Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1273: Fetal movement

The battlefield of Gaochuan ’s tomb became chaotic. I did n’t expect that after killing a number of gravediggers, the elite shaman of the apocalyptic did not continue to test me, but immediately hit back, and used the portal spell to withdraw . It was precisely because of the actions of elite wizards that this group of temporary groups split. The speed of their division, and the chaos that resulted afterwards, is enough to prove how deep their selfishness is while they are in groups, but it is also enough to prove that before they began to divide, they have indeed obtained a sufficient amount of acquisitions. .

What is buried under the tomb of Gao Chuan? I still do n’t know until now, because my actions are mostly driven by sensibility, so I never thought of digging the tomb of Gao Chuan and burying things from there to deduce more details. On the contrary, it is precisely because of the actions of these gravediggers that I am full of emotional disagreement in my rational and peaceful knowledge.

I did not hesitate to kill these people, nor did I have any emotional fluctuations. And I realized that I would be like this, just because I perceive my behavior as "taken for granted".

Sensibility requires me to be angry, so I performed the act of anger. However, these factors of anger were not reflected in my emotions in the entire battle. Anger should have been an emotion, a manifestation of emotional disapproval and rejection. However, when I killed these people, I suddenly realized that my "anger" was moving away from "emotion" and "sensibility." This is a situation that does not appear in theory in the conceptual system of common sense.

I can understand that emotions such as happiness, sadness and anger are related to harmony and to spirit, but the concept of harmony, spirituality, rationality and emotional equivalence has never been thought of. . Or, it is hard to imagine. However, when I unfolded the saber, and swept it relatively quickly, killing four gravediggers in tenths of a second. But sincerely felt such changes.

The beginning and the process of this change are not in my memory at all. It is like suddenly showing the result in front of me, and this result is so incredible, how contradictory it is to my own cognition.

If I tell others about this situation, it is bound to be impossible for others to recognize and trust, but I feel unbelievable about this change in myself. But there is no unacceptable emotion. I think there must be something wrong with me. My cognitive system, sensibility and rationality, expression of emotions and spirit have all undergone great tests at this moment. No, it should be said that it probably has broken down.

however. I feel in my heart. For such a situation, it is just a state of calm and acceptance.

It is also because of this absolutely unusual change, and the unusual calm when I feel this change, that makes me feel from another angle that I am being eroded. I cannot describe this erosion, it is invisible. Unforeseen, before it can form an observable phenomenon, it will already exist before reaching an observable position. It seems to be conscious and unconscious. In other words, mere existence will cause all these effects.

When I feel it, there is a huge sense of fear, and I am very familiar with this feeling of fear.

Yes, "jiang", or "book", is the root cause of all this.

From the perspective of Bu Reality, this change is also a manifestation of the end-time syndrome.

It is precisely because I have experienced all this in person, and repeatedly experienced all this, no matter in which world, I faced these situations as "Gao Chuan", so I became "accustomed". My physical body in Bu Reality has completely collapsed, and my personality is rejuvenated by the power of "Jiang". During this process, "I" has naturally undergone some changes from me in the past.

I had speculated about this in the past, but now, it is just confirmed from a more precise sensibility. Therefore, my mood at this time is calm.

Because, this is inevitable, it has long been anticipated, and the plan itself is based on this crazy and frightening change. Therefore, there will not be any ideas of resistance.

Either "Jiang" or "Book", for the patients with doomsday syndrome, before producing antibodies and completing the serum, any adverse impacts must be regarded as a natural, but absolute concept The irresistible existence can be considered as a link to the genes that constitute itself, and only then can other behaviors be considered.

In a flash, I thought of many problems, but, in a flash, I left them behind. At this moment, thinking seemed to stop, leaving only consciousness throughout the body. I "see" myself cruising like a viper, as if traveling through time, the target's reaction suddenly became extremely slow, and then it was penetrated by my chopper in my chest and then torn in half. After that, "I" waved his backhand and beheaded the target that had just done half of the action on the other side.

I seem to be a third party, but not exactly a third party. I can feel that this is my attack target and what I need to achieve. But my mind does not direct the activities of the body. "In this nightmare world, my body is not a real body, but only an embodiment of ideology. And the current situation seems to be accompanied by, when I realize that my "anger" becomes an independent concept equivalent to "emotion", "", "rationality and sensibility", my thinking and consciousness itself are also There is a certain degree of rift in concept.

The above description is difficult to describe my experience at this time. The split between thinking and consciousness is also unimaginable and makes people feel crazy.

From the hypothetical theory of superstring theory and other attempts to become a unified theory, thinking, personality and consciousness, as well as any tangible matter and intangible energy, can achieve a systematic, mutual conversion connection, and can be Reducing to the most essential thing, explaining every change of this system from a high dimension.

I have read the popular science related to superstring theory once, but the knowledge of only those popular sciences has completely failed me to have a concept that can be explained by my current situation.

Purely conceptual differentiation and independence, as if everything is based on the principles of basic matter and energy. Have become meaningless. However, in any scientific theory, the concept has always been impossible to exist independently and change independently. Any philosophical thinking should be based on the investigation of the unexplained existence that has been discovered, and it will inevitably be to a certain extent. Mapping already exists.

However, I intuitively feel that the changes that have happened to me right now absolutely violate this relationship. Concepts are operated independently, formed independently, do not rely on any other matter and energy, but only produce a purely conceptual interaction with other concepts. However, it makes me extremely inconsistent and crazy. What's more, for human beings, the definition of "concept" is: a unit of thinking that reflects its common characteristics extracted from a group of things through the use of abstraction. There are only "concepts" that are not actually related to anything. They simply shouldn't exist.

I found myself starting to be confused. Any words that wanted to explain the current situation began to be distorted, and my ideas began to diverge and become distorted. ”I know how long it took, it should only be a moment. I don't know what I wanted to say before. As if "thinking" and "having wisdom" itself ⊥ is a mistake ", it cannot be said that it is a mistake, but--

When the concept of "thought" was born, when there was the concept of "intelligence", there was also the relative concept of "outside the mind" and "existence that all wise men cannot explore."

This kind of relative concept should have no meaning. It has any influence and interference on "thought" and "wise", but it is inevitable when "thought" and "wise" come into contact with and recognize it. Earthly, it has influenced and interfered with "thought" and "wise".

since. "Thought" and "Wisdom" exist in order to expand the "known", then, "the thing outside the mind" has become a relative meaning, constantly deepening the existence of "unknown". In knowledge, the unknown is infinite, but the finite is known but it can be infinitely expanded. It is an expanding circle that continuously extends to the endless darkness. Well, "outside mind" is such a situation: it will always jump into the unknown darkness, and as the known circle expands, its distance from the known circle has not only decreased, but has expanded. Because the unknown is infinite, its movement into the depths of darkness will not touch any boundary, and the known circle can never be drawn into its distance.

As a result, something outside of thought becomes an existence that cannot be fully understood or truly understood relative to "thought" and "wise".

This kind of thought is the only pieced together thing in my crazy stirred mind. As if my thoughts were so disturbed, it made me completely crazy, just to make such an idea take shape, and let me have a more concrete and visual recognition of such an "outside mind".

I stopped and couldn't help but kneel to the ground with a headache. I think that my thoughts have been "" and forcibly crammed into one, what was originally meaningless. And my confirmation is making it meaningful.

No, no!

I shook my head hard.

I began to realize what this is. If I link everything I knew in the past to the changes that are happening now, there is of course only one culprit: "Book" and "Jiang".

Neither "Book" nor "Jiang" made sense. In other words, "book" should be a meaningless thing.

In the facts of Bu, the "book" has not been observed, but a similar phenomenon has been found in countless Changzhong, and it is attributed to such a "book" concept. Conversely think about it, is this not extremely unscientific, is there such a thing as forced cognition that is the root cause of those greed?

The experiments done by Bu Reality, and the reasons for the beginning of the experiment, were not unscientific and crazy from the beginning, just as people imagined to create a deity that controls all things, and then tried to touch the deity and analyze the deity.

"Books" may not exist from the beginning!

However, there was such a group of people who forcibly assumed their existence and conducted experiments, and then what went wrong, so that the "book" really reflected in the cognition of such a group of people in the way of "existence".

In my cracking mind, in the tears of crazy thinking, in the nerves like burning, there was suddenly such a sentence: before knowing it, it is meaningless, once it is confirmed. It is still meaningless, but it will affect the cognizant.

I fell to the ground, the pain became more intense. There was a voice in me who was talking to me, and I could not hear it anymore. My eyes were dizzy, and when I opened my eyes, I was out of the nightmare. Go back to your ship's room. Tearing my mind, "" my mind, distorting some kind of existence of my cognition, is being conceived in my consciousness.

It is like a fetus that produces fetal movement and is about to hatch.

Suddenly, I understood that if it is not "Jiang", it is "Book".

"How could this be?" I didn't understand what I was talking about, and I felt like I was going crazy. However, the concept of madness also began to split and became independent, and my heart was still calm, as if I was expecting it to hatch.

I am still thinking, but thinking itself is no longer voluntary. And full of a sense of coercion. "Confusion of thoughts, headaches" and inexplicable information emerged, tangled together, forming a mess of unidentifiable garbled and mosaic-like redundancy. After a while, this situation gradually eased.

I seem to understand a lot, but there are more puzzles, and I also know. This kind of puzzling can never be solved, because it is not fixed in an unknown position, waiting for the known circle to encompass it, but seems to continue to move in the opposite direction of the known circle. Its location. The relative distance from the known circle is an absolute gap that cannot be shortened conceptually. This absolute gap has nothing to do with any theory produced by thought and wisdom.

Even though I do n’t know anything, I ca n’t think about anything, but I feel that I seem to have touched some truth.

I climbed and rolled and climbed the table trying to stand up, but fell to the ground with the table. The pen and paper on the table rolled in front of me, and I felt like I caught a glimmer of hope.

I stretched out my hand, grabbed the pen, and with a trembling pen, wrote the text that seemed to originate from instinct and was not controlled by thinking. My eyelids are heavy, and I will be comatose in pain. I am not even sure if I can still understand these words when I wake up again, and whether I can remember what I wrote down. But at this moment, I decided to follow this instinct and record these things that may be the "truth."

At the last moment of losing consciousness, I suddenly thought of a question: Are there any positive or negative meanings to the things I have recorded?

Then, a voice gives the answer: it has no meaning.

I fell into the deep darkness.

I heard the sound, someone was walking around in the distance, and the sound of footsteps made me irritable and harsh. So I opened my eyes.

The smell of disinfectant water goes straight to the nose, I feel like a big show, there is no hard bones all over the body, but I can recognize it at the first time, this is not a physical weakness, but more mentally Weakness, is not the strength of activity, nor bone immortal, but only in the mind, do not have active thinking and consciousness of wanting to be active. I managed to raise my hand, and the consciousness itself seemed to resist this tiny movement.

A needle tube is inserted in the arm, and the drip vial is hung on the upper left, and you can see it by turning your head. Then, I heard the sound of some testing instruments.

I tried to think about it, but a strong sense of tear came immediately, followed by a lot of obvious information that could not be described in words, and the chaotic information suddenly rolled from my mind. Feeling this information is actually more disgusting.

I wanted to vomit, but there was nothing to vomit, and my stomach was empty.

I want to calm down, but once I try to think, the messy information in my thinking is constantly steel, blocking any logical channels.

I tried it a few times and finally gave up. However, when not thinking, you can hear the crying of the baby and the singing of the woman.

I think of "Jiang" and "Book", but only this name, not more of its meaning.

After a while, my slow and bloated consciousness realized that I was still alive and lying in one place. Immediately afterwards, more orderly information, like the spring water, flows on the dry brain stem. I remembered my name, Gao Chuan. Thinking about why I was in this place, I did n’t know how long ago I encountered some terrible and crazy things. Even I was subconsciously resisting to think about it, because it would make my frail self collapse at this time.

It is not because of despair, but from the level of thinking, consciousness, cognition and personality, forcibly torn by a terrible information.

And these extremely dangerous things are buried deep in the mind at this moment.

At the same time, I inexplicably gave birth to this feeling: Cognition is a terrible thing.

Just as I tried to think down, another burst of messy thinking suddenly disturbed the thinking that just formed order.

I think there is something wrong with my spirit. This feeling is stronger and more real than every time in the past.

After a while, I heard footsteps outside the door. Now, these footsteps are not so irritating, but the new footsteps are obviously coming to me. I had "see" her before I guessed the appearance of the person outside the door. It was not an observation by the naked eye, but it was more like such a cognition suddenly occurred in the mind.

Dr. Ruan Li.

When this idea came into being, everything about Dr. Ruan Li also slowly recovered in his mind.

Dr. Ruan Li put his hands in the pockets of the white coat and sandwiched a roll of files and walked into the port. She didn't seem to expect that I had awakened, and when I met my eyes, I was a little stunned, but in the eyes of steel, I was quickly rejoiced and concerned, and then returned to the usual calm. She pulled away the chair beside the bed and sat down. After examining me for a while, she said to me, "How do you feel? Achuan."

I barely smiled and asked, "What's wrong with me?" I feel that I know what happened, but there is a power that prevents me from confirming what I think.

"The side effects of the drugs." Dr. Ruan Li's tone was a little blunt and full of dissatisfaction, but there was no special vent to express it. "Now it has been proved that the chance of such side effects of new drugs is nearly 50%, and for you For a few patients, almost 100%. Fortunately, your physique has a strong adaptability to this side effect. This is unfortunately a big fortune, and it makes some unexpected surprises. By the time you wake up, seven cases Among the patients diagnosed, four people have been confirmed dead, and one is in a state of severe coma— "She said here, after a pause, she seemed determined to say to me," The comatose patient is Marceau. "

I couldn't think, but yet another lucky emotion filled my chest.

"It's just a coma, not death." I said.

"It's true that only patients with side effects are better." Dr. Ruan Li nodded and said, "However, Marceau is not in danger of life, just can't wake up."

I feel that I have been prepared for such a situation so that I can accept it in this calm mood.

"Isn't there a routine patient still alive?" I asked.

"That's the only example where no side effects have yet occurred." Dr. Ruan Li said: "But I don't think that if you don't take a one-step medication ~ ~ The occurrence of side effects is inevitable. The duration of side effects varies depending on the individual's fitness. "There is also a view that as long as side effects occur and survive, they will certainly not produce similar side effects."

"Like a cold, will resistance increase when you get better?" I asked.

Dr. Ruan Li just sneered, as if mocking something.

"Don't think so well, Achuan. Those people are naive, you don't have to learn." Dr. Ruan Li said: "However, there is nothing to worry about. Next time, your medication will be under my sole responsibility. I have won this authority. . "

"Is it because the patients who have been diagnosed too often die too much?" I couldn't help laughing. "Shall we also make concessions over the seminar?"

"You don't need to think about these things. Rest assured to raise meals."

With that said, she didn't intend to continue this topic, took the file out of her portfolio, and said to me: "Before you were in a coma, you recorded something interesting. Do you remember?"

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