Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1276: Restart

The heavy rain basin outside the window splashed the temperature, and the thick clouds made the sky look like night. Lightning passed through the clouds. When the light appeared, it made the ward more pale and eccentric. ∷ 四 ∷ 五 ∷ 中 ∷ 文》, in mysticology, such a gloomy environment has always been the best place for brewing mysterious events, plus weird rumors throughout the peninsula ’s history, as well as current observations, mysterious organizations The activities of the world and the process of the mysterious spread of the world, when I woke up, I noticed where I am, and I became a ghost domain full of weirdness and danger, which would not surprise me.

My past experiences, as well as happening to myself, those situations where I am always suggesting that I am a weird source of activity, and those sudden memories, hallucinations, and even thinking itself, are making those seemingly Normal debris, with an unusual smell. About when did I start to think that "reality does not exist in mystery", and when did I stop insisting that "real reality does not exist in mystery"? I do n’t quite remember the clear time. Now I can treat hallucinations, anomalies and all mysterious and strange situations with a common eye, and my reason tells me that this is a morbid manifestation in itself.

The "truth" that suddenly appeared in my mind was not something I thought about. It just appeared in the memory and turned into a line of tandem thinking, and all this gradually took its course in the formation of thought. And I know that there is no cognition, and it should be taken for granted. However, if a person's memory, emotions, and thinking are all alienated, how can he always maintain a distrustful attitude toward these ideas? At least, although I am now contradictory and abrupt to this sudden "truth" that forcibly explains everything, I can feel it. I did not have any doubts about it.

On the other hand, I also fully understand that these "truths" are not something that tells me. Yes, it didn't tell me anything, it just stuffed information intelligence, which cannot be fully understood from a human perspective. And the part I can understand. Through my own sorting, this "truth" is formed in the logic that I can accept. Conversely, if different people receive this part of the same information and information, according to their respective thoughts, past cognition, memory and ability to accept, it may form some other "truths".

But it must be affirmed that those "truths" can explain the doubts held by individuals. The limitation of being a person makes this "truth" not necessarily a comprehensive truth in an absolute sense.

In this way, what is the reason and effect of this "truth"? It is certainly not untargeted and unfounded. In my opinion, this "truth" is just a side effect of the further active "virus". This "truth" pair is limited to my personal explanation of what a "virus" is, but it is also determining the existence of "viruses" and even. A force is being bred to allow the "virus" to have a stronger actual influence.

The feeling I had in the night when I was going to be unconscious in a nightmare. It has also recovered at the time I woke up-my memory, thoughts, spirits and thoughts are like a cold ocean, and in the depths of this ocean, something is gestating, it is about to hatch. From this perspective, I was forced to recognize the "truth". It is also the effect caused by its fetal movement.

I think that is "virus" and "jiang" at the same time. I can't stop this thought of myself, and deeply feel this thought of myself. It is one of the core factors of "viral" or "jiang" breeding, fetal movement and hatching. If I did n’t think about the past and present, and what I thought about, I did n’t search for the “truth”, there was no sudden emergence of the information and intelligence, no sorting of the information, and even the affirmation of the status of the “virus” "Virus" and "Jiang" probably will not appear in fetal movement in a way that is clearer than ever before.

"Viruses" exist, but the reason why they can cause terrible effects in today's way is because people try to recognize it, give it a concept, and define its existence. Therefore, although "Jiang" also exists, its true shape is also because I confirmed its existence.

When I think of this, it ’s not difficult for me to understand why Dr. Ruan Li told me that before I left, I would have a deeper understanding of my situation when I read the records I wrote before my coma, and I regret to write down those diaries in the past, and even have a deep aversion to my past. Because today's "truth" does make people feel that all this is self-reliance.

However, Dr. Ruan Li was still wrong. Although I was amazed by the "truth" that I forcibly recognized, I felt at a loss for a while, and my heart was filled with deep frustration. I was once swept by confusion and despair. However, as "Gao Chuan", there are too many "despair", "accidents", "frustrations" and "confusion", and the reason why "Gao Chuan" can survive to the present is still to maintain the motivation to act, precisely Never been defeated by these negative things.

Although the "truth" that is forcibly recognized is terrible, it seems that there is no trace of weakness and it is impossible to be broken. Even this "truth" is still not the final truth. However, in the past, how could Gaochuan really find hope? When did you truly realize the truth? The life of "Gao Chuan" was to advance through thorns, bruises, and indifference. He never found the truth and hope, but just walked on the road of finding truth and hope.

Yes, "Gao Chuan" has been advancing in the dark, and has never seen the light in front. Is the terrible and fear brought by the "truth" of forced cognition now more terrifying and terrifying than in the past? Is the darkness observed today deeper than the darkness of the past? Is the abyss faced today more helpless than the abyss faced in the past?

the answer is negative.

The darkness has always existed, it will always be so deep, the abyss has always existed, and there has never been a time when people feel that the distance has been reduced.

Therefore, what Gao Gao can do in the past and what he can do now. There is no difference.

That is just going forward.

It's only going forward.

No matter how the "truth" changes, how the "reality" changes, how many hallucinations are generated, and how many situations are illusions and delusions, and even whether you are crazy or backwards. Has it fallen into a trap. In front of the spirit of "forward", the essence is the same. It is precisely because there is darkness in front of me. It seems that every time I take a step, I will fall into the abyss, I can't see the direction at all, and it seems that every direction is everywhere. So, even the way forward. Are no longer important.

The only things that can be sustained by Gaochuan are "advance", "love" and "dream".

I am only advancing with these emotional things, and I will not stop because of a "desperate truth", regretting the past.

Therefore, Dr. Ruan Li's judgment was wrong. I wouldn't think "I shouldn't" because of what I see now, what I write down in my diary. Even the "truth" right now. My plan is still possible.

Virus and Jiang ...

I breathe calmly and feel it. Thinking foolishly, ridiculously. Everything you have, what you know, what you can understand, what you want, is sorted out in your mind.

I inspected the ward. Confirm your time period on the calendar. I was comatose in a nightmare, and woke up again in the "reality" of the world of repeaters, for another two days. In the past two days, whether it was the situation in the peninsula mental hospital or the situation in the nightmare. Will inevitably deepen. The fortunes buried by the cybersphere, and the "deviations" brought by the members of the Torchlight, must have made the situation worse. Even, if the "deviation" is regarded as a necessary part of all the changes in the current context, then of course my situation is also affected by the "deviation".

The power shown by the torchlight here does not make either party more profitable. Perhaps from a local situation, some party may think that they have an advantage, but in my eyes, based on my own situation, and this force The "truth" of cognition, however, can be concluded that the end of the process has not been eased, but has accelerated. The form of the final doomsday is probably not even thought of by the Doomsday Truth Church, which is completely inconsistent with what I currently know, the Doomsday Truth Church ’s own teachings and extended ideas.

The Doomsday Truth Church really regards "the end" as truth, but they still have their own definition of "the end", and at the same time, they also have their own ideas about the "method of the end". The "doomsday" of doomsday doctrine seems rational and pure, but there is still a part of it that is full of "humanity." Even if it is a negative expression, it is also a humanized negative. Perhaps these negatives are further distorted, but its essence still contains human philosophies, knowledge, and prayers. That is the limitation that must be possessed as a person or once as a person, which is the mark left in the concept.

In this case, what they can think of is that the "end of the world" to be promoted must be due to the existence of the "virus", and the end of the inevitable existence is essentially different.

I can't tell the essence of the difference, but the difference is essentially certain. Because of the difference in nature, when the end of the "virus" process reaches the end, the way of expression and the content of the display are absolutely not in line with the ideas of the doomsday truth, and even the ideas of the mysterious organizations of humanity , Are completely different.

That being the case, it can be assumed that the current situation is neither controlled by which person, nor represents the advantages of a mysterious organization. Instead, it is just in line with the development trend of "virus".

The beneficiaries are only "viruses" or "jiang".

However, it is precisely because "Jiang" also benefits, so there is still hope.

The seminar's research on "paradise" will still not be disturbed. The "paradise" that fits the situation of the illusion of doomsday has been researched, and it is also a situation of 90%. In the "accident", researched things that were not in the plans and ideas. Dr. Ruan Li ’s research is not likely to be successful. On the contrary, the semi-finished products she has made may become an important factor driving the situation to a vicious development, even if her original intention is not.

This seems to be a malicious destiny, which is distorting those supposedly beautiful behaviors.

The next step of the mysterious organization of all parties. It is possible that the nightmare overlaps with this peninsula through rituals, and finally pulls the terrifying weirdness to this peninsula, turning this peninsula into a battlefield. I feel that in this battlefield. The Fifty-first District Conference will take the initiative to become the main attacker. They have been preparing for this for a long time. Perhaps this plan is out of the hands of this organization, and they have reached a tacit agreement in the mysterious mutual containment and game between the parties.

The mysterious main force of the fifty-first area should be the smoky face, but outside the smoky face. I have also seen the mysterious power of the "Light Man" form. Combined with the situation obtained from the network ball, it may be related to the so-called "son of destiny". Assuming that the original goal of the Nazi side was to alienate Youjiang and the monsters deep in the nightmare Las Vegas, and thus generate stronger power than the existing "final weapon", then, doomsday truth teachings related to the Nazis , There should also be information in this regard, and further. Through cooperation in District 51, it is also possible to reach this part of information from the doomsday truth.

therefore. The possibility of the 51st District choosing to occupy monsters deep in the nightmare of Las Vegas is also more than half.

I once judged that Dr. Ruan Li may be the core of control in this repeater world, but it is also possible for others to make different judgments. District 51 may think that the monster deep in the nightmare of Las Vegas is the core of this repeater world. The most critical part. Not only the 51st area, all the monsters who have seen the monster in advance, experienced the "toilet talk" of this repeater world, and saw the doomsday truth ritual in the Victoria heavy industry materialization area, almost pulled from the collective subconscious abyss "Monster" people. You may think so.

After all, Dr. Ruan Li is only one of many "well-known psychologists" in this world, and only appears in the image of ordinary human researchers. His activities have never penetrated the mysterious process of this world in the past. . The monster in the deep nightmare of Las Vegas is displayed in front of people with a unique image with a strong sense of existence.

If I do n’t have the memory in the hospital ’s reality, I will probably be attracted all the attention by the monster deep in Las Vegas because of the nightmare, and ignore Dr. Ruan Li.

However, in my understanding, Dr. Ruan Li will appear here, which is indeed a more amazing situation than the monster in the depths of the nightmare Las Vegas. Even in the nightmare of the Peninsula Mental Hospital, the old Hawk and the related deep night are the same. In this world of repeaters, there are too many "what should not have happened" in the past common sense. In contrast, what's so strange about "there are monsters deep in the nightmare Las Vegas"? The nightmare Las Vegas is not a normal phenomenon. It has long been judged as a Nazi conspiracy. Then, this monster exists as the main body of the conspiracy, but it is taken for granted.

Therefore, when "what should not happen" appears, there must be some core secret.

Originally, Dr. Ruan Li's sense of presence was obscured by other circumstances, leaving her in a relatively safe state, but now, she has become an important promoter of seminar research, regardless of her own position or environment, she No longer safe. However, even Dr. Ruan Li, who has now shown his importance, is still covered by more conspicuous mystery. Not only Dr. Ruan Li, but also Maso, one of the routine patients, has been masked by the side effects caused by the new drug. Although Marceau was hurt as a result, it was certainly safer to show her distinctive side than she had always been in the "special case".

For me, this is all good news.

Dr. Ruan Li said that he would take care of Marceau. If there were no particularly great changes, there should be no surprises. If Dr. Ruan Li can be with Marceau and have been busy in the laboratory, for me, it is also one of the best developments. Before the anomaly that affects the entire psychiatric hospital develops to a certain level that can be recognized by Dr. Ruan Li, all actions that I do in response to the mysterious event will be defaulted as ill-embodied and not trusted, so even if Now telling Dr. Ruan Li that these so-called "truths" and my prediction of the situation have no effect.

And I cannot forcefully stop Dr. Ruan Li ’s behavior. Many patients, including Marceau, need Dr. Ruan Li ’s research and drugs. Even if Dr. Ruan Li ’s research will become a research trend in the “deviation” One of the important factors for the development of the malignant direction, but based on my knowledge of Dr. Ruan Li ’s identity in this repeater world, I still believe that the effect of the drug developed by Dr. Ruan Li may still be maintained to a certain extent. Improve the role.

Because it cannot be prevented, and in some sense, it should not be impossible, so Dr. Ruan Li ’s situation can only be let go for the time being, focusing on actions against other mysterious organizations.

I still decided to stop the nightmare, the mysterious organizations of all parties want to use the action of the deepest night. The purpose is of course not only to stop them, but also to verify the "deviation" of the torchlight. In the Peninsula Mental Hospital, I cannot interfere with the seminar, so I cannot verify this "deviation" here. Others, including Dr. Ruan Li, brought me "inside information" which was not enough to make me thoroughly understand the internal situation of the seminar. On the contrary, I can actually participate in the nightmare, so I have a stronger ability to intervene and a more direct observation of the situation in the nightmare.

On the other hand, killing the weirdness in a nightmare will turn it into ashes and be absorbed by Mageweave. These ashes, fog, and magic patterns are themselves a kind of existence between spirit and material. Even if they kill the weirdness in the nightmare of ideology, the power obtained by the magic patterns can be in relative reality. in use. It can be said that there is no absolute difference between the material state and the ideological state for the magic pattern and the gray fog.

I can maintain my own strengthening in different environments by fighting in nightmares.

Thinking this way, returning to a nightmare is like entering a world specifically called "doom illusion" in the past doomsday illusion. The only difference is that in the past doomsday illusion, such an experience will lose memory, but nowadays in and out of nightmares, but can maintain memory.

Now when I think about it carefully, I do n’t know when to start, and I ca n’t maintain the limit of memory when I enter and exit the “special environment”, which is no longer so rigid. Perhaps it is my own special reason, but for most mysterious experts, as their activity level increases, they will gradually become adaptable. However, not long ago, the Netball specifically mentioned that entering and leaving the ruins of the ruling bureau would also lose memory, but this part of the memory can be converted into pure information for preservation in some specific ways.

I thought for a long time, and the weather outside the window showed no clear signs. Not knowing how long it took, I suddenly realized that my thinking has spread to some areas that are irrelevant to the current situation ~ ~ suddenly recovered. I heard the friction of metal, and I looked up and saw the old wall clock on the wall. Does it always exist there? I'm not sure, and its style is outdated, which is a little out of place with this modern ward.

The pendulum was shaking, the eyes of the owl, and the thunder and thunder seemed to be turning, glowing, like a living animal.

The mysterious and weird smell seems to add some.

I shook my fist and my body has completely returned to normal. I tried to calculate the pi, and my logical thinking ability also returned to normal. I stood up and moved my body, my brain and body, and my energy and vitality were completely restored to normal standards. All the side effects of the forced "truth" seem to disappear.

And at this time, I suddenly realized the quietness of this ward. The corridor is also quiet, so that people can not help but have an illusion: this building and even the area around the building, fell into a weird silence.

What should have existed, more patients, nurses, doctors, and experts all lost signs of activity.

My chain judgment is expanding in silence. (To be continued ...)

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