Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1272: tonight

Smoky face, fifty-one area. ≥top ≥point ≥small ≥said,

Unknown "mysterious" force, mysterious expert of unknown origin.

With superb "mystery", members from the same mysterious organization.

Coupled with the gray fog spell, an elite wizard without a wizard cloak but a wizard mask.

In this tomb of Gaochuan, people who belong to different organizations, practice different concepts, and exert different strengths are gathered. These people will get together and join hands in order to complete a certain stage of gaze, even if it is placed in a doomsday illusion. I think there must be some member organizations among them, but on the surface, of course, there will not be a large and medium-sized organization like Cyber ​​Ball, Torchlight and Mercenary Association.

The people standing here have proved by action that they are no longer secretly tacitly united, but are gradually moving towards a bright and upright joint. The cooperation embodied here is bound to appear frequently in the future. Netball has hinted at their plans, and even netball cannot stop this big plan. I know very well that even if these people are killed here, it is impossible to stop them. Even, since the tombstones here have the word "Gao Chuan" written on them, then they, who are proficient in occultism, have sufficient associativity Calculate the resistance that you will face, such as Gaochuan, even if they still insist on action, it is enough to prove that they are as prepared as possible for what may happen.

My appearance and hostile attitude are already in their expectations. In view of the current situation, they are so calm. This kind of calm is like saying to me that everything I have done right now can kill all the people here. For their overall plan, it is a meaningless struggle. I don't know when they started digging the tomb of Gao Chuan, but it is conceivable that they might have got what they wanted.

I am a Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, I do n’t think so. How long this secret can be kept. Suppose they already know, but still venture here to continue to dig the tomb of Gaochuan, the purpose of which has two biggest possibilities: first, they try to take as much as possible, even if they have already taken away It has been used in theory; secondly, this place has been trapped by them now. They are against Gaochuan, my fourth-level Mageweave messenger, to test my strength, my attitude, my character and my behavior again, to evaluate the resistance I will encounter for the next plan. This kind of assessment is not to consider "doing" or "doing nothing", but to "how to do the best under the existing resources".

Every plan of the mysterious organization has a strong purpose. And they will never rely on past impressions to arrange every aspect of the plan. They will take a very short time interval. Constantly send enough power to test the power of obstacles to ensure more timely intelligence.

To put it simply, no matter whether I fail or succeed here, I have to escape in the hands of these people. Or, if these people are easily killed, their processes and results will be regarded as precious materials by the other party and sent back to the organization in a "mysterious" way. From the perspective of the mysterious organization, failure and obstruction time and time again. It has never been a fatal situation. Instead, frequent contact, from a positive or negative perspective, to make frequent contact, whether successful or failed, will be turned into nutrients that make the final plan successful.

The resources squandered in it, whether it is manpower or material resources, for them, as long as they can increase the probability of success of the plan, it is worth it. In particular, it seems that inside a huge mysterious organization such as Doomsday Truth, there are all kinds of talents and mysteries, which are enough for them to quickly look at resources that seem to be unrenewable or difficult to regenerate in a way that people ca n’t understand. regeneration.

In short, it is absolutely impossible to weaken them a little bit by constantly killing them, constantly hindering them, and even destroying their exposed resources.

The struggle between the cyber ball and the Doomsday Truth lasted for so many years. During the period of death, the resources consumed did not have a clear number. But this is not concealed or uncountable. It ’s because, there are indeed no specific numbers. In the face of “mystery”, there are too many situations where data cannot be used for evaluation – for example, the data that cannot be collected, for example, although it is collected, it is because of some mysterious effect , And let the actual situation change again, no longer in line with the original data, such a situation is indeed very common.

At present, it has been confirmed that the doomsday truth religion can use the power of repeaters to not only make "limited wish", but also distort the "past" of the entire world from the perspective of "world line theory" to achieve a different from the original. "right now". In this doomsday illusion where I am now, the last time the "World Line Strike" of the Doomsday Religious Repeater was the dividing line, there is a huge difference between the "historical data" before and after.

The data collected before the dividing line, in the view of "now" after the dividing line, is basically "false data that has never existed".

With such a powerful "mystery" support, it can be regarded as: the present, the history, and the future creation of the present are not equipped with an "unshakable" foundation.

Since "past", "now" and "future" can all be changed, then everything I do now must not be decisive.

Perhaps, one day in the future, I will see that the person I killed here will appear in front of me again.

Of course, it was because they were lucky enough to be beheaded by me, not eaten by Jiang.

The mysterious experts in front of them may not understand these things. Their strength and the level they are in cannot allow them to maintain the ability to observe and remember when the "world line" changes. There is no precise perception of the mysterious changes in the nature of the world. But this is not important, they know what they are doing, and then stand here, which is enough.

These people are not surprised by my appearance, and I am not surprised by their calmness. I think they must die, but I also believe. For themselves, I do n’t think it makes any sense.

I stood at the top of the tombstone, scanning the tombs dug by them in an atmosphere of stalemate. Almost one-third of the tombs of Gao Chuan were excavated, especially the grave of Old Hawk, which was dug out of a very large hole. And in these potholes, we can't see anything except mud. For me, what was buried under the tomb of Gao Chuan, and what did these people take away? For me, it was completely black.

I think that what is buried under the tomb of Gao Chuan may not only be the body of the hunter, but the body itself is in occultism. It has always been a precious material. If these people really only use "corpses" to create a terrible magic circle to trigger the power of liberation into the deep night, it is definitely not difficult to understand.

In a surprise attack, I cut off one third of the body, but some people would not die immediately. Therefore, there are really people who fight back. There are still three-quarters of them-those that seem to be cut in two and the internal organs flow out. A corpse with a cracked brain may suddenly jump up at some point and launch a vicious attack on me. In front of the "mystery", sometimes, even burning the body to ashes. It's not over yet. Even the corpse ashes may be full of mysterious power and have a certain degree of consciousness, and even the smoky face in front of them looks from the appearance. It is a similar existence.

In my opinion, the only force that can truly determine the death of the other party is "Jiang" and "Virus".

If eaten by Jiang, there is really nothing left.

"Actually, I have a question." At this moment, a mysterious expert opposite said: "Why is Gao Chuan?" His question is vague, but it also means that the nature of the problem is very complicated. The tombstones here all have the name "Gao Chuan" written on them. I think that everyone who sees this situation will not think it is an accident.

Mystery experts are best at association, and any seemingly accidental situation has an inevitable connection in its eyes. I never thought that they would actually forget another "Gaochuan" in the illusion of doomsday in the face of my "Gaochuan". Among the various mysterious events that have taken place at present, with "Gaochuan" as the core and the participation of "Gaochuan", even the number of mysterious events where the name "Gaochuan" has only appeared, I think it is too much to ignore. .

In short, even in my opinion, it is also the case that "the frequency of the name Gao Chuan is too high". In addition to the existing background identities of Gaochuan, I believe that for other mysterious experts, this is obviously not something that can be ignored.

Therefore, the first time I understood, what the mysterious expert wanted to ask.

"It's a boring question." The others were ridiculed. "The mystery is simply incomprehensible. Even if you get the answer, what is the point? Anyway, that will never be the true answer."

"Maybe, but as the person involved, Mr. Gao Chuan in front of him, should have his own answer?" The mysterious expert stared at me and said: "Maybe what you said is not the most correct answer, but I still want to hear Listen, how will you answer. Narrow the topic, why the tombstones here are all named Gaochuan? Why do you need these Gaochuan in the deepest night. What role do you play in this mysterious incident, Gaochuan? ? "

"I think you have answers before you come here to dig graves." I calmly did not answer any questions.

"Our answer may be different from yours, but because it is a different answer, it is necessary to investigate. Finding truth from different answers is one of my plans to participate in the action." The eyes of a mysterious expert fell on others, as if to warn each other, "The reason for my death cannot drive any corpse named Gao Chuan nor get any information from it. Their deaths have no justification at all. However, since the deepest night is connected with these bodies, how can these dead bodies appear and the appearance of these deaths have no reason? "

This mysterious expert is obviously a kind of mysterious expert with a specific belief and following a unique way of belief and behavior. He may be a lone traveler or a member of a small mysterious organization. Because the things revealed in his words are by no means popular, and, in turn, his behavior and principles of action. It will definitely not be recognized by too many people. Only those who practice similar ideas will become friends with him and form an organization with him, but the number should not be large.

This guy must have very few friends.

In the group that temporarily gathered in front of it, it seems that people are not seen.

"Come!" Someone shouted, slowing his voice a step. I just started a quick sweep. In other words, he predicted my action in advance, but I myself would not cancel the action because I was foreseen—I feel that this is exactly the mystery he has, a kind of predictable, but absolutely not Because speaking out in advance will give power to change the situation. It, together with the actions that the predicted person will take after learning the prophecy. All count within the predictive factor.

Even so, there are only a few people who can respond in a timely manner. Outside the invisible high-speed passage formed by the rapid sweep, all changes seem to be slow. Before these people's "mystery" broke out, I had already got into the locked target. In the previous confrontation, relying on the power of chain judgment, everyone who made a counterattack. The attack was completely recorded by me. Therefore, in the second attack target selection. It is definitely not casual.

This goal is closest to me. It is the first factor selected. His reaction is slower. It is the second factor selected. The mystery he possesses is the third factor selected.

The ability of this mysterious expert is similar to the effect of the "activation rope" of the doomsday shaman wizard. The rope it uses seems to be ordinary hemp rope, but the long knife in my hand cannot be cut at all. I guess that this twine is in his hand. Many patterns can be changed, and the current mystery can be restrained and imprisoned.

From the perspective of occultism, both physical and non-physical things are likely to be bound.

Except for this reason, I cannot judge how a man who uses hemp rope can face the danger brought by "mystery". There is a hasty confrontation with this mysterious expert who plays with the twine, but it is enough for me to judge the degree of his response, character, ability and experience when he responds to the sudden attack.

This kind of judgment is extremely complicated if it is explained in theory, but for me, it is just a manifestation of fighting intuition.

Before he turned around, I had come behind him and inserted the long knife into his vest with his backhand. The mysterious expert's body suddenly stiffened, and I had pulled out my long knife and entered the state of rapid sweep again. Before this mysterious expert fell to the ground, I walked like a viper in the grass, avoiding counterattacks that could be observed with the naked eye and chain judgment. However, among these temporarily gathered people, there is no lack of "mystery" that can limit my mobility.

As soon as I flew to the second target, I felt abnormal air fluctuations. This fluctuation is a bit like the air pressure operation of Father Sissen. With me as the center, the air pressure of the entire range of inward contraction penetrates the invisible high-speed channel and interferes with me. Although in the first time, I used chopping to create chaotic wind pressure, so that the airflow around the front was not so condensed, but I also knew very well that this could not hide the fact that my speed was reduced to a certain extent.

Sure enough, at the next moment, a huge beam of light came across from the other side. If it was not my speed sweep, when the beam of light entered the chain judgment range, the reference object was changed again and the speed was forcedly adjusted, otherwise, the original speed was used. And the route will definitely be hit by the light beam preset in advance. I jumped high and turned over the top of the beam of light, and I saw that the things that were hit by the beam of light or struck or rubbed into it became a kind of gray stone that seemed very hard at first glance.

Even in the air, he did not escape the chase, but said that because he was in midair, there was less room for maneuver. A large number of firearms came out of the face. Just as when I used firearms in the past, the bullets I used often collided with each other to change the way of attack. The scope of these gunfire shells was very large, and they were also colliding violently with each other. Although it was enough for me to use a long knife to block all the barrage with the help of chain judgment and quick sweep, but after hitting a part of the bullets, although I did not feel any problems, but the remaining artillery fire, but again A violent martyrdom occurred.

The inflated fire light made people close their eyes. Above two meters high, the flame opened like the sky.

Although it is a terrible explosion, if I am hit by the front, I must be crushing my bones, right? But there is no battle. From the beginning, I did n’t think I would be hit. Either swift or chain judgment, after entering this nightmare, there will be a feeling of restricted seal, it is a gift from Old Hawk, or it is a kind of inhibitor of Dr. Hawk The class of drugs is a reflection of this world. Assuming that both quick sweeping and chain judgment are not my own things, but the embodiment of "Jiang" existing in me, then to suppress this ability is to try to suppress the activity of "Jiang".

However, although there are some effects, as I have guessed before, Dr. Hawke failed. All the things he made were failed products that did not have a decisive effect. It was impossible to really stop the "mystery" I had.

I have a feeling of being restricted from sealing, which does not mean that my ability is really restricted to the point where I completely lose my identity.

Chain judgment has degenerated into an "intuition", but the concept of relatively fast sweeping is still in effect. When using quick sweep, the obscurity does not mean that this superpower will become useless.

The quick swept first exploded, leaving its expanded range. When many people were caught in the dazzling flash of light, I had stepped on the ground and took the opportunity to cut off the heads of two guys who subconsciously closed their eyes.

Midair is like hanging a huge flash bomb, but not everyone will be shocked by the companion's baptism. However, this team is still reluctant to work together. The internal components are extremely complex and cannot be integrated into a fist. As far as I am concerned, facing such an enemy group is no different from facing one enemy after another.

The third shift of position was due to the acid splash of the gray fog spell and the attack from the doomsday shamans, whose coverage can almost be called the invincible difference. It was originally a party of tacit cooperation, so I was in a hurry, but I did n’t have time to scold. This elite wizard has opened the portal, and after I am cut off an arm, I successfully teleported to a place I do n’t know, but It should not be near this battlefield.

The uncooperative nature of the doomsday elite shamans further triggered the division and confusion of this previously tacit understanding of the group. For a time, I did not consider my existence at all, and the act of attacking people around me happened frequently, obviously these came from different Organizations, people with different identities and positions, are definitely not allies. Perhaps in the eyes of these people, my Gaochuan has become "a character that doesn't need too much targeting" at this moment.

The chaos of the situation may seem unexpected, but it is reasonable.

The plan that all parties participate in ~ ~ is only good for everyone in stages, but it does not mean that it is in line with the parties' private plans from beginning to end. I knew from the beginning that even if the plan was completed, it led to the monster hidden by the Nazis in the nightmare Las Vegas. After that, it would definitely not be "joining down to kill this monster".

Using the "power of liberation" of the deep night to liberate the gestating monster in advance and let it come into this nightmare, just to create a battlefield that is beneficial to itself.

I think that with the development of this plan, the deepening of the deep night, the alienation of Youjiang and the night crow quark that merged with the end agent "Carmen" should also be the time to debut.

Whether it is the battlefield in this nightmare, or the Peninsula Mental Hospital, the "paradise" for the seminar will be a flame that attracts moths.

On the premise that I cannot stop the deep night, nor can I stop the parties' plans, I am ready. The current battle is just a hello to everyone.

I pulled out of the chaotic battlefield and embedded the handle of the knife into the scabbard to form a huge chopper with a length of two meters.

"Tonight, Gao Chuan will join the hunt." (To be continued ...)

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