Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1275: Forced truth

I think that many ideas, explanations, and definitions are born in my mind. This information is incompatible with common sense, and there are many pieces of intelligence like "tell me the truth." ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Chinese ⊙ text ︾, these suddenly appeared in my mind, as if they have always existed in the depths of memory, but there is also a contradictory feeling that makes me feel that they were not before that night presence. I was lying on the hospital bed and couldn't think deeply. I could only summarize the information and information and organize it according to what I could understand.

However, even if I try my best to read it, the difficult thinking is still just a part of passively accepting what I can understand at this time, and I also realize that this part is definitely not all of this information and intelligence. These information and intelligence are in a way and state that I am a person and cannot fully understand, and exist in my mind at this time. The human "thinking" itself is a kind of limit, which determines that I cannot completely interpret it.

Even so, I still have an impression of the origin of the "virus". At the same time, because of the weirdness of the information and intelligence, I also couldn't help but give birth: I didn't know it by myself, but was forced to perform such impression recognition on the "virus".

Before that cut-off point came, "viruses" may exist but have no meaning to humans. It is an "outside mind". For anything with thought and wisdom, it is just like a relative concept that does not have any influence on itself.

However, when that cut-off point comes, this relative concept, which should not have any impact, is no longer the existence of such a vacant concept without substantial impact. To be precise, as a relatively conceptual existence, it is still its essence, and the influence of its existence. But it is realized by wise people through "thinking".

In other words, if a wise man gives up wisdom and thinking, then the "virus" will "disappear". Or, from the beginning. The thinking of wise people does not tend to recognize the "virus" aspect, and the "virus" will continue to maintain the original relative concept without substantial influence.

The birth of the "virus" is similar to human thinking about the "great unification theory".

In the end, when did you start, and who was the source, to try to find out the lowest level of association among many common mental and physiological disorders. It's just like people trying to find a "great unification theory", to understand the world from the bottom and the most fundamental of the world. There is such a group of people, hoping to adopt a similar approach. Explain all mental and physical diseases with "a theory" and "a most basic origin". In this process, it is not just "explaining through biological and psychological methods", but adding A large number of physics and even mathematical theories similar to quantum theory, high-dimensional theory, superstring theory, etc., look at these diseases.

Human cells, genes and nerves are also broken down into atoms and particles smaller than atoms. From particle interaction to quantum entanglement and influence. Even thinking, spirit and soul itself. From these theories, you can also find the parts that can be explained.

And the whole research process is not just the beginning of the treatment of all human recorded diseases, but some cases are preferred. Look for the commonalities among them, and go deeper on this basis.

In this study, the meaning of "virus" is a collection of concepts that have been discovered and failed to be discovered, but the actual existence of false viruses, if all the lesions. Can be explained from a most basic origin, then, there must be such a most basic "variable", which is the basis of all lesions, the origin of all viruses in common sense.

For researchers, this most basic, origin variable, the unified pathogenic body, can only be described by the word "virus".

This is the first time the "virus" was established.

At this time, "virus" is still different from the "virus" of the concept of relativity defined in my mind at this time.

Over time, as research continued, the concept of "virus" began to sublime, and then, connected with "conceptual relativity". From this time on, what should have no substantial influence only existed in the concept, and only the conceptual "outside thoughts" began to exert influence on the world in the form of "virus".

From this point of view, it can also be regarded as the sublimation of the concept of "virus" in the process of studying the theory of unity, which eventually makes it a fulcrum and bridge that affects the world by "outside the mind" and becomes "outside mind" "The carrier of thought that came to the world.

Even at this time, the influence of "viruses" on the world is still not as powerful as currently recognized. Although it has begun to become an influential presence, its own activity is still very low.

However, research on "viruses" continues.

In the initial study, various mental and physiological disorders were integrated into "doom syndrome", which is considered to be the result of infection with "virus". These diseases, which have long been recognized by people, have been combined experimentally and have produced malignant changes that even experts are helpless.

To deal with a single lesion, people can take a variety of methods in a targeted manner. However, when a variety of lesions develop in a chain and concurrent manner and produce more side effects, resulting in a rapid increase in the type of lesions, originally aimed at one or several ways, they began to catch up with the proliferation of lesions. Thus, the Doomsday Syndrome, which is closer to today's Doomsday Syndrome, was born.

If I combine this vicious change with my cognition at this time, I personally feel that it is more like-"outside the mind" with the aid of the "virus" carrier is trying to use a more practical and specific Way, appear in front of people. The reason for all of this is simply because some people have further confirmed the existence of "viruses" from a ridiculous perspective through associative methods and actual experiments.

The unified "virus" has become the carrier of "outside of mind". This is the truth that I have obtained from these information and intelligence that cannot exist in my mind.

It explains why "virus" is called "virus" instead of "xxxx virus", and it also explains. Why "truth" is always surrounded by a layer of mist, and "mystery" appears in it. It also explains why the world I see is presented in front of my eyes in a way that makes people unable to distinguish between real and unreal. Why people can never observe and recognize "virus".

Humans have not been able to confirm even the "Great Unification Theory", and the "Virus" of Great Unification cannot naturally be observed and confirmed. Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if human beings have completed the theory of unity, they can understand the whole world from a most basic origin, and they will not be able to recognize "viruses" because of the existence of "outside thoughts". However, by that time, people only need to use the concept of "virus". Delete it from your own mind to make the "virus" no longer meaningful. After that, people can use normal means to deal with all kinds of lesions, instead of dealing with a "end-of-day syndrome" in which the conditions are linked and proliferating.

"Things outside the mind" are re-attributed as "things outside the mind" that only belong to the concept, and people will have a clean and clear world again.

And the world will not have a "doom" in the real sense.

However, it is too late. Before humans reach that step. Release the monster in Pandora's Box. This time, they released. Not a demon of substantial material change, but a monster on the ideological level.

People inevitably try to touch it and eventually wake it up.

To put it another way, since humans have begun to study the "great unification theory", then try to define and recognize such a "great unification virus". Nor is it just a coincidence.

But since such a thinking monster has begun to emerge, as a vulgar and stupid person, I really can't imagine how to stop it by "thinking about it".

This is what I know, making me feel that my thoughts are torn apart and my cognition is disintegrated and reshaped. The distorted information in the brain forced me to further clarify the "truth." At the same time, I felt that this "truth" did not exist from the beginning. It was only when I started to sort out my thoughts that this "truth" existed.

It is not so much as "being recognized by being" but rather "being being recognized by being", but the recognition itself is not initiated by me. As if there is a power, forcing me to think, to recognize, and then conceive this "truth." When this "truth" exists, all other "truths" lose their possibilities, and only this "truth" is uniquely established.

Similarly, the existence, birth, development and determination of "viruses" are unique, and when this "truth" is determined, it is no longer possible to distinguish which part is the original source and which part is the final result. Whether it is a conspiracy of "outside the mind", or that mankind himself opened the "Pandora's magic box" has become ambiguous.

"Virus" can be a kind of "the most basic variable in the theory of unity" that has always existed. In the process of people's pursuit of truth, it is unavoidable to recognize that it will affect people. It may also be that "virus" does not actually exist, and people's cognition defines its existence and promotes its conception, which in turn is influenced by thought.

Even with the collation of inexplicable information and intelligence, I can start to think again, and I can hardly tell whether my thoughts are still pure. Mine is like a falling cliff, pulled into the dark abyss by irresistible gravity. But just the information that suddenly appeared in my mind, these imaginary thoughts, like the thoughts that were stuffed in, and the cognition that seemed to be forcibly demanded, made me unable to resist when they existed in my thoughts. , And began to explain everything I have encountered, I cannot ignore its existence.

No matter how these thoughts are generated and why, but since it has already been generated, then at the same time as its existence, it has also become the evidence to confirm the existence of "virus", and furthermore, it is also the evidence that it is gradually strengthening its influence- — And such an idea is something I cannot resist and ignore. I can verbally deny my ideas countless times, but I cannot completely deny and eliminate this idea from the level of thinking.

Especially when it is by far the most "truth" that can explain everything. I also tried to tell myself that this might be some kind of mental attack, rather than a true "truth", but I couldn't find it for myself. Before the more convincing "truth". Admittedly, it is the "truth" that I have recognized.

The birth and sublimation of the concept of "virus" is gradual. The process of the advent of "outside thoughts" using "virus" as a carrier is also gradual. And these gradual changes, the substantial impact on the world, are also reflected in a gradual phenomenon.

When the information and intelligence entered my mind.

When I sort out the information.

Before I started thinking. And sort out the "truth".

It seemed to fall into the dark abyss, but saw the indescribable "it" from the unrecognizable, unidentified dark abyss below, quietly raised a tentacle. This tentacle, through "cognition", is remodeled through "concept" and becomes something that people seem to understand, and therefore, it will have a more direct impact on people.

The most terrible thing is. This effect is not directly manifested in a material way, but directly from the perspective of thought and spirit, causing malignant pollution and lesions.

I can be sure that if it is really "outside mind", then my description of its changes at this time is definitely not correct.

Because, for the wise. Any thinking can never describe the truest "outside mind". Even if it changes form and lowers the foundation of existence, and tends to the scope of cognition and thinking, it is full of conceptual contradictions and rebellions.

Because of this, so any attempt to contact it. Or for some other reason, people who know it in some way will become crazy. The closer it is to it, the deeper the contact. The more persistent you are to perceive, the more crazy you will be.

From this perspective, I am afraid that it is already the craziest one.

It's just that one's own madness is hard to be recognized by oneself, even if it is recognized, there is a huge gap between the degree of recognition and the degree of substance.

Maybe the world I can observe is all crazy, and the people I contact are actually all crazy, just the difference in degree.

I am not willing, this is the truth.

But even such a terrible "hypothesis" must consider its possibilities. And, think about how to deal with it. This treatment is not necessarily the best, but it must be the best one can do and the best one can imagine.

A perfect ending is still what I want.

Becoming a hero is still my dream.

In this case, you have to face this worst possibility and face any bad problems.

Fortunately, even if I am crazy, even if this is the "truth". Before I realized this "truth", the plan I made was still feasible in my thinking at this time.

If the "virus" is really a "big unification virus", and it is equivalent to the "outside mind" in a certain sense, then no matter what world, the research on the "virus" is impossible from the beginning. The Great Unification Theory defines a bottom-most foundation and also defines the highest limit. The "virus" is on this basis and this limit. It is not what human beings can currently reach. And thinking from the meaning of "outside of thought", all attempts to analyze it from a theoretical perspective, a scientific attitude, and it must inevitably fail, because all based on "thinking" and "intelligence", The purpose is to act on actual behavior and cognition, and it can never be truly connected to it.

In this case, what you can do as a person is actually very few, almost zero. And this is proclaiming the inevitability and irresistibility of the end, as well as the inevitable doomsday syndrome.

However, what I rely on is no longer a theory of transgression and high-dimensional cognition, but only the "virus" itself and the delusions generated by its infection.

These fantasies may still be the result of "thoughts" and "wise", but for me, this is no longer the solution. As for the reason, it is precisely because these thoughts are because of the existence of "virus" that the madness that was born is the only thing I found in the madness of "Gaochuan" that can be directly connected to the concept of "virus".

It is also based on a relative concept, so I can believe its effect.

Two-in-one theory.

"Virus" exists, "jiang" must exist-this is the only thing I can believe.

I can't confirm what kind of "outside mind" exists, and theoretically, it is impossible to confirm.

However, "Jiang" can.

This end. Isn't it a battle between humans and monsters, from the beginning it was a battle between monsters and monsters. It is impossible for a person to defeat a monster, but a monster can. Humans opened Pandora ’s box and could not close it by themselves, however. How to release the monster and love people, but have the opportunity to shut it down.

I have always believed that love can save the world.

I have always believed that people and monsters can fall in love and can be combined.

Perhaps this is just a ridiculous, stupid, unreasonable belief. But I do have such a belief.

Perhaps love can be interpreted in a cold mathematical way from the perspective of unity theory, but for me, "love" is just a metaphysical concept, not a specific variable.

Maybe. This idea also has a cold explanation in the theory of unity, but in my thinking, it doesn't make any sense.

When the thing on the other side of the absolute separation from "thought" finally finds a carrier born from thought, it can interfere with the wise. Based on my thoughts, what was born. You can also use this carrier to convey certain ideas.

Perhaps a thoughtful person would think that passing a thought to a relatively "thinking" monster makes no sense.

However, isn't such an idea itself based on "thinking" itself, but the arrogance and prejudice that exist? Since it is "outside mind". So, how can people destined to fail to recognize and understand it deny these possibilities?

The success rate is half-to-half, my plan is flawed, and the plan executed by another "Gaochuan". It may not make any sense. So, do I have to stick to my plan and continue to execute it?

I lay on the bed, and became silent again and again because of the ups and downs of my emotions. Just like the iron forged in the heat, it was immersed in ice water, exuding the soft carbon.

The information in my mind emerged a little bit, just like the fireflies in the night, reunited in the dark, scattered, ups and downs, swaying, their existence can not be ruled out, nor can we ignore, nor can we forget. But they are no longer as messy as they used to be, as if to swallow all their thoughts. When I realized it, I had begun to think, confirm, make logical selections, rational judgments, and emotional surges. When I realized this, I further felt that the burning, heat and pain on the skin of the right hand magic pattern was like lava flowing in the blood vessels, and the current passed through the nerves.

My spirit began to rejuvenate and my limbs gradually became flexible. It seems that a machine that is rusted due to environmental erosion, after dripping oil and replacing parts, regenerates the machine again.

I suddenly felt that I no longer need to lie in bed, and my body no longer needed to continue infusion. So I opened the quilt and pulled out the needle tube one by one. It seems that these care machines are not connected to the alarm and there is no prompt.

There were no other patients in the ward, the lights were all illuminated, and the sky outside the window was completely obscured by dark clouds, how dark it was at night.

Heavy rain is pouring down.

It was the huge rain that made me realize that I must have been in a coma for a while ~ ~ And now, the whole peninsula has begun to enter the most treacherous period that the sailors said. Most of the horror rumors in the outside world started from this period. Whether it is the end of Dr. Ruan Li ’s cognition from “White Claudia” or the history of this peninsula hospital, it will reach a peak in the global mysterious diffusion trend, and the aggregation of mysterious forces from all parties will make This peninsula became a nightmare for ordinary people.

At the same time, the deepest night in the nightmare must also progress to one at the same time.

At this time, I suddenly thought that the means of those mysterious organizations in the deepest night, it is absolutely impossible to simply pull the monsters deep in the Las Vegas nightmare into this nightmare. And treat this nightmare as a battlefield.

A monster bred, born and nourished in a nightmare naturally has an advantage in the nightmare.

In this world of repeaters, the mysterious organization also naturally has the shortcomings of lack of logistical capabilities. Trying to weaken the enemy's geographical advantage is definitely the first choice.

Therefore, the ultimate battlefield chosen by those people must be relative to the reality of nightmares.

For example, on this peninsula, nightmares and reality overlap. (To be continued ...)

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