know what these people want to do. The information of the online ball has revealed its identity and purpose clearly.

I am not sure. Do these people understand why the "Tomb of Gaochuan" exists, and how is it related to the Deepest Night? However, for those who can use "mystery" to achieve their goals, there is no need to know "why." It only suffices to know that "this will happen".

As long as the "Tomb of Gaochuan" is connected to the "Deep Night", it is possible to interfere through the connection through the power of "mystery" to the Deep Night to achieve their purpose. Although the people who received the information all became lunatics, as a mysterious organization, from the confusing consciousness and memory of the lunatics, to obtain some fragments to determine the key points and success rate of their plan is completely It can be done.

I also think that they must also be aware of the risks they face when using the Deepest Night in this way. It was because they understood that they still insisted on doing so, so they could not be convinced.

They will not regret it, nor will they give up. They have various reasons to make themselves sacrifice in order to achieve their own plans.

Perseverance, purpose, faith, persistence, willing sacrifice, unity, organization, wisdom and rich experience of philosophical thinking, and control of mysterious power-this is the enemy I have to face.

These things, I am far inferior to them alone, but I have one they do not have, in my cognition, the most decisive advantage.

"Jiang" is here, right in my body.

I'm closer to the "virus" than everyone is to the "virus".

This is a disaster, a horror, and a force beyond their imagination.

In this world full of "mystery", not good character, excellent knowledge and rich experience can determine everything.

The reason why mystery is mysterious is because it cannot be explained and needs no explanation. The victory or defeat determined by "mystery" does not require any logic and rationality at all.

In the human mind, everything that is promoted by reason and logic is completely meaningless in the face of "mystery".

Yes, not weak, but meaningless at all.

The "jiang" and "virus" are the source of this "mystery", with the highest mystery. "Gaochuan" will fail, but it does not mean that "Jiang" will fail. Only "Virus" can defeat "Jiang", and only "Jiang" can defeat "Jiang". "Jiang" and "Virus" are two in one, and the cognitive changes only occur due to the different observers and observation angles. Based on such a conclusion, the conclusion that is closest to the ultimate answer among the conclusions I can think about, what I want to do is to take myself out of the perspective of normal human beings, by observing all the "true sides" that can be observed, To touch the truth that may exist, to understand "Jiang", to further communicate "Jiang". then--

Let the existence, interests, victories and defeats of "Gaochuan" and "Jiang" be unified. Let Gaochuan's dream become Jiang's dream; let Jiang's expectations be realized by Gaochuan; let the truth that Gaochuan can observe, or the side of the reality, "virus" no longer exist, and be replaced by "Jiang".

Yes, on the premise that "virus" and "jiang" are two in one, all observable "viruses" are observed as "jiang".

This is what I can think of as Gaochuan, the craziest and most likely way to achieve a perfect ending.

To this end, you must allow yourself to be "anywhere you can observe the river anytime, anywhere, in any situation, in any situation".

As now, "Jiang" is illusory, and the human form of Jiang disappears at any time, which is absolutely impossible.

No matter what the situation, "Jiang" must not be allowed to escape the sight of the observer "Gaochuan". Once it escapes, it is just a "virus". Or you can explain what happened in the past in this way. The "Jian Jiang" accidentally gave Gao Gao the possibility of observing the "virus" and allowed the "virus" to generate Jiang's nature. However, the "virus" instinct did They also resisted the observation of Gaochuan. If "virus" is a conscious thing, then it must not want to become "Jiang".

I don't know whether the "virus" is conscious or not, whether it is instinctive resistance, I can't even determine what the "virus" is. However, as a human being, the limit of my knowledge and wisdom can only be viewed by the human mind as the "virus" is full of unknown things, and thus make various inferences and actions.

I have tried my best to think hard, and I can't think of a better explanation or method.

I integrated the thoughts in my mind and reorganized all the illusions on which the plan was based, all the assumptions based on the imagination, and all the answers based on the assumptions, so that all of them have an acceptable basis in their own logic . It is true that the mystery of non-humans does not require logic or answers. However, although it has become a mental patient, thinking still cannot escape from the limitations of being a person. Such me still needs logic and answers.

Perhaps these logics and answers are not correct, but being the limit of being human makes me only need it to reach the level of "self-recognition".

I don't need to be "correct" because, in front of the things and situations I face, "correct" is meaningless.

The other side I want to reach is just what I can accept and what I expect, not just for everyone.

I cannot be a hero like this.

I have made a good consciousness.

Like those who dig the tomb of Gao Chuan, there is no inherent superiority between me and them. We are fighting here only because we are asking for different things and different ways.

With this consciousness, without any mercy, I started a quick glance before these people reacted—

Draw a knife! Cut it!

The human body was separated from the waist and chest in front of my eyes, and the internal organs and blood were scattered to the ground. Before this body fell to the ground, I had cut off one third of the gravedigger's head and body. Afterwards, the air that suddenly became heavy, the hard sense of impact, and the figure that suddenly disappeared in front of my eyes ~ ~ The roaring black smoke that swelled up, curbed my offensive.

I turned around and turned my wrist, shaving off the ropes and bullets tearing off the rain curtain. With the ashes of Mars in the sky, it was ignited in the steeply rising heat. At the same time that the flames swept through, I had launched a quick sweep, moving in a serpentine shape, into the dead end of their field of vision, and after a few roundabouts, fell on a towering tombstone.

The screams and exclamations have fallen, leaving only the moan of pain, and the **** corpses on the ground, the people who were cut and decapitated by the waist, only half died, and the other half rejoined the body in different ways. The most conspicuous thing is the remaining corpse, which was thrown up by a cloud of black smoke, and there was no trace left in a moment.

The black smoke began to roll, revealing a face with a different look but a painful expression.

The Smoky Face, District 51, and—

An unfamiliar mysterious expert who is complicit with the 51st district.

I looked at them, and they looked at them. Calm without any hatred.

The murderous night filled with rain, ashes, and Mars. (To be continued ...)

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